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How to Pronounce Sprinkler System
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By: Emma Saying
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How to Pronounce Sprinkler System - Video
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12 Jan 2014 18:49
Fire alarm was triggered at Tesco in Park Road in Dingle earlier today
Shoppers ended up getting a soaking after a Liverpool supermarkets sprinkler system went off unexpectedly.
The fire alarm was triggered in Tesco in Park Road in Dingle earlier today.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service was called at around 16.51pm.
The manager had already evacuated the store before crews arrived.
A spokesman for the service said: We went out to Tesco at 16.51. It was a fire alarm that had gone off. The manager had evacuated the premises.
It was due to the sprinkler system activating. Its believed to have been a fault that triggered it. There was no fire.
One man took to Twitter, saying his mum was among customers who got a soaking by the stores sprinkler system.
He said the fire alarms had gone off and the store was evacuated and that the drama had seen the sprinkler system rain down on customers, including the elderly, who were left standing in the cold outside the store.
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Shoppers soaked after sprinkler system fault at Tesco store in Liverpool
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A Planning Commission meeting at the Lower Merion Township Building was cut short Tuesday after a sprinkler pipe located in the hallway outside of the board room burst.
Fire units responded to the scene while commission members and those in attendance evacuated the building.
On Wednesday morning, township Public Information Officer Tom Walsh confirmed the broken pipe was weather-related. In the extreme cold, the pipe had frozen and burst.
Occurring in a stairwell beyond the board room on the second floor, water was pouring from the sprinkler system down the stairs. The break in the sprinkler system caused fire alarms in the building to go off. The Merion Fire Company of Ardmore responded to check the building.
The break occurred about an hour and a half into the planning meeting, not long after Dranoff Properties had completed a presentation on its proposed Cricket lot project. Planners were discussing an application by Bryn Mawr College for demolition and reconstruction of a part of the Haffner Hall dormitory when the decision was made to evacuate the building. Still to be heard on the agenda was an application regarding a preliminary land development plan for an addition to Welsh Valley Middle School. It was not known Wednesday morning whether the meeting could be rescheduled this week.
After the pipe break, Walsh said a number of Public Works employees were called in to clean up. Continued...
As of Wednesday, he said the affected sprinkler head had been replaced and the system reset. A small hole was cut in the second-floor ceiling to allow heat to reach the area of the pipe and prevent re- freezing.
A clean-up crew was scheduled to come in Wednesday to determine what materials, such as carpet, would need to be replaced for mold prevention, but Walsh said damage to the building was believed to be minimal.
The Township Building was open for business Wednesday, and Walsh said a scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners for Wednesday night would be held.
Fire units responded to the scene while commission members and those in attendance evacuated the building.
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Crews working to clean up after pipe burst in Lower Merion Township Building
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Miami Universitys state-of-the-art building automation system helped prevent major water problems experienced at other colleges and universities this past week.
Several houses and buildings in the region suffered fractured water mains and pipes when sub zero temperature rose to the mid-40s the past few days.
On Wednesday, Miami University reported minor pipe bursting problems due to a broken sprinkler system. There also was water that escaped from a fractured frozen pipe in an attic space at Porter Hall, according to university building maintenance officials.
Earlier this week, approximately 50 Wright State University students were evacuated from Cimarron Woods, an apartment building, following a water main break. This past Tuesday, several buildings at the University of Dayton suffered flooding.
Thanks to our monitoring system we were able to respond immediately, minimize damage and isolate the situation to get it cleaned up before any loss of property or damage to student rooms, said Jeremy Davis, director of building maintenance for Miami University.
Approximately 80 employees monitor the building automation system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They keep a close eye on building temperatures and conditions.
If they get out of parameters they send an alarm and we respondwe use the system to increase temperatures during the times when temperature is cold outside so that we can reduce any failures to our system, said Davis.
Workers are also equipped with iPads to help them diagnose problems remotely.
The system helps conserve energy, indicates if theres a loss of water flow and protects building assets, according to university officials.
Its cutting edge. Its the greatest thing we have going. It saves us a lot of money, we use it for trouble shooting, for maintenance repair and for utilities costs, Davis said.
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High-tech system prevents flooding in Miami University buildings
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SALEM - City firefighters spent a lot of their time Wednesday on water problems, including one which shut down the Peebles clothing store for several hours due to a break in the sprinkler system
Store manager Alex Lester said the business located at 2350 E. State St. in the Salem Plaza opened at 4 p.m., with the water causing no damage to merchandise. The business is normally open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.
"We just had a little bit of a mess to clean up - just a little bit of water damage and some tiles," she said.
Firefighters were called to the scene at 9:05 a.m. for a sprinkler activation after a police officer had responded for an alarm going off and saw a large amount of water running out from under the glass doors at the front of the store.
The sprinkler system had a break and water was flowing in the front of the store near the entrance. Firefighters shut down the sprinkler system and isolated the flow of water. Tarps were used to cover the merchandise and additional tarps were used to evacuate the water from the building.
The report said the electrical supply had to be shut down, with water flowing through multiple overhead lights. The water had to be evacuated from the light fixtures. Store personnel were told to have the sprinkler system serviced before activating it again.
From there, firefighters responded to Prima Health Care at 564 Second St. at 9:28 a.m. after employees reported a water line break. They had already shut down the water to the building.
Water was coming from the ceiling area in the west hallway and also into the light fixtures in the hallway by the breaker box. The area was checked with the thermal imaging camera and everything appeared okay. Waste baskets were used to collect the water.
The previous shift of firefighters had their share of water breaks, too. They received a call at 3:24 a.m. Wednesday to help a resident turn off the water due to a water line break at the home in the 400 block of East Seventh Street. The resident was able to turn it off before they arrived. They were also called at 11:50 p.m. Tuesday to a residence in the 2500 block of East State Street for a frozen water pipe leaking, helping the resident to turn the water off.
At 5:40 p.m. Tuesday, firefighters were called to Ventra at 800 Pennsylvania Avenue for a sprinkler malfunction in the chemical storage room due to a water line break. The water was shut down for that part of the building. Maintenance was working on removing the water.
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Burst pipes keep Salem firefighters busy
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BY GEORGE SLEFO Staff Reporter January 7, 2014 10:14PM
Updated: January 8, 2014 8:40AM
Frozen pipes led to icy conditions across the city indoors including at the Leighton Criminal Court Building.
About one inch of water poured into the courthouse at 26th and California, after maintenance workers attempted to remove a frozen sprinkler system, said Kristen Mack, spokeswoman for Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle.
Workers noticed the frozen sprinkler about 4 p.m. and decided it would be best to repair the unit after courts closed about an hour later, Mack said.
The workers turned off the fire pump in preparation for the repair, Mack said. When they took the sprinkler head off they realized they didnt completely turn off the pump. Thats when the flooding happened.
The downpour occurred just beyond the metal detectors near the entrance of the courthouse. There were no injuries, Mack added.
Workers will stay overnight to make repairs if needed to make sure the building will open at its normal time Wednesday, Mack said.
It will have no impact on court, she said. It will be business as usual.
In Albany Park, a commercial buildings sprinkler system burst about 10:40 p.m., sending water pouring into the 4900 block of North Pulaski.
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Frozen sprinkler system leads to downpour at Cook County courthouse
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BY ASHLEE REZIN Staff Reporter January 8, 2014 1:36AM
A water main break sent water pouring into the street in the 4900 block of North Pulaski Road about 10:40 p.m. Tuesday, closing the street between Argyle and Ainslie streets. | NVP News video
storyidforme: 60327450 tmspicid: 21876259 fileheaderid: 10320014
Updated: January 8, 2014 5:22AM
A leak in a companys fire system flooded the business and Pulaski Road Tuesday night, forcing firefighters to wade through knee-deep icy water in the Albany Park neighborhood on the Northwest Side.
The commercial buildings sprinkler system burst about 10:40 p.m. and sent water pouring into the street in the 4900 block of North Pulaski Road, authorities said.
The leak was likely caused by icy weather conditions and frozen pipes, said Bill Bresnahan, managing deputy commissioner of the citys Department of Water Management.
Firefighters, who at the scene could be seen wading through the knee-deep icy water, were able to gain access to the building and stop the leak, Bresnahan said. The National Weather Service reports temperatures hit 6 degrees below zero in the Chicago area overnight.
As of 4 a.m., at least one lane of Pulaski remained closed to traffic between Argyle and Ainslie streets as Department of Streets and Sanitation salt-spreaders treated the ice that had formed, police said.
It was not immediately known how much damage the business sustained during the incident.
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Burst sprinkler system floods business, Pulaski Road on NW Side
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January 8th, 2014 10:27 pm by Staff report
KINGSPORT A frozen sprinkler line or head began leaking Wednesday afternoon at Sullivan North High School, sending crews scrambling to isolate the leak and get the sprinkler system back in operation for school Thursday.
Joe Davenport, county school system maintenance supervisor, said the leak occurred in the North pool area not being used and caused minimal damage. He said the leak occurred as the frozen water thawed. The school is not utilizing that area of the pool and has not for some time.
The issue is getting the sprinkler system to be in operation for school tomorrow, Davenport said Wednesday night as a sprinkler contractor headed to the school to address the situation.
North also was hit with a sprinkler problem last year. The band room received between $23,000 and $43,000 in damage to equipment from a non-weather-related sprinkler head malfunction the morning of Nov. 21.
Davenport said he was confident the sprinkler system would be back in operation for school Thursday.
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Sprinkler leak hits Sullivan North pool area
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The freeze was bad enough.
Now, thawing water pipes have been setting off sprinkler systems and fire alarms, flooding some businesses and homes and keeping area fire departments busy.
It seems like all weve been answering lately are water alarms, Knoxville Fire Dept. Capt. D.J. Corcoran said on Wednesday. We have received close to 30 calls of businesses fire alarms activated, as well as residential calls of water lines freezing and bursting. Nonemergency calls are directed to KUB, he said.
KFD scanner traffic on Wednesday referred to several businesses, including the Hampton Inn on Strawberry Plains Pike, the Tennessee Theatre in downtown Knoxville, and the H.T. Hackney Co. on Rutledge Pike.
Some residences are reporting the same problem, Corcoran said. We expect to have more calls (Thursday).
Water lines that feed sprinkler systems can freeze overnight, and the resulting expansion of water can cause a crack in the pipeline. As pipes begin to thaw out, water escapes through the cracks.
Then the water movement sets off the alarm and the sprinkler system, Corcoran said. Its really been causing us havoc.
The Tennessee Theatre did not sustain any significant damage, and the Wednesday night performance of Shen Yun was scheduled to go on, theater manager Tom Bugg said.
A pipe connected to the sprinkler system at the Knox County Health Departments Teague Clinic, 405 Dante Road, burst Wednesday because of extremely low temperatures, said Katharine Killen, community relations director. The clinic will be closed Thursday and Friday for repairs. Clinic staff will contact patients to reschedule appointments, she said.
On Tuesday, the East Tennessee Technologys Access Center had a break in its sprinkler system. Officials are asking people to wait until next week to bring donations of computers and durable medical equipment that were requested earlier for its clients with disabilities. Anyone with an emergency need for durable medical equipment can call 865-475-4421 and leave a name and phone number.
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Thawing pipes setting off sprinkler systems, causing 'havoc' among fire departments
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Area homeowners and businesses aren't the only ones exempt from problems cause by these frigid conditions.
The Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport also dealt with a pipe break due to cold weather.
Tuesday morning, the sprinkler system on the 10th floor of the air traffic control tower froze and burst.
The tower was forced to turn off electric equipment and leave the area because that water turned to ice.
Air traffic controllers were forced to head to a lower-level radar room called, "TRACON."
"They monitored the flights from the TRACON in the lower level basement of the air traffic control tower. And, pilots that came in and out of the airport came in -airplanes came in, one at a time -and pilots operated on operated on instrument approach and talked to air traffic controllers that way to come in and out of the airport," says Amanda DeHaven, Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the airport.
DeHaven says there were no cancellation or delays because of the problem
Air traffic controllers were back in the tower by 9o'clock Tuesday night.
In 13-hours, 42-plane took off and landed.
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Broken sprinkler system forces air traffic controllers to lower ground
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