A church at Malappuram district in Kerala has initiated a novel way of raising funds to complete a new building under construction.

Unlike the usual practice of collecting donations from believers, members of the parish are being initiated to various types of farming activities and the revenue earned out of it would be used for completing the construction work.

The St Mary's Orthodox Church at Edakkara, about 50 kilometres from Malappuram town, has initiated the novel method. Financial hardships owing to the back-to-back calamities as well as Covid-19 had prompted the church authorities to come out with the fresh initiative.

The church has initiated organic farming in about two acres of paddy field and plantain farming. Fish farming is being carried out at four places with the support of parish members. Goats, cows and hens are being distributed among the parish members for farming purpose.

Convener of the church construction committee Babu K Paul told DH that though the church did not expect a huge revenue from these farming initiatives, the initiatives would help the new generation members of the parish attracted towards the farming sector. The parish members participated enthusiastically in the farming initiatives of the church.

The new church construction was initiated a couple of years ago with an estimated cost of Rs 1.5 crore. The work began with the funds available with the church. The members of the parish are not generally financially sound enough to make huge contributions. But the church hoped of getting donations from nearby churches as well as well-wishers.

As Covid-19 and calamities stopped the church from going for fund collection drives considering the financial constraints of the people, the farming initiatives were launched, he said.

Continued here:
Kerala church initiatives farming activities by believers for church construction - Deccan Herald

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January 3, 2021 at 9:38 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction