
Two of Champlin's city ordinances underwent some housecleaning as the council approved amendments to make allowances for changes in above ground pools and decks on homes.


Residents in Champlin looking to add an above ground pool to their summer plans may be heartened to hear the setback regulations will been lessened, offering more flexibility in placement of such a pool.

Champlin's swimming pool ordinance was reviewed extensively in 2010 resulting in changes to the ordinance addressing all aspects of private swimming pools. The 2010 ordinance included establishing a 10-foot setback from buildings for all swimming pools, both above and in-ground.

Since the ordinance was adopted, residents have provided feedback o the city suggesting the increased setback for above ground pools is overly restrictive.

City Planner Scott Schulte discussed details in a report prepared by City Building Official Jerry Hart. Schulte said that after comparing the city's setback regulation to neighboring cities, the discovered several cities didn't require a building setback at all. Those that did required only a 6-foot setback.

The council approved the change allowing for above ground pools to require only a 6-foot setback from buildings.

Schulte reiterated that due to structural considerations accompanied by in-ground pools, the setback for those types of pools will remain at the 10-foot restriction.


Originally posted here:
Champlin amends ordinances dealing with swimming pools and decks

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May 25, 2012 at 11:19 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks