Gospel Light Baptist Church in Walkertown has run afoul of government authorities because it hasn't built the required sidewalks on roads bordering its property in an area where there are no adjacent sidewalks.

The church has been told since 2010 that it must build the sidewalks, but the church has balked because the sidewalks won't go anywhere. The town hasn't yet built sidewalks in that area surrounding the church.

Church officials say they will comply with a town ordinance and will build the sidewalks, and Town Manager Scott Snow said the town likely will accept the church's plans.

"The town doesn't have any intention of imposing the fines unless there is further noncompliance," Snow said.

In a letter dated April 10, the City-County Inspections Division said the church was violating the town's ordinance requiring it to build sidewalks by April 1 on Walkertown-Guthrie and Gospel Light Church roads, bordering the church. The letter said the division could fine the church $100 a day beginning 10 days after the church received the letter.

Church officials also could be charged with a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine up to $500 and 30 days in jail, the letter says.

The Rev. Bobby Roberson, the pastor of Gospel Light, asked the town's planning board at recent meeting why the church was required to build the sidewalks because no church member walks to the church.

Sidewalks are required for the project under the town's unified development ordinance, which guides land use and development within Walkertown.

The council approved the ordinance's provision for sidewalks in 2007 to encourage walking, improve safety and reduce traffic, Snow said. Sidewalks are being built in the Robin's Walk housing subdivision near the church in southeastern Walkertown.

Kevin Winemiller, a longtime church member, said the town's ordinance requiring the church to build the sidewalks is unnecessary.

Read the original:
Gospel Light Baptist Church in tussle with Walkertown over building sidewalks

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April 23, 2012 at 8:14 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction