For millennia, folks assumed that maggots would spring to life spontaneously in rotting meat. The theory that life can spring from non-life was debunked in the mid-19th century by the work of men like Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall.

The U.S. Supreme Court designated Secular Humanism as a religion in the early 1960s for a reason: because it is a system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. Confronted with a world literally crawling with living creatures, a person whose religion teaches that we are undesigned and unintended beings must grapple with an uncomfortable prospect: that at some point in the distant past, life must have sprung from non-life by pure accident.

Darwins vision of a single-cell organism inexplicably coming to life was as simplistic and fanciful as his limited understanding of the structure and functions of a cell. His musings were unrestrained by such worrisome considerations as the unfathomable precision and complexity of the DNA code associated with even the simplest of single-cell organisms.

How unlikely is it that the simplest of living organisms could have formed and come to life spontaneously? Well, just to put things in perspective, it is estimated that the number of atoms in the entire universe is 10 to the 82nd power. That amounts to one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion atoms! Thats a lot! What are the odds of spontaneous generation occurring even once? Harold Joseph Morowitz, noted biophysicist at Yale calculated that the chance of the formation of the simplest of organisms is one in 10 to the 340,000,000 power! No amount of time will account for this event ever occurring! Ever!

Why is spontaneous generation impossible? Because each strand of DNA in every cell represents complex coding that defines every detail of the construction and function of the organism. A.G. Cairns-Smith, organic chemist and molecular biologist at the University of Glasgow, wrote, Mans library consists of a set of construction and service manuals that run to the equivalent of about a million book-pages together. E.H. Andrews, physicist and engineer at Queen Mary University of London, put it best: It is not possible for a code, of any kind, to arise by chance or accidentA code is the work of an intelligent mindThis could no more have been the work of chance or accident than could the Moonlight Sonata be played by mice running up and down the keyboard of my piano!

If you want to devote yourself to the religion of Secular Humanism, that is your business. But there is no justification for ridiculing anyone who refuses to accept the tenets of your faith. The scientific evidence clearly indicates that there is a Code-Writer of immense power and intellect and those willing to acknowledge the obvious have no reason to be ashamed.

Editors Note: Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion of the Murray Ledger & Times.

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