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    Boulder County neighbors stumped after Xcel Energy chops down trees - February 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A group of neighbors in unincorporated Boulder County allege that Xcel Energy has wrongfully and rudely chopped down their trees, but the company says it was all in the name of precaution.

    On Friday morning, Steve Iaconis, who lives in the 7500 block of Panorama Drive, on a hill that overlooks Boulder and sits just east of the city's southern border, returned from the grocery store to find an Xcel-contracted tree removal service hacking away at a branch of a tree that sits on the edge of his property, roughly 30 feet from a giant transmission line that runs through the neighborhood.

    Iaconis moved into the home 18 months ago and said he has taken care of every bit of vegetation that could be considered in the way of Xcel's easement, which, by law, the company can maintain how it sees fit.

    "And still, on a quarterly basis, they come out, come up to my door, take notes, ask whether they can come and clear the property further," he said. "There's nothing left here, and yet they still come back.

    "So, when I came home from the grocery store at 8:15 this morning, I've got three trucks pulled up in front, a guy on a lift cutting my tree," Iaconis said. "The fact that they're still coming back, it's flat-out harassment at this point, when they've come enough times to get an answer of 'no', and they've already been allowed to cut. Enough is enough, already."

    His next-door neighbors are equally vexed. Jon Hinebauch, who lives on the other side of the transmission line, a stone's throw from Iaconis, also had a rude awakening Friday. A pine tree he and his wife planted 40 years ago, shortly after moving into the home, was chopped down entirely.

    Hinebauch's gripe revolves less, however, around the loss of a beloved bit of flora. He claimed that he and company representatives have spoken regularly over the years and that he has been assured several times that the pine, which was about 35 feet from any power line, was not an issue. He and his wife even paid an arborist hundreds of dollars to trim the top of the tree, just in case.

    On Thursday, an employee of Brighton's Wright Tree Service showed up on Xcel's behalf and told Hinebauch the pine would have to be cut down. Hinebauch protested, and the deed was delayed until Friday morning, when Xcel vegetation management supervisor Nick Fox drove out to the property to further explain.

    "After my wife and I talked with them for 45 minutes," Hinebauch said, "telling them everything we've done to mitigate the growth of the tree, they come back with a team of seven or eight people, and they cut down the tree. I felt totally violated. My wife was in tears.

    "We've done everything they've asked us to do. I think it's bad PR on their part to alienate people who've been their customers for 40-some years, and they to be so heavy-handed."

    Original post:
    Boulder County neighbors stumped after Xcel Energy chops down trees

    Tree loss a blow to Toowoomba community - February 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    YOUR SAY: The removal of a large blue gum a year or so ago and now the destruction of more trees along South St in the school grounds of Centenary Heights High School is a loss to the students, the community and to fauna.

    The removal of the blue gum is still being talked about by local people.

    This most valuable and beautiful tree was more than 100-years-old.

    And now we are faced with a greatly spoiled streetscape (that used to be so beautiful), and an ugly collection of school buildings following the removal of more trees.

    What message does this convey to young people who are increasingly disconnecting from nature and connecting more and more to technology?

    There is already a great deal of community anger and sadness over the loss of over 400 mature trees in two local parks in recent weeks, and this is compounded by what appears to be senseless tree destruction at the high school.

    Does the Department of Education bear any responsibility to the environment, the education of students re respect for nature?

    And does it have a responsibility to ensure that the school is not visually ugly and impacting negatively on the streetscape?

    Tree loss a blow to Toowoomba community

    Council briefed on tree ordinance - February 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Trees on on a La Forest Dr. property just south of Los Amigos in La Ca&ntidle;ada Flintridge on Wednesday, April 2, 2014. (Raul Roa / Staff Photographer / February 5, 2015)

    The La Caada Flintridge City Council received a progress report Monday on the citys tree ordinance, which met with some controversy after its passing in 2013.

    Assistant planner Harriet Harris told the council the city has processed 50 tree removal requests since the regulations took effect Aug. 1. A total of 28 were for dead trees, while 12 were emergency removals.

    We did have some instances at the public counter, where if an individual found out they wouldnt have to replace a dead tree and it was close to being dead, they would just allow it to die, she said.

    Harris also wondered whether the council wanted to consider tightening one criterion for removal, which states property owners can request the service for other reasonable cause so long as it doesnt negatively impact views or the character of the neighborhood.

    After some discussion, council members agreed that the ordinance should be left as is for now. Mayor Pro Tem Don Voss said he was glad to see, many months later, the ordinance was working well.

    We had some people a couple years ago predicting that La Caada Flintridge was about to be clear cut. Obviously that has not been the case, he said.

    Go here to read the rest:
    Council briefed on tree ordinance

    Wind Storm Damage at SLHRS Depot 12 30 2014 Tree Removal 1 6 2015 – Video - February 3, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Wind Storm Damage at SLHRS Depot 12 30 2014 Tree Removal 1 6 2015
    On Dec. 30, 2014 a wind storm hit the Bay Area. The big tree in front of our building in Thrasher Park in San Leandro, was blown down into our Station and th...

    By: Paul Salminen

    Wind Storm Damage at SLHRS Depot 12 30 2014 Tree Removal 1 6 2015 - Video

    Confined Tree Removal – Video - February 3, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Confined Tree Removal
    Sectional felling of a Cryptomeria Tree in Palmerston North.

    By: Tree Experts

    See the original post here:
    Confined Tree Removal - Video

    EAB found in Keokuk County - February 3, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Last weeks positive identification of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in Keokuk County brings the number of Iowa counties infested with one of the most destructive tree pests ever found in North America to 19.

    Boone County was put on the infested list in August when EAB, which kills ash trees and already has killed millions across the Midwest, was positively identified by a federal EAB team in the city of Boone in June.

    In Keokuk County, the positive identification of EAB was made by an Iowa EAB Team member who observed an ash tree with evidence of recent woodpecker activity, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). A tree branch was removed and a suspect larva was collected.

    Mike Kinter, the IDALS EAB and gypsy moth coordinator, said the Keokuk find is no real surprise considering the other recent discoveries in nearby areas in December.

    Like many other finds this winter, woodpecker activity continues to capture our attention of potentially EAB infested trees, said Kinter, who in April spoke to city and Boone County staff and the public about the coming infestation. The winter months are an opportune time to scout for the signs we are looking for, such as light-colored bark areas, or flecking, and feeding holes as a result of woodpeckers searching for EAB larvae to feed on.

    The half-inch long metallic green colored beetle kills four species of Iowas ash trees: blue, green, black and white. Experts with the IDALS have said EAB will most likely kill 99 percent of the states ash trees.

    Long before the arrival of EAB, the City of Boone began preparations, namely earmarking funds in a five-year plan for tree removal. It also surveyed and cataloged ash trees in the citys rights of way. The citys parks department has completed its cataloging and has already begun removing ash trees with a girth of 18 inches or less. The removal of larger diameter trees, many with a 50-inch diameter, will be bid out to contractors. There are an estimated 1,000 to 1,200 ash trees in the citys rights of way.

    Classified as a Tree City U.S.A. for 27 years, Boone has created an inventory of its trees. The inventory was converted to a GIS system, which shows the location of species in city rights of ways. Accessed by Smartphones and iPads, the system monitors the trees condition and required maintenance.

    The map of the ash trees in the citys rights of way that have been marked with an X for removal can be seen on the citys website under EAB information ( The city will not charge for removal of a tree in its right of way. Residents are responsible for ash trees on their property. Residents with an ash tree in the right of way adjoining their property can file an appeal with the citys parks department to not have it removed. If successful, the resident is responsible for maintenance, removal and liability of the ash tree, according to the citys website. There is a $50 filing fee for each tree and a $25 fee for each additional tree with a maximum of $150.

    The next window for preventative treatment measures - trunk injection, soil injection, soil drench, or basal trunk sprays - will open in mid-April to mid-May, according to the IDALS.

    Read more here:
    EAB found in Keokuk County

    2014 April pine tree removal 87 feet – Video - February 1, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    2014 April pine tree removal 87 feet
    cutting down tall tree, timber, pine tree removal, Georgia, chainsaw.

    By: flints4

    Read more from the original source:
    2014 April pine tree removal 87 feet - Video

    Tree Removal of Large Oak with Crane – Video - February 1, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal of Large Oak with Crane With precise cuts and careful picks by the crane, Dan Rombold, Giroud Tree Crew Leader, orchestrates removal of large Oak Tree. The tree ...

    By: giroudtree

    See the rest here:
    Tree Removal of Large Oak with Crane - Video

    GUARDIAN TREE SERVICE ALLENTOWN PA TREE REMOVAL – Video - January 31, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder



    See more here:

    BEVO lawn & tree service (pecan tree removal) – Video - January 31, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BEVO lawn tree service (pecan tree removal)
    pecan tree removal.

    By: john pacheco

    Follow this link:
    BEVO lawn & tree service (pecan tree removal) - Video

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