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    Tree removal work begins on part of Bridge Avenue – Albert Lea Tribune – Albert Lea Tribune - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Beginning Thursday, tree removal work on Bridge Avenue will require the intermittent closure of Bridge Avenue to allow the safe removal of large trees, according to a press release. The tree removal contractor will work in the general area between Hawthorne Avenue and Marshall Street on Bridge Avenue.

    The public is asked to honor the detour and follow the signed route to ensure the safety of both the public and the crew working on the trees.

    The road closures will be lifted at the end of each working day so that Bridge Avenue is open to traffic in the evenings and overnight. The work will take about a week and half, weather permitting.

    Anyone with questions about the closures or nature of the work can contact Phil Wacholz, assistant director of Public Works, at 507-377-4378.

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    Tree removal work begins on part of Bridge Avenue - Albert Lea Tribune - Albert Lea Tribune

    Tree removal to impact traffic along Hill Road in Grand Blanc area – - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    GENESEE COUNTY, MI The removal of trees as part of preparation for a road widening project will impact a section of Hill Road for several days.

    The Genesee County Road Commission announced trees will be removed beginning Monday, March 2 in the right-of-way on Hill Road, between Saginaw and Center roads in Grand Blanc Township.

    Daytime lane closures are scheduled from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 2 and Tuesday, March 3.

    Motorists are advised to slow down and allow additional time to reach their destination.

    The same portion of road will be fully closed to all thru traffic from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day beginning Wednesday, March 4 for approximately one week, per the county road commission.

    Motorists will need to seek an alternate route.

    Gerrad Godley, the county road commissions construction department manager, said the widening project is scheduled to begin in April and be completed by end of August.

    He noted the work is being done as the portion of Hill Road is heavily traffic, a main thoroughfare for Grand Blanc Community Schools, two cemeteries in the area, and experiences a high volume of commuter traffic to and from Interstate 475.

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    I Am Deeply Disturbed by The Removal of Numerous Trees in Scotch Plains – - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Dear Editor:

    I am deeply upset and disturbed by the removal of numerous trees recently on the lot at the corner of Glenside Road and Route 22 in Scotch Plains. Many residents in the neighborhood, which is also my neighborhood, have approached me and asked why these trees were removed, as they had been there for as long as we could remember and provided a sound barrier from the Route 22 traffic.

    The answer, provided by the state, is that ONE person complained about visibility. I am confused as to how one persons complaint can result in the removal of dozens of trees that have been there for decades. While I acknowledge that there were some downed trees from storms in the past, I dont know why so many had to be cut down, and the tree stumps are still on that lot as of March 1, 2020. I understand that the state is possibly changing landscaping contractors, but I implore you to provide us with trees for that lot as soon as possible, and we, the residents of Scotch Plains, will plant them ourselves.

    Our newsletter delivers the local news that you can trust.

    We do not want to have to wait until the DOT approves a new landscaping contract this fall. In Scotch Plains, we have an active Green Team that is committed to educating residents on how to incorporate more sustainable habits into daily living, and planting trees and conserving our green space (especially near highways) is near the top of the list. Not only do trees absorb the noise from the highway, but they also turn the harmful emissions from vehicles into clean air for all of us to breathe. Having the state come in and remove so many of our trees is contradictory to our mission.

    In fact, I was planning to reach out to the state about providing more trees along the adjacent state property that surrounds the gas station. Additionally, we have many deer in the area that rely on the small regions of open space and now that is one less area for them to inhabit.

    In the future, I hope that the state will reach out to the Township of Scotch Plains ManagerAl Mirabellabefore infringing on such fragile space. Please advise as to when the stumps will be removed and when we can expect to receive new trees for us to plant in that area. Thank you.

    Elizabeth Stamler (and other concerned residents)CouncilwomanScotch Plains

    Editor's Note:This letter was sent to the NJDepartment of Transportation advising them of Councilwoman Stamler's (and her neighborhoods) concernwhen trees were removed along Route 22. It was sent on March 2, 2020, via email to Christopher Tomlin, Executive Director of the North region, DOT.

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    Ship Bottom to Consider Ordinance to Regulate Tree Cutting – The SandPaper - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ship Bottom officials arent letting any grass grow under their feet, so to speak. For the second consecutive meeting, the governing body has taken steps to strengthen beach and dune protection in the borough after a clear cutting of dune vegetation at a new build on 17th Street, set to play out in municipal court this week.

    At the councils Feb. 25 meeting, the council unanimously passed Ordinance 02-2020 C after a public hearing that netted no public comment. The ordinance sets the maximum fine for anyone violating or failing to comply with the boroughs beach protection and bulkhead law at $2,000.

    The maximum fine is set by state authority, not local. Ultimately, the monetary fine in a court proceeding is determined by the municipal court judge, Borough Solicitor Christopher J. Connors said during the meeting.

    Currently, the monetary fine is set at no more than $1,000, with the possibility of imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days or community service not to exceed 90 days, or a combination of the three as determined by the municipal judge. Imprisonment, community service and the discretion of the municipal judge remain the same in the proposed measure.

    Prior to the passage of Ordinance 02-2020C, the council discussed putting into play tree trimming regulations similar to those Barnegat Light has established.

    I want an ordinance, Mayor William Huelsenbeck said of tree trimming regulations, not a memo.

    Councilman Tom Tallon said if the boroughs code enforcement officer needs to be onsite for a tree trimming, then a permit fee should be included in any proposed measure.

    Kathleen Flanagan, borough coordinator, said the tree cutting incident on 17th Street was a situation where too many trees were removed than were permitted to be eliminated.

    In Ship Bottom, if trees are dead, they can be removed as long as the homeowner or landscaper has the permission of the borough engineer, according to Flanagan.

    Someone said he said yes to the clear cutting, Flanagan said of Frank Little, borough engineer.

    In January, Judge James Liguori adjourned the case of the cutting of dune vegetation until March 5, allowing the appropriate parties time to develop and submit a plan to restore dune vegetation. Under municipal code, dune restoration requires an application be made that includes a description of the activities to be performed, the equipment to be used and any other information the borough engineer deems necessary to properly review the proposed work. Restoration work cannot begin until a permit has been issued by the borough. The work must then begin within 10 days and be completed within 30 days unless otherwise approved by the governing body, according to municipal code.

    At the Jan. 16 court date, the only individual present on the matter was a contractor, who said his sign was on the property, but he didnt remove the dune vegetation. The homeowner and any other individual party to the removal of dune grasses and trees were expected to be issued summonses to appear in municipal court on charges they violated Ship Bottoms beach and dune maintenance laws.

    In Ship Bottom, preserving the beach-dune system is the responsibility of the property owner if or when maintenance is necessary on private property, according to the boroughs municipal code. Should the property owner fail to begin or complete the work within the approved time frame, the borough has the right to perform the work. The cost would be assessed to the property owner as a lien and levied as a tax on the land, under municipal code. Restoration work must be finished by May 15 and cannot begin any earlier than Oct. 15 unless approved by the borough council.

    Gina G. Scala

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    Ship Bottom to Consider Ordinance to Regulate Tree Cutting - The SandPaper

    Ridgefield tree cutting leads to $43000 settlement – The Ridgefield Press - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Cutting trees can be costly especially if theyre in town open space.

    The Board of Selectmen has accepted a $43,000 settlement from property owners and their contractor held responsible for cutting trees on town open space land the third monetary settlement of tree-cutting on open space in eight years.

    Together the three settlements have brought the town $153,000 most of it flowing into the towns open space fund, with perhaps $30,000 or $35,000 going to legal fees, Conservation Commission chairman James Coyle estimated.

    The cutting down of trees that have been standing for decades has serious and far reaching repercussions, Coyle said to The Press. Trees serve functions in our ecosystem that no other organism can entirely match. Among other functions they reduce CO2, provide oxygen, moderate temperature, provide habitat for wildlife, and reduce erosion. And last but not least, they are beautiful to look at and soothe our souls.

    First Selectman Rudy Marconi viewed the legal action that led to the settlement as a stand by the town in defense of its open spaces.

    You cant go on town property and cut trees, Marconi said. You should know where your property lines are.

    Marconi spoke as the most recent settlement, stemming from tree-cutting in open space off Peaceable Ridge Road, was being considered by the selectmen before their 4-to-0 vote to approve it on Wednesday night, Feb. 19.

    In the settlement agreement the property owners deny any knowledge of the removal of such trees until being notified by the Town of Ridgefield Conservation Commission of an open space violation.

    Marconi noted that the town had reached settlements in two other cases of tree-cutting in open space one for about $23,000 off Barrack Hill Road and another for $80,000 off North Salem Road.

    Coyle said there was more than money to the settlement.

    An integral part of this is the property owners agree to clean up the mess they made, Coyle told the selectmen.

    But the money is part of it.

    Well take part of that settlement and do some replanting, Coyle said.

    He gave The Press the background that led to the agreement.

    The settlement at Peaceable Ridge Road relates to the cutting down of five large (16- to 24-inch diameter) trees on the towns West Mountain/McManus Section open space, Coyle said. The cut trees were spotted by a Conservation Commission member in the spring of 2019.

    The property owner had hired a landscape contractor to do some clearing on his property. Unfortunately the contractor did not respect the property boundary and the five trees were on town open space.

    A Notice of Violation pursuant to the Ridgefield Open Space Use Ordinance Chapter 262 was issued in June 2019 for the unauthorized cutting of trees and placement or dumping of waste materials, including cut trees.

    Discussion at the selectmens meeting revealed that the contractor was paying $27,500 of the settlement, and the homeowners were paying $15,500.

    Colye told the selectmen a lot of negotiating went into the agreement.

    We went around and around and did a little compromising, Coyle told the selectmen.

    Selectman Sean Connelly asked if the $43,000 was a sufficient amount to discourage similar violations in the future.

    Someone says Im going to get a really nice view here. Is that enough of a deterrent? he asked.

    Coyle said the value of the trees cut was assigned in accordance with the latest revision of The Guide for Plant Appraisal, as published by the International Society of Arboriculture, Urbana, Illinois which he described as a manual in its ninth of tenth edition.

    A lot of factors help determine the trees monetary value.

    Its a function of the diameter of the trees, the location of the trees, Coyle said.

    This is a number accepted by the courts, he added.

    The courts have at times imposed penalties exceeding the value of the trees cut, according to Coyle.

    Had this violation proceeded to trial, he told The Press, the judge would have been able to apply a penalty of up to five times the value of the trees cut down.

    In one of the largest settlements to date in Connecticut (a court decision relating to a property in Old Lyme), the judge applied a penalty multiplier of 3.5 to the calculated amount (the State Law allows a judge to apply a penalty multiplier of 1-5). This resulted in damages and court costs of $650,000, he said.

    Coyle described for The Press the two other significant settlements in Ridgefield concerning tree cutting.

    In 2016 a property owner on North Salem Road cut down five trees on town-owned open space property allegedly to improve his lake views. A nearby homeowner informed the Conservation Commission, the cutting was stopped, and an investigation conducted. The town went to court and reached a settlement in 2017 for $85,000.

    The tree-cutting on Old Sib Road happened in 2012 and involved the loss of about a dozen trees.

    This was settled out of court for around $25,000,. Coyle said.

    The Conservation Commission takes great pride in our vast network of open spaces in Ridgefield, he said. We both maintain those open spaces and enforce our Open Space Use Ordinance to protect them.

    Here is the original post:
    Ridgefield tree cutting leads to $43000 settlement - The Ridgefield Press

    Importance of FireSmarting your home highlighted at Quesnel open house – Quesnel Cariboo Observer - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    With spring coming, encouraging residents to FireSmart their homes and properties as they plan their spring cleanup projects was a priority at the City of Quesnels Forestry Innovation Centre open house.

    At the open house, held Saturday, Feb. 29, representatives from the Citys Forestry Initiatives Program, the B.C. Wildfire Service and the United Way Fire Mitigation Project were available to provide information about reducing your risk during wildfire season.

    The Citys Forestry Initiatives Program has new FireSmart information banners, which will be displayed during the PeeWee provincials and the Central Interior Hockey League Coy Cup, at the Quesnel Library and at the Quesnel Arts and Recreation Centre in the coming months.

    The City will also have a booth with FireSmart information at the Quesnel Home and Outdoor Adventure Show April 18-19 and is planning another Forestry Innovation Centre open house at the end of April. The City is also working on organizing a Wildfire Preparedness Day for a date to be determined in May.

    FireSmart B.C. tips for homeowners include everything from moving firewood 10-30 metres from your home and cleaning your roof and gutters of leaves and pine needles to having a wildfire evacuation plan with your household and keeping grass cut to less than 10 centimetres.

    The United Way Fire Mitigation Project helps seniors and people who face mobility or mental health barriers protect their homes through the FireSmart principles.

    The program runs until the end of August, and supervisors Ray Jungaro and Gary Horley say theyve been working pretty much all over the region so far.

    Last month, they met with people who live around Troll Ski Resort, and Horley says they will start doing some pruning work there once the snow melts a bit. They are also going to present information about the program at a public meeting April 15 at the Sunset Theatre in Wells, which is being organized by the Wells-Barkerville Community Forest.

    Were looking forward to that, said Horley. Its pretty well promoted by their Community Forest. I think well spend quite a bit of time east.

    Horley and Jungaro held a meeting in Alexandria last week, and they expect theyll be doing quite a bit of work there too.

    Through the United Way Fire Mitigation Project, a crew of four, led by a trained supervisor, will conduct fire mitigation assessments and activities on residential properties, following the guidelines set out by FireSmart Canada and B.C. Wildfire Service.

    The crew will do a formal assessment of your property to identify areas where your home may be at risk, looking at everything from the materials used to build your home to the type of vegetation on your property. After the assessment, crew members will do some mitigation activities, such as moving woodpiles and relocating flammable materials to a safer distance, clearing dead organic waste from your property, clearing gutters and basic landscaping maintenance, such as pruning tress and shrubs of their dead limbs and removing tall grasses.

    They will also provide recommendations and information on how to have other activities, such as tree removal and thinning or roof replacement, done.

    This project is aimed at seniors and community members who face mobility and/or mental health barriers who have difficulty or are unable to complete the activities themselves. For those who meet the eligibility requirements, the service is free.

    This winter, Jungaro and Horley and their crew have also been helping clear driveways for seniors who cannot do it on their own.

    We were glad we could do that, said Horley.

    The crew also recently helped a senior who had been badly hurt by chopping and stacking her firewood.

    Jungaro and Horley will be taking part in Local FireSmart Representative training March 25-26, and after that, they will be included in the B.C. FireSmart website.

    Jungaro and Horley will be presenting more information about the Fire Mitigation Project April 18-19 at the Quesnel Home and Outdoor Adventure Show.

    For more information about the United Way Fire Mitigation Project, contact Ray Jungaro at 250-992-1508 or Garry Horley at 250-991-6143 or email either of them at

    For more information about FireSmart, visit

    READ MORE: Quesnels United Way Fire Mitigation Project has been a success so far


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    Importance of FireSmarting your home highlighted at Quesnel open house - Quesnel Cariboo Observer

    Tree removal may impact traffic in Colwood Tuesday and Wednesday – Victoria News - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    City crews are removing trees along the intersection of Veterans Memorial Parkway and Latoria Road in Colwood to make way for the construction of new roads on the Olympic View development. There will be 34 new lots for single family home and three sites for multi-family townhomes. (Aaron Guillen/News Staff)

    Crews near intersection of Veterans Memorial Parkway and Latoria Road from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Tree removal for a new development may impact traffic in Colwood Tuesday and Wednesday.

    City crews and an arborist are working near the intersection of Latoria Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Wednesday, March 4.

    Trees have been coming down since Tuesday to make way for a new development in Colwood.

    City crews and an arborist were working at the intersection of Latoria Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway to prepare for the Olympic View development, which will become a four-way intersection down the road.

    Traffic came to brief stops as crews topped trees and began clearing the area for development.

    RELATED: Colwood approves new single-lane roundabout at intersection with immediate need for improvement

    ALSO READ: Royal Bay student hit by driver while heading to first day of 2020 classes

    Currently, the owners of the Olympic View property are preparing for the construction of new roads as a next step in creating 34 lots for single family homes and three sites for multi-family townhomes.

    Designs for a single-lane roundabout at Veterans Memorial Parkway and Latoria Road are being finalized now.

    Though trees may be coming down, there is a tree management plan in place that will keep hundreds of trees and protect environmentally sensitive areas. The Olympic View development will be designed to fit homes into the natural landscape.


    City crews will be removing trees along the intersection of Veterans Memorial Parkway and Latoria Road in Colwood on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Courtesy of City of Colwood)

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    Tree removal may impact traffic in Colwood Tuesday and Wednesday - Victoria News

    BUNNY IN THE CITY: Friend-raiser explores the value of trees – Savannah Morning News - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    I love trees! From live oaks in Louisiana, sequoias in California to Cypress trees deep in south Georgia swamps, I have traipsed across the country to see natures tallest treasures. So today is super easy to drive up Habersham Street to the Savannah Tree Foundation Georgia Arbor Day Block Party at Green Truck Pub.

    Checking out the colorful tents, live demonstrations and a cool green produce truck, I head over to talk with foundation Executive Director Zoe Rinker. Charged with preserving, protecting and planting urban trees locally, Zoe tells me, Green Truck Pub wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary and came up with the idea of celebrating trees on Arbor Day.

    Loving how this event focused on families that plant together stay together, it makes senses that the next people I see are Hunter Cattle Co. A fan since day one, I hug Del and Debra Ferguson, then take a seat on a hay bale to get an update on my favorite grass fed, no antibiotics, hormones, ingredients or preservatives cattle family.

    With close to 1,000 cattle on their 300 acre farm and with partnering farmers, Del tells me they are selling grass fed beef to Green Truck Pub, Elle Tran and Local on 17 and how excited they are to debut their clean, natural meadow bloom tallow soaps and lotions.

    After a pic of them with sons Daniel and Riley, I trot over for pics of photo reluctant Nancy Hayward with Constantinos Papaconstantinou and Jen Hayward, then the leader of all things healthy, the indomitable Paula Kreissler.

    I once said, wherever she leads I will follow, and I cannot express how I love and admire the woman that made smoking indoors illegal and has changed local school food plans. After a long hug of love, I pose her with Joa Bello and Melissa Memory winners of the best names of the day.

    Next I pose Zoes husband Rob with Savannah Tree Foundation board member Jody Trumbull and office administrator Haley Gary. The Florida native tells me, Savannahs trees are the entire reason we moved to here. It took us three years to get here and we want to put down roots.

    Another person with love of trees is with Evergreen Tree Service, Jenna and Robert Cuilty. Busy snipping and shaping a small evergreen, the Savannah loving couple tell me, We are tree care solutions and do everything from plant health care to tree removal and pruning.

    Across from their tent is a big group of guys making a lot of noise with their wood turning mid-lathe. With 43 members offering free demonstrations on the last Thursday of each month at Georgia State Railroad Museum, I pause to hear Lowcountry Turners President Dan Lee talk about the bowls, platters and vessels on his display table.

    Dan shows birch from his backyard, cherry wood from Hurricane Matthew and a live oak from Wilmington Island, then the finished product. I may be obsessed with this new-to-me nonprofit as I watch Lonnie Bott make nice little cuts into a tulip poplar wood blank, then hand me a colorful tiny spin top!

    Dragging my feet away, I head over to pose Mark Bowen from Forsyth Farmers Market in front of his fresh produce truck, then pause Savannah Derby Devil member Kiona Heredia aka CleoCatra, Sarah Handy aka Handy Dufresne, and Ivette Foreit aka Ms. Elle Crisis for a fun pic.

    Slowing down, I wait for Zoe to wrangle Green Truck Pubs Whitney and Josh Yates away from a standing-room-only restaurant. We love trees, and planting trees is the best way we can give back to the community that supports us. Having a friend-raiser along with matching donations all month will make our goal of 10 trees possible, shares the fellow tree lovers.

    With a final lap through the perfect Sunday party, Zoe shares, Today was particularly exciting because of all the children attending, thats truly who we are planting for. The trees we plant today will continue to provide shade, clean the air and beautify our community well into the future.

    Amen! With future plans to track down some aspens in Yellowstone National Park, I will remain content to live in a city cuddled by the long arms of century-old oaks, swaying pines and magnificent magnolias. Thank you Savannah Tree Foundation for being the ultimate caretaker of our natural treasures!

    Invite Bunny to your gathering, gala or other social event. Contact Bunny at 912-844-1122 or email her at

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    BUNNY IN THE CITY: Friend-raiser explores the value of trees - Savannah Morning News

    Mature trees outside Tesco have been cut down a week after campaigners wrapped themselves around them – Wales Online - March 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Trees that were given a stay of execution after protesters threw themselves around their trunks, have finally been cut down.

    The trees along Wellington Road next to the large Tesco store in Swansea city centre were due to be felled as part of the first phase of the ongoing 135million revamp of the city centre.

    Eight trees in total were due to be removed, although Swansea Council said it would be planting 17 smaller trees elsewhere to mitigate the loss.

    But when contractors moved onto the site two weeks ago, supporters of campaign groups including Save Swansea Trees and Swansea Tree Forum forced a delay by wrapping themselves around the trunks .

    A discussion ensued with council officers, and the felling was postponed.

    The stand-off prompted a row between Swansea Council leader Rob Stewart, who said groups had been kept updated with the plans, a claim disputed by The Woodland Trust, which insisted it had not been consulted about the felling.

    Mr Stewart claimed the Woodland Trust was invited to a meeting about the trees but declined.

    Joseph Coles, urban programme lead for the Woodland Trust said: The Trust has been supporting Save Swanseas Trees and the Swansea Tree Forum since they brought our attention the significant tree removals taking place in the city centre back in 2018.

    We have acknowledged that in some circumstances, trees were removed for acceptable reasons where evidence was provided, and we applaud the commitments Swansea is making to the climate emergency, green infrastructure and biodiversity through its city development.

    We also appreciate the councils recognition that residents are concerned about tree removal.

    We also recognise that planning permission was approved last year for the removal of trees as part of large-scale redevelopment in Swansea.

    However, we must emphasise that contrary to the statement made by Swansea Council, we were not consulted, nor did we endorse the removal of these semi-mature trees on Wellington Street without evidence of their location and status.

    In a lengthy article published in the Swansea Evening Post on Wednesday, March 4, Coun Stewart listed the public consultations and separate consultations for interested parties as well as outlining the people individually contacted to attend the meetings.

    He also reiterated why the work was carried out. He said: "The Wellington Street reconfiguration is being undertaken to improve access for buses/coaches/taxis and to improve disabled access. The work is also required to improve the access in Tesco and reduce the congestion onto Westway.

    "The works form part of the reconfiguration to support the creation of the new Swansea Central Phase 1 development."

    A spokesman for Swansea Council said: "While its always regrettable to have to remove trees, we have said right from the start that a number would have to make way if we were going to successfully deliver the Swansea arena project.

    "We obtained planning permission to do the work. By smart planning we were able to save a number of trees originally earmarked for removal but, unfortunately, it was not possible to deliver a new entrance for Tesco and two way traffic without removing eight trees.

    "We will be planting 17 replacements and all will be semi-mature and around 9m high when planted. Visitors to Wellington Street will be able to enjoy even more London Plane Trees than before because five are being planted to replace the four that were removed."

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    Mature trees outside Tesco have been cut down a week after campaigners wrapped themselves around them - Wales Online

    Old water oak proves pre-emptive tree removal is sometimes best – NWAOnline - February 17, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    I have no idea. I leave that question to the philosophers and physicists. But I do know that if a tree in your yard falls on your house while you're in it, you darn well will hear it. And the sound will make your heart jump out of your chest like the creature in Alien, and your emergency savings fund will disappear faster than a puff of pollen.

    That scenario was precisely the one I chose to avoid when I had the old water oak tree removed from my yard this week. Though I was sad to see her go, I decided it was better she leave on my terms than on hers.

    The old oak was nearing the end of her years, two arborists told me. Hurricanes had damaged her once regal crown. Now, where branches had once been, open cavities the size of wastebaskets pocked the trunk, opening doors for decay.

    "We won't know till we get up there how bad it is, but I can tell you she's compromised," said Alec Lantagne, a certified arborist and partner at The Sunbelt Tree Service, which serves Central Florida.

    He pointed to a section of root that was beginning to lift. "This indicates instability."

    I look up into the canopy of the 50-foot tree, a big part of the landscape around here, and feel sad.

    I turn tables and ask, "If this tree were in your yard, would you cut it down?"

    He thinks a minute. "I wouldn't have a water oak near my house," he said.

    I don't just take his word for it. I do some research. Unlike live oaks, those sturdy majestic soldiers that can live for hundreds of years, water oaks only live 50 to 60 years. Like a bad marriage, when they fail, they can take a house with them. "Water oaks, sometimes called laurel oaks are fast-growing, short-lived trees that don't do well in hurricanes," read one report. Great. "Laurel oaks are not very good at containing decay, so it spreads throughout the tree," said another. Fantastic.

    You only have to live through one hurricane and see the aftermath of trees on their sides, lying on fences, cars and roofs, to realize you don't get to pick which way a tree falls or when.

    "I didn't become an arborist because I don't love trees," Lantagne said, sensing my resistance. "Trees are important for the environment. They provide shade and beauty and homes for wildlife, but sometimes they need to come down. This is one of those times."

    If she didn't topple over, she was on the verge of dropping large sections, he said, and with wood that weighs 80-pounds a square foot, that's not a blow you want to take.

    Here's what else I learned about tree removal:

    Ask before you cut. Find out the rules in your town, and check with your homeowner's association before you remove a tree. Many cities require you to get a permit first. If the tree is dead or diseased, you shouldn't have any trouble getting permission.

    Assess your risk. Disease and instability are the most common reasons homeowners have trees removed. Arborists can help tree owners determine their liability by noting the tree species, the extent of its root system, its age and health. They look for signs of beetle infestation, cavities, fungus, trunk discoloration, or other signs of compromise. "Companies with certified arborists are less likely to take down a tree that doesn't need to come down," Lantagne said. "Sometimes you just need to prune the tree, so it doesn't act like a sail in the wind."

    Hire bona fide pros. Taking down a large tree properly and safely is not a job for an amateur lumberjack. It involves math and physics, Lantagne said. When hiring a tree service, look for one that has a certified arborist. Make sure the company carries liability insurance for tree work and workers comp. Lantagne showed me certificates for both without hesitation. Be sure the company is based locally, has good referrals, a legitimate office, and a person easy to reach by phone, not just a P.O. Box and a truck. "A lot can go wrong," Lantagne said. "You want to be sure you're working with a reputable company."

    Know the plan. The day before our tree came down, Lantagne came by to figure out where to park his chipper so it wouldn't interfere with traffic, and how to remove sections of the fence for better access. The next day, his crew set up a pulley-rope system and began taking the old oak down gracefully, lowering branches to the ground carefully, almost ceremoniously.

    Remove and replace. Some cities require homeowners to replant a tree if they remove one. Even if it's not required, it's nice to do. Soon, three crepe myrtles will stand where the old water oak once was, providing shade and a home for birds and squirrels minus the threat.

    Syndicated columnist Marni Jameson is the author of five home and lifestyle books, including Downsizing the Blended Home When Two Households Become One (Sterling Publishing, Dec. 2019).

    HomeStyle on 02/15/2020

    See the article here:
    Old water oak proves pre-emptive tree removal is sometimes best - NWAOnline

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