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Volunteers gathered to repair the Food Pantry.
Saturday, June 24 dawned gray and wet, but the crew from Charter Communications wasnt daunted by a few mere cloudbursts. Then, the sun parted the clouds around 10 a.m., providing Charters 49 employee volunteers with a picture-perfect day to do home improvements at 980 Monroe Turnpike home of the Monroe Food Pantry.
The Charter volunteers spent the entire day replacing windows, painting, landscaping and performing other valuable sprucing-up at the Food Pantry. Many of them work in offices and on cable crews, but this was not a new task for this team: Each month, Charter volunteers do much the same thing at homes for needy people throughout Connecticut.
Its all part of the companys nationwide philanthropic initiative, Spectrum Housing Assist. This program focuses on safe and healthy homes and aims to refurbish 25,000 homes by the year 2020.
The Food Pantrys 1960s-era ranch house became a candidate for such a makeover because it serves approximately 250 needy Monroe families each month. This is Charters second project in Monroe and the timing was opportune. All its windows sorely needed replacement, putting the Pantry, its staff and volunteers at the mercy of weather extremes.
It could often be cold in the house and in the summer it was usually very, very warm, noted Pantry Coordinator Wendy Jolls. It was not a comfortable place to be. These improvements will mean the world to us.
In Connecticut, Spectrum Housing Assist works in partnership with HomeFront, a volunteer organization that provides free repairs to low-income homeowners. HomeFront currently is serving Fairfield, Litchfield, Hartford and New Haven Counties in Connecticut; and Westchester County in New York.
Throughout the course of the day, the Charter volunteers replaced a total of 18 windows and three exterior doors. These enhancements will make the house both more comfortable as a community facility and more energy efficient to operate.
Vital community resource
The Food Pantry used to be located next to the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library at Town Hall. It moved to its present location approximately 10 years ago when the former owner of the house donated it to the town for this purpose. For people who do not rely on the Food Pantry, the house blends in well with the others along busy Monroe Turnpike.
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Despite its size, the Pantry only distributes food: no meals are prepared here. And though Monroe is perceived as a well-heeled, upscale town, there is no shortage of demand. The Pantry stays busy year round, with a slight uptick during winter.
Our clients usually come once a month on an appointed day, and do a full shop of dry goods, canned meats and vegetables, meat and eggs, Jolls noted. Then each week clients will come back for bread, milk and fresh produce.
The latter are often vegetables and herbs grown right in the Pantrys own backyard, a project that has been spearheaded by volunteers from several Monroe churches. They do all the planting, weeding, hoeing and harvesting, and the garden has grown over the years.
Thanks to the Spectrum volunteers, were adding a third garden today, said Jolls.
People never want to rely on the Pantry for food, Jolls pointed out. Many are under- or unemployed, with property taxes overdue, bills maxxed out and cupboards stripped bare.
Our clients are family, and we want the Pantry to be a comfortable place to come, said Jolls.
Charters volunteers came from offices in Stamford, Newtown and Winsted, with a mix of project newcomers and veterans. The Connecticut volunteers are just one part of a nationwide team that has refurbished 9,000 houses in 41 states with another 16,000 to go by 2020.
There are certainly other charities that we support, but this is our biggest, said Heidi VanDenBroek, Charters senior communications manager for New England. Volunteering is a great opportunity for our people as well, because their work has a tremendous impact in the communities where we live and work.
Accent on teamwork
Much of work life involves organizing projects, dividing them up into smaller tasks and determining who will do what. At this work site, the Charter team functioned much the same. Three volunteer co-captains took responsibility for different parts of the job, each assembling a crew of people who wanted to work on that aspect of work.
Monroes own Diana Verano, a marketing manager in Stamford, oversaw the crew painting the Pantrys interior. Her co-worker, Bill Baker, headed up the exterior painting crew. Rich Decava, a line-crew supervisor in Newtown, oversaw the carpentry efforts including the massive window-replacement project.
Verano said the company encounters no difficulty in recruiting volunteers. When we send out a call for volunteers, people immediately respond, she said.
At least one parent-child team turned out to work on the Food Pantry. They were Jim Dove, group vice president of business intelligence at Charter and his daughter, Hannah, a junior at Weston High School. Were all excited about doing this and a lot has been accomplished in just a few hours, Hannah said.
Were all very resilient some of us have done renovations in 40-degree weather, Baker noted. So even though we got off to a bit of a late start, Mother Nature cooperated and made this a great day for us all to be here.
See the original post:
Charter volunteers give Monroe Food Pantry an extreme makeover - Monroe Courier
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Maybe, just maybe, if the Knicks can pull this off, they will be the ones committing highway robbery and doing the fleecing.
Torontos Masai Ujiri is emerging as the hoped-for candidate for the Knicks to replace Phil Jackson. After three years of Knicks wandering in the wilderness under a great coach but dreadful executive, Ujiri would be as wise a choice as anything they have done at the Garden in a long time.
Assuming they cannot get R.C. Buford to leave San Antonio, Ujiri is a logical target not only because hes good, but because the Knicks wouldnt have to negotiate with him anymore. But wanting and getting are two different things.
Ujiri has won as a GM in Denver and Toronto. And he has won virtually every trade, twice crushing the Knicks. He is demanding of coaches, as was Jackson. But as a rival exec said, Hes less egomaniacal and willing to listen.
Sounds too good to be true, right?
It might be.
Ujiri has a better team in Toronto a much better team if free agent Kyle Lowry stays. Ujiri signed a five-year extension in the fall. He likes the autonomy in Toronto, which, while not as big a market as New York, isnt Mayberry, either. But give it a shot, Knicks.
I would be shocked if he took it. He has good gig there, he runs his own show. He has an owner who stays in the background, one league source said. I dont think hed want a chaotic situation.
Chaotic? The Knicks? Hey, they made the playoffs. Not under Jackson, but they made the playoffs. And whats chaotic about firing your president three days before free agency and six days after he made your lottery draft pick?
But if the Knicks are determined, they should try, offering sound compensation, if for no other reason than to ensure they never deal with him again.
Quick refresher course: Ujiri traded Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks for half their roster, the gross national product of Sweden and an apparent promise to corroborate on at least one more lopsided trade in the future.
That subsequent deal which until the Nets cozied up on a phone call with Bostons Danny Ainge on 2013 draft night was the poster child for worst basketball trade in New York since, well, ever.
The Knicks got Andrea Bargnani with two years left on his deal at $11.5 million and $11.8 million, for Marcus Camby, Quentin Richardson, Steve Novak, a 2016 first-round pick, and two second-rounders, in 2014 and 2017. Bargnani played 71 games in two years for the Knicks, averaging 13.9 points. The Knicks won 37, then 17 games with Bargnani. The Raptors won 48 and 49, making the playoffs each year.
Yeah, take that Masai Ujiri.
One irony is Ujiri traded Anthony, who wanted out of Denver and wanted New York. With that narrow window, Ujiri, in a three-team deal including Minnesota, still fetched Danilo Gallinari, Timofey Mozgov, Wilson Chandler, Raymond Felton, a 2014 first-round pick and second- rounders in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
The Raptors, under Ujiri, have been a playoff team in all four of his seasons, reaching the Eastern Finals last year. With Denver, the Nuggets made the playoffs in each of his three years and he earned Executive of the Year in 2012-13 after a 57-win campaign. The Nuggets, though, never got out of the first round.
In New York, just make the playoffs and youre a god. Under Jackson, the Knicks barely made March before being eliminated from playoff contention.
Ujiri, to the average New Yorker, might best be known as the exec who famously shouted F Brooklyn to frenzied playoff fans outside Air Canada Centre in 2014. He apologized, was fined, but has yet to wear an I (heart) Brooklyn T-shirt. Nets players had claimed they wanted Toronto.
I have to stand up for my team, my organization, my city and the country Canada, Ujiri said. Were not going to sit down here and just be bullied by anybody and be thrown around by anybody.
Sounds like a guy the Knicks need. Good luck trying to get him.
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Knicks' ideal Jax replacement is a pipe dream worth pursuing - New York Post
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Walk or drive along West 32nd Avenue in Denvers West Highland neighborhood and its likely youll notice the Ford House. Its west of Lowell Boulevard, between Osceloa and Newton streets.
The house was once the home of a well-known physician, Mary Ford, and her business partner, Helene Byington whose daughter, Spring Byington, was a Hollywood actress from 1930 to 1960.
Homes to the north of notable architecture Queen Annes, bungalows, cottages also have interesting histories. Previous residents include former Denver mayors Benjamin Stapleton and William Fitz Randolph Mills.
In an effort to preserve area homes, some West Highland residents are applying to create what theyre calling the Packards Hill Historic District.
What is so unique about it is that it is relatively intact. Thats actually a very rare thing, said Marie Benedix, a West Highland resident who lives in the area and is helping the effort to create the historic district.
The proposed district would cover roughly between Lowell Boulevard and the alley between Osceola and Perry streets, from West 32nd Avenue to West 35th Avenue. There are 173 homes within the proposed boundaries and about 80 percent are noted as contributing to the areas historic atmosphere. Buildings constructed for commercial use are not part of the district.
It is really unique to have such a high amount of contributing structures in the area. Everyone can appreciate the character. Character draws people to area, Benedix said.
Neighbors leading the process have worked on the application for more than a year and funded a historical study by Front Range Research Associates that looked at each home and the entire area for architectural and historical significance. The name is that of a local subdivision from before Highland was annexed by Denver in 1893.
Most of the area was platted in the 1880s and 1890s and homes were built between the mid-1880s and the 1940s.
The proposed area borders the A.M. Ghost and Wolff Place historic districts and would be the citys 53rd designated district if approved by Denver City Council. The proposal first heads to the Landmark Preservation Commission in July and then moves to the Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure committee before going to City Council. The effort is supported by city planning staff and Historic Denver.
Kara Hahn, senior city planner with Landmark Preservation, said the history of women in the area is particularly interesting. Many local women were homeowners and developers and played a large role in the growth of the area in the late 19th century. The names of several area women not their husbands appeared on property titles, and many area women assumed vital roles in advancing womens rights.
Were excited to see when underrepresented groups are discussed, Hahn said.
Organizers of the push spent a lot of time contacting residents. Benedix said her group knocked on each door between five and 25 times. However, not everyone supports the designation and a petition opposing the district is circulating.
Opponents object to restrictions that would be imposed by the designation, such as requiring Landmark Commission approval of permits to work on a homes exterior; a window replacement policy; and a requirement that mandates second-floor additions must set back at least 15 feet from the front of an existing structure.
Fixing homes becomes more burdensome. Theres another level of bureaucracy, said Kevin OConnell, a resident who launched the website keepwesthighlandfree.com. To me personally, I just think its using a sledgehammer when we can use a scalpel.
West Highland resident Beau Wynja also opposes the district. He hopes to add a second story to his home, which might not be allowed in a designated historic district. He said he is scrambling now to finalize plans and submit permits for the addition in case the historic district is approved.
Homeowners, he said, should be able to make decisions about their property.
We feel like homeowners should have more rights to choose what design they want to do to property they own, he said. We love our neighborhood and the reason were trying to expand our home is that we dont want to leave.
OConnell believes the neighborhood is split 50/50 on the issue, but Benedix said her groups information indicates the neighborhood is mostly supportive. Of residents contacted, 77 support the historic district designation, 17 oppose designation, 13 are undecided and 86 did not reply, she said.
I think neighbors are saying that the character and history are worth that little trade-off, she said.
Historic Denver executive director Annie Levinsky said she believes the historic district designation is not as restrictive as it might seem, and many projects are quickly permitted.
I think weve seen a lot of modifications and evolutions, she said of the 52 historic districts around Denver. Weve seen it done in ways that can add more space but also protect that character that drew them to the area in the first place.
Resident Roger Oram supports the proposed historic district and helped organize the effort. He believes its important to keep the architectural integrity of a neighborhood and preserve an areas history.
I think its going to be beneficial to all of us here. I think its worth every minute of time Ive spent to convince people that its worthwhile, he said. I think of the many people who bought houses here because they like the way it looks, and if we dont take steps to preserve that, were going to lose it.
Read the rest here:
West Highland residents seek new historic district - The Denver Post
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Windows and doors are key to the financialand emotionalvalue of your most important investment: your home. Trends change, but making a good decision about windows and doors adds lasting value to your home over decades.
1.Whats Your Why?
Do your windows operate poorlyor are they sticking, broken, drafty? Do they fog or ice up when the weather changes? Are you looking for tangible financial benefits such as lower heating bills and energy efficiency or an overall increase in your homes value?
In addition to performance, aesthetics will also likely be a top priority. Is your home historically significant? Ultra-modern? Whether youre installing new windows and doors as part of a project to replace exterior siding, remodeling or building a home, or if you want to re-design living areas to bring in more of the outdoors, the finished look of your windows and doors can play a significant role in the overall design.
Together, the design, consistency and proper installation of customized windows and doors help protect, maintain and increase the value of your home. That je ne sais quoi curb appeal doesnt just happen: its magic lives in the details.
2. Imagine the Possibilities
A little research and a visit to a reputable dealer will help you understand the differences among the numerous types of windows and doors. Ask about function, ideal placement and the long-term benefits of materials wood, aluminum, fiberglass, vinyl and vinyl composite each have specific advantages, maintenance needs and life cycles.
Specialty designssuch as projection windows that look like traditional picture windows but may be vented on all sides, or tilt-turn European style windowsoffer unique solutions. Custom windows and doors allow you to open up large scenic vistas to maximize indoor/outdoor living.
3.Define the Details
The vision for your home may be unfolding in phases over time, so windows and doors that arrive direct from the manufacturer according to your specifications (versus off-the-shelf models sold at Big Box stores) offer more options and consistency. Check to make sure that finishes, cladding, shades, stains and hardwareas well as the materials used to produce your windows and doorsare approved by independent testing and accrediting organizations. Look for certifications from the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) and the Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA).
Fully transferable and non-prorated warranties protect your investment, even if your home changes ownership, and are only offered by highly accredited companies.
4. Be Prepared
Anticipate that there will be some variables along the way to project completion, so it helps to ask questions and be prepared before work starts. Find out what should be done before the installers arrive and make plans for how youll live in your space while work is being done. For example, if you have detailed, intricate trim, you may need to build in additional work, and you will need to consider possible effects on the exterior of your home.
The preparation phase is one area where consultation with your builder, architect, contractor and window/doors dealer can help you plan ahead for a seamless workflow. Your final checklist should include such questions as the following:
Are the installer and supplier from the same company?
How will replacing my windows affect living in my home?
How should I prepare for installation?
What type of post-installation warranty is in place for labor and products?
How long should this project take? What variables might change this anticipated timeline?
What decisions will I need to makeand whento keep project on time?
Will there be a walk-through and demonstration upon completion to explain how to properly operate and clean windows and doors?
5. Getting the Right Partners
Replacing windows and doors is an opportunity to protect your investment in your home. Regular maintenance and upgrades of your homes exterior add value, and the decision to replace windows and doors is one of the most important ones youll make as a homeowner.
A visit to a showroom and an in-home consultation with an authorized replacement contractor or installer are key starting points. Depending on the scope of your project, bringing an architect, builder or contractor onboardalong with a trusted local window and door dealerhelps ensure a successful outcome. Reputable companies that rely upon good business practices are listed with your Better Business Bureau. An authorized window and door dealer can help you develop a budget and timeline to make your vision a reality. This pre-sales and installation guidance sets a reassuring and professional tone for all work being done.
The Marvin Family of Brands is dedicated to creating products that make the places where we live and work more meaningful. Established in 1904, Marvin is a fifth-generation family owned and operated business that produces the finest customized windows and doors. Local dealers offer you the personalized attention you need to select, install and maintain the finest in windows and doors. To find your local Marvin dealer, please visit Marvin.com or call 1-888-537-7828.
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Apple introduced some major changes to the iPad with its iOS 11 beta earlier this week. While you can use the iPad just as youve always been able to, there are some additional multitasking changes that really make the iPad Pro more of a laptop contender. Apple has created a dock that acts more like something youd find on macOS, and refined its side-by-side apps interface so its even more similar to Windows 8. These changes make the iPad a lot more useful, but also a lot more confusing than it has ever been before.
The new dock extends the amount of apps you can pin to the bottom of the iOS home screen, but it also acts as the main way to control what apps can float or be used side-by-side. It replaces the old app picker from iOS 10, and instead of swiping from the right to access apps, you swipe up from the bottom of the display (even if youre in an app) to access the dock instead. After being familiar with iOS 10, the first time I tried to use the dock I was confused how to get apps side-by-side. I kept swiping from the right or swiping on the apps on the dock, but nothing happened. Its not immediately obvious how to even activate multitasking, and I had to watch our own hands-on video to even figure that out. Not a great start.
