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In the next five years, revenue growth is forecast to strengthen on the back of rising corporate profit, booming housing starts and technological advances that will make solar water heaters more economical. For these reasons, industry research firm IBISWorld has added a report on the Solar Water Heater Installation industry to its growing industry report collection.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 06, 2013
Nearly 80.0% of Solar Water Heater Installation industry revenue comes from residential installations; therefore, the health of the residential housing market plays a large part in determining the fate of solar water heater installers. The solar water heater installation industry was hurt by a decline in the number of housing starts and falling renovation rates during the past five years, adds Samadi. The reduction in new homes resulted in fewer opportunities for solar water heaters to be installed in new construction projects and discouraged existing homeowners from investing in solar thermal upgrades. Extremely low barriers to entry make the industry a highly fragmented one, with a low level of concentration. IBISWorld estimates that the overwhelming majority of firms are independently owned and operate over small geographic areas. Solar water heater systems may be installed by a single person, meaning that nonemployer firms are able to compete effectively in the industry as well. Moving forward, the industry is expected to become even more fragmented as an increasing number of general construction firms enter the industry and learn the required skills to market and install solar water heater systems.
Through 2018, revenue growth is forecast to strengthen. Industry growth could be higher, but the regulatory policies that have been so favorable for the industry remain uncertain in light of an unresolved federal budgetary deficit. Still, the revival of the corporate sector is anticipated to create the most demand for solar thermal installations as corporate profit continues to recover from recessionary lows, technological advances continue to make solar water heaters more economical when compared with natural gas, and companies seek to present themselves as environmentally friendly. For more information, visit IBISWorlds Solar Water Heater Installation in the US industry report page.
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IBISWorld industry Report Key Topics
Firms in this industry install solar water heater systems as part of general residential and commercial contracting services. These firms are contracted either directly by the customer or by solar marketing firms that arrange a buyer for solar thermal systems and contract an industry firm to carry out the work.
Industry Performance
Executive Summary
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Solar Water Heater Installation in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld
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Up 2 Code Plumbing -
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Water Heater Installation in Las Vegas
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Scott Mantas retrieves a snow blower to be repaired at Pehrson's Power Equipment in Midvale on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. The fall season will soon turn to winter, which means increased costs for gloves, coats, boots, snow shovels, snow blowers, snow tires, chains, anti-freeze and car checkups.
Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
SALT LAKE CITY As the mercury begins to dip week by week, it will not be long before Old Man Winter wraps his frosty arms around the Beehive State.
With snow already at higher elevations, it's not too late to start getting ready for the inevitability of winter in Utah, and that means people must prepare their vehicles, their homes and themselves for the cold.
A few well-placed preparations will save money and hardship in the coming months.
Preparing homes
At home, little things such as insulating wall sockets, changing regular bulbs to compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs, insulating windows and wrapping up water heaters can lead to savings on energy bills. Installing added insulation can save the average homeowner $50 to $100 per year, according to Questar Gas.
Also, insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls so the water supply will be less likely to freeze. To the extent possible, weatherproof the home by adding weather-stripping, insulation, insulated doors and storm windows or thermal-pane windows.
Those who plan to use a fireplace or wood stove for emergency heating need to have their chimneys or flues inspected each year to detect any buildup of soot. That can prevent a house fire. Also, those using a fireplace, wood stove or kerosene heater should install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector near the area to be heated. They should be tested monthly, and the batteries should be replaced twice a year.
"Get your furnace tuned up so that it's working at its peak efficiency," added Robert West, Home Depot sales specialist. "And change your furnace filter often every three months."
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Preparing homes, vehicles and yourself for winter can help save money
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I really don't like the winter. In my part of the country its cold and the snowfall and ice make it treacherous to go to work or the grocery store. There are far colder locations in the U.S. in the winter, and I plan to stay as far away from them as possible. I follow several strategies to save money on my winter electric heating bill.
Winterize the Home in the Fall
I have written about my fall maintenance list in an earlier article, but performing some simple tasks in the fall help to lower my electric bill in the winter. Each fall I replace cracked window panes and caulk where the sash meets the trim on all of the windows. Install storm windows or plastic film covers over the windows to keep in the heat. The materials for these repairs are normally less than $20. I have baseboard heat, one of the most expensive and least efficient ways of heating one's home. I make certain to remove the panel on the front of the register and thoroughly dust the heating element so that it is clean before the season starts so it works more efficiently. Years ago I made window and door "socks" out of scrap material and sand and I layer these on the window sills and place them along the bottom of the doors to keep the cool air out and the warm air in.
Cut Down the Thermostat and Dress in Layers
Many people have probably heard this one before, but it is really not necessary to crank up the heat at the sign of the first chill in fall. I put a timer on our hot water heater years ago and swapped out the incandescent bulbs to CFLs and cut my electric bill by a third the first year of this change. I also turn off the heat and close the doors to rooms that are unused. Heating a smaller space reduces the electric bill. Many people have probably heard of these tips, but I do have a few more to resist turning up the heat when the temperatures drop.
Make Insulated Covers for Windows and Doors
While I do have curtains that I put up in the winter that have a special backing that works as insulation, one year I made an additional insulated hanging that I use over all of my windows and doors in the winter. You can use basically any heavy, thick material, but I used some fuzzy old blankets that had faded over time. I sewed a seam at the top so I could thread them through a spring tension rod, and I hung them at the top of the windows, and used a regular curtain rod to hang them over the entranceways into my home; this extra covering reduced my electric bill by an additional 10% the winter that I first made them. When I first made them, I didn't like the idea of mismatched patterns being viewed from outside my house, so I got some acrylic paint, some fabric paint fixative and a foam brush from the crafts section of my local department store. For under $5 I was able to paint over the designs and these insulating cloths resemble the cream colored sheers that I normally hang under my curtains, so no one notices the difference.
Dress in Layers, Including the Bed, and Make a Hot Toddy
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First Person: How We Save Money on Our Winter Electric Heating Bills
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The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources today published a tender for the replacement of electrical hot water heaters with solar heaters in an energy conservation effort. The vendors winning the tender will replace 14,500 old electrical hot water heaters at homes across the country at an estimated cost of NIS 13 million.
The Ministry of Energy will subsidize 35% the cost of the solar powered hot water heaters up to NIS 900 (including VAT). Consumers will pay the difference in the price of the solar hot water heaters offered by the tender's winners and the ministry's subsidy.
The tender's winners will provide an eight-year warranty for the solar hot water heaters they install, and will dismantle and dispose of the old electrical heaters.
"This program is intended for homeowners with electrical hot water heaters who have no legal or planning impediment against the installation of a solar hot water heater in their apartment. The apartment must be within four floors from the roof," says the Ministry of Energy.
The Ministry of Energy estimates replacement of the electrical hot water heaters will save 26 million kilowatt/hours a year, and save an estimated NIS 260 million kilowatt/hours over the solar hot water heaters' 8-10 year lifespan. It also estimates that this will reduce households' electricity bills by NIS 1,000 a year.
The program to replace electrical hot water heaters is the Ministry of Energy's latest plan to conserve electricity, following plans for the replacement of old energy inefficient air conditioners, refrigerators, and light bulbs.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - http://www.globes-online.com - on October 17, 2012
Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2012
Gov't to subsidize replacing electrical water heaters
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San Francisco, CA- Two men in upstate New Yorkcaused a natural gas explosion when they tried to install a home water heater.The accident caused the men to be severely burned, destroyed three homes, anddamaged 20 others. The two men, an 86-year-old former handyman who owned theCorning, New York residence and his 38-year-old grandson, had failed to disconnectthe gas line properly. The blast on a Friday morning in August was reportedlyheard throughout the city of 11,000.
The do-it-yourselfer octogenarian had lost his sense ofsmell, and his grandson was suffering from a sinus condition. Thus, neitherdetected the odor of the natural gas seeping into the basement before one ofthem lit a propane torch in order to sweat copper fittings on the gas pipe.
The Corning police chief said the men were pulled fromthe wreckage by neighbors. Authorities said they survived due to having beenworking in a corner of the basement, somewhat shielding them from the blastthat moved up and away from them. The homes walls blew straight out. Its roofwent straight up in the air, according to the local fire chief. When a rescuecrew arrived to airlift them to a hospital, it found wreckage from neighborhoodhomes hanging from trees and floating in a nearby swimming pool.
A veteran plumber on the plumbing board in nearbyBinghamton, New York, points to the incident as the latest proof that tighterstandards are needed for potentially dangerous jobs. The board official calledfor an end to local laws letting homeowners, and in some cases unqualifiedcontractors, perform such potentially dangerous work. The two men whose homerepair attempts turned into a demolition had not violated any local ordinances,the Corning fire chief noted.
Besides the danger of devastating explosion, botchedplumbing work can cause air and water contamination, notes Rudy Gaspar, who has over 40 years experience in the trade. He added, There are so many things thatcan go wrong, and urged local communities to step up site inspections andreview of work permits. Although some local regulations contain loopholes thatless-qualified contractors do the work, Gaspar cautions that potentiallydangerous jobs like installing gas-fired water heaters should only be done byproperly trained and licensed plumbers.
Even before the incident, plumbing board officials andtrade groups had been advocating tighter regulations, to prevent unqualifiedpersons from attempting potentially dangerous plumbing projects. The Binghamtoncity council recently voted to withdraw with an agreement recognizing licensesfrom Oneonta, another city in the area, after finding that some plumbers basedin other cities were getting licensed in Oneonta due to lower licensingstandards there.
About LocalPlumberSaylesbury.com:
LocalPlumberSaylesbury.com (http://www.localplumbersaylesbury.com)is run by a Gas engineer Aylesbury who serves the Aylesbury region ofBuckinghamshire, England, providing a full range of plumbing and heatingservices of all sizes. Run by a gas safe plumber Aylesbury and a reliableplumber in Aylesbury, the firm offers top-quality 24-hour emergency services atvery competitive rates. The Peter Masons Plumbing & Heating Aylesburywebsite contains a full description of its services, testimonials fromsatisfied customers and a gallery of before-and-after photos from the reliableplumber in Aylesbury, who is a local, trustworthy plumber. Need a plumber? Needplumbing work? Visit us and click here on the URL and get information on how tocall Peter the plumber.
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Home Improvement Accident Causes Natural Gas Explosion Damaging 20 Homes reports LocalPlumberSaylesbury.com
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General Pacific: Most homeowners do not give a thought to their water heater until faced with a tank failure. New ENERGY STAR qualified AirGenerate heat pump water heaters, maximizing electric energy savings, are gaining popularity in the continental USA.
Portland, Oregon (PRWEB) October 22, 2012
Many households do not consider energy saving options when faced with replacing a failing electric water heater. According to the ENERGY STAR program, upgrading to an energy efficient heat pump water heater can save households up to $300 per year on their utility bill.
AirGenerate AirTap heat pump water heaters, distributed by General Pacific (GenPac), can maximize the energy saving potential for consumer households who currently have electric water heaters. Most consumers are unaware that water heaters are a major contributor - 15-20% - to a households total energy usage.
Water heaters are often out of sight and out of mind to as long as they continue to function properly to produce hot water. Therefore, consumers are often unprepared when a water heater fails. Consumers faced with a leaking water heater often choose to install the first available water heater. They want to have their hot water back states Roch Naleway, manager of the GenPac Conservation Products Division. New heat pump water heating technology allows customers to save money and energy when they upgrade from a standard electric unit. Heat pump water heaters generate hot water efficiently by transferring heat from ambient air to water that is stored in the water heater.
Consumers can choose between various heat pump water heater models if they decide to upgrade. Most Northwest utilities like AirGenerate AirTap heat pump water heaters. They have been built to maximize electric energy savings in colder climates says Rick Hall, President and CEO of General Pacific. When installed in a garage space the AirTap water heater operates in the efficient heat pump mode all the way down to an ambient air temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Most other heat pump water heaters need to use their backup electric elements at ambient temperatures of 40 degrees Fahrenheit and lower.
The ENERGY STAR qualified AirGenerate hybrid heat pump water heater is gaining popularity in net zero homes and passive house (Passivhaus) construction due to their high efficiency ratings. The Airgenerate AirTap placed first in the Hot Water Contest at the US Department of Energys Solar Decathlon further establishing its value as an energy efficient choice for homes.
This model of heat pump water heaters is fairly new on the market and is only available from a few select distributors including General Pacific located in Fairview, Oregon. AirGenerate, located in Houston, Texas, approached General Pacific proposing a distribution agreement for the heat pump water heaters in the summer of 2012. We specialize in distributing energy efficient products. Heat pump water heaters make a lot of sense, so it did not take long for us to make this product available to contractors, retailers, and utilities we serve. Today we ship AirGenerate water heaters just about anywhere in the US, says Roch Naleway. GenPac has been offering product information, installation and sales training for heat pump water heaters to contractors, retailers, and electric utilities since October, 2011.
Utilities are promoting this product through incentive and rebate programs which can add up to $1,900 for qualifying installations of AirGenerate water heaters in the Pacific Northwest. Incentive and rebates are available through Energy Trust of Oregon, Oregon Department of Energy, Seattle City Light, Tacoma Public Utility District, Puget Sound Energy, and many others. The Smart Water Heat rebate, available to residents in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, amounts to $1,000. The out of pocket cost for households comes to $900-$1,600 after incentives, rebates, and tax credits. It is a good option to consider if your water heater fails or you are looking to upgrade towards efficiency says Roch Naleway.
As new technologies for water heaters emerge, the potential for increased energy efficiency in the average household rises. These new energy efficient options are now being made available through retail avenues including General Pacifics online retail site. Trends in home construction are changing to be more energy efficient as evidenced by the increasing popularity of passive solar homes, ENERGY STAR New Homes, Passivhaus and net zero homes which are utilizing this heat pump water heater technology.
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US Households Waste up to $300 Annually Using Inefficient Water Heater Technology
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