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    Tree Removal Services Directory – DIY, Safey, Methods … - April 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree removal can be a laborious job for an inexperienced individual when it comes to tree stump removal methods, but you just need to identify your options before you start on your tree removal adventures. First, tree removal methods abound, and there is a particular tree removal system that can be perfect for your needs. If you own a chainsaw or an axe grinder, you can opt to go through the manual tree removal method yourself. You can use your chainsaw to cut the trees into your preferred length in order to grind the stump accordingly in an efficient and convenient manner. But without the necessary experience in grinding tree stumps or even the initial method of cutting trees with a chainsaw, this can both be dangerous and hard work indeed.

    Then, you can also opt to cut the trees with a chainsaw and subsequently dig out the tree stump afterwards. This can be very tedious and time-consuming, but this would be the perfect option for you to take in case you don't have the skills that are necessary when it comes to tree stump grinding. Finally, when you don't want to go through the hassles of cutting down trees and subsequently digging out or grinding the tree stumps, you can hire specialists in this particular field that work for tree removal service providers. Just keep in mind that this method need not be expensive, so you should always compare rates of the most established tree removal service providers before you obtain tree removal services.

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    Tree Removal Services Directory - DIY, Safey, Methods ...

    A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Evergreen Trees … - April 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Authors as Published

    Susan C. French, Extension Technician and Bonnie Lee Appleton, Extension Horticulturist, Virginia Tech

    Evergreen trees have leaves that persist year round, and include most conifers and some broad-leaved trees. Evergreen trees generally need less pruning than deciduous trees.

    Conifers are distinguished from other plants by their needle or scale-like leaves, and their seed-bearing cones. Because conifers have dominant leaders, young trees rarely require training-type pruning. The leader is the vertical stem at the top of the trunk. If a young tree has two leaders, prune one out to prevent multiple leader development. Selective branch removal is generally unnecessary as evergreens tend to have wide angles of attachment to the trunk.

    Corrective pruning for evergreen trees consists mainly of dead, diseased, or damaged branch removal. Remove dead wood promptly, by cutting dead branches back to healthy branches. When pruning diseased branches, make thinning cuts into healthy wood, well below the infected area. Thinning cuts remove branches to their points of origin or attachment. Disinfect tools between each cut with products such as "Lysol," "Listerine," or rubbing alcohol. Tests have shown that "Pine-Sol" and household bleach are highly corrosive to metal tools.

    Allow evergreen trees to grow in their natural form. Don't prune into the inactive center (no needles or leaves attached) of whorl-branched conifers because new branches won't form to conceal the stubs.

    When a tree's leader is lost due to storm damage or disease, replace it by splinting to a vertical position the upper lateral on the highest branch. Prune all laterals immediately below the new leader. Use wood or flexible wire splints, removing them after one growing season.

    Current pruning recommendations advise against pruning branches flush to the trunk. Flush cutting is harmful in several ways: it damages bark as pruning tools rub against the trunk, it removes the branch collar, and it goes behind the branch bark ridge. The branch collar is the swollen area of trunk tissue that forms around the base of a branch. The branch bark ridge is a line of rough bark running from the branch-trunk crotch into the trunk bark, less prominent on some trees than on others.

    The best pruning cut is made outside the branch collar, at a 45 to 60 degree angle to the branch bark ridge. Leave the branch collar intact to help prevent decay from entering the trunk.

    Whenever removing limbs greater than one inch in diameter, use the three-cut method to avoid tearing bark. First, about 12 inches from the trunk, cut halfway through the limb from the underside. Second, about 1 inch past the first cut, cut through the limb from the top side. The limb's weight will cause it to break between the two cuts. Make the third cut outside the branch collar, as described in Publication 430-456.

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    A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Evergreen Trees ...

    Tree Removal San Diego CA Arborwest Tree Services … - April 18, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    We are experts in Tree Removal and Safety

    Arborwest Tree removal professionals remove many trees and stumps throughout the year, but they have to take various precautions and measures to protect themselves from fallen limbs and possible injuries. Even then, many still get hurt after taking steps to protect themselves. Tree removal is just a very dangerous job. Thats why homeowners should always hire a professional instead of doing it themselves.

    Below is more information associated with tree removal safety, including injury statistics, information on the dangers of tree removal, safety equipment involved in the process, and tree removal experts safe processes. If you have any other questions about tree removal safety, you can always call or ask a tree service professional in your area.

    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 200 tree-related fatal injuries on average every year in the United States. In 2012, there were 60 injury-related deaths for tree maintenance, with another 120 fatal injuries in forestry and logging services.1 In 2011, the BLS reported 83 tree maintenance injury-related deaths and 125 forestry and logging fatalities from injuries in the field.2 In 2010, 120 forestry and logging service injury-related deaths were reported, with an additional 60 tree maintenance deaths.3 Injury causes included contact with objects and equipment like chainsaws or axes, falling from trees, and transportation incidents.4

    Note these numbers only include injuries that resulted in death, as compiled from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). There are thousands of other injuries from tree care and removal in the United States every year that should be treated with serious consideration.5 Many dangers come with the job, and all the precautions in place sometimes dont protect from injury.

    One of the first major dangers associated with tree removal are the tools. Chainsaws, wood chippers, and other power or hand tools required for tree removal can be dangerous. With even the smallest distraction, a chainsaw or ax can inflict serious damage to hands, legs or arms in just a second. This will then lead to financial damage in terms of hospital costs and recovery. Tree service professional use the tools every single day on the job with proper clothing and still get hurt.6 If someone has no previous experience using the tools, they run the risk of serious harm.

    Another major danger with tree removal is the tree itself. There are a wide variety of dangers associated with trees when attempting to remove them. First, theres the fact that without the proper equipment, people run the risk of falling from the tree and hurting themselves.7 Even with the proper equipment, weak limbs can act as bad support systems leading to falls. Second is the possible proximity to electrical lines. If someone is working on a tree close to power or telephone lines and falls back towards one or hits it with their equipment, they could get electrocuted.8

    Then there are the possible hazards in or on the tree itself. Some trees could be home to poisonous insects and plants that, without the proper clothing, could lead to a hospital visit. Thats why tree removal professionals wear heavy-duty work gloves and other protective gear when scaling trees. Trees can also sometimes have poisonous chemicals leaking onto them from power lines, which is why professionals carefully inspect trees before taking them down. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) outlines various regulations when dealing with hazards like these.9

    One other major hazard inside the tree is rotting wood or deadwood. If the tree is in the process of dying, this mean its unstable and unpredictable when coming down. Dead or dying trees often have hollowed-out trunks and unstable limbs that make it hard to use regular power tools without increasing the risk. Often the best, although most expensive, way to get a dead tree removed involves a crane.10 So if you start seeing signs of rot in your tree, dont wait until its already dead to have it removed.

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    Tree Removal San Diego CA Arborwest Tree Services ...

    Greenwood lake 10925 tree service-tree removal – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Greenwood lake 10925 tree service-tree removal
    via YouTube Capture.

    By: Hickory tree landscaping inc.

    Greenwood lake 10925 tree service-tree removal - Video

    Tree removal! Monroe ny10950 tree service – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree removal! Monroe ny10950 tree service
    via YouTube Capture.

    By: Hickory tree landscaping inc.

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    Tree removal! Monroe ny10950 tree service - Video

    Baltimore Tree Removal – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Baltimore Tree Removal
    High Quality Tree Removal Service Company In Baltimore MD. We offer trimmings, pruning and much more...

    By: 4 Exposure Marketing

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    Baltimore Tree Removal - Video

    Baltimore Tree Removal Service Companies – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Baltimore Tree Removal Service Companies
    High Quality Tree Removal Service Company.

    By: 4 Exposure Marketing

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    Baltimore Tree Removal Service Companies - Video

    New fight over native tree in west Auckland - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Published: 5:20AM Thursday April 09, 2015 Source: ONE News

    Bid to save pohutakawa tree in Huia - Source: Supplied

    A new fight over an iconic native tree is brewing between Auckland Council and residents in a small west Auckland township.

    On Tuesday the council sent a tree removal contractor to Huia to remove a pohutukawa tree from the foreshore area but left with the specimen still standing after intervention from locals who demanded to see consent paperwork.

    One concerned resident briefly climbed the tree but spent a much shorter time on the trunk than activist Michael Tavares's 80-hour stint in nearby Titirangi last month on behalf of a historic kauri.

    The council says inspection by arborists show the Huia pohutukawa is badly damaged and needs to be removed as there is a threat to public safety.

    "Coastal erosion has exposed a large portion of the tree's root system and undermined at least 50% of the tree's root plate," said Grant Jennings, Manager Local and Sports Parks West.

    Jennings said the tree could fall onto a power line, septic system, toilet block and public access areas. That constitutes an "immediate risk" to people and property so resource consent to remove it is not required.

    But the council does accept that community interest is high and has now halted any attempt to fell the tree until after a public meeting next week.

    The protesting locals - aligned to theHuiaSOS group on Facebook and running anonline petition - are claiming a partial victory, but the group believes the tree's fate is only a portion of a much larger plan to remove the seawall entirely at Huia.

    New fight over native tree in west Auckland

    Protesters gather to save Auckland pohutukawa tree - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder


    Last updated16:07, April 9 2015


    Huia tree and reserve protest/debate

    Protesters are gathering to try to save another native tree in West Auckland.

    Just weeks after national attention was focused on Titirangi and the attempts to save a kauri tree that was facing the chop, a second tree in the area is at the centre of a battle over its future.

    The pohutukawa tree on the foreshore at Huia, on the Manukau Harbour, has been condemned by the Auckland Council, which says it is badly damaged and a threat to public safety.

    However, some locals say the tree's fate is part of a bigger plan to remove the Huia Domain.

    Environmental campaigner Michael Tavares, who spent several days in the branches of the kauri during the earlier protest, plans to protest against the fate of the pohutukawa on Thursday.

    He said the issue in Huia was over how the domain could be best environmentally managed.

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    Protesters gather to save Auckland pohutukawa tree

    Sewickley tree removal plan riles residents - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A road project that would call for 33 trees to be removed from Centennial Avenue in Sewickley has drawn objections from residents.

    Borough officials were scheduled to meet this week with residents of Centennial Avenue from Blackburn Road to Boundary Street and residents of Cochran Street from Beaver Street to Nevin Avenue to discuss the project. A petition to keep the trees, including London planes and sycamores, has been signed by more than 150 residents.

    Nadja Jones, who has lived on Centennial Avenue with her husband, Mark, for about three years, said residents initially were unaware that the road project called for the trees to be removed.

    These are huge. They're gorgeous. They're part of the community. They are the community, Nadja Jones said.

    The project includes road paving and sidewalk and curb repairs. Borough manager Kevin Flannery said borough officials have been working to stay on a roadwork schedule. He said the borough arborist said if the curbs are to be replaced, the trees must be removed.

    Trees would be replanted as part of the project.

    If the residents don't want the trees touched, then we're not going to be able to do the curbs and the sidewalks, Flannery said.

    Mark Jones said he would be happy if only the road were paved. He said he wished there were better communication between borough officials and residents on what the plan was for their street.

    There's no way that residents, as busy as everybody is, can go to all the meetings to ensure that nothing is going to happen in their neighborhood, Jones said.

    Flannery said officials would try to communication and possibly begin the roadwork process earlier in the year. He said sidewalks are the property owners' responsibility.

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    Sewickley tree removal plan riles residents

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