Multitasking on iOS 11 gets a little confusing
Placing apps into the Split View is simple once you know how you have to tap and hold on app icons to drag them into Apples Split View. This might seem like youre about to move an app icon on the dock, as thats how iOS works, but it actually turns the app youve grabbed into a floating app that can snap to the side of an existing one. This works if you activate the dock by swiping up, but if youre on the home screen then holding down an app will simply move it around with no options to create a split view. You can also activate a Slide Over view by dragging an app from the dock onto an existing one, which creates a hovering window you can arrange on the left or right on top of either a single app or split view apps. This means you can have three apps open in multitasking view. And its where things start to get truly confusing.
If you have a hovering app open on top of other apps, the interactions with that app are messy, even for a beta. Theres a little handle at the top which hints you can swipe down on it, but if you miss the tap target then the Notification Center (that now looks like a lock screen) activates. Likewise, closing the app from this view is extremely frustrating. Youd expect you could swipe down on the app to dismiss it, but that swipe down action will actually snap it into a side-by-side view or replace whatever other app you had snapped. To dismiss a floating app you actually have to swipe on the very left edge of the app and push it towards the right-hand side of the screen for it to disappear. To get it back, you then swipe from the right-hand edge of the screen. If that sounds confusing, its because it simply is. Swiping from the right-hand edge of the screen normally without any apps floating does nothing, so Apple has re-purposed an edge swipe gesture for a super specific reason.
You can ignore the gestures, but iPad Pro users will expect them to work
The split view also includes some oddities when you try to activate a third floating app. You have to drag an app to the bar that controls the split size for it to trigger the floating ability. If you dont then it will simply replace whatever app is in view. These multitasking controls for three apps are now very similar to Windows 8, and they suffer from the same problems. The gestures arent obvious, and managing the different snapped apps states isnt easy. Apple has taken many of Microsofts better ideas with Windows 8, but implemented them in an equally confusing way.
You might be sitting there and thinking well, who cares if you can use the iPad as youve always done, just ignore the multitasking or its a beta, it will get better. Those are both good points, but the iPad Pro wants to be more than an iPad. Apple is trying to convince iPad users to upgrade to more capable iPad Pro devices, and it really wants existing laptop users to switch. If youre buying an iPad Pro then you want the powerful hardware and the powerful software capabilities to match. Apple wants the iPad Pro to be considered as a real computer, but a mixture of its hardware and software is still holding it back from being a true laptop replacement.
Sure, you can ignore these gestures if you want, just like thousands of Windows and Mac users ignore keyboard shortcuts they dont know about. The problem Apple faces here is that its trying to convince everyone that a touch interface is just as productive as using a keyboard and mouse. In many instances thats true, and as apps adapt to buy into Apples world view then that will only improve. With iOS 11 though, these gestures are designed to replace the need for a mouse and theyre getting too complicated. iOS 11 is still in beta so things might improve, but the fact that Apple is struggling to make this stuff easy to use is a fundamental problem with touchscreens and productivity when it comes to precision.
iOS needs better precision touch support
Microsoft attempted to force its Windows 8 interface onto traditional PCs in a vague hope that it would get more tablet apps and boost its mobile efforts. Windows 8 users hated this, because they were used to using a keyboard and mouse for tasks and precision. Equally, Apple is forcing people to use a touchscreen for productivity and its confusing its message with optional keyboard and stylus additions to the iPad Pro. This keyboard doesnt have a trackpad for precision, and youre forced to move your hands from the keys to reach out and touch most of the time you want to interact. Yes, there are keyboard shortcuts that help, but a lack of mouse input feels unnatural if youre used to a laptop.
Apple has caved on keyboard and stylus support for the iPad, so it might seem obvious that the company will eventually implement some type of mouse support. Im not convinced it will, as Apples iOS hardware is primarily designed around touch. Apple sees touch as the future, and the iPad is slowly heralding that future. Drag and drop in iOS 11 is an excellent example of that, and a window into the future of the iPad. Software developers have been eagerly awaiting such a feature, and perhaps now they'll start to invest in more complex and productivity-focused app for the iPad. There are some, like the Aviary photo editor, that are truly great examples of our touch future, but there aren't enough.
iOS 11 marks a bigger departure from the familiar interface between iPhone and iPad, and it could help better define the iPad in the future. The big question of "who is the iPad for?" is never ending, but iOS 11 seems to signal that Apple is willing to make the fundamental interactions on an iPhone or iPad very different. That could help set a new direction for the iPad. While Apple left it up to software developers to create millions of apps and define the iPhone, the iPad has struggled to generate the same interest from developers thanks to slowing sales and its position between iPhone and Mac.
The complex gestures we see in iOS 11 will only get more tricky in the future as Apple continues to build them out instead of supporting a mouse. If Apple does want the iPad Pro to be considered as laptop contender, then it will need to refine its keyboard hardware and its software gestures and features. Apple still needs to prove that the touchscreen can truly replace a keyboard and mouse for professional productivity, so get used to remembering lots of gestures and swiping around on an iPad display instead of simply pointing and clicking for the foreseeable future.
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iOS 11 on an iPad still won't replace your laptop - The Verge
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REHOBOTH Rehoboth voters in a special election Tuesday approved two ballot questions for tax increases to fund improvements to school buildings.
The first ballot question was a capital exclusion, or one-time tax increase for one year only, for $87,203 for the installation of door security systems at Palmer River Elementary School, Beckwith Middle School and Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. It passed 579 to 386 votes.
The school district, in a June 18 letter to parents, said the measure will increase taxes by mere pennies over the course of the year.
The second ballot question was a debt exclusion, or temporary override of the states Proposition 2 tax levy-limiting law, for $3.6 million for roof and window replacement at Palmer River Elementary School and window replacement at Beckwith Middle School. It passed 556 to 409.
According to the school district, the cost to the average taxpayer will be approximately $48 annually for an average $300,000 home, or $4 per month extra in taxes.
Superintendent Anthony Azar said it was a positive outcome for everyone involved.
I believe its a win-win for the students. Its a win-win for the staff and its a win-win for Rehoboth taxpayers, Azar said.
We appreciate the support from the Rehoboth taxpayers and its an exciting night for the district, Azar added.
Turnout for the election was 11 percent or 965 of the towns 8,544 registered voters.
The district had sent a one-call alert to families on Monday reminding voters to go to the polls.
Rehoboth voters approve override for schools, money for security system - The Sun Chronicle
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ELKO Drivers on Idaho Street saw a downtown storefront get a makeover in recent days, yet it wasnt part of the Citys Redevelopment Agency grant program.
Cucina Investments LLC recently spruced up the faade of the former Gypsy Cupboard and The Moon Bar storefronts at 452 and 460 Idaho Street.
The Moon Bar, owned by Miguel Castro, opened earlier this month, leasing part of the building from Gwen Uhlig, owner of Cucina Investments.
The space at 452 Idaho St. has been vacant since this spring when Gypsy Cupboard closed its doors.
Approved in May, the Citys Redevelopment Agency offered a matching fund grant for eligible improvements such as window replacement, doors, siding, signage and awnings to storefronts within the redevelopment area.
The City Engineering Department verified that Cucina Investments did not turn in a grant application.
In a statement to the Free Press, Uhlig confirmed that she did not participate in and/or did not apply for the Redevelopment program, and said the project is expected to be done at the end of the month.
Broker Kelly Higgins with Investors Realty confirmed this week that the property is part of a single building and is available for lease or sale.
Higgins also said Uhlig used her own funds to remodel the storefront as the timing for the grant did not work out.
Im excited for the buildings to have a fresh, new look, said Uhlig.
Four Downtown locations the Hesson Building, J.M. Capriola Co., Gerber Law Offices, and the Western Folklife Center were approved in May for RDA grants totaling $66,175.
The grant went over its budget of $50,000, the monies of which are raised by taxes within the redevelopment district.
Last week, 52 windows in the historic Pioneer Hotel building were replaced after receiving $20,000 from the grant.
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Idaho street business receives makeover - Elko Daily Free Press
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"We are honored to be recognized as one of the Star Tribune's Top Workplaces by our employees," said Paul Delahunt, president of Renewal by Andersen. "Employees are the heart and soul of our company. Making Renewal by Andersen a place they are proud to work is a top priority for us."
The results of the Star Tribune Top Workplaces are based on survey information collected by WorkplaceDynamics, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention.
Star Tribune Publisher Michael J. Klingensmith said, "The companies in the Star Tribune Top Workplaces deserve high praise for creating the very best work environments in the state of Minnesota. My congratulations to each of these exceptional companies."
Since opening its first store in Minnesota in 1995, Renewal by Andersen has expanded to nearly 100 markets throughout the U.S. and Canada. It has become one of the largest replacement window networks in the country, having installed more than 4 million windows.
To qualify for the Star Tribune Top Workplaces, a company must have more than 50 employees in Minnesota. Over 2,000 companies were invited to participate. Rankings were composite scores calculated purely on the basis of employee responses.
For more information about Renewal by Andersen, visit http://www.renewalbyandersen.com.
About Renewal by AndersenRenewal by Andersen, LLC., is the start-to-finish window replacement division of Andersen Corporation. The company offers a replacement process that includes an in-home consultation, custom manufacturing, and installation through one of the largest nationwide networks of window replacement specialists. For a complimentary in-home consultation, or to view more information about Renewal by Andersen visit http://www.renewalbyandersen.com.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/star-tribune-names-renewal-by-andersen-a-2017-top-workplace-300479847.html
SOURCE Renewal by Andersen
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Star Tribune names Renewal by Andersen a 2017 Top Workplace - PR Newswire (press release)
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Most U.S. buildings currently in use will continue to be until 2050 and, eventually, will require renovation. Helping building owners and facility managers evaluate and maximize the benefits of window system renovation and upgrades, the Building Retrofit Strategy Team at Apogee Enterprises, Inc. offers a new 28-page publication: Window Replacement: Unrealized Benefits to Building Owners and Occupants as a free download.
Replacing aging windows with new, high performance systems provides a better environment for the buildings occupants and greater value for the building owner, says John Bendt, vice president of Apogees Building Retrofit Strategy Team.
Window systems and components have evolved significantly since the 1980s, explains Kevin Robbins, Apogees Building Retrofit Strategy Team account manager. About half of all U.S. commercial and institutional buildings were constructed prior to this period, which presents a significant opportunity for owners and occupants to benefit from faade improvements and window replacement.
Bendt continues, Among the many benefits, modern window systems improve the appearance and performance of aging buildings. New, high performance glass and aluminum frames with thermal barriers help save energy, reduce maintenance, lower vacancy rates, increase rental rates, provide a better environment for the buildings occupants, and creates greater value for the building owner and enhance occupants satisfaction and comfort.
Describing these benefits and best practices in achieving them, the paper shares nine case studies along with detailed considerations regarding energy payback, fossil fuel savings equivalents, code compliance and green standards, environmental stewardship, tax credits, product selection and renovation specification tips, plus a glossary of industry terms and acronyms.
The featured projects range from the 1800s to the 1970s with geographies from Boston to Portland, Oregon. As many of these examples demonstrate, re-cladding and renovating building exteriors with high-performance window systems can have a significant effect on the buildings energy efficiency. To compare performance data between a buildings existing windows and proposed, new, high performance, replacements units, Apogees Retrofit Strategy Team offers free energy modeling that provides building performance information on annual energy, peak demand, carbon emissions, daylight, glare, and condensation.
Looking beyond simple energy payback, todays owners and facility managers consider all the factors involved, including carbon footprint reduction, maintenance savings, and safety and occupant productivity, adds Robbins. When window replacement is timed in conjunction with an HVAC system upgrade, significant reductions in peak load can yield further savings in equipment costs. For building owners seeking enhancements in security, design criteria for faade renovation also can include blast hazard mitigation, hurricane impact resistance, electronic eavesdropping protection, and forced entry deterrence.
Establishing clear goals, priorities and expectations for building envelope maintenance and renovation will significantly contribute to future success. Working with an experienced building envelope retrofit team that includes the installer and manufacturers, building owners and facility managers will optimize the intended benefits and return on investment, concludes Bendt.
TheWindow Replacement: Unrealized Benefits to Building Owners and Occupants publication is available for download from Apogee at this link.
Apogees business units supporting these building retrofit strategies include Alumicor; EFCO Corporation; Harmon, Inc.; Linetec; Sotawall Inc.; Tubelite Inc.; Viracon, Inc.; and Wausau Window and Wall Systems.
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