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    Staten Island developers hammer Parks Dept. for 'ridiculous' tree removal cost - January 20, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Since July, the city has collected $293,885 for the removal of just 39 trees, according to City Parks Department records.

    And in the city's last fiscal year -- from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014 -- the agency took in $2.7 million for the removal of 275 trees.

    This comes out to about $7,500 to nearly $10,000 per tree. And that doesn't include the actual cost of tree removal -- it's just the fee that has to be paid to the Parks Department.

    That cost, Staten Island developers say, is so exorbitant that is hurts development and forces them to pass the cost on to customers.

    "The cost is ridiculous. ...A 24-inch tree could have a value of upwards of $60,000. (Parks' formula) is an overly aggressive way of valuing trees," said Robert Kelly, an Island-based developer and broker/owner of Master's Realty in Oakwood.

    He contends that the Parks Department's pricingso excessivethat, in some cases, it's prohibiting builders from developing projects in the borough, and hurting homebuyers or commercial real estate customers who have to dig deeper to cover the expense.


    Last year, the Building Association of New York City filed a lawsuit against the Parks Department, demanding a review of the way the agency calculates a tree's "value." The case has been adjourned several times; the next court date isJan. 30 in Supreme Court, St. George.

    Some of the delay can be attributed to the Parks Department change in venue request. The agency wanted the case moved toManhattan.

    "We (the Association) felt this should be heard on Staten Island," said Kelly.

    Excerpt from:
    Staten Island developers hammer Parks Dept. for 'ridiculous' tree removal cost

    Brief power cuts in Dunedin tomorrow - January 20, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The first of two power outages in six Dunedin suburbs is expected from 9am tomorrow.

    Delta spokesman Gary Johnson said the power to about 4000 electricity consumers in Abbotsford, Burnside, Concord, Fairfield, Green Island, Ocean View and Waldronville would be interrupted twice tomorrow to enable the safe removal of a fallen tree.

    The tree, in a forest between Abbots Hill Rd and the Southern Reservoir, had fallen across high voltage power lines supplying the Green Island substation.

    To enable the safe clearance of the tree, the power needed to be redirected from the Green Island substation to near substations.

    From 9am tomorrow, some electricity consumers in the suburbs should expect a interruption to their power supply between 30 seconds and 60 seconds to enable the tree removal.

    After the removal and the high voltage cable was made safe, there would be a similar interruption to the power supply later in the day.

    "Apart from the two brief interruptions, we expect power supply to be on as usual.''

    People using medical equipment that relies on electricity should ensure they were prepared for the power interruptions and if there was an immediate health threat to contact their health provider or call 111.

    More here:
    Brief power cuts in Dunedin tomorrow

    Tree Removal Service Aurora ,CO | (720) 477-0733 | Low cost tree removal service company – Video - January 19, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal Service Aurora ,CO | (720) 477-0733 | Low cost tree removal service company
    Call (720) 477-0733 for Tree Removal, Tree stump removal, palm tree removal at low cost. We are the best tree removal service company in Aurora ,CO. Contact ...

    By: Henry Phillips

    Read the original here:
    Tree Removal Service Aurora ,CO | (720) 477-0733 | Low cost tree removal service company - Video

    Dates Set For Octagon Tree Removal - January 19, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Dates Set For Octagon Tree Removal

    Dunedin (Monday, 19 January 2015) Two large plane trees will be removed from the Octagon on 26 and 27 January.

    The trees are in poor health and their removal was signalled late last year.

    Dunedin City Council Group Manager Parks, Recreation and Aquatics Mick Reece says, The trees are being removed because, despite an ongoing programme over the past few years to increase the health of all the plane trees, the condition of these two trees has rapidly declined. They now need to be removed for safety reasons.

    In order to limit disruption to businesses and the public, the work is scheduled to take place from 7pm each night. Part of the road through the Octagon will be closed while the work is carried out.

    Before this work can proceed, the irrigation system needs to be disconnected from the trees being removed. This will take place during the day on Wednesday, 21 January and means the footpath on the lower side of the carriageway will be closed off at times.

    The DCC is offering free sections of wood for wood turning and other creative/craft uses. Organisations wishing to take up this offer should contact DCC contractor Asplundh on 03 488 6378 by 30 January.


    Scoop Media

    Continued here:
    Dates Set For Octagon Tree Removal

    Tree Removal Service Ontario ,CA | (909) 341-0798 | Low cost tree removal service company – Video - January 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal Service Ontario ,CA | (909) 341-0798 | Low cost tree removal service company
    Call (909) 341-0798 for Tree Removal, Tree stump removal, palm tree removal at low cost. We are the best tree removal service company in Ontario ,CA. Contact us to day for a free quote.

    By: Sara King

    The rest is here:
    Tree Removal Service Ontario ,CA | (909) 341-0798 | Low cost tree removal service company - Video

    Tree Removal Service Pembroke Pines ,FL | (954) 361-3276 | Low cost tree removal service company – Video - January 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal Service Pembroke Pines ,FL | (954) 361-3276 | Low cost tree removal service company
    Call (954) 361-3276 for Tree Removal, Tree stump removal, palm tree removal at low cost. We are the best tree removal service company in Pembroke Pines ,FL. Contact us to day for a free quote....

    By: Jose White

    Read more here:
    Tree Removal Service Pembroke Pines ,FL | (954) 361-3276 | Low cost tree removal service company - Video

    Tree removal was the right call - January 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The taking down of diseased trees at the Historic Downtown Courthouse square has sparked some controversy locally, with some opponents questioning the need to cut down the trees and others wanting to know why the leftover wood the clearing generated isnt being used to build something to commemorate their existence.

    Both are fair points. Lets take the need to cut down the trees first.

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    Continue reading here:
    Tree removal was the right call

    Tree-trimming program tested in Greenfield Hill, Mill Plain areas - January 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Two sections of Fairfield have been selected for a pilot program in the state's mandated "enhanced" tree-trimming program.

    The pilot program in the Greenfield Hill and Mill Plain areas of town, which will be carried out by the United Illuminating Co., is designed to help "the public to better understand how this program will be implemented in Fairfield and how it will affect the town," First Selectman Michael Tetreau announced.

    The local sites were selected from among those with a history of a higher-than-normal power outages caused by trees, including areas that have emergency evacuation sites and medical facilities, Tetreau said.

    The program, he said, has been "carefully evaluated" by Ken Placko, the town's recently retired tree warden, the town's Forestry Committee, and UI's certified arborist and manager of vegetation management.

    The tree-trimming program in Greenfield Hill is concentrated on Congress Street just east of Burr Street to Hillside Road, and on Burr Street from Congress going north to Aran Hill Road.

    In the Mill Plain area, the program is on Unquowa Road, from the train station parking lot to Mill Hollow Park, and on Mill Plain Road from Interstate 95 to Glover Street.

    The project was approved by the state Public Utility Regulatory Authority as a way to address the increased frequency and severity of storms -- and subsequent power outages -- in the last several years.

    UI's goal, according to the news release on the program, is to establish a "Utility Protection Zone," defined by the area extending horizontally 8 feet to the side of electrical conductors.

    Major points include:

    UI has selected and marked trees for removal on both private and public properties with a red tag in the pilot areas.

    Originally posted here:
    Tree-trimming program tested in Greenfield Hill, Mill Plain areas

    Tree Removal Service Long Beach ,CA | (562) 450-5332 | Low cost tree removal service company – Video - January 17, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal Service Long Beach ,CA | (562) 450-5332 | Low cost tree removal service company
    Call (562) 450-5332 for Tree Removal, Tree stump removal, palm tree removal at low cost. We are the best tree removal service company in Long Beach ,CA. Contact us to day for a free quote.

    By: Brandon Coleman

    See the original post here:
    Tree Removal Service Long Beach ,CA | (562) 450-5332 | Low cost tree removal service company - Video

    Logging Plan For Lebanon Airport Up for Review - January 17, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Lebanon A proposal to remove more than 30 acres of trees from airport property along Poverty Lane is set to receive another look by the City Council tonight.

    Residents submitted letters to councilors in November and December, urging them to revisit the pending tree-clearing project. Among the objections raised are concerns about the effect on property values, impacts on wildlife habitat , and potential increases in noise and light from the airport and nearby Interstate 89. They have also questioned the need for the tree clearing.

    After initially rejecting the project which in addition to denuding 33 acres of trees will include removing 38 obstruction lights, replacing them with two 110-foot slow flashing beacons, and moving a fence the council approved the $1.2 million project in phases in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Ninety percent of the work is set to be paid for through federal funds, with the state and city each contributing 5 percent.

    Though councilors set tonights meeting to discuss the issue, there is no indication they intend to change course. They have said the project is necessary to improve visibility for pilots along the southern side of the east-west runway, northwest of Poverty Lane and south of Interstate 89, and to comply with federal regulations and requirements by the citys insurer.

    People who do this for a living at the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) say this is a risk, Mayor Georgia Tuttle said of the trees in a phone interview Tuesday. When a pilot flies into an airport with fog, storm or rain, they have to have more than a narrow landing zone.

    In a memo included in the councils packet for tonights meeting, Airport Manager Rick Dyment said that the city committed to comply with FAA safety guidelines when it entered into an agreement with the federal government to operate and maintain the airport in 1941. Subsequently, the city has agreed to 39 FAA grant assurances tied to federal funds.

    Dyment particularly pointed to FAA grant assurance No. 20, which requires that the airport take appropriate action to assure that such terminal airspace as is required to protect instrument and visual operations to the airport ... will be adequately cleared and protected by removing, lowering, relocating, marking, or lighting or otherwise mitigating existing airport hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation of future airport hazards.

    FAA spokesman Jim Peters said in an email that the tree removal project is in accordance with federal regulations and will help to ensure the safety of the airport.

    Federal air safety regulations require airports to identify and mitigate obstructions that may impact airport operations, Peters wrote. The obstruction removal project will enhance the safety of Lebanon Municipal Airport by removing obstructions.

    With the support of federal funds, the city completed an obstruction study in 2009, which identified some of the hills and trees surrounding the airport as interfering with safe landings and takeoffs. It would be totally unrealistic to remove all obstructions, Dyment said in an interview on Tuesday.

    Go here to see the original:
    Logging Plan For Lebanon Airport Up for Review

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