Within the past few years, Atascocita Presbyterian Church celebrated its 25th anniversary and has finally realized the dream of a dedicated sanctuary. That dream had to be deferred while the church went back to square one after a fire in 2001 destroyed the original sanctuary that had served as the church’s home.

The need for a multi-purpose structure that could accommodate all of the church’s needs at that time meant the dedicated sanctuary had to wait. With the help of Presbyterian investors, that was accomplished and the church again turned its attention to its original objective, a dedicated sanctuary.

In 2008, the planning process for the sanctuary was underway, but as it progressed the planning committee concluded that the church couldn’t afford the plans as they had originally been conceived. After scaling back to a more realistic set of objectives, the process began to move forward.

Following a stewardship campaign that demonstrated the members’ commitment, the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program granted the church a loan that covered the new building.

The church broke ground in April 2011 and work was completed in December. The new 250-seat sanctuary is flanked by two classroom additions on either side of the narthex.

A favorite addition of the church to the new sanctuary is its stained-glass window, which was designed and installed by Dennis Roberts from IHS Studios in Fredericksburg, Texas. He took his inspiration for the project from John 14:25-27: “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

The design incorporates the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The window’s frame forms a cross and represents Christ. The window itself depicts the hand of God releasing a dove, the Holy Spirit. The three symbols are linked together by the circular shape of the window to illustrate the three are interwoven as one. The circle, with no beginning and no end, represents the nature of God.

The new sanctuary was finally dedicated Jan. 22 after years of planning and construction.

Now that it is completed, the 350 congregation members will eagerly turn their attention to the activities that drive the church in the form of community outreach. The church is proud of its many community involvement efforts, both those sponsored by the church directly and those in which the church participates.

For example, Atascocita Presbyterian is actively involved with Humble Area Assistance Ministries. The church keeps a cart in the narthex at all times for donations to this worthy cause.

Another of the outreach ministries is Family Promise. The church hosts up to three homeless families for a week, once per quarter, providing them with shelter and the normalcy of a homelike environment.

The congregation makes donations of money and hands-on effort to assist those who have been devastated by natural disasters in the region, sadly more frequent in recent years. They have also supported missions in other countries such as Guatemala and Pakistan.

While the church members are excited for their own uses of the new sanctuary, they are also mindful that it will help them reach out to the community they serve. It gives the church an important symbol of its commitment to the surrounding community and acts as the focal point of Atascocita Presbyterian Church’s efforts in putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into action.

Atascocita Presbyterian Church is located at 19426 Atascocita Oaks Drive. For more information, call 281-852-8990 or visit apchumble.org.

See the rest here:
Atascocita Presbyterian Church dedicates new sanctuary

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February 20, 2012 at 8:03 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction