(Photo: Creation Museum)

Model display of Noah's ark as seen at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky. The biblical apologetics ministry, Answers in Genesis, plans to build a life-sized replica of the ark in Williamstown, February 2012.

March 29, 2012|3:34 pm

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has denounced the project, which would provide $11.1 million for various improvements to KY 36, a highway that is near the site where Answers In Genesis' Ark Encounter Theme Park will be located.

Known as the "Ark Park," the theme park would showcase a life-size replica of Noah's Ark, built in the same dimensions described in the Genesis account of Noah's flood.

Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director for Americans United, told The Christian Post that his organization opposes the monetary expenditure over its apparent religious entanglements.

"The Highway-36 appropriation is intended to promote and support a religious, evangelical enterprise, violating the separation of church and state and the Kentucky Constitution's prohibitions on government support of religion," said Luchenitser.

"The KY-36 road project has only one purpose: to support the construction of the Ark Encounter Theme Park a proposed biblical theme park that would be in the shape of a full-size replica of Noah's Ark, using the dimensions set forth in the Bible."

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Chuck Wolfe of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet told CP that the project was necessary given the expected traffic increase courtesy of the Ark Park.

View original post here:
Church-State Group Opposes Road Project That Benefits 'Ark Park'

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March 30, 2012 at 5:01 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction