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A malfunctioning sprinkler system flooded an office building in downtown Oklahoma City, early Sunday morning.
Electricity has been shut off to OKC's 40 West Main building while crews work to drain the excess water and clean things up.
Approximately eight feet of water flooded into the building's basement, which houses the building's electrical system, elevator, a conference room and offices for 15 personnel employees.
A little after 8 p.m. building officials told News 9 most of the water had been pumped out of the building. They do, however, expect clean up to last through the night.
As many as 700 employees from various departments have offices in the building at a given time. Those departments include personnel, parks and recreation, utilities, planning, public works, development services, MAPS, and finance.
Some services will temporarily be disrupted while repairs are made. Supervisors will be in contact with their employees to inform them if they need to come to work. More information will be released after the building has been inspected and deemed safe.
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Sprinkler System Fails, Floods Building In Downtown OKC
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Lake Limestone Thornton Homes for Sale TX | http://www.kellyrealtors.com
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Fire destroys apartment building in New Westminster - 31 jan 2014 5:08am
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Fire destroys apartment building in New Westminster - 31 jan 2014 5:08am - Video
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Fire at Ash Street 4 th Avenue, New Westminster / Jan 2014
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Massive Fire at Ash Street & 4 th Avenue, New Westminster / Jan 2014 - Video
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Sprinkler Repair Greenwood Village CO Call us @720.221.3606 Or 719.963.6267
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Sprinkler Repair Greenwood Village CO Call us @720.221.3606 Or 719.963.6267 - Video
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FAIRBANKSThe fire sprinkler system inside the Geraghty Street apartment complex destroyed by fire early Wednesday had been declared operational by city fire officials a day earlier, but the building's owner said Thursday it appears the system did not activate.
The early morning fire killed at least two people and displaced more than 50 people.
Assistant Fire Chief Ernie Misewicz confirmed that the department had been working with the building's owner to inspect the system and had declared it functional. Owner Monica Sue Carney said she performed a walk-through with fire officials on Tuesday.
The building possessed both a wet and dry sprinkler system with sprinkler heads in each apartment.
Carney, who has owned the building since 1990, had been leasing the building to a prospective buyer since 2010. The lessee had failed to provide proper upkeep for the building and its emergency systems, Carney said, so she had taken it up herself in the fall.
"We were working on the sprinkler system," Carney told the News-Miner on Thursday. "All the tenants knew. I had them sign a piece of paper."
Fire crews are investigating and could not say conclusively where in the building the fire started, Misewicz said Thursday. Tenants who fled the building before fire crews arrived reported seeing the middle of the building, which contained a storefront on the ground floor and 19 apartments on the second floor, engulfed in flames.
While investigators could not say for sure what caused the fire, a number of tenants reported hearing a loud sound like an explosion prior to the fire. Carney had been working in the building Tuesday evening and said tenants told her they "smelled something funny earlier that evening."
"We have no gas in the building," Carney said. "Everything upstairs is electric. Nothing in the apartments could explode like that."
Carney said she suspects that the loud bang reported by tenants, whatever it was, may have been what caused the sprinkler system to fail.
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Owner: Sprinkler system in destroyed apartment complex didn't activate
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QUEBEC All the attention on sprinkler systems, following the fire that killed 32 last week at a seniors residence in LIsle-Verte, may be missing the point, says Louise Desrosiers, head of prevention for Montreals fire prevention service.
On Thursday, one week after the fire, 21 bodies had been recovered, eight of them positively identified, with 11 more bodies still believed to be in the ice-encased rubble of the collapsed three-storey structure.
Of course a sprinkler system will prevent a fire from spreading, Desrosiers said in a telephone interview.
But its not fire that kills, its smoke, Desrosiers explained, adding that smoke detectors may be more important in saving lives.
She explained that in a building equipped with sprinklers, but without smoke detectors, people could be dead from smoke inhalation before the sprinkler system is set off.
There is no magic solution, she said.
Desrosiers said the conditions at LIsle-Verte a fire that started after midnight, people with reduced mobility, Arctic temperatures and roaring winds, plus a volunteer fire department would not correspond to conditions in Montreal, where there is a professional fire department and as many as 16 fire trucks could be on the scene within five minutes.
We have to compare apples with apples, she said. But the Montreal fire service will be interested in the conclusions of the investigations of the LIsle-Verte catastrophe.
Desrosiers stressed that a system of smoke detectors in this type of residence, which is also cheaper than a sprinkler system, could speed the vital process of evacuating a building when fire breaks out.
She said the Montreal fire department asks people with reduced mobility to register, so firefighters know when a fire involves vulnerable residents.
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Fires like LIsle-Verte have no magic solution, official says
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FAIRBANKSThe fire sprinkler system inside the Geraghty Street apartment complex destroyed by fire early Wednesday had been declared operational by city fire officials a day earlier, but the building's owner said Thursday it appears the system did not activate.
The early morning fire killed at least two people and displaced more than 50 people.
Assistant Fire Chief Ernie Misewicz confirmed that the department had been working with the building's owner to inspect the system and had declared it functional. Owner Monica Sue Carney said she performed a walk-through with fire officials on Tuesday.
The building possessed both a wet and dry sprinkler system with sprinkler heads in each apartment.
Carney, who has owned the building since 1990, had been leasing the building to a prospective buyer since 2010. The lessee had failed to provide proper upkeep for the building and its emergency systems, Carney said, so she had taken it up herself in the fall.
"We were working on the sprinkler system," Carney told the News-Miner on Thursday. "All the tenants knew. I had them sign a piece of paper."
Fire crews are investigating and could not say conclusively where in the building the fire started, Misewicz said Thursday. Tenants who fled the building before fire crews arrived reported seeing the middle of the building, which contained a storefront on the ground floor and 19 apartments on the second floor, engulfed in flames.
While investigators could not say for sure what caused the fire, a number of tenants reported hearing a loud sound like an explosion prior to the fire. Carney had been working in the building Tuesday evening and said tenants told her they "smelled something funny earlier that evening."
"We have no gas in the building," Carney said. "Everything upstairs is electric. Nothing in the apartments could explode like that."
Carney said she suspects that the loud bang reported by tenants, whatever it was, may have been what caused the sprinkler system to fail.
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Sprinkler system in destroyed apartment didn't activate
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