At last the BJP succeeded in alarming the Muslims of India that they must move to some other place as India is meant only for the Hindus. Recently when the work of construction of the Ram Temple was planned to be inaugurated, Prime Minister Modi himself reached Ayodhya to attend the ground-breaking ceremony. Addressing the people present at the occasion he said, Many people made sacrifices for the Ram temple. I pay my respects to all of them. He further said, Social harmony was the core principle of Lord Rams governance. The construction of the Ram temple is an instrument to unite the country. Despite efforts to eradicate Lord Rams existence, he lives in our hearts and is the basis of our culture. It would lift the economy of the entire region. Mr. Modi is no doubt a heart-capturing type of orator. He knows well what to speak and when to speak it, but while giving his statement on construction of the Ram Temple he simply forgot that the legal trial in the Babri demolition case is yet to be completed.

Aljazeera reporting on the construction of the Ram Temple commented, Justice has eluded those who suffered the loss of life and properties in the nationwide violence that ensued in the wake of the destruction of the mosque often dubbed the darkest chapter of modern India. Moreover, the date chosen for this epoch-making ceremony has its own significance. It went on to say, the date chosen for the ceremony also coincides with the first anniversary of the abrogation of the special status of Indian-administered Kashmir, Indias only Muslim majority region that has been the theatre of a bloody armed rebellion for more than 30 years. Certainly this action of the BJP government would widen the distances between the two majority communities of India. The Muslims there are already in a state of suppression leading to depression. Mr. Modi says that his party is trying to promote communal harmony and inter-religion brotherhood but practically it is very much obvious that his political party is doing its utmost to construct a China-Wall of distrust between the Muslims and the Hindus.

Certainly this action of the BJP government would widen the distances between the two majority communities of India. The Muslims there are already in a state of suppression leading to depression. Mr. Modi says that his party is trying to promote communal harmony and inter-religion brotherhood but practically it is very much obvious that his political party is doing its utmost to construct a China-Wall of distrust between the Muslims and the Hindus.

Unfortunately, the Indian Muslims expressed no reaction on the construction of the Ram Temple; they remained silent over this injustice as per tradition. If the Muslims in India were vibrant in this particular context, the situation could have been far different. It seems they are in a state of fear and fright that their reaction would add a lot of miseries to their already troubled life. However, there are a few who expressed their resentment over this issue. Bollywood writer-lyricist Hussain Haidry is one of them. In his recent message on his facebook page he expressed his strong disapproval over the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. He said that progressive people of the Indian society must step forward and form a movement against the construction of the said Temple. As far as the date chosen for the ground-breaking ceremony is concerned, he said that August 5 was chosen well in advance to humiliate Kashmir. On August 5 2019, the Indian government had abrogated Article 370 and paved the way for the greater integration of Jammu and Kashmir with the Union of India.

In the Guardian, on 6th August 2020, Siddhartha Deb penned down an article with the title, Modis acolytes have reminded Indias Muslims just what he thinks of them. The writer said, Since 5 August also happened to be the one-year anniversary of the BJPs unilateral suspension of the special status of Kashmir, a move that led to Kashmiris being subjected to suspension of all civil liberties, this brazen celebration will also serve to remind Muslims in India of their subjugated status in every way, a reminder that nothing is available to them in Modis India, neither history nor geography. In the days to come the Muslims of India are apprehending more atrocities of the same kind. There would be more restrictions on Muslims, more slaughtering of Muslims and more construction of temples after demolishing different mosques by the BJP extremists. According to the latest media reports the BJP is trying to get approval of demolition of over 3000 mosques including the Jamia Masjid Delhi. BJP extremists claim that the pointed out mosques were built after demolishing the Hindu Temples. MP Sakshi Maharaj got particularly emotional that he offered to be hanged if idols were not found underneath the staircases of Jamia Masjid. Be it a temple, a mosque, a Buddhist monastery or a Church; construction of any place of worship is not a crime. All places of worship are sacred but converting a mosque into a temple or a Church into a Buddhist monastery by using force is however a crime. Everywhere in the world, it is the foremost duty of the government to provide safety and security to all places of worship and in most of the cases, governments fulfill their duty but what to do if someone like Modi is playing a leading-role in a government.

Read the original post:
Future of Muslims in India - Pakistan Today

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August 12, 2020 at 7:42 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction