Decks are cleared for construction of prestigious Coastal Museum on the premises of 127-year-old Victoria Museum on M.G. Road with the district administration asking officials of Department of Archaeology and Museums to commence work after consulting an environmental expert for translocation of trees.

The Krishna district Collector held a meeting with the authorities concerned few days ago to take stock of the ongoing works at the museum. We received instructions from the district administration to consult an environmental expert for translocation of decades-old trees and later take up construction works, a senior official said. Accompanied by technical officials from the museums department, the environmental expert is likely to visit the site on Sunday, the official said.

Translocation of three trees will make space for nearly 1,500 sq.yds for the new museum block. Earlier, the district administration took a serious note of public opposition to felling of five trees by the museum authorities.

Archaeological Department Assistant Director K. Chittibabu said the construction of coastal museum would be taken up with a cost of Rs.4.8 crore and added that works were expected to be completed by March 2015.

The upcoming three-storey structure, once completed, will be the biggest museum in Andhra Pradesh. Rare coins, instruments and other artefacts of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic period will be showcased in the museum. Interestingly, the new building will be three times bigger than the present one, and it will house separate galleries to display coins used by various dynasties, besides paintings and stone-carvings.

Bronze sculptures, clothes used during Mughal period, epigraphy section containing stones and label inscriptions, copper plates and ancient scripts will also be displayed. Weapons used during Vijayanagara and Nizam eras will also be an added attraction, according to officials.


District administration asks officials to commence work after eliciting opinion of environmental expert for translocation of trees

Environmental expert is likely to visit the site on Sunday

Translocation of trees will make space for new coastal museum block

Original post:
Decks cleared for Coastal Museum

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July 24, 2014 at 12:58 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks