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South Bend, Ind. An investigation is underway, into an overnight fire at the South Bend/St. Joseph County Building Department.
Crews were dispatched around 1:30 a.m. to the building at 125 South Lafayette.
Firefighters tell NewsCenter 16 the sprinkler system prevented a great deal of damage.
Crews were able to put out the rest of the flames quickly, but water continued to flow out of the building`s sprinkler system. So the water department was called in to shut the water off.
The sprinkler head was triggered by the fire in that office, said Capt. Christian Rose of the South Bend Fire Dept. And there was a broken window, so were unsure how that happened. So we called the fire investigators out to see whether or not arson was involved, or something else.
The office is open for business Monday.
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UPDATE: Crews respond to Building Dept. fire, find broken window
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Mobilized Pallet Rack with Integrated Sprinkler System in Orange County, CA
Our most recent ActivRAC 30P racking system installation in a warehouse space with integrated fire sprinkler system in Orange County, CA. What could you stor...
By: McMurray Stern
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Mobilized Pallet Rack with Integrated Sprinkler System in Orange County, CA - Video
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Voice Activated Sprinkler Hardware (Part 1 of 2)
Voice activated sprinkler system using TripleStream software and the Arduino Mega. Part 2 will be the TripleStream software device creation.
By: Wes Gilster
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Voice Activated Sprinkler Hardware (Part 1 of 2) - Video
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Deluxe Sprinkler System for a Trampoline
Here is a cheap way to keep your kids outside during the summer. We installed a sprinkler system that uses 3/4" PVC pipe, zip ties and a drill. Simply connec...
By: Bridget Miller
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My new sprinkler system – Video -
June 28, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
My new sprinkler system
By: leadbadman1
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My new sprinkler system - Video
The first floor of Trump International Hotel and Tower flooded Thursday morning after a pipe burst during a test of the buildings sprinkler system.
A spokesman for the 96-story River North skyscraper said the water has been turned off and crews are making repairs.
"A pipe burst near the west public parking entrance, which is separate from the main entrance of the building," said T. Colm O'Callaghan, vice president and managing director of the building. "Hotel and residential services have not been affected."
Just before 9:30 a.m., workers were seen scrambling to move certain items outside of the towers southwest entrance near Wabash Avenue as water poured through the ceiling and gushed down stairs.
The tower also flooded on Feb. 15 after a Chicago Fire Department standpipe was opened, causing an estimated $700,000 in damage.
Three men were charged with felony criminal damage to property: Carl Koenemann, 25, Benjamin Nitch, 25, and Daniel Maradei, 24. All three have pleaded not guilty to the charges and are due back in court July 31.
In that incident, elevator shafts flooded in a 10-minute torrent of water from the fifth-floor stairwell. Woodwork, marble flooring and electrical infrastructure was damaged, but the flooding did not shut down the hotel or private residences.
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Trump Tower floods in sprinkler incident
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Newly installed 20-foot-tall letters spelling out T-R-U-M-P are seen on the side of real estate billionaire Donald Trump's skyscraper in Chicago, Thursday, June 12, 2014. The letters have triggered a war of words between Trump and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.(AP Photo/Stacy Thacker)
It's too soon to tell whether cooler heads will prevail in the Donald Trump-Rahm Emanuel spat over the billionaire's name being prominently affixed to a Chicago skyscraper.
As for the tower's sprinkler heads, well, that's another story.
The first floor of the Trump International Hotel and Tower flooded Thursday morning after a test of the building's sprinkler system went awry, the Chicago Tribune reported.
The water poured through the ceiling near the 96-floor tower's southwest entrance and gushed down stairs around 9 a.m.
Crews were making repairs as of early Thursday afternoon, the paper reported.
The tower, located along the Chicago River, has made news in recent weeks over a sign bearing Trump's last name in 20-foot-tall letters affixed to the building's side. Emanuel has called the sign "architecturally tasteless," while Trump has deemed it a "world-class sign" that is a valuable addition to the Chicago skyline.
The tower also flooded on Feb. 15 after a standpipe installed by the Chicago Fire Department was opened, causing an estimated $700,000 in damage. Three men were charged with felony criminal damage to property in the case.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Click here to read more from the Chicago Tribune.
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Trump tower in Chicago floods after sprinkler test
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Plans for the new building include a new exterior, wiring and plumbing, sprinkler system and elevator.
image credit: Contributed
The downtown Maple Ridge apartment building that burned in December 2012 is about to be reborn and will be sporting a new look in a year, says the agent for the property.
Fire ripped through the top floor of the apartment building at 22355 McIntosh Ave. in the middle of that month and left dozens of people homeless before Christmas.
Since then, the building has remained burned out and boarded up. Thats all about to change.
So basically, its going to be a bright new building in there. It should stand out, said Rajinder Chhina, managing the rebuild project for building owner Parmjit Kaur Sandhu.
Chhina said removal of the exterior cladding should start in a few weeks. The dark red, stucco-like material will be replaced with Hardy board, cement-based panelling, in shades of light blue and yellow along with stone in some places.
Inside the 21-unit apartment block, the interior has been gutted to the studs, allowing new drywall. New wiring and plumbing, a new fire sprinkler system and a new elevator is also part of the project.
Chhina said building and demolition permits have already been secured. If everything goes well, we want to start in two weeks.
Other changes include removing some of the concrete walls at the front of the building and improving the entrance.
More here:
Renovations planned for burned out apartment building in Maple Ridge
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Water Conservation Sprinkler System Audit
If you have a sprinkler system in your landscape whether it is a small yard or large estate you need to run the system station by station and check each spri...
By: Growquest
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Water Conservation Sprinkler System Audit - Video
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In two separate bedrooms, two wooden beds with white coverlets and throw pillows sat beside velour-covered armchairs, dressers and a nightstand with a lamp.
Walls decorated with fake, tacky art, fluffy slippers and aluminum walkers in the identical rooms were ready, it seemed, for the occupants to return to bed.
Instead, two fully decked out firefighters deliberately set the rooms on fire to demonstrate the efficacy of sprinklers.
If you were the occupant in the left room with the sprinkler system, you got a little wet and smoky.
But, if you were on the right side of the partition, within two minutes way before firefighters could arrive you were dead.
Our goal is to have sprinklers for all vulnerable occupancies by 2019, said Samantha Hoffmann, public fire & safety officer with Barrie Fire & Emergency Service.
Midway through the exercise, firefighter Carrie Clarke-Weatherup said the non-sprinkled room had reached a temperature of approximately 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
At the three-minute mark, she estimated the room was approximately 1,000 degrees.
After the firefighters extinguished the blaze, the blackend wood furniture looked marblized, with both the bed and armchair were burned down to their charred metal springs.
The sprinklered room had a semi-burned but still recognizable armchair, and the furniture would need to be dried and cleaned only.
Barrie firefighters demonstrate effectiveness of sprinkler systems
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