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Allie Gaiter* is a lifelong resident of Louisiana and has owned a modest home in Pierre Part, Louisiana for the past 20 years. Allie recently noticed damaged wood around her kitchen window and discolored sheetrock in the adjoining breakfast nook. She calls her good friend and local contractor, Bob Villa*, to investigate and repair any damage. Upon close inspection, Bob discovers that the problems are the result of an active termite infestation of Allies home. This termite infestation has caused extensive damage to the walls and floors of the kitchen and breakfast area and will cost Allie thousands of dollars to repair.
Allies situation is not uncommon. South Louisiana is a prime breeding ground for both Arid-Land Subterranean Termites (Reticulitermes tibialis) and Formosan Subterranean Termites (Coptotermes formosanus). These termites are among the most destructive urban pests in the United States causing millions of dollars in losses.[1] Most homeowners insurance policies do not cover first party claims for damage caused by wood destroying insects.[2] Fortunately, Allies home has been covered under a standard termite contract with a local pest control company, Critter-Ritters, LLC*, since it was built 20 years ago. Surely, Allies termite contract will cover the costs of retreatment to eliminate the active infestation and to repair the termite damage, right? Well, maybe.
Termite and other pest control contracts are regulated by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry pursuant to the Louisiana Pesticide Law.[3] The law requires those who are licensed to treat property for subterranean termites to enter into a standard written contract with the owner of the property.[4] The contract must be in a form acceptable to the Louisiana Structural Pest Control Commission.[5] In fact, the Commission has issued an approved Standard Contract for Treatment of Subterranean Termites (the Standard Contract) for use in Louisiana.[6]
Although the Standard Contract warrants the work performed by the pest control company and provides coverage for the cost of retreatment and damage repair, it has numbers limitations, exclusions and places certain obligations on the homeowner. The Standard Contract warrants treatment or repairs for a one year period with a customer option to renew annually for up to four years. However, the pest control company reserves the right to change the terms of the warranty from a damage repair and retreatment guaranty to a retreatment guaranty only upon notice to the customer at the time of any annual renewal.[7] Additionally, the Standard Contract does not cover damage caused by the pest control company at the time the work is performed except those damages resulting from gross negligence on the part of the Company.[8] The pest control companys liability for property damage under the contract is also limited to and shall not exceed the limits of insurance required under La. R.S. 3:3367 ($100,000).[9] Another limitation found in the Standard Contract is that it requires all damage claims to be resolved only through binding arbitration.[10] It also excludes damage caused by aerial infestation of subterranean termites with no visible ground contact.[11]
In addition to the above limitations and exclusions, the Standard Contract places certain affirmative obligations on the homeowner. The homeowner is required to maintain the areas treated free from any factor contributing to infestations, such as wood, trash, lumber, direct wood-soil contact or standing water under pier type structures.[12] The homeowner also must notify the pest control company of and promptly eliminate faulty plumbing, leaks, and dampness from drains, condensation or leaks from the roof or otherwise into, onto or under said areas treated.[13] Finally, the homeowner must immediately notify the company in writing in the event that the treated building is structurally modified, altered or otherwise changed, of if soil is removed or added around the foundation.[14] Failure by the homeowner to undertake these affirmative obligations may void all guarantees and warranties under the Standard Contract.
Returning to our earlier question will Allies termite contract with Critter-Ritters cover the costs of repair and retreatment? The answer is yes assuming that: (1) Critter-Ritters did not elect to change Allies contract from a damage repair and retreatment guaranty to a retreatment guaranty only; and (2) Allies property damages do not exceed $100,000; and (3) the infestation was not caused by an aerial infestation of subterranean termites; and (4) Allie maintained the areas treated free from factors contributing to infestations; and (5) Allie notified Critter-Ritters in writing of any structural modifications and/or the removal or addition of soil around the foundation of her home. If not, Allie may be in for a long and expensive arbitration of her claim against Critter-Ritters.
*The names in this blog article are fictional. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
[1] USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1917, January 2008.
[2] Couch on Insurance, 153.85 (3rd Ed.); see also Davidson v. United Fire & Casualty Co., 576 So.2d 586 (La. App. 4th Cir. 1991).
[3] La. R.S. 3:3201 et seq.
[4] La. R.S. 3:3370
[5] Id.
[6] A copy of the Standard Contract can be found online at www2.lsuagcenter.com/lahouse/termites/precsc.jpg
[7] Standard Contract, General Conditions
[8] Standard Contract, Section 1 Performing the Work
[9] Standard Contract, Section 3.e. Damage
[10] Standard Contract, Section 3.g. Damage
[11] Standard Contract, Section 3.a. Damage
[12] Standard Contract, Section 3.c. Damage
[13] Standard Contract, Section 3.c. Damage
[14] Standard Contract, Section 3.d. Damage
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Got Termites? Are you Protected Against Damage to Your Home Caused by Termite Infestation? - JD Supra
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The most common form of termite in most of the United Statesis the native subterranean termite.Exit Other, less common, types of termites include the smallerdrywood termiteExitand the invasive Formosan termite.
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During construction, use a concrete foundation and leave a ventilation space between the soil and wood. Cover exposed wood surfaces with a sealant or metal barrier.
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Some ways to keep termites out do not involve the application of insecticides. For example:
Because these methods do not involve the application of an insecticide, EPA does not regulate them.
Before a company can sell or distribute any pesticide in the United States, other than certain minimum risk pesticides, EPA must review studies on the pesticide to determine that it will not pose unreasonable risks to human health or the environment. Once we have made that determination, we will license or register that pesticide for use in strict accordance with label directions. The pesticides used for the prevention or treatment of termite infestations are called termiticides and must demonstrate the ability to provide structural protection before we register them. In most cases, termiticide application can only be properly performed by a trained pest management professional.
Approved treatments include:
Two common forms of treatment are conventional barrier treatments and termite baits.
The most common technique for treating termite infestations is the soil-applied barrier treatment. Termiticides used for barrier treatments must be specifically labeled for that use.
If conducted improperly, these treatments can cause contamination of the home and surrounding drinking water wells and will not protect against termites. For that reason, it is important to hire a pest management professional who is licensed and trained to take proper precautions. The most common active ingredients found in conventional termiticides are:
Also see our Web page on pyrethroids and pyrethrins for general information on the pesticides in this class and our reevaluation process for them.
In recent years, several bait systems have been introduced to help reduce the overall use of insecticides and their impact on human health and the environment. These systems rely on cellulose baits that contain a slow-acting insecticide.
The most common active ingredients found in termite baits are:
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As the federal agency responsible for regulating all pesticides, including termiticides, sold, applied, or distributed in the United States, EPA must ensure that the pesticide, when used according to label directions, meets current safety standards to protect human health and the environment. To make such determinations, we require more than 100 different scientific studies and tests from applicants. Most states also review the pesticide label to ensure that it complies with federal labeling requirements and any additional state restrictions of use.
Many termiticides are highly toxic, making it critical to follow label directions with added care. Pest management professionals have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment as required by the label, which minimizes risks and maximizes effectiveness.
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To register a complaint concerning a pesticide misapplication, contact your state pesticide regulatory agencyExit. You may also want to call the National Pesticide Information Centers (NPIC)Exittoll-free hotline at 1-800-858-7378. NPIC provides experts who can answer a broad range of questions concerning pesticide-related issues, such as product use and health effects.
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Tel: 1-800-858-7378E-mailNPIC's website ExitTermite Resource Guide ExitState Pesticide Regulatory Agencies ExitState Cooperative Extension Service Offices
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Termites: How to Identify and Control Them | Pest Control ...
San Diego Estates Real Estate Broker Jeff Campbell sounds excited and says he was well placed to work from home since his business prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was already about 60% online with digital signatures, electronic documents, and video marketing already well-established practices.
Weve had to reinvent the other 40% of our business and that has come down to modifying onsite business: agent inspection, home inspections, appraisals weve had to consolidate those on site visits into one displacement of the homeowner. Now, I arrange one morning or afternoon for the family to take the dog on a long walk, then orchestrate everyone to come in within that three hour period, have all the onsite work done, Campbell said.
He says it is feasible to compress what usually requires multiple visits into one modified session and if everything goes according to plan, that is the single time a homeowner needs to leave their house to get their property sale completed.
Campbell acknowledged social distancing has challenged the real estate industry, but said there is an abundance of caution being executed to protect consumers.
Right now, we have six brand new contract forms dealing with COVID that are designed to protect the clients and give them ample notice reiterating the state of affairs that are going on right now, but also asking them if they have any symptoms or if anyone has been in their home has had symptoms. Were not recklessly pulling them in; there are no open houses right now, there are only virtual open houses, Campbell said.
Meanwhile, agent Ryan DePrizio of Ryans Real Estate said he is taking steps to have homes as ready for sale as possible before they are put on the market at all, ensuring that tasks are completed earlier than they would have been without social distancing in place.
My listings include professional photos, drone video, video walk thru and matterport (a 3D virtual tour). I am also having termite and home inspections done before going on the market. All this gives buyers all the info they need without having to leave their home, DePrizio said.
However, California Options Real Estate agent Greg Fox said while it is indeed feasible to complete many practical tasks online, he believes the relationship between agent and consumer is being somewhat sacrificed along the way.
Many agents werent set up to be tech gurus, we built our business on relationships and this is a challenge. Im the type of agent who is more for the type of seller who wants someone to walk them through every part of the sale. I like the service end, I like connecting with clients and that isnt completely possible right now, Fox said.
He also said that with so much about the industry shifting online, it might just permanently change how agents do business, possibly with some gravitating toward virtual caravans and as-yet unseen properties that have not yet hit the market.
It definitely creates some challenges for our industry and how we handle our business open houses and virtual caravans (networking meetings with home services like pest control companies) have moved online so youre still putting your property out there for other agents to see but it is with virtual photos and you talking about your property, like a Zoom meeting with agents pitching properties that are new to the market. Youre going to see agents gravitating toward these online meetings to check if there is anything their clients are looking for, including properties that are just coming to the market, Fox said.
DePrizio said the market itself is changing as well as social distancing affects employment.
Ive had a couple sellers decide to hold off on listing their homes. Ive also had a handful buyers put their search on hold as theyre concerned with the unknown of when they will be able to go back to work or open their businesses, DePrizio said.
Acknowledging there is increased vulnerability right now, Campbell is assembling anti-fraud information related to the real estate market.
One of the things that my business is doing is putting together an anti-fraud campaign. We had a meeting last night where we drafted ten tips to avoid mortgage payment fraud which is so important because some people out there right now are vulnerable, their jobs are iffy and we want to make sure they dont fall for some of this bologna. We compiled tips from the Federal Communications Commission and others into one list that is going to be on our website. Were not collecting information or anything like that, we just think it is important information, Campbell said.
He added: It compels us to streamline, and I think that could be said by so many businesses right now.
Fox asked members of the community to be patient with each other as the industry embraces doing business online.
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Homebuying in old and new ways - Alpine Sun
Termites are nasty pests that are never fun to find because the discovery usually means that there is damage to some wood portion of a home. Termite damage can be extensive and cost quite a bit to repair. On top of that, it will take some work to get rid of the termites in the first place. The best thing to do is to have the home inspected if a termite infestation is suspected. Proper prevention techniques can also be used for areas that are known for termites. You can also go with an anti rayap agency or you have to do all the work with a lot care. Here is a quick rundown of some basic termite control methods for you.
To help detect an infestation, a pest control professional will do an inspection of the soil or wood affected. They might use termite monitoring stations that can detect termite infestations. If termites are found, small bait stations are placed in the area. Termites will grab the bait and take it back to their nests, where all the termites will feed on it. Over time, this will poison the colony and kill the termites. This process can take a bit of time, so if the infestation is particularly bad or the damage is severe, more extreme measures might be needed. This comes in the form of liquid pesticides. For those that arent fans of harsh chemicals like pesticides, there are more natural options to try, although they may not be quite as potent as traditional pesticides.
A homeowner can help eradicate termites by eliminating food sources like piles of wood. Helping to reduce moisture around and in the home can also help. Quick repair jobs for leaks are a huge way to prevent termite problems. For more ideas on different termite control methods in Macon, GA, contact a pest control professional and be termite free!
Getting rid of termites requires a bit of knowhow. To know when it is time for you to invest in termite treatment in Palatka, FL, you have to be sure that you know what you are dealing with.
Paying attention to specific warning signs can help you to know when you are dealing with certain bugs. Termites might be small but there are easy indicators to help you see what is going on within your walls. Pay attention to these tips and you will have a much easier time reacting when you discover that you have termites.
To begin searching for these pests, you are going to want to dedicate a bit of time looking around your house. Start by heading down into the basement and looking at the walls. For the most part, termites like to live in dark areas underground. This means that they will not usually make their way into the upper floors of your home if they are still small in number. The goal of catching termites is to spot them long before they become a real threat to your property so the basement is a smart place for you to start.
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How To Get Rid Of Termites - - VENTS Magazine
Ted Bruesch, recently retired Liphatech technical support manager, shared Rodent Control Lessons of a Lifetime in his educational session. Pictured (left to right) are Dr. Zach DeVries, assistant professor of urban entomology, University of Kentucky; Dr. Michael Potter, extension professor, University of Kentucky; Dr. Rick Cooper, senior director of technical services, Terminix International; and Dr. Austin Frishman, owner and president, AMF Pest Management Consulting.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants the theme of the 49th Annual University of Kentucky Pest Control Short Course couldnt have been more fitting. Thats because the man responsible for leading one of the finest regional pest control conferences in North America, Dr. Michael Potter, is an industry giant himself.
After 29 years managing the short course, however, Potter recently announced his retirement. While a firm retirement date has yet to be determined, it will occur sometime this year, allowing Potter and his wife, Ellen, to relocate to Eugene, Ore., to be closer to their adult children.
Ill retain emeritus professor status in our department (a non-salaried position), but will not maintain a physical presence in Lexington, nor day-to-day departmental responsibilities, he wrote in an e-mail following the conference.
We didnt take this decision lightly, Potter said. In fact, he has been working on a succession plan with the university for two years, culminating in the choice of Dr. Zach DeVries, a protege of Dr. Coby Schal at North Carolina State University, to take over Potters role leading the conference. Last February, DeVries accepted a tenure-track position as assistant professor of urban entomology at the university.
During the opening ceremonies of this years conference, Kentucky Pest Management Association (KPMA) President Keith Smith thanked Potter for his generous contributions to the industry, presenting the avid fly fisherman with a trip to Hubbards Yellowstone Lodge in Emigrant, Mont., as a token of appreciation for his body of work in support of the association. The five-day trip includes a guided tour of Yellowstone National Park and the Snake River.
Potter said joining the University of Kentucky was the best decision of my life and KPMA members have become his extended family. Whatever good we did, we did it together, he said. While Potter said hell miss overseeing the conference, the university is in really, really good hands thanks to the appointment of DeVries.
We feel we have (recruited) the top young urban entomologist in the U.S., bar none, Potter said. Zach works on all the important critters, so hes going to be a huge help to this state.
For his part, DeVries said hes excited about the prospect of building on Potters legacy and continuing to move the pest management industry forward. I really hope to follow in the footsteps (of Mike Potter) the best I can.
In other news, KPMA honored Gary Blankenship, owner of Guarantee Pest Control, Lexington, Ky., with its Lifetime Achievement Award. In recognizing the second-generation PMP, KPMA Director Chris Christensen said, When I think of Gary Blankenship, I think of selfless service to family and industry. Gary has always been a leader in our industry.
Since 1996, Blankenship has served as chairman of the associations pest control educational fund. In closing, Christensen said, Gary and his wife Lucy run a great business and are benevolent benefactors of a great group of employees.
SPEAKERS. To kick off the educational portion of the program, Potter said the topics and speakers for this years event were the strongest in his 29-year association with the conference. Its possible to see further by standing on the shoulders of giants, he said, and this years speakers truly are giants in the pest control industry.
The leadoff speakers for the three-day event were industry consultant Stoy Hedges, who hosted a Cockroach Control House of Learning, and industry veteran Ted Bruesch of Liphatech, who shared Lessons of a Lifetime in rodent control.
I started out in this business as a pest control technician (for Wil-Kil Pest Control), Bruesch told attendees, so he understands the challenges faced by service personnel on a daily basis.
Bruesch said rodents are formidable foes, but theyre not as smart as many PMPs think. I hear all the time Ive got a smart rat, but I dont consider rodents as being particularly smart, he said. Their brain is the size of a lima bean and our brain weighs three pounds, so humans have a distinct intellectual advantage. Rodents simply have evolved over time, adopting unique behavioral characteristics that have allowed them to survive. Three behaviors, in particular, have served them well, according to Bruesch, helping them to adapt and survive. They include:
Regardless of the challenges, I truly believe every rodent problem has a solution. You have to take the fight to the critter, Bruesch urged. You have to be aggressive.
In one of the more informative sessions of the three-day event, Mark Goodman, regional operations manager, Plunketts Pest Control, shared a number of interesting case studies in a session titled, Troubleshooting Tricky Pest Problems. Goodman recalled one situation where a technician was unable to control a maggot problem in a large egg production facility.
They called because they had maggots crawling in their production area, a high-stress situation, he said. Upon visiting the account, Goodman asked the usual questions, but nothing popped out as being particularly unusual until he got down on his hands and knees and began to check the silicone seals along a sterile hallway. Finally, we found one plate on a wall where there was some loose silicone, leading to a gap that went outside (the facility). Maggots were making their way up a drainpipe from some chicken dung outside and through the seal. Lesson learned? Sometimes you need to broaden your scope a little bit, Goodman said.
Other speakers on the star-studded program included Dr. Austin Frishman, owner, AMF Pest Management Consulting; Tom Myers, owner, All-Rite Pest Control; Rick Cooper, senior director of technical services, Terminix International; Marty Morgan, business development manager, Douglas Products; Mike Holcomb, consulting entomologist, Technical Directions; Pete Markham, president, A-Mark Pest & Bird Management; Ray Johnson, founder, Johnson Pest Control; Dr. Michael Potter, extension professor, University of Kentucky; Stephen Gates, vice president of technical services, Cooks Pest Control; Dan Collins, regional technical director, McCloud Services; Dr. Zach DeVries, assistant professor of urban entomology, University of Kentucky; and Gary Sigrist, CEO and president, Safeguard Risk Solutions.
Major sponsors of this years event included BASF and Oldham Chemicals. Additional sponsors included AP&G, Nisus, Bell Laboratories, Syngenta, Corteva Agriscience and Bayer.
The 2020 University of Kentucky 50th Annual Pest Control Short Course is scheduled for Nov. 10-12. Visit http://www.kyshortcourse.org for information.
The author is publisher of PCT magazine.
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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants - PCT - PCT Magazine
The detailed study on the Termite Control Services Market offers valuable insights related to the overall prospects of the Termite Control Services Market over the forecast period 2018 to 2027. The study takes into account the micro and macro-economic factors that are projected to impact the growth of the Termite Control Services Market in the upcoming years. In addition, the study maps the current trends, market drivers, opportunities, and restraints that are expected to shape the overall prospects of the Termite Control Services Market during the assessment period.
The report touches upon the various innovations and technological advances that are expected to impact the growth of the Termite Control Services Market. Further, an in-depth assessment of the various market segments and sub-segments is accurately represented in the report along with informative graphs, tables, and figures.
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The regional assessment of the Termite Control Services Market introspects the scenario of the Termite Control Services market in each region. The revenue share, growth potential, market share, size, and future prospects of the Termite Control Services Market in each region is discussed in the presented report.
Critical Insights Related to the Termite Control Services Market Enclosed in the Report:
The report provides answers to some important queries related to the Termite Control Services Market:
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Competitive Landscape
The report on the termite control services market provides actionable insights on supply & demand trends of the termite control services worldwide, in combination with a detailed assessment on competitor landscape of the termite control services market. Exhaustive data on preeminent and emerging termite control services providers has been delivered in the report, along with study on their product overview, company overview, key developments and key financials. Key players in the termite control services market, as profiled by the report, include Sanix Incorporated, Arrow Exterminators Inc., Massey Services Inc., and Anticimex.
Some of the key developments made by leading termite control services market players and government authorities have been listed below
For full coverage of the competitive landscape, get in touch with our experts
Market Definition
Termite control services are services related to management and regulation of myriad termites, which are harmful for human health. These services are designed specifically for eliminating tiny insects that dwell underground and damage walls and other household products, particularly the ones made from wood. Various types of treatments available for termite control include non-chemical treatments, chemical treatments, conventional barrier treatments, wood treatment, and termite baits.
About the Report
Fact.MRs report on termite control services market is a comprehensive compilation of valuable as well as actionable insights. A scrutinized assessment on the termite control services market is delivered in this report that includes study on key dynamics such as drivers, opportunities, trends and restraints, influencing current and future prospects of the termite control services market. Primary aim of this report is to deliver its readers with an authentic intelligence on the termite control services market, to aid them in collecting and slating possible strategies on the basis of holistic insights delivered on termite control services market. This further enables the report readers to align well with the changing dynamics of termite control services market.
An overview of termite control services market is covered in the report, to help clients better understand their future growth potential in the termite control services market. This is further expected to enable them in making proper decisions on future direction of their businesses related to termite control services, as well as making lucrative investment decisions in the termite control services market. A realistic view of the termite control services market acumen is offered in the report, eliminating all biases, coupled with data on termite control services market in terms of value (US$ Mn).
A systematic representation of key segments in the termite control services market has been provided in the report, which is portrayed in the form of a taxonomy table. The termite control services market has been broadly classified into service nature, service type, end-user, and region. Contracted and ad-hoc are two main nature of services analyzed in the termite control services market. The report categorizes the termite control services market on the basis of service type into organic termite control services and chemical termite control services. End-users analyzed and elaborated in the termite control services market report include commercial, residential, industrial, and agriculture. Geographically, the report categorizes the termite control services market into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan, and Middle East & Africa (MEA).
Additional Questions Answered
Answers to several other imperative questions related to termite control services market have been offered in this report, such as
Research Methodology
A detailed assessment has been provided on the termite control services market in the report, which bases itself on a robust, proven & tested research methodology. Comprehensive primary and secondary research is involved in this approach, which have aided in arriving at relevant and imperative numbers associated with termite control services market. Intelligence data gathered on termite control services market have been thoroughly validated, examined, and re-examined, before their incorporated in the report.
Authenticity of data and statistics derived apropos of the termite control services market is based on the unique nature of this research approach. The report on termite control services market claims provision of greater accuracy and authentic data on termite control services market. Information attained from industry experts and opinion leaders in termite control services market are extrapolated, and inspection of data has enabled developers of this report to offer an analytical and insightful study on termite control services market.
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Termite Control Services Market Extensive Growth Opportunities to Be Witnessed by 2018 to 2027 Dagoretti News - Dagoretti News
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The stock of Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 4.35% or $1.46 during the last trading session, reaching $32.1. About 148,131 shares traded. Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO) has 0.00% since December 2, 2018 and is . It has by 0.00% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $1.61B company. It was reported on Dec, 2 by Barchart.com. We have $30.17 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:ONTO worth $96.42M less.
Among 2 analysts covering Rollins (NYSE:ROL), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Rollins has $3800 highest and $3400 lowest target. $37.17s average target is 3.94% above currents $35.76 stock price. Rollins had 7 analyst reports since June 26, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with Hold rating in Thursday, October 24 report. See Rollins, Inc. (NYSE:ROL) latest ratings:
22/11/2019 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $38.0000 Initiates Coverage On19/11/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Buy Downgrade06/11/2019 Broker: Stifel Nicolaus Old Rating: Sell New Rating: Hold Upgrade24/10/2019 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Hold New Target: $37 Maintain15/10/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Buy Upgrade08/10/2019 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Sector Perform New Target: $34.0000 Initiates Coverage On26/06/2019 Broker: Inc. Common Stock Rating: Stifel Nicolaus New Target: $36.5000 25.0000
More notable recent Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO) news were published by: Fool.com which released: Heres How Much a $1,000 Investment in GEs IPO Would Be Worth Now Motley Fool on December 02, 2019, also Nasdaq.com with their article: 3 Top Stocks to Recession-Proof Your Portfolio Nasdaq published on December 02, 2019, Seekingalpha.com published: Onto Q3 2019 Earnings Preview Seeking Alpha on November 06, 2019. More interesting news about Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO) were released by: Nasdaq.com and their article: Seattle Genetics, Astellas, Merck To Evaluate Enfortumab Vedotin Plus KEYTRUDA Nasdaq published on December 02, 2019 as well as Businesswire.coms news article titled: Onto Innovation to Participate in the 8th Annual NYC Investor Summit 2019 Business Wire with publication date: November 21, 2019.
Onto Innovation Inc. designs, develops, makes, and supports process control defect inspection and metrology, advanced packaging lithography, and process control software systems used by microelectronic device manufacturers. The company has market cap of $1.61 billion. It offers process and yield management solutions used in bare silicon wafer production and processing facilities, and device packaging and test facilities through standalone systems for macro-defect inspection, packaging lithography, probe card test and analysis, and transparent and opaque thin film measurements. It currently has negative earnings. The firm also provides spare parts and software licensing services.
Analysts await Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO) to report earnings on February, 4. They expect $0.46 EPS, down 13.21% or $0.07 from last years $0.53 per share. ONTOs profit will be $23.03M for 17.45 P/E if the $0.46 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.30 actual EPS reported by Onto Innovation Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 53.33% EPS growth.
Rollins, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides pest and termite control services to residential and commercial customers. The company has market cap of $11.71 billion. The Companys pest control services include protection against termite damage, rodents, and insects to homes and businesses, including hotels, food service establishments, food manufacturers, retailers, and transportation companies. It has a 57.49 P/E ratio. The firm also provides pest management and sanitation services and products to the food and commodity industries; consulting services on border protection related to Australias biosecurity program; and bird control and specialist services, as well as offers specialized services to mining, and gas and oil sectors.
The stock decreased 0.26% or $0.09 during the last trading session, reaching $35.76. About 606,913 shares traded. Rollins, Inc. (NYSE:ROL) has declined 7.51% since December 2, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 7.51% the S&P500. Some Historical ROL News: 25/04/2018 ROLLINS 1Q REV. $408.7M, EST. $403.0M (2 EST.); 16/03/2018 Florida Community Bank Becomes Official Bank of Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida; 30/05/2018 Rollins Closes Above 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 07/05/2018 Atlanta Holds Top Spot on Orkins 2018 Mosquito Cities List; 27/04/2018 Rollins, Inc. Receives United Ways Child Well-Being Impact Fund Champion Award; 24/04/2018 Rollins Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 17/04/2018 Rollins to Use Part of Tax Savings to Improve Employee Benefits; 25/04/2018 Rollins Inc 1Q Rev $408.7M; 13/03/2018 Rollins, Inc. And Northwest Pest Control Receive 2018 Top Workplaces Award From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; 19/03/2018 Rollins, Inc. Announces Appointment of Julie K. Bimmerman to Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations
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Onto Innovation Inc. (ONTO) Reaches $32.10 After 6.00% Down Move; Profile of 0 Analysts Covering Rollins, Inc. (ROL) - The Broch Herald
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Assessment of the Termite Control Services Market
Fact. MRs latest published report on the global Termite Control Services Market highlights the important parameters that are expected to influence market growth in the upcoming years. Further, by taking into account the historical data collected from the period 2018 to 2027 and analyzing the current trends and market scenario, the analysts offer highly accurate estimates regarding the future prospects of the market.
The study further highlights the key market trends in the current market landscape and its potential impact on the future dynamics of the market. The micro and macro-economic growth indicators are thoroughly investigated in the presented report while predicting the course of the Termite Control Services Market during the forecast period 2018 to 2027.
Request 100 Page Sample Report Now athttps://www.factmr.co/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=1915
Critical Questions Answered
The presented report offers a microscopic view of the market scenario in different regions. The political and economic environment are thoroughly assessed to provide clarity on the growth prospects of the Termite Control Services Market in each regional market.
Key Takeaways from the Termite Control Services Market Report
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This chapter of the report tracks the business prospects of prominent market players operating in the Termite Control Services Market. The revenue growth, market share, product portfolio, pricing, sales, and marketing strategies of each company is discussed in the report.
Competitive Landscape
The report on the termite control services market provides actionable insights on supply & demand trends of the termite control services worldwide, in combination with a detailed assessment on competitor landscape of the termite control services market. Exhaustive data on preeminent and emerging termite control services providers has been delivered in the report, along with study on their product overview, company overview, key developments and key financials. Key players in the termite control services market, as profiled by the report, include Sanix Incorporated, Arrow Exterminators Inc., Massey Services Inc., and Anticimex.
Some of the key developments made by leading termite control services market players and government authorities have been listed below
For full coverage of the competitive landscape, get in touch with our experts
Market Definition
Termite control services are services related to management and regulation of myriad termites, which are harmful for human health. These services are designed specifically for eliminating tiny insects that dwell underground and damage walls and other household products, particularly the ones made from wood. Various types of treatments available for termite control include non-chemical treatments, chemical treatments, conventional barrier treatments, wood treatment, and termite baits.
About the Report
Fact.MRs report on termite control services market is a comprehensive compilation of valuable as well as actionable insights. A scrutinized assessment on the termite control services market is delivered in this report that includes study on key dynamics such as drivers, opportunities, trends and restraints, influencing current and future prospects of the termite control services market. Primary aim of this report is to deliver its readers with an authentic intelligence on the termite control services market, to aid them in collecting and slating possible strategies on the basis of holistic insights delivered on termite control services market. This further enables the report readers to align well with the changing dynamics of termite control services market.
An overview of termite control services market is covered in the report, to help clients better understand their future growth potential in the termite control services market. This is further expected to enable them in making proper decisions on future direction of their businesses related to termite control services, as well as making lucrative investment decisions in the termite control services market. A realistic view of the termite control services market acumen is offered in the report, eliminating all biases, coupled with data on termite control services market in terms of value (US$ Mn).
A systematic representation of key segments in the termite control services market has been provided in the report, which is portrayed in the form of a taxonomy table. The termite control services market has been broadly classified into service nature, service type, end-user, and region. Contracted and ad-hoc are two main nature of services analyzed in the termite control services market. The report categorizes the termite control services market on the basis of service type into organic termite control services and chemical termite control services. End-users analyzed and elaborated in the termite control services market report include commercial, residential, industrial, and agriculture. Geographically, the report categorizes the termite control services market into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan, and Middle East & Africa (MEA).
Additional Questions Answered
Answers to several other imperative questions related to termite control services market have been offered in this report, such as
Research Methodology
A detailed assessment has been provided on the termite control services market in the report, which bases itself on a robust, proven & tested research methodology. Comprehensive primary and secondary research is involved in this approach, which have aided in arriving at relevant and imperative numbers associated with termite control services market. Intelligence data gathered on termite control services market have been thoroughly validated, examined, and re-examined, before their incorporated in the report.
Authenticity of data and statistics derived apropos of the termite control services market is based on the unique nature of this research approach. The report on termite control services market claims provision of greater accuracy and authentic data on termite control services market. Information attained from industry experts and opinion leaders in termite control services market are extrapolated, and inspection of data has enabled developers of this report to offer an analytical and insightful study on termite control services market.
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Termite Control Services Market Insights on Upcoming Trends 2018 to 2027 - Downey Magazine
Global Pest And Termite Control Market 2019 report includes extensive Market analysis and industry landscape along with SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis of the important vendors. The analysis is conducted with a blend of secondary and primary advice for inputs from participants in the industry. Pest And Termite Control industry report covers the prospects of Pest And Termite Control in the forecast period of 2019-2025 and the scenario.
The report analyzes the current Market size, recent Market trends, key segments and future prospects of the Global Pest And Termite Control Market (2019-2025).The Market shares of segments (players, type, application, and regions) are prepared to give an opportunistic roadmap to the readers of the Pest And Termite Control Global Market. The report also comprises the study of drivers, restraints, and trends that influence the current scenario of the Pest And Termite Control Global Market and its impact on the global Market over the forecast period 2019 2025.
Top LeadingCompaniesof Global Pest And Termite Control Market are: Rentokil Initial plc, Rollins, Inc., ServiceMaster Global Holdiings, Inc. (Terminix International Company, L.P.), Ecolab Inc.
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The leading players of Pest And Termite Control industry, their market share, product portfolio, company profiles are covered in this report. The leading market players are analyzed on the basis of production volume, gross margin, market value, and price structure. The competitive market scenario among Pest And Termite Control players will help the industry aspirants in planning their strategies. The statistics offered in this report will be precise and useful guide to shape the business growth.
Pest control is a process of regulating and managing pests that are considered harmful to human activities. The main objective of pest control is to minimize the harmful effects of pests on people, their food and the environment.
The steps involved in an effective pest control management program are regular inspection, preventive action, identification, analysis, treatment selection and monitoring. The pest control market can be segmented on the basis of control method (Chemical Pest Control, Mechanical Pest Control, Biological Pest Control and Others); pest type (Insects, Termites, Rodents and Other Pests); mode of application (Powder, Sprays, Pellets, Traps, and Baits); and application (Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Agriculture and Others). The insect control market can be further segmented on the basis of insect type (Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Bedbugs and Others).
Regional Analysis for Pest And Termite Control Market:
For comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Pest And Termite Control market is analyzed across key geographies namelyNorth America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Central & South America. Each of these regions is analyzed on basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.
Explore full report here:
-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Pest And Termite Control market
-Pest And Termite Control market recent innovations and major events
-Detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Pest And Termite Control market-leading players.
-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Pest And Termite Control market for forthcoming years.
-In-depth understanding of Pest And Termite Control market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.
-Favourable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Pest And Termite Control market.
What our report offers:
Pest And Termite Control Market share assessments for the regional and country level segments
Pest And Termite Control Market share analysis of the top industry players
Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
Market forecasts for a minimum of 7 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional markets
Pest And Termite Control Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements
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MarketInsightsReportsprovides syndicated market research on industry verticals includingHealthcare, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology and Media, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Heavy Industry, etc.MarketInsightsReportsprovides global and regional market intelligence coverage, a 360-degree market view which includes statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.
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Irfan Tamboli (Head of Sales) Market Insights Reports
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Pest And Termite Control Market Key Players, Growth and Segmentation 2019 to 2025 - The Market Publicist
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Termite Inspection In New Jersey & New York
With their insatiable appetites and destructive nature, termites are responsible for $5 billion of property damage each year. These tiny insects feast on wood, drywall and any material containing cellulose, and once they're inside, only professional pest control services can halt the damage they cause. Learn more about the causes and signs of termite infestations, then call Horizon Pest Control at 1-888-612-2847 for help.
Termites are extremely common, with more than 40 species living in the U.S. alone. You can identify these insects by their soft bodies and straight antenna, as well as their presence around wood and sources of moisture. Termites have only one interest: eating. Their preferred food is found in the walls and other structures, including support beams, floor joists, foundations and more. And because they never stop feeding, there's no limit to the damage they can inflict.
The situation is quickly made worse by termites' high-speed reproduction. Each colony includes a queen, which lays up to 1,000 eggs daily. This enables the colony to expand quickly, overwhelming your home or business and causing serious structural damage and safety concerns.
You won't always know termites are present they work silently and quickly, going undetected in many cases unless you know what to look for. Signs of an infestation include:
It's essential to eliminate termites as soon as possible. The cost of repairing termite damage runs the average homeowner about $3,750, and none of the expense will be covered by insurance. There are a few steps you can take on your own, such as eliminating sources of standing water and damp soil and sealing cracks in your foundation. More importantly, you'll need expert termite control from experienced pest removal specialists.
With more than 50 years of experience in serving residential and commercial clients, Horizon Pest Control has the skills and technology needed to stop termite infestations. Our courteous, efficient technicians will inspect your property, assess the source of the infestation and eliminate all existing termites. Just as importantly, they'll develop a strategy to prevent their return.
Contact us today for more information about our termite control services for homeowners in Northern, Central and The Shore in NJ and businesses in NYC. We'll provide a free quote, fast, reliable service and proactive pest control to keep your home safe from the threat of termites.
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Termite Control Services In NJ & NY - Horizon Pest Control
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