Calcutta, July 15: The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two Tablets of Stone.

The Eighteen Commandments of Bengal run into three pages and carry the title Checklist for electrical installation in places of halt of VIPs/VVIPs.

Thou shalt check wiring

Thou shalt check the split pin of ceiling fan

Thou shalt ensure the hired generator set must be silent in nature and must be of reputed make

Thou shalt ensure the pump motor should be capable of discharging required quantity of water

The thou shalt prefix has not actually made it to the man-made document. But the rest of the commands and more have robbed several engineers of sleep in Bengal.

All for the worthy cause of ensuring sound sleep for VIPs and VVIPs who should thank one particular VVIP for the rare attention to the minutest detail.

The efficacy of the guidelines, issued by the chief engineer (electrical)-I, PWD, to all executive engineers, will be ground-tested tomorrow itself when chief minister Mamata Banerjee visits north Bengal.

Rarely before has such a detailed battle plan been issued to thwart such nefarious infiltrators called glitches that invade everyday appliances in countless homes in the country.

Read more:
Sleepless over VVIP's sound sleep

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July 16, 2014 at 2:58 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Ceiling Installation