Posted: Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:04 pm | Updated: 12:50 pm, Fri Mar 23, 2012.

Drawing their inspiration from the book of Ecclesiastes, members of Nassau Bay Baptist Church believe it is time to build up and will celebrate a ceremonial groundbreaking for a new sanctuary Sunday, March 25, following the morning worship service.

The community NBBC serves is invited to join the celebration beginning at 10:45 a.m. Immediately after the worship service, the congregation will gather on the church parking lot, north of the gym building, for the groundbreaking and praise service.

On Feb. 19, church members voted to move forward with construction of the $1.55 million Phase 1 of the $2.3 million facility. The church is committed to completing the sanctuary debt free. Petra Construction is contracted to begin building this spring.

The 47-year-old Nassau Bay Baptist Church, known locally for a variety of community oriented ministries including AWANA Club, Vacation Bible School, Judgment House, and high quality fine arts productions, outgrew its existing chapel shortly after the arrival of current senior pastor Dr. David Fannin 15 years ago.

Church members are excited about meeting as one body when the 626-seat Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 of construction will open an additional 276 seats in the balcony. The congregation currently meets for worship Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Bible study classes meet at 9:45 a.m.

The multi-purpose gym, constructed after a memorable fire destroyed a similar structure in 1988, has served the church well but the need for a new sanctuary has become apparent in recent years. Growth in church and Sunday School attendance, a desire to better serve the community, and the need for a facility to meet the expanding production aspirations of the musical and drama departments has, in part, spurred the commitment to build.

Ultimately, church leaders say, the new sanctuary will broaden the scope of church ministries that enable the congregation to share the gospel message with their neighbors in Nassau Bay and beyond.

The sanctuary will be built in phases as the finances are available. Once the church committed to raising the funds for the sanctuary in September, members raised $800,000 by February. Some $300,000 were already on hand from a previous fund raising effort. Phase 1 of the project is expected to be complete within a year after construction begins. Amenities such as balcony seating and the finishing out of anterooms will be completed as the funds are available for Phase 2.

In order to raise funds, church members are pledging to give above and beyond their regular offering toward the building program. The church will also host a number of fundraisers open to the community.

The rest is here:
Nassau Bay Baptist Church groundbreaking planned Sunday

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March 24, 2012 at 10:59 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction