Photo credit Community Blood Center

St. Joseph Catholic Church hosting blood drive on Monday. St. Joseph Catholic Church and the Community Blood Center are hosting a blood drive from 1 to 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25 at Knights of Columbus Hall, 11221 Johnson Drive. They are distributing Chiefs T-shirts to donors. Those wishing to donate can schedule an appointment by visiting and use Sponsor Code stjosephcatholic. Walk-in donors are welcome. For more information, contact Virginia Wiedel at 913-268-3874.

Westwoods daytime population grows 900+ on a given workday. The city of Westwood earlier this month shared a report from the Census Bureau that shows the citys daytime population is 900+ greater than the citys residential population estimate, based on the FY 2017 Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics data. About 1,700 people commute into Westwood to work, while about 800 Westwood residents work outside the city. Only a few people both live and work in Westwood. Plus the Census Bureau reports that Westwoods estimated July 1, 2018 residential population stands at 1,658 people. Base on collected data, more people than the towns residential population total commute into Westwood on a given work day.

Ridgeview Road project in Lenexa delayed. A wet spring and summer coupled with early freezing temperatures this fall have slowed construction on a new section of Ridgeview Road that will connect K-10 Highway 10 to Prairie Star Parkway. Originally slated to open in late 2019, the road will now open in spring 2020. The project is nearly complete, but because of low temperatures, the final two inches of asphalt must be delayed until spring. Work will resume on laying the final asphalt and striping the road as soon as weather permits and asphalt plants reopen next spring. Work that is not weather dependent, including sidewalks and lighting, will continue throughout the coming months. Temporary access to the Little Mill Creek trailhead will be re-established in the coming weeks as soon as Johnson County Wastewater finishes a main extension project. The new section of road will provide a vital transportation connection and open up the surrounding area to new development opportunities.

Read more here:
Briefly Noted: St. Joseph Catholic Church hosting blood drive on Monday - Shawnee Mission Post

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November 23, 2019 at 3:48 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction