McDONOUGH Turner Church Road is just one many dirt roads in Henry County that will soon be transformed to asphalt.

On Tuesday, the Henry County Board of Commissioners approved a $987,278 bid to pave the road. McLeRoy Inc., of Zebulon submitted the lowest bid for the project, which was approved by commissioners unanimously.

SPLOST Transportation Project Director Roque Romero expects a notice to proceed for construction to be issued by the end of August. The project is expected to be complete within 300 days, he said.

The project, which consists of paving east of the bridge to Ga. Highway 20, will be funded using District 3 SPLOST IV funds. Turner Church Road is the last of District 3 dirt roads to be paved under SPLOST IV collections.

During the Tuesday meeting, the BOC received an update on SPLOST IV projects, which included other dirt road projects that are remaining:

Two of five roads have been completed. Construction for Lester Mill Road is in progress, while the design for Peeksville Road from the bridge to Old Jackson Road is in progress. Right of way acquisition is in progress for Peeksville Road from New Hope Road to the bridge.

Six of 10 dirt roads have been paved under SPLOST IV. Right of way acquisition is underway for Amah Lee Road, from Old Highway 3, and Thoroughbred Drive, from Greenwood Road.

Preliminary design is in progress for Selfridge Road, from Speedway Boulevard to the Atlanta Speedway Airports entrance, and South Cleveland Church Road, from New Morn Drive to Stone Road.

One of two dirt road projects is in progress. Commissioners are expected to approve a construction bid for Elliott Road, from East Lake Road to Crumbley Road, in the coming months.

There were no SPLOST IV dirt road updates listed for District 5.

Continue reading here:
Turner Church Road approved for paving construction, others on list - Henry Herald

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August 4, 2017 at 1:54 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction