DECK OF THE MONTH: Infernity Deck Profile 12/20/12
Infernities, one of my most favourite decks beside gladiator beast, blackwings and one of the old decks. Back in the day I used to play gladiator beast, but getting off topic.. this infernity deck is amazing, not to be cocky or anything, I rack in the wins, and I ( suprisingly ) am not your average dark world guy. What do you mean Plants? I don #39;t scoop game 1. WHAAT? This, because I mostly know how to side, and many tech cards I have in my side such as full house, allowing me to get rid of 3 facedown cards, and 2 face-up cards. Well here plants, people dont have many face-up cards, but in game 2 they definitely will! ( ill only side it against something that i know has backrow game 2, like windups cuz they got factory, and they side d fissure! thats 5 face-ups already, and they could side more. it #39;s really for game 3, i put it in if i see my opp has face-up cards! subscirbe for more vidoesFrom:OnlineDuelsViews:75 6ratingsTime:01:05More inEntertainment

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December 21, 2012 at 4:53 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks