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    Electricity companies given power to charge over tree removal - November 10, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Nov. 10, 2014, 4:46 p.m.

    Electricity companies have been given the power to remove or cut trees on private land and charge the owners for it, if the company decides the trees may be a bushfire risk.

    Electricitycompanies have been given the power to remove or cut trees on private land and charge the owners for it, if the company decides the trees may be a bushfire risk.

    Network providers can take the steps if a property owner fails to remove a tree the company has told them to chop.

    The move comes as the state government has been forced to review controversial new laws allowing landowners to remove any tree within 10 metres of their homes, if they are near bushfire-prone land.

    Those laws have been criticised as being an overly blunt instrument that has allowed the clearing of trees in coastal areas to improve water views.

    The latest law, also in the name of bushfire risk mitigation, would give electricity companies the power to override environmental protection, threatened species or national parks laws.

    Power companies will not need permission to enter private land on a particular day, and they will not be liable for any additional damage done to the property while acting under this power.

    The definition of bushfire-prone land is the same as under the previous new tree clearing rules: fire risk maps approved by the Rural Fire Service. These maps mostly describe areas that are indisputably bushfire-prone, but have been criticised for quirks that include some coastal areas that have never burned, such as parts of Mosman and beachside Gerroa.

    Under the new laws, passed with the help of the Opposition last week, electricity companies can now identify trees they decide could make the network operators electricity works become a potential cause of bushfire. They then direct the landowner as to the works required, and give them 30 days to perform it to the companys specifications.

    Read the original:
    Electricity companies given power to charge over tree removal

    Palm Tree Removal "Take Down" Ormond Beach Florida Tree Removal – Video - November 9, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Palm Tree Removal "Take Down" Ormond Beach Florida Tree Removal
    Ormond Beach Florida Tree Removal Tree Worx.

    By: Tree Worx

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    Palm Tree Removal "Take Down" Ormond Beach Florida Tree Removal - Video

    Tree Lopper Service Adelaide – Call now at 08 7100 1599 – Video - November 7, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Lopper Service Adelaide - Call now at 08 7100 1599 Emergency Tree Removal in Adelaide At Adelaide Tree Removal we love our job and are very committed to the care and management of trees. Tree removal is harmful ...

    By: Aaron Arborist

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    Tree Lopper Service Adelaide - Call now at 08 7100 1599 - Video

    Tree Lopping Adelaide – Contact on (08) 7100-1599 – Video - November 7, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Lopping Adelaide - Contact on (08) 7100-1599 Tree Removal in Adelaide At Adelaide Tree Removal we really like our job and are extremely devoted to the care and management of trees. Tree removal is hazardous.

    By: Aaron Arborist

    Follow this link:
    Tree Lopping Adelaide - Contact on (08) 7100-1599 - Video

    Tree Lopping Service Adelaide – Call on 08 7100 1599 – Video - November 7, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Lopping Service Adelaide - Call on 08 7100 1599 Stump Removal in Adelaide At Adelaide Tree Removal we adore our job and are really devoted towards the care and management of trees. Tree removal is unsafe ...

    By: Aaron Arborist

    See the article here:
    Tree Lopping Service Adelaide - Call on 08 7100 1599 - Video

    Housing plans put Napa 'moose' tree in limbo - November 7, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The most famous animal within Napa city limits is no beast, but a misshapen bulge from the side of a 50-foot-tall eucalyptus off Dry Creek Road.

    It takes only a bit of squinting at its broad trunk to see a snout and antlers, and countless unknown passers-by have used spray paint to fill in the picture, or to create their own images.

    Over the years, this three-dimensional Rorschach blot has sported the rainbow colors of the gay-rights movement, or an orange-and-black pattern after yet another San Francisco Giants world championship or the eyes, nose and mouth that complete its usual image, the head of a moose.

    Soon, however, the wooden animal head well enough known to merit its own Facebook page may need a new home, as a developer seeks the citys blessing to build 14 houses near the tree bearing the moose head not to mention a sidewalk directly through where the tree stands, weathered and weakened.

    Edenbridge Homes, a Cupertino firm, has filed plans with the city for a cluster of houses just east of Dry Creek Road, south of Trower Avenue. To make room for the three- to five-bedroom dwellings, and an extension of Napier Court to access them, builders plan to remove trees from a 3.5-acre plot including the moose tree.

    Where many residents see a cheeky canvas, a lighthearted town symbol, Napa parks and planning officials instead see an aged and fragile roadblock.

    The moose tree is in bad health, its destructive to the ground, its fire-prone, and it has heavy branches prone to breaking and some of those branches are 2 feet thick, Michael Allen, the city associate planner, said minutes before the Planning Commission met Thursday night to comb through the housing plans, including the future of the woody moose.

    A handful of near neighbors to the moose tree were among the 15 people present at City Hall. But their questions were far more mundane, mostly having to do with how to enter the new subdivision, not what might or might not adorn it. Homeowners weighed in on where to build entryways to an extended Napier Court from Alexander Street as city planners wanted, or directly onto Dry Creek Road? but the wooden moose went unmentioned.

    Finally, after poring over tree replacement, the removal of a buried fuel tank and filling a sidewalk gap along Dry Creek Road, the commissioners turned their attention to the moose head. They recalled the varied opinions neighbors had shared in a late-October forum on the housing plan, some treating the moose-painting as a fun tradition, others dismissing it as a garish nuisance and vandalism target.

    This is a real head-scratcher, said Commissioner Paul Kelley. I understand the dangers of that eucalyptus, but theres got to be some way to preserve the character feature of that tree.

    Housing plans put Napa 'moose' tree in limbo

    Tree Limb Removal Adelaide – Contact now at 08 7100-1599 – Video - November 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Limb Removal Adelaide - Contact now at 08 7100-1599 Stump Removal in Adelaide At Adelaide Tree Removal we love our job and are incredibly dedicated for the care and management of...

    By: Aaron Arborist

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    Tree Limb Removal Adelaide - Contact now at 08 7100-1599 - Video

    Tree Inspection Service Adelaide – Phone on 08 7100 1599 – Video - November 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Inspection Service Adelaide - Phone on 08 7100 1599 Stump Removal in Adelaide At Adelaide Tree Removal we really like our job and are very devoted to the care and management of t...

    By: Aaron Arborist

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    Tree Inspection Service Adelaide - Phone on 08 7100 1599 - Video

    Christmasfest kicks off with Nov. 13 tree lighting - November 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sporting a new name, new events, and so many family activities it would take a website ( to list them all.

    The festivities kick off Thursday, Nov. 13 with the Tillsonburg Christmas Family Tree lighting in front of the Tillsonburg (Oxford County) Library at 7 p.m. There's a twist to the Family Christmas Tree this year organizers are selling 'snowflakes' for $1 to help decorate the tree. The white synthetic foam-style flakes will bear the family surname of the donor, and will be in full view during the day. Each night, the Christmas lights will be turned on, and the "big beautiful blue spruce" will look like a traditional holiday tree.

    Proceeds from the $1 snowflake sales will go toward promoting Christmasfest... and hydro for lighting the tree.

    "We were hoping it would survive the weather," said Patricia Phelps, culture and heritage manager/curator, noting the snowflake design.

    Snowflakes will be sold on the November 6 and November 7 at the Tillsonburg Town Centre mall, and at Annandale National Historic Site museum.

    The tree is one that was already scheduled for removal, Phelps noted.

    "It was going to be cut down regardless," she said, and the Christmasfest committee felt it would make a suitable tree for the town's annual lighting.

    "We'd like to thank Oxford County Library and Tillsonburg Hydro Inc for their assistance, and Advanced Automotive (Mike Dean) for transporting the tree for us.

    "It's a community project lighting and decorating the tree and we'd like the whole community to celebrate with us on the 13th. We've requested Broadway be closed for the event so we can all celebrate on the street."

    With good weather, said Suzanne Fleet, chair of Christmasfest and coordinator of Down Home Country Christmas, the lighting of the town Christmas tree is always well attended.

    Originally posted here:
    Christmasfest kicks off with Nov. 13 tree lighting

    Tree Removal with Crane and Terex Chipper Bix Vid – Video - November 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tree Removal with Crane and Terex Chipper Bix Vid Music: "Kiss the sky" by Shawn Lee feat. Nino Moschella, Shawn Lee, Nino Moschella (Google Play)

    By: Bix Vid

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    Tree Removal with Crane and Terex Chipper Bix Vid - Video

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