In the universe of the film "National Treasure," Trinity Church's imposing dark brick and skyward spire hide secrets and treasure.

In Disney's 2004 movie, Nicholas Cage plays a historian and treasure hunter who uses a map on the back of the Declaration of Independence to track down an assortment of gold, jewels, and artifacts buried in the catacombs of Trinity Church. The treasure was, according to the film's plot, hidden there by the Free Masons a real secret society whose membership boasted revolutionaries like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton.

The true story of Trinity Church, which is located in the heart of Manhattan's financial district, involves a lot less gold and lot more history, according to church archivist Joseph Lapinski.

Fifteen years after "National Treasure" hit theaters the movie came out in November 2014 queries about the church's connection to the Free Masons' treasure have finally died down, Lapinski told Business Insider. (Nearly everything depicted in the movie pertaining to Trinity Church is untrue, he said.)

"Oddly enough, I don't get too many questions about 'National Treasure' to have a queued up list anymore," Lapinski said. He has worked at Trinity since 2013.

These days, visitors are more interested in the church's role in the American Revolution, since Alexander Hamilton and his wife Eliza (made newly famous by the musical "Hamilton") owned a pew, worshipped there, and were buried in the adjacent cemetery.

Here's what "National Treasure" got wrong about Trinity Church and the real secrets the building holds, according to Lapinski.

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What Trinity Church in New York is like, not as in 'National Treasure' - Business Insider

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December 29, 2019 at 7:44 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction