By Vincent Cabreza |Inquirer Northern Luzon

BAGUIO CITYA suit filed by the Church and private individuals seeks to strip a watershed in the town of Benguet province of all commercial activity, including the construction of a supposedly ecological resort being developed by a congressman.

The suit took to task officials of Tuba town and several government agencies for the sale of land in the Sto. Tomas watershed, supposedly a protected area.

In a petition for a writ of kalikasan filed in the Supreme Court on Sept. 23, Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, Baguio Bishop Carlito Cenzon and several city residents asked the high court to stop all road construction and all forms of vegetable gardening and commercial development being blamed for the contaminatiion of water sources in Sto. Tomas.

The commercial projects include a proposed ecological resort being developed by Baguio Rep. Nicasio Aliping Jr. on land he claimed to have bought from farmers in the area, lawyer Francisca Claver, the bishops counsel, said on Friday.

An environmental order may also compel the Tuba municipal government to start nullification proceedings for land claims there, which it had legitimized by allowing them to pay tax declarations, Claver said.

The issuance of these tax declarations has opened the floodgates for the alienation and transfer of portions of the forest reserve, which is bound to bring about land speculation to feed the high demand for resorts and vacation houses in the name of tourism, the petition said.

The petition sought court action against Aliping, Environment Secretary Ramon Paje and local officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Tuba Mayor Florencio Bentrez Jr. and town officials like municipal assessor Prudencio Pinkisan, and the local police.

The Sto. Tomas watershed was classified as a forest reserve in a 1940 proclamation. It is often identified with Mt. Sto. Tomas, which is popular with tourists because of its two giant radar dishes.

But the watershed is composed of several mountain peaks, which are major sources of water for both Baguio and Tuba, and is host to the headwaters of the Bued River that supports the San Fabian River irrigation system in Pangasinan province.

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Church seeks stop to sale of land in watershed

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September 27, 2014 at 1:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction