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    Home repair services and more with Poplar Home Waterproofing – FOX10 News - December 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    We met up with Amanda Edwards from Poplar Home Waterproofing to discuss how they're business has grown and the many services they provide.

    Below is a list provided by Poplar Home Waterproofing of when you may need their services and some of the services they provide:

    When you may need our services...

    Foundation or Structural Repair is often indicated by the following:

    *Cracks in the exterior brick of the home (especially stair step patterns)

    *Cracks in the drywall in the interior of the home (i.e. above doorways)

    *Separation of the floor or ceiling system from the baseboard or moldings *Sticking doors or doors that wont close properly

    *Unlevel floors, sloping floors, or bouncy floors

    *Failing or over-spanned wood members under the home

    *Termite damage, wood rot, or molded wood

    Waterproofing Solutions are often necessary when:

    *The house develops a musty or mold/mildew smell

    *When mold or wood rot is found within the crawl space area

    *Significant water intrusion is occurring within the crawlspace (i.e. standing water)

    Exterior Waterproofing is usually necessary when:

    *There is a failing retaining wall

    *Complete washout of a portion of the yard

    *When water is intruding into the home at below grade levels

    *When the exterior grade of the home is above the interior slab causing water intrusion

    *Wet garage or basement areas

    Vapor Barriers

    Custom cut and staked vapor barriers laid to prevent humidity from making it from the ground to the crawl space.


    Full crawl space wrap (floor and walls) to seal out moisture.

    Mold Remediation

    Full wipe down and clean up with shockwave mold removal chemical

    French Drains

    Trench filled with gravel or rock containing a perforated pipe that redirects surface and groundwater away from one area to another.

    Dehumidifiers/Seal Vents

    Work by removing the air moisture in a crawl space, draining the excess water to sump pump systems or outside and then blows out warm air.

    Basement French Drain/Water guard

    Drainage system installed inside the home beneath the slab

    Foundation Drains/Exterior Waterproofing Solutions

    Installed at the foundation of a structure to prevent water from collecting around it.

    Additional exterior waterproofing solutions to prevent interior water intrusion.

    Foundation/Structural Repair

    Pier and drop girder systems for supplemental support to address over-span floor systems

    Reframe structural members from beneath the home (girder, band, joist, rim, sub-floor)

    Other miscellaneous support and reframing solutions

    Retaining Walls

    Extra support where necessary to prevent erosion due to weather or other causes

    Interior Framing & Re-framing

    Opening up walls/floor plans in homes, framing new additions in homes

    Miscellaneous Work

    Fascia and soffit repair, deck repair, tuck-pointing (brick), helical stitches/ties, siding repair and replacement, flooring installation, window and door installation, vinyl/wood siding

    .and much more!

    Poplar Home Waterproofing LLC


    All content 2020, WALA; Mobile, AL. (A Meredith Corporation Station). All Rights Reserved.

    See original here:
    Home repair services and more with Poplar Home Waterproofing - FOX10 News

    Opinion: Will we hold Steve Daines to account? – Char-Koosta News - October 23, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Thompson Smith

    In my recent tenure as Chair of the Flathead Basin Commission, I wrote several opinion pieces raising concerns about Steve Bullocks administration. Yet Im urging you to vote for the Governor and send Senator Daines packing. Heres why.

    Daines has long portrayed himself as what most Montanans want: reasonable, fair, a problem solver. But his actions and words, now illuminated by the rush to confirm Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court, have shattered that illusion.

    Daines did recently join Sen. Tester in supporting the Great Outdoors Act. Unfortunately, thats far outweighed by Dainess support for more than 100 policy and regulatory changes that will leave future generations with dirtier air, dirtier water, and a poorer environment, including gutting the Clear Water Act, weakening restrictions on toxic air pollutants including mercury, hamstringing the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, allowing coal corporations to dump waste into streams, and dismantling the international effort to address the climate crisis.

    Daines has been similarly supportive or silent on a many of Trumps worst actions and statements on matters of civil rights and social justice, the rule of law, and national security. That includes Trumps legitimization of white supremacism and racist hatred, the 26 public accusations of Trumps sexual misconduct, separating immigrant toddlers and infants from their parents and putting them in cages, firing Inspectors General and US attorneys who were investigating him, siding with Putin against US intelligence, and referring to soldiers whove given their lives as suckers and losers. Trump seeks power by dividing our country rather than uniting it; Daines has nothing to say.

    On health care, the record is even worse. Daines blames COVID-19 solely on China, omitting the epic incompetence and deceit in the White House that has led to the greatest loss of American life since World War II. More than 215,000 of our fellow citizens have now perished, with 389,000 deaths projected by February 1. We have 4 percent of the worlds population, but 19 percent of the deaths.

    Daines voted three times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, when there was no replacement healthcare plan and therefore no way to deliver affordable insurance or continue protecting those of us with preexisting conditions. Eleven years after the ACAs passage, theres still no Republican plan.

    Which returns us to the matter of the Supreme Court, since a Justice Barrett might well rule against the ACA. Daines has already helped Mitch McConnell pack the courts with lifetime appointments for more than two hundred judges aligned with the Federalist Society, a special interest group funded by some $250 million in untraceable dark money thats created a pipeline of extremist judges, hostile to restrictions on corporate power, civil rights for common citizens, and environmental protection.

    In February 2016, Antonin Scalia died, nearly nine months before the election. President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland. The Constitution obligates the Senate to consider a Presidents nominee, but Daines followed Mitch McConnells orders by refusing to even meet with the universally respected judge. Daines presented his brazen inaction as based not on the brutal fact that Republicans held power as the majority, but rather on a supposed ethical commitment to democracy, saying the Senate should not act until the American people elect a new President and have their voices heard.

    We are now less than three weeks from the next election. Thousands of Montanans and millions of Americans have already cast their ballots. But Daines now says Republicans should proceed, simply because they can. Daines trumpeted principles when they served his political ends, and shamelessly abandoned them when they became inconvenient.

    Perhaps the Senate should adopt a simple rule for when a nomination is too close to an election: if its before party conventions in July-August, the Senate can proceed; if its after the conventions, the Senate should hold off until the following February. Lets call it the Abraham Lincoln rule. When Chief Justice Roger Taney died on October 12, 1864, Lincoln deferred nominating a replacement until after the election so that the next President, with a new mandate, could do it.

    156 years later to the day on October 12, 2020 Senate Judiciary Committee chair Lindsay Graham bulldozed ahead with the first day of hearings for a nominee from the far-right wing of the American legal spectrum. Like Daines, Graham hopes well forget his previous words: If theres a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, Lets let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination. And you could use my words against me, and youd be absolutely right.

    Well, Lindsay and Steve, we do remember your words, and we are holding them against you, and we are absolutely right to do so. Thats why were voting instead for Governor Bullock.

    Read the original here:
    Opinion: Will we hold Steve Daines to account? - Char-Koosta News

    Five Newfoundland and Labrador communities to benefit from improved recreational infrastructure – Stockhouse - October 23, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, NL , Oct. 22, 2020 /CNW/ - The health and well-being of Canadians are the top priorities of the governments of Canada , and Newfoundland and Labrador . But the COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than our personal health. It is having a profound effect on the economy.

    That is why governments have been taking decisive action to support families, businesses and communities, and continue to look ahead to see what more can be done.

    Strategic investments in creating inclusive recreation spaces will play a key role in ensuring Newfoundland and Labrador residents have modern facilities to support a healthy community.

    Today, Scott Simms, Member of Parliament for Coast of BaysCentralNotre Dame, on behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Derrick Bragg, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure for Newfoundland and Labrador , announced over $1.6 million in funding for the improvement and renovation of recreation and cultural facilities in five communities across Newfoundland and Labrador .

    In the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor , the Goodyear Avenue Ball Field will benefit from re-paving the existing parking areas, improving the walking track surface, and installing new backstops and new scoreboards in two baseball fields. This project, and others in Stephenville , King's Point, Twillingate , and Change Islands , will improve recreation infrastructure across the province, allowing residents and visitors alike to play sports and become physically fit in modern and accessible playgrounds, cultural centres, and arenas.

    The Government of Canada is investing more than $509,000 toward these projects through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream (CCRIS) of the Investing in Canada plan. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is contributing over $508,000 , with the municipalities providing the remainder of project funding.


    "Investing in cultural and recreational infrastructure is important to growing strong and healthy communities. The improvements being made to these facilities means that Newfoundland and Labrador residents can spend more time connecting, staying active, and having fun in modern and accessible facilities. We are proud to work with our partners to deliver these important projects. They are an example of how Canada's infrastructure plan invests in thousands of projects, creates jobs across the country and builds stronger communities. "

    Scott Simms , Member of Parliament for Coast of BaysCentralNotre Dame, on behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

    "Renovating recreational facilities so that they are modern and accessible is a priority for this government. These facilities allow people of all ages and abilities to take part in activities to promote healthy and active lifestyles."

    The Honourable Derrick Bragg, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure for Newfoundland and Labrador

    Quick facts

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    Five Newfoundland and Labrador communities to benefit from improved recreational infrastructure

    Joint federal, provincial and municipal funding through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan will support five recreation projects in communities across Newfoundland and Labrador , including renovating cultural centres and improving playgrounds and sport facilities.

    The Government of Canada is investing $509,114 towards these projects through the Community Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream (CCRIS) of the Investing in Canada plan. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is contributing $508,961 , while municipalities are contributing $664,424 in total eligible costs to these projects.

    Project Information:

    Project Name


    Project Details

    Federal Funding

    Provincial Funding

    Municipal Funding

    Goodyear Avenue Parking and Ball Field Recreation Upgrades

    Grand Falls-Windsor

    Upgrades to the Goodyear Avenue ball field and recreation facility, including grading; paving the existing parking lot; improving drainage; paving the walking track around the playground and splashpad; installation of new backstops for two baseball fields; upgrades to existing dugouts and installation of new scoreboards in two fields. The project will support improved access to quality community, culture and recreation infrastructure.




    Playground Blanch Brook Park


    Construction of a new playground to replace the current structure, creating a modern, inclusive playground which will be centrally located and easily accessible to all residents.




    New Steel Dome

    King's Point

    Installation of a new, pre-fabricated steel roof over the outdoor ice rink, allowing a greater number of residents to participate in more activities and events taking place at the rink.




    New Chiller for Twillingate Stadium 1


    Replacement of the chiller system in the stadium, ensuring the stadium can continue to provide recreation, entertainment and cultural opportunities for people in the region.




    Recreation and Cultural Centre Upgrades

    Change Islands

    Renovation of the Recreation and Culture Centre, including new windows, doors and siding; repairs to the skirt of the building, improving the current state of the building and ensuring its operations for the coming years.




    ____________________________________ 1 $4,872.00 will also be provided through the Federal Gas Tax Fund.

    Associated links

    Investing in Canada : Canada's Long-Term Infrastructure Plan:

    Investing in Canada Plan Project Map:

    Investing in COVID-19 Community Resilience:

    Canada Healthy Communities Initiative:

    Federal infrastructure investments in Newfoundland and Labrador :

    Follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram

    Web: Infrastructure Canada

    SOURCE Infrastructure Canada

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    Five Newfoundland and Labrador communities to benefit from improved recreational infrastructure - Stockhouse

    Chamber of Commerce still committed to blocking climate change action – Red, Green, and Blue - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Last year, the Chamber of Commerce, big businesss big lobby group, made a bit of a splash when it subtly changed its position on climate to distance itself from the rankest sort of climate denial it otherwise funds. This year, they continued their feint to the left,focusing on issue adsinstead of just electing Republicans, and even going so far as to support a handful of (pro-gas) Democratic politicians.

    But as EDF recently pointed out, despite the Chamber hedging its bets with Democrats now (perits fired flack), its still working against climate action in court, where its siding with polluters and the Trump administration on the clean car standards.

    No one should be particularly surprised by this, as it tracks completely with theirbehavior last yearwhen, after their supposed change of heart on climate, they werestill filing motionswith polluters and by themselves to oppose the Clean Power Plan and defend the Trump administrations replacement the dangerously Orwellian-named Affordable Clean Energy rule.

    Speaking of which, the D.C. circuit court recently heardargumentson the rule, and according to the experts whospoke with Dawn Reeves at InsideEPA, things arent looking good for the Trump administrations proposed rule. According to one of the half-dozen sources Reeves quotes, all three judges did not like the ACE rule, and said theres a high likelihood it would be struck down.

    For less reading of the tea leaves and more of a straight read of the arguments presented over a grueling nine hour virtual hearing, PoliticoPROs Alex Guilln covered theseven big take-aways. Ranging from the authority the EPA has to regulate carbon dioxide at all and narrowly targeting coal plants, or by looking at the entire grid writ large, the facts that the rule would only reduce emissions by less than 1 percent, and had no minimum for acceptable levels of pollution for each states plan, appear to be looming large in the judges minds.

    One judge, the recently Trump-appointed Justin Walker, was particularly incredulous that the ACE rule was so lacking in any sort of standard. I think thats really hard to wrap my head around. Were talking about a program to reduce air pollution and it doesnt even require you to consider how much pollution youre reducing?

    That was likely a turning point in the case that one source described to Reeves. Initially, Walker started out wanting to be the champion for what [Trumps] EPA was doing, but when they sat up and realized ACE doesnt do anything, that its clearly a coal bailout, thats when he finally started really understanding it.

    So if even the Trump appointee is sounding skeptical of how lax this proposed regulation is, thats certainly something!

    That said,a second piece by Reeves at InsideEPApoints out that all this may end up being a moot point after November 3rd anyway.

    Because if Biden wins, his administration would almost certainly scrap the ACE rule for something more appropriate and less created by polluters. If not, the Trump administration would likely appeal any adverse ruling from the district court up to the Supreme Court, putting the decision in the hands of a handful of judges appointed by Trump after having been cleared by the pro-polluter Federalist society.

    See the original post:
    Chamber of Commerce still committed to blocking climate change action - Red, Green, and Blue

    Signs your gutters are in need of repair – Reading Eagle - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Fall is a great time to tackle projects around the house.

    The weather allows homeowners to make improvements to their homes' exteriors without worrying about extreme heat or cold, while interior projects like painting are made easier because homeowners can open the windows to allow for proper ventilation.

    Fall also marks a great time to prepare for upcoming projects that can make winter work that much easier.

    For example, fall is a great time to take stock of your gutters so you can address any issues before leaves begin to fall or the first snowstorm touches down.

    Compromised gutters can contribute to water issues in basements and adversely affect a home's foundation if not addressed immediately, so it behooves homeowners to learn the signs that gutters are in need of repair or replacement.

    Gutters were once installed predominantly with spikes. However, many industry professionals now install gutters with hanger brackets.

    Why the change? Spikes loosen over time, leading to the gutters hanging off the home. That can contribute to serious issues if left untreated. Gutters hanging off the home need not necessarily be replaced, but rather secured to the home, ideally with hanger brackets instead of spikes.

    Brackets hook into the front of the gutter and are then screwed into the fascia of a home. A professional who specializes in gutter repair can perform this task relatively quickly, and it's an inexpensive yet highly effective solution.

    Gutters that are no longer fastened together can leak and contribute to issues that affect the home's foundation, siding and appearance.

    Clogs and the accumulation of debris can cause gutters to separate because they are not designed to hold too much weight. Replacement of separated gutters may or may not be necessary depending on how big the problem is and the condition of the existing gutters.

    If replacement is not necessary, separated gutters may be remedied by securing the joints, another relatively simple and inexpensive fix.

    Paint that appears to be peeling off of your home may indicate that water is seeping over the edge of the gutter closest to your home. When that happens, water is coming down the side of the house, causing the paint to peel. In such instances, replacing the gutters is often necessary.

    Not all signs of deteriorating gutters are outside a home. Many a homeowner has been flummoxed by flooding in their basements, and such flooding can be caused by aging, ineffective gutters.

    That's because deteriorating gutters sometimes allow water to leak near the foundation of a home, contributing to basement flooding.

    Excerpt from:
    Signs your gutters are in need of repair - Reading Eagle

    Lionel Messi and three Barcelona players ‘refusing to agree pay cut’ as row erupts – Express - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Lionel Messi doesnt want to accept a 30 per cent pay cut at Barcelona, it has been claimed. The La Liga giants have been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis and want to balance the books. But doing so appears easier said than done.

    Messis relationship with Barcelona has been considerably worsened over the past few months.

    The Argentina international was furious at the sacking of Ernesto Valverde back in January and also didnt like the appointment of Quique Setien as his replacement.

    Messi was further angered by the clubs Champions League exit to Bayern Munich last season, with the La Liga giants losing 8-2 on a chastening afternoon.

    And he was unhappy at club president Josep Maria Bartomeu for denying him a move away from the Nou Camp, with the 33-year-old hoping to join Manchester City.

    Now, as a result of the coronavirus crisis, Barcelona have asked their players to take a 30 per cent pay cut.

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    But Spanish pundit Eduardo Inda has claimed Messi has rejected that proposal, saying: There are four players who accept the pay cut. They are Ter Stegen, De Jong, Lenglet, Gerard Pique and Sergi Roberto.

    Messi and Pique disagree. And they will have no choice but to lower their salary.

    Inda then claimed that Antoine Griezmann, Ousmane Dembele and Samuel Umtiti were all siding with Messi over the pay cut.

    "There are three other French who have joined Messi in this war: Griezmann, Dembele and Umtiti," he added.

    "What the club is proposing is 30% to reach 20% and balance the accounts.

    Premier League done deals: Every confirmed transfer in the summer window

    Barcelona are starting to fear a life without Messi, knowing the veteran will be able to leave the Nou Camp for free at the end of the season.

    City remain keen on bringing the Argentine to the Etihad Stadium, despite Pep Guardiola missing out earlier in the summer.

    And Barcelona icon Samuel Umtiti has expressed a belief that Borussia Dortmunds Youssoufa Moukoko can be Messis long-term successor in Catalonia, saying: [Theres] a young player who plays for Dortmund called Youssoufa Moukoko.

    [Hes] 15 years of age, and hes the next top player, for me, after Messi.

    As Messi gets older, we could prepare the future of Barcelona very well.

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    Etoo believes the Dortmund star can help Antoine Griezmann shine, with the France international struggling ever since his move from Atletico Madrid back in the summer transfer window of 2019.

    With Antoine and Youssoufa [up front together], that team would go forward very well, Etoo concluded.

    [Id like to see] Kylian Mbappe at Barcelona also.

    Other clubs who could sign Messi include Juventus and PSG.

    But what ultimately happens regarding his long-term future is something only time will tell.

    This article contains affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission on any sales of products or services we write about. This article was written completely independently,see more details here

    See the original post:
    Lionel Messi and three Barcelona players 'refusing to agree pay cut' as row erupts - Express

    RBG’s impact was positive for some, bad for others – The Daily Cougar - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Anna Baker October 20, 2020

    Renee Josse de Lisle/The Cougar

    The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, champion of womens rights, died recently. While its true that she did a lot for womens rights in this country, she has also made many decisions that hurt indigenous people. Its important to talk about the problems in her time as a Justice because otherwise we arent looking at her truthfully.

    Ginsburg was the first woman to do a lot of things such as serve on the Harvard Law Review and earn tenure at Columbia University. She directed the Womens Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union fighting against discrimination in the workplace. When she was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993, she kept fighting for womens rights, such as the right to abortion.

    Ginsburg was also the first Jewish woman on the Supreme Court. She was proud of her heritage and was an icon for Jewish people in America in a time where anti-Semitism seeed to be increasing on the daily.

    She was beloved and its understandable that her death is difficult for many people. Its important that we remember her, but we should remember her fully, good and the bad.

    When politicians die, their lives are often washed of anything bad in order to remember them fondly. For Ginsburg, a lot of the bad came from her record on tribal sovereignty and we should recognize that.

    In June, Ginsburg voted majority in a decision saying it was OK for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to be built. The Lumbee Tribe in North Carolina were concerned that the construction would disrupt the ecosystems in their community.

    The construction would disrupt forests that contain resources used by the tribe and burial grounds. However, the Supreme Court ruling supported by Ginsburg made it so the pipeline could be built and didnt need to consult with the Lumbee.

    Its important to note that when pipelines are built on Indigenous land, violence against Indigenous people tends to increase.

    Man camps are housing for the company workers, who are usually not from the area. There have been increases in sex trafficking, rape, and violence against Indigenous people in correlation with man camps such as the Keystone Pipeline.

    Ginsburgs vote for the pipeline would have contributed to this if the pipeline wasnt shut down by the company earlier this month due to legal fees.

    She also voted against Indigenous people in Sherrill vs Oneida, where the Oneida Indian Nation reservation was buying back land it had once sold, claiming the land was part of the reservation again. The City of Sherrill claimed the land didnt belong to the reservation so they needed to pay taxes.

    Ginsburg wrote the opinion siding with the city. She said the land didnt belong to the reservation because its sovereignty couldnt be re-bought by the Oneida. This opinion implied that sovereignty of Indigenous tribes was a thing of the past and something that could not be reclaimed.

    That contributes to the idea that Indigenous culture is a thing of the past, which isnt true. Indigenous people are still alive and theyre entitled to sovereignty.

    Ginsburg had a problem with tribal sovereignty and rights. These arent the only two cases either. She had a habit of voting against the favor of Indigenous tribes; this is bad and perpetuates the idea that Indigenous people dont have a right to their land, even though its rightly theirs.

    Thankfully, she did vote in favor of tribal sovereignty in the groundbreaking McGirt vs. Oklahoma case which basically stated that half of Oklahoma was Indigenous land.

    This is amazing for tribal sovereignty but it doesnt erase the harm shes done in the past. We can hope that the McGirt case will impact cases in the future improving the state of sovereignty for First Nations people.

    Some people may say to not speak ill of the dead, but its important, especially for political figures, that we see them how they were.

    The late Supreme Court justice was a brilliant woman who fought hard for womens rights but fell short when it came to Indigenous rights. She fell short in other areas too, such as prisoners rights and criminal justice, but most consistently with tribal sovereignty.

    Its OK to mourn Ginsburg, especially since her replacement doesnt look too promising for progressive agendas. We cant whitewash her career because it wouldnt be true, and when it comes to political figures, we should remember them truthfully.

    Anna Baker is an English junior who can be reached at [emailprotected]

    Tags: RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ginsburg legacy

    View post:
    RBG's impact was positive for some, bad for others - The Daily Cougar

    NFL Week 7 Preview: Fantasy football advice, betting tips and matchups to watch | NFL News, Rankings and Statistics – Pro Football Focus - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PFF previews the 14 NFL games in Week 7, highlighting storylines to watch while also taking a fantasy football and betting approach to offer insight for every NFL fan.

    After what can only be described as a disastrous start, Philadelphias season is now actually looking up simply because Wentz has dragged himself out of the funk he was in to begin the year.

    Wentz didnt earn a PFF grade above 57.0 for the first three games and looked completely unable to accurately pass the football at times, but he hasnt graded below 66.0 since that time, despite playing against two of the toughest defenses in the league.

    Philadelphia was beaten by better teams in the Ravens and Steelers, but the Giants represent a much more beatable opposition. The Eagles will have a huge advantage if Wentz can continue this improved form, even with his team's current injury crisis.

    There are certainly worse teams out there on the back end, but the Giants are below average in terms of passer rating allowed in coverage, giving up a rating of 102.9 to opposing passers so far this season, around 30 points higher than Wentz's rating through six games. The Giants are also not particularly well suited to attacking Wentzs lack of supporting cast, with just three players who have double-digit total pressures on the season and interior lineman Dalvin Tomlinson posting the best pass-rushing grade (72.0) on the team.

    Travis Fulgham has been a monster for the Philadelphia Eagles over the past three weeks. Over that span, he ranks sixth in yards per route run and has commanded a whopping 25% target share. The Eagles will likely get DeSean Jackson back in the lineup for this Week 7 matchup but will also be without Miles Sanders and Zach Ertz. The targets should continue to come Fulghams way and, hopefully for his sake, Jacksons presence will lessen the likelihood of shadow coverage from James Bradberry. He owns PFFs fifth-highest coverage grade among CBs, but Fulgham has proved he wont back down in tough matchups. The Eagles wide receiver owns the fourth-highest PFF receiving grade this season.

    Considering this matchup further, Bradberry has a 71.1 PFF grade in man coverage 71.1, so the slight favors Fulgham based on his PFF grade versus man coverage (87.7).

    The bottom line: Chase Fulghams targets and start him on Thursday night. The Giants have allowed the third-most receptions to wide receivers this season.

    Boston Scott will draw the start without Sanders and should be viewed as a startable low-end RB2. He operated as the primary option in Week 1 (nine carries for 35 yards, two catches for 19) and played 80% of the snaps in the second half of last week's contest.

    The matchup is tough for Scott as a rusher the Giants boast PFFs fifth-best run defense. But he should still be a solid floor play based on his work as a receiver. The Giants have allowed the sixth-most receiving yards to running backs this season.

    Its also worth noting that Scott torched the Giants last season. In his two games against them (including one start), Scott averaged 19.5 touches, two touchdowns, 133 yards from scrimmage and six targets.

    While the Eagles offense has been decimated by injury, their defense has fared much better. The Philadelphia defense has been relatively good at stopping the run. Devonta Freeman has seen a high percentage of the Giants playing time but has yet to top 3.5 yards per carry in a game. He should see plenty of volume but probably wont be all that efficient per carry.

    In the passing game, the Giants top receivers will be high-risk, high-reward options this week. The Eagles have a top-three pass rush grade this season while the Giants have the lowest pass-blocking grade, so Daniel Jones will constantly be under pressure. If he can get the ball out, then Evan Engram is most likely to have a big game. Philadelphia has given up the most fantasy points to a tight end twice. With how much Jones will be under pressure, Engram and the running backs will see a lot of the targets.

    Thursday Night Football brings the heat once again. The spread for this NFC East matchup has been all one-sided, with the Eagles moving down from 8.5-point favorites in the preseason to -6 to start the week before settling at -4. The ticket percentage skews slightly toward the Eagles, but the majority of cash has been on the Giants. This line movement is based on big bettors favoring the road dog in this matchup.

    The total has dropped two points since the open behind 72% of the cash percentage on the under. This total has a big bettors vs. public bettors skew percentage, with the market movement siding with the sharp side. Both offenses rank in the bottom third of our opponent-adjusted offensive rankings, with injuries continuing to pile up on both offensive units.

    The total offers no real value, but an overcorrection is possible if this market continues to move. PFF's predictive models (PFF Greenline) sees some opportunity on both the spread and moneyline, which is a great way to add betting intrigue to this Thursday night matchup.

    There was a pretty strong narrative that the Dallas Cowboys offense would be fine with Dalton at quarterback, but that didn't seem like the case on Monday night.

    Daltons prime-time record is not good in his career, and this was another disappointment under the bright lights. He emerged with an overall PFF grade of 60.5, 25 points worse than his cameo in relief of an injured Prescott a week ago and some way short of his Bengals performance the last time he had a group of receivers as good as this.

    It wasnt all Daltons fault, as the team was thrown into a hole early by a pair of Ezekiel Elliott fumbles, but Dalton wasnt hitting the passes he did last week until it was too late.

    Against Washington, we will get a better idea of whether that was a likely look at the future or if Dalton just had a bad day. His receivers are elite, but the pass protection will be a problem, even if he was hurried on just 17 of 51 dropbacks against Arizona. We have seen too much capable play from Dalton to believe that the entire offense will fall apart with him at the helm, but Monday night's matchup was proof that the gap between him and Dak Prescott may be wider than many expected.

    The Dallas Cowboys defense continues to struggle, and that means we need to continue to target offenses that play them weekly. They rank inside the bottom-12 in terms of fantasy points allowed against every position in fantasy football (including DST), so this a situation as simple as play all the dudes.

    Kyle Allen is available on waiver wires and can be easily streamed in this matchup. Running back Antonio Gibson is a great buy-low target ahead of this game and Terry McLaurins price on DraftKings ($5,900) is mind-boggling coming off a 12-target game.

    Dallas has faced the fourth-highest play-action rate this season (34.1%) and has allowed the third-highest passer rating against those types of throws (144.1).

    Since Allen took over at quarterback, Washington has ramped up the use of play-action (34.9% vs. 25.6%) compared to when Dwanye Haskins was under center. This further cements McLaurin as an awesome play as the electrifying receiver ranks sixth in the NFL in targets off play-action (17).

    Only two receivers this season have achieved 90 or more receiving yards against the Football Team. Both of those players were tight ends. That is good news for Dalton Schultz but bad news for the rest of the wide receivers on the Cowboys roster. Part of the reason why the Cowboys receivers have been able to maintain value is that Dallas has thrown 44 more times than any other team. This week against Washington, they might not need to pass as much because they could maintain a lead. Both Amari Cooper and CeeDee Lamb should still be in starting lineups, but it wouldnt be at all surprising if at least one of them has lower than usual targets.

    This should mean Ezekiel Elliott has a bounce-back game. Washington has an average run defense, but theyve been in the top 10 in rushing attempts against, leading them to also be top 10 in yards and touchdowns allowed. This could be the week where Elliott has his first 100-yard rushing game of the season.

    The optimism surrounding Andy Dalton was short-lived, with this spread dropping significantly from the opening number. The preseason line of 8.5 simply projected a different situation, but it's noteworthy that this spread opened at 3 early in the week before dropping immediately to 1.

    Our cash and ticket percentages both skew toward the Cowboys, highlighting that this latest movement is simply an adjustment by bookmakers based on Mondays performance.

    The Cowboys completely changed their offensive philosophy on early downs with Andy Dalton, and Zeke was fed to an ineffective result. The total seemed to have taken note, dropping 3 points from the open. Our cash and ticket percentages skew heavily toward the under, but a higher percentage of cash makes this a situation that both big and public bettors buy into. PFF Greenline has no strong preference on the total but is intrigued by plays on both the spread and moneyline.

    The Josh Allen rollercoaster ride has taken more unexpected dips over recent weeks. After a start to the season that had people signing apology forms and ready to crown him as one of the most surprising development stories in recent draft history, he has cooled way down in the past two games. After three consecutive games with a PFF grade of at least 80.0 peaking with a career-best 91.9 against the Raiders in Week 4 Allen has posted grades of 76.7 and 64.6, and 1,040 passing yards in his first three games gave way to a season-low of just 122 in the rain on Monday night.

    What we saw in the first four games of the season was too good to completely ignore and represented a departure from his baseline play over the first two seasons of his career too dramatic to be just a quirk. Questions were being asked at the time about whether it was sustainable, but now it has fallen away.

    Allens overall PFF grade is still 86.3 for the season, which is No. 6 in the NFL but more than 20 grading points higher than his previous career-high, but for the first time this season, we get to see whether he can bounce back from a performance that belongs more comfortably with his previous levels of play and not the new Allen that we had seen in 2020.

    Jamison Crowder is in a smash spot versus a Buffalo Bills defense that has allowed the third-most completions to slot wide receivers this season. Hes also averaged 12.3 targets, 9.6 catches and 93 receiving yards in his last three games versus the Bills.

    But from a DFS perspective, there is a way to save more salary to jam in all the studs Breshad Perriman is just $3,700 on DraftKings. He had four catches for 62 yards on eight targets in Week 6 (10.2 fantasy points) and his salary pricepoint surprisingly went down.

    He led the team in air yards (134) and will get the chance to match up routinely versus Bills cornerback Josh Norman, who ranks 96th among qualifying CBs in PFFs coverage grade (38.0) over the past two weeks in relief of Levi Wallace.

    Which Bills players end up having the most fantasy points will depend on how quickly Buffalo gets a lead. The Jets defense has allowed the fourth-highest average yards per pass at 8.1. New York has been more efficient at stopping the run, but theyve been run on a lot, leading to nine touchdowns. Thats tied for third-most by a defense.

    Because of the matchup, fantasy managers should continue to start the Bills stars. Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs should be more efficient than usual and will hopefully put up some big numbers until the Bills dont need them to. Devin Singletary should see plenty of carries, although it wouldnt be surprising if Zack Moss is given more opportunities, too.

    No one is buying into the Jets at this point, as they look historically poor to start the season. Bigger bettors were once again burned by the Jets failing to cover a wide spread, which makes the stopping point on this week difficult to project.

    The preseason spread of 3.5 quickly ballooned to 10 to start the week, before even more Bills backing pushed it to 13. A healthy percentage of the cash and tickets are siding with the Bills, which could point this spread all the way to 14. At some point, representatives from the sharp side will step in to buy the Jets, but after being burned the past two weeks, this spread could move more than expected.

    The total has seen a drop since the open, with our predictive models still leaning toward the under. This is counter to the cash and ticket percentage, but how many points can the Jets realistically be expected to score with the 32nd-ranked offensive unit?

    This game features a battle between two of the more conservative quarterbacks in the league from a stylistic point of view. Thats a trait that has always been there with Teddy Bridgewater, and Drew Brees has skewed more and more in that direction as he has aged.

    Denver's Drew Lock leads the NFL in average depth of target at 13.9, and the more aggressive quarterbacks in the league are above 10 yards on average, but Bridgewater sits at 7.2 and Brees just 6.3 yards this season. They rank 29th and 36th out of 38 qualifiers, respectively.

    Brees has also been the least likely quarterback in the league to take a deep shot this season, as only 5.1% of his pass attempts have traveled 20 or more yards downfield from the line of scrimmage. Bridgewater, on the other hand, has taken a deep shot on 9.2% of his attempts, which is significantly more aggressive but still ranks just 26th of 35 qualifiers.

    There are always mitigating circumstances with these statistics, but at this point, its inarguable that both passers tend to be far more conservative than average, yet those aggressive targets are the most valuable passing plays in the game and help to offset a lot of down-to-down inconsistency. Will this be a battle between two quarterbacks trying to play tiny margins for error, or will one seize on the opportunity to be aggressive and win the game simply by attacking the bigger plays?

    The Panthers have allowed the fourth-fewest fantasy points per game to the wide receiver position this season, so alternative options should be sought after in replacement of Emmanuel Sanders. He projects to man the slot as he did back in Week 1, but that matchup doesnt favor Sanders in Week 7.

    The Panthers defense has allowed the second-lowest yards per attempt (7.4) to slot wide receivers this season and just over four catches per game. Additionally, Sanders only saw five targets back in Week 1 when Michael Thomas was healthy.

    Thomas should presumably be making his return to the Saints starting lineup, so in a corresponding move, fantasy managers need to take a wait-and-see approach with Sanders and place him on the bench.

    For the Panthers offense, start the players you always start in Mike Davis, D.J. Moore and Robby Anderson, but none of them are likely to have their best games of the season. The Saints have been good at shutting down wide receivers, especially on the outside, and have been average against running backs.

    The biggest Saints weakness has been stopping tight ends, where theyve allowed more fantasy points to tight ends than any other defense. The Panthers, on the other hand, have only had 10 catches by tight ends for 74 yards and a touchdown. There have been over 20 instances where a tight end had more yards in a game than the Carolina tight ends have had this season combined. Even against this defense, I wouldnt trust even picking up one of the Carolina tight ends.

    The Panthers have quickly fallen out of favor with bettors after receiving significant backing in Week 6. The 6.5-point opening line quickly cut through the key number 7 before adding the hook. The cash and ticket percentages are skewed toward the Saints, who appear to be receiving a higher percentage of public backing.

    Twenty-three places separate these offenses in our opponent-adjusted rankings, despite similar expected points added (EPA) per pass attempt numbers to start the season. The total market hasnt moved off of the opening number, with PFF Greenline offering a lean on one side of this market.

    Any further line movement could open up value on the spread and moneyline, which makes monitoring Greenline imperative for late-week action.

    Week 6 saw one of the most uncharacteristic Aaron Rodgers performances in a long time. Before facing Tampa Bay, Rodgers had yet to commit any kind of a turnover-worthy play on the season. He jumped out to a lead but then seemed to unravel at the point he threw his first a pick-six to cornerback Jamel Dean that erased much of the lead.

    From that point on, Rodgers wasnt right in the game and finished with three turnover-worthy plays overall. He was seemingly unable to deal with the timing of the Tampa Bay pressure looks and generally struggled to find a rhythm for the rest of the contest. You could make the case that this represented the first good defense that he has faced this season and that the Rodgers we saw for the first five weeks was a mirage, or you can make the case that this was a bad day at the office all quarterbacks have them.

    Either way, getting to face the Houston Texans represents an ideal environment for him to bounce back and once again look like the best quarterback in the game, whatever the underlying reasons for his poor performance were. Only two defenses in the league are allowing a higher passer rating to opposing quarterbacks than the 119.6 the Texans are currently giving up, and their defense as a whole is giving up 6.1 yards per play, 27th in the league. We may not get a better handle on where Rodgers is this season until someplace down the line, but we should be expecting a big rebound game this week.

    I wont get to Will Fuller in DFS this week because of his tough matchup against Jaire Alexander he grades out as PFFs second-best CB in coverage grade this season (90.7) but David Johnson at $5,300 peaks my interest.

    The Packers have been atrocious against running backs this season, allowing the most fantasy points to the position over the past four weeks, and DJ has seen 19.5 touches per game under the new coaching regime.

    Those touches havent resulted in much (12.5 fantasy points per game), but the big game is coming. Per PFFs expected fantasy points model, Johnson should be averaging closer to 20.1 fantasy points per game.

    Aaron Jones had his worst game of the season last week. After having at least 65 rushing yards in every game, he was held to 15 against the Buccaneers. He should be able to respond in a big way against this Texans defense. They are the only team to have allowed over 1,000 rushing yards so far this season. Part of that is because the Texans have been run against the most, but theyve also allowed the highest yards per carry at 5.4. Jones should only add to those numbers.

    Davante Adams against Bradley Roby will be the other interesting battle in this game. The Texans have consistently put Roby up against the opposition's top wide receiver. Roby has yet to allow more than 45 yards in a game, although the wide receivers hes lined up against have gotten more yards outside of Robys coverage. Robys coverage grade has been improving as the season has gone on despite continuing to play good receivers. Adams should still be in all starting lineups but be prepared for this game to not be his best. Other parts of the Texans defense will be easier to attack in the passing game.

    The betting market appeared lower on the Texans than our predictive models, which explains the 1-point preseason spread moving only a little at the start of the week. This number now sits between 3 and 3.5, with early bettors all over the Packers as road favorites.

    Both offenses rank in the top 10 of our opponent-adjusted offensive grades, with the Packers the third-best offense from an EPA per pass attempt perspective. This total has opened as the second-highest of the weekend and has held steady to that number, despite a healthy percentage of the cash and tickets on the over.

    PFF Greenline has identified some value on the moneyline and total in this matchup. These markets appear to be on the verge of movement, which makes checking Greenline a worthwhile approach.

    We wrote last week in this piece about the Steelers pass-rush unit facing its first real test of the 2020 season against a Browns' offensive line that had played like one of the leagues best to start the year. Its safe to say that Pittsburgh passed the test they generated pressure on over 50% of their pass-rushing snaps (again), and they limited the Browns to just -0.5 expected points added per play. You have to go back to 2008 to find a defensive performance as dominant as that by the Steelers on a per-play basis. T.J. Watt, Bud Dupree, Cameron Heyward and Stephon Tuitt are all getting after the quarterback at a high level this year making up the leagues most formidable pass rush through the first six weeks of the season.

    On the other side of the field, Tennessees offense has been one of the more impressive groups in the NFL. Offensive coordinator Arthur Smith continues to put Tannehill in positions to succeed, and the former Dolphin is absolutely dealing. He currently sits as PFFs fifth-highest graded passer. As a team, the Titans are fielding one of the most efficient offenses in the league (0.22 EPA per play).

    Tannehills propensity to take sacks is an area for concern in this matchup, though. Since the start of last season, the only two quarterbacks to take sacks on a higher percentage of their pressured dropbacks are Dwayne Haskins and Kyle Allen. The Steelers will look to capitalize on that in this battle between the last two undefeated teams in the AFC.

    Ryan Tannehill looks like he would be in a position to be a candidate to avoid in this matchup, but the Steelers secondary has holes. They have allowed the third-most air yards per game before Baker Mayfield laid a total egg against them, they had allowed over 20 fantasy points per game to the likes of Daniel Jones, Jeff Driskel and Carson Wentz.

    The Steelers claim to fame is how they can bring pressure to the quarterback position they lead the league in pressure rate at 50.7%. But no quarterback has been better than Tannehill in the face of pressure this season.

    He owns a 7:0 touchdown to interception ratio and boasts the No. 1 passer rating (110.5) under pressure its actually slightly higher than his rating in a clean pocket (110.3).

    Dont be surprised to see Tannehill shred the Steelers secondary on Sunday.

    The Titans defense is coming off a game where they allowed four passing touchdowns one to each of the teams top three wide receivers and the fourth to their tight end. That is great news for the Steelers, who have plenty of wide receivers to throw to.

    The biggest question will be if Diontae Johnson is ready to return or not. If he does, that would likely limit the playing time of both James Washington and Chase Claypool. Even with limited playing time, Claypool should be starting with how much the Steelers have been getting him the ball when he is on the field. Washington will be more dependent on whether Johnson plays or not. The rest of the Steelers starters should all be in starting lineups. If there is anything to be concerned about with these matchups, its that Tennessee has an above-average run defense, which could slow down James Conner. He still sees a very high percentage of the playing time and carries, so even if the matchup isnt amazing for him, he should still be starting.

    This matchup looks like the game of the week, with the Titans one spot ahead of the Steelers at fifth in our Elo rankings. The market is siding with the road team that we have slightly lower in our power rankings. The cash and ticket percentages have been heavily one-sided, with 78% of the cash on the Steelers suggesting big bettors are buying in early in the week.

    The spread offers no real value based on our predictive models, despite 28 places separating these teams in our opponent-adjusted offensive grades. Tannehill has graded 12 points better than Ben Roethlisberger, which makes for one of the most intriguing matchups of the week as the Titans offense gets set to go up against a ferocious Steelers defense.

    That Steelers defense is second overall in our opponent-adjusted grades, but the total market still has an appetite for points. The opening 52.5 didnt hold, but the total has only seen a half- or one-point drop, depending on the book. Our predictive models lean slightly towards the over, which is the same direction as the cash and ticket percentages.

    Mayfields 2019 season was already a cause for concern he took a clear step back from what was a promising rookie season in 2018, bailing on clean pockets and struggling with his accuracy.

    Heading into the 2020 season with new head coach and playcaller Kevin Stefanski, as well as improvements to his supporting cast, there were reasons to believe that Mayfield would bounce back. After all, there were multiple years across his time at Oklahoma and early on in his NFL career that indicated that he could be a quality starter at worst.

    Even with the dud against Pittsburgh last week, Mayfields passer rating is still better this year than it was in 2019, but his PFF passing grade has dropped from 71.7 to 57.3. The credit for how Clevelands offense has looked should largely go to the upgrade from Freddie Kitchens to Kevin Stefanski, while Mayfield looks like someone who is holding them back rather than delivering them to the promised land. PFFs Mike Renner detailed the reasons for concern in a piece this week, and they range from shaky pocket presence to an inability to push the ball downfield from traditional dropbacks.

    The yips are often associated with baseball, but it sure looks like Mayfield has them. Hes just not the same confident player weve seen in the past, and thats a major problem for the Browns.

    The Cleveland Browns have allowed the second-most fantasy points to opposing wide receivers over the past four weeks, which makes both Tee Higgins and Tyler Boyd locked-and-loaded options in fantasy lineups for Week 7. Both rank inside the top-12 WRs in PPR formats since Week 3.

    Back in Week 2, when the Bengals played the Browns, Boyd had over 70 receiving yards and a touchdown. Higgins wasnt playing a full role at the time in that contest but still saw modest production with six targets for three catches and 35 yards.

    A.J. Green enjoyed a renaissance of sorts in Week 6, posting his best game to date with eight grabs for 96 receiving yards. I would not immediately jump on the back on the Green bandwagon moving forward, though, just because of his track record so far this season.

    His Week 6 stat line also looks much less impressive when its revealed that the majority of his yardage gained was against linebacker Anthony Walker in coverage. He is a WR3 option this week more than anything else and is preferably a major sell-high candidate based on the name brand.

    Id also like to highlight that its always important to recognize outlier player performances in correlation with other player injuries. I dont think its a coincidence that Greens best game came the week the team deactivated Auden Tate. In the three games Tate has been active and seen legitimate snaps this season, Green has averaged just under four targets per game. The other three games? Eleven targets per game.

    If Tate is ruled out for Week 7, it will be hard to pass on Green in DFS hell be a solid cash play option at just $4,300.

    This past week, Kareem Hunt had his worst game of the season, but this week could be his best. The Bengals have allowed the second-most yards per carry this season at 5.1. This had led to the third-most rushing yards allowed at 854. As long as the Browns defense doesnt give up a big lead, Clevelands strategy on offense should just be to feed Hunt.

    Austin Hooper also has the potential to have his biggest game of the season. He wasnt seeing five targets per game over the first three weeks, but that has increased and hes had five catches per game the last three weeks. Hes still not on pace to score as many touchdowns as last season, and hes yet to avoid a tackle after the catch despite having seven or more avoided tackles each of the last three seasons. The Bengals have given up 404 yards to tight ends, which is the third-most. The combined increased opportunities and defense that has given up plenty of yards should make Hooper owners happy.

    This spread has bounced between 3 and 4, with no consensus forming on the early-week number. The Browns are the popular team in the betting market, after receiving 78% of the cash and 81% of the early-week ticket percentages. Our predictive models find little value in this game, so shopping for the best available price is a prudent decision in this situation.

    The total has dropped 1.5 points since the open, which could partially be attributed to the lack of points last week. Both defenses rank in the twenties of our opponent-adjusted grades, which highlights why Greenline leans slightly toward the under. There is little betting value in this matchup, but line movement could open up opportunities as we head toward kickoff.

    Detroit received a lot of preseason buzz, and that has not come to fruition through five games in 2020. The big area of concern on this team is a defense that continues to disappoint under Matt Patricia. Desmond Trufant has missed multiple games with an injury, and Jeffrey Okudah has not looked like a player who is ready to immediately step in right and replace Darius Slay on the outside, posting a 30.4 PFF coverage gradethrough his first four NFL games.

    On the bright side for the Lions, their offense is starting to look more and more like the group that impressed with Matthew Stafford on the field in 2019. Golladays return after missing the first two games of the season with injury has a lot to do with that. Stafford hasnt played particularly well this season, earning a 65.8 PFF grade thus far, but in the three games that hes had Golladay at his disposal, Detroit ranks third in expected points added per pass play behind only Kansas City and Tennessee. That rank was 25th across the first two weeks of the season without Golladay.

    He gives Stafford and this offense one of the best downfield, contested-catch targets in the NFL. Look for Golladay to have a big game here against a Falcons secondary that has struggled in coverage this year.

    Todd Gurley II still finds himself in a prime sell-high position this game versus the Lions feels extremely trappy. We see teams adjust when they come out after bye weeks, and the Lions run defense looked much improved in Week 6, holding James Robinson to just 29 rushing yards on 12 attempts.

    Gurley has been involved more as a pass-catcher in recent weeks nine targets over the past two weeks but his fantasy production is still tied to his rushing production. Gurley could barely get anything going against the Minnesota Vikings (PFFs 28th run-graded defense) in Week 6 (2.4 yards per attempt), so I am not optimistic about his Week 7 matchup.

    The Falcons defense is the gift that keeps giving to fantasy owners. Eight different wide receivers have caught had least 90 yards each, which is great news for Kenny Golladay and Matthew Stafford.

    The interesting thing will be how well T.J. Hockenson will do. He started the season with at least 50 yards in each of the first three games. Over the last two games, he had been held to under 20 yards each game but has also scored a touchdown in each. The Falcons have yet to face any of the top 20 tight ends drafted this year until this upcoming week. Despite not facing any of the big-name tight ends, theyve allowed five different TEs to gain at least 50 yards. Hockenson has the opportunity for a career game.

    The preseason spread of -6 was not going to hold for a team one game after its head coach was fired. This week's opening of -1 was a slight overreaction, with the early-week number locked into -2. Some leading books have the juice on -2, so a bump up to -2.5 still feels like a potential path.

    It is more of the same story from our predictive models, needing to go back to the well on the Falcons after their upset victory last week. This team is much better than their early-season struggles, with their late-game collapses at least reflecting their early-game ability. The cash and ticket percentages are counter to our predictive models, with 70% of the cash and 60% of the tickets on the Lions. The Lions have been a trendy betting target throughout 2020, which is a viable reason for why we are so far off-market on this matchup.

    The Falcons are once again an over team, sitting at 4-2 going over to start the season. This total is the highest of Week 7 after seeing no change from the opening number.

    Arizona beating the undefeated Seahawks following a bye would send a message to the rest of the NFL that it is a legitimate contender in the NFC West. Despite the Cardinals' 4-2 record through six weeks, it doesnt exactly seem like thats how theyre being viewed right now.

    More here:
    NFL Week 7 Preview: Fantasy football advice, betting tips and matchups to watch | NFL News, Rankings and Statistics - Pro Football Focus

    Quality of Life: Millions invested in post housing – Beauregard Daily News - October 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ANGIE THORN| The Guardian

    Housing plays a huge part in the quality of life for Soldiers and Family members, which is why the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk and Corvias have partnered to improve Fort Polk housing over the course of a three-phase, multimillion dollar project.

    The $15 million phase-one development package began in April 2019 in Dogwood Terrace with renovations to 566 homes. Renovations included the replacement of roofs, some fascia rebuilding, stucco painting, gutter work and three miles of road paving. The Dogwood Terrace project is now complete at a cost of about 8 million dollars. The second part of the package focuses on Maple Terrace, which will involve similar exterior renovations to 580 homes while using the remainder of the $15 million allocation.

    Betty Beinkemper, U.S. Army garrison housing assistance office chief, said the Army and Corvias, Fort Polks privatized housing partner, work together by sitting down and deciding what a housing area requires to return it to a standard that makes residents proud to come home.

    Dogwood Terrace is one of our older neighborhoods, so we knew it was time to begin our renovations. Now that they are complete, you can see and feel a huge difference when you ride through the neighborhood. We get feedback from residents about how proud they are of the upgrades to their neighborhood, she said.

    The quality of life improvements from these renovations are important to the Soldiers and Families of Fort Polk, said Beinkemper.

    When Families come to Fort Polk, it is integral to offer them the best housing that we can. These types of renovations not only improve the look of the homes, but they extend the lifespan of the home for several years to come, she said.

    Beinkemper said completing the renovations on time has been challenging due to issues like COVID-19 and Hurricane Laura.

    COVID-19 slowed down the construction process and closed down the neighborhood centers, but we adjusted and persevered by following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention safety measures and developing safe ways to continue work to get the job done, she said.

    Hurricane Laura also took a toll on older Maple Terrace homes that havent been renovated yet, but we arent seeing any major damage thats a plus. Looking forward, roof renovations will begin in that neighborhood in the next few weeks. The new roofs in Dogwood Terrace saw very little damage, she said.

    With this successful beginning, Beinkemper said she thinks the Fort Polk command team, garrison and Corvias have worked together as a team to improve housing for those Soldiers and Families. That means so much, she said.

    Wil Motta, Corvias operations director at Fort Polk, said Corvias is proud to be on the Fort Polk housing team renovating housing for the community.

    Renovations completed in the Dogwood Terrace neighborhood have added a welcoming atmosphere for service members and their Families, which is key for the quality of life initiative at Fort Polk, he said.

    Motta said beyond renovations, their maintenance team is key to maintaining their residents homes and improving their quality of life on a daily basis.

    Its been a cohesive team effort to stay on top of work orders and make things happen. The most important part of our job is to serve our service members. We cant control COVID-19 or hurricanes, but we are laser focused on the well being of our service members and their Families, he said.

    Motta said the work has the added benefit of extending the life of the houses.

    When you see the improvements that have been made by working with Fort Polk garrison command, the Army is ensuring that we can offer quality housing that feels like home, he said.

    Besides renovations, Motta said Corvias understands how important places like their neighborhood centers and other amenities are to residents.

    We are currently working hand-in-hand with the Fort Polk garrison command to look into the possibility of safely reopening certain amenities in light of COVID-19, he said. We want to be cautious and make sure we do that in a responsible way, he said.

    Staff Sgt. Chris Eckelkamp, 46th Engineer Battalion, along with his spouse, Lauren, and their two children Carson, 6, and Taylor, 10, said they have been happy with the renovations and living conditions in Dogwood Terrace.

    This is the first time in 11 years that the Eckelkamps have lived in on-post housing.

    After experiencing both home ownership and renting off post, they decided to give on-post living a try when they moved to Fort Polk.

    Honestly, its been a wonderful experience, said Lauren. We think of our home as a safe haven, and Corvias helps us do that.

    Lauren said they have had small issues with their home that she was surprised Corvias cared about. She said once there was a bird stuck in the hollow column of their house.

    We called them and explained that the bird was trapped, and it needed to get out. They immediately sent someone out to help us free the bird, she said.

    Then there were the more challenging issues, such as a leak from the garbage disposal and an air conditioner malfunction that flooded the front half of their home.

    We had to have the flooring pulled up and replaced. Another company brought in fans to start drying things and to keep us comfortable in the house while the renovations were taking place. They kept us up-to-date when people were coming out to work, answered all of our questions and took good care of us, she said. On top of the new flooring, a couple of weeks later, we got a completely new air conditioning unit. That was important to us because our son, Carson, has severe eczema, which is worsened by the summer heat. I was happy that they handled it quickly, answered all of my questions and concerns and took care of my Familys well-being and comfort.

    Having lived off post, the Eckelkamps said they realize how beneficial it is to have someone dependable, like Corvias, to deal with every day issues rather than negotiating with a random property owner that is hard to get in touch with, or bearing the full responsibility themselves for repairs.

    If you have to depend on a landlord to fix things, sometimes they wont get around to correcting the problem for a couple of weeks, but when I call Corvias nine times out of 10 somebody is here within a couple of hours, sometimes as fast as 20 minutes to fix whatever is broken, she said.

    The Eckelkamps have lived in their Dogwood Terrace home for three years and, since the renovations began, Lauren said she has noticed many of their neighbors homes have been painted and upgraded. The overall curb appeal of the neighborhood has gone up.

    A lot of work has been done on the older houses in the neighborhood. Its a cleaner and prettier place to live, she said.

    Another benefit of living in Corvias housing is the community centers in each neighborhood, said Lauren.

    They play a huge role in our quality of life, she said. The people that work at the centers have always been wonderful to my Family. They are friendly, happy, keep us well informed and are willing to help. Even during the COVID-19 quarantine, when they were closed, I would call them about needing new air conditioner filters or light bulbs and they would say, absolutely. Within 20 minutes, what I needed would be sitting outside my door, she said.

    Another Dogwood Terrace Family, Staff Sgt. Chad Withee, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, his spouse, Catherine, and their children, Jacob, 11, Tyson, 7 and Lillianna, 5, have great things to say about Fort Polk and Corvias.

    As an Army Family, Catherine said Fort Polk has been one of the better duty stations and homes they have had.

    Corvias tends to respond quickly when you have an issue. Sometimes when I call the hotline to place a work order, they tell me they will call me back to schedule a time to work on the issue; but before that even happens, theres a maintenance worker knocking on the door to fix whatever is wrong, she said.

    A roof leak at their home is the perfect example of Corvias working to correct issues in a professional manner, according to Catherine.

    We noticed water dripping into the entryway. They patched it so it wouldnt leak into the house until scheduled roof renovations could take place. After renovations were complete, we had no issue until six months later when Hurricane Laura hit and we had a minor leak. Even with all the damage to other homes, some more severe than ours, Corvias had someone out here repairing the roof the next day, and we havent had any problems since that time. They have been really responsive to our needs, she said.

    In addition to the Withees roof, other renovations to their home included new siding and an exterior paint job.

    I think it looks really good. I like it, she said.

    Catherine said not having to worry about the home they live in truly improves her Familys quality of life. I know that if something goes wrong, it wont be this huge nightmare to get it fixed. That makes it easier to move on with your daily life and takes the stress and pressure off of us when we have to deal with challenges, like my husband being out in the field or my kids getting sick, she said.

    Another plus, as far as living in Corvias housing goes, are the community amenities, said Catherine.

    Weve never lived anywhere else that has offered anything beyond a pool. The fact that they have laundry facilities, a gym, playgrounds and entertainment rooms, where kids can sit and watch movies or play with toys, has been wonderful, she said.

    Sgt. Ethan Tharpe and his girls, Kaylin, 8, and Kielynn, 4, said that Corvias has been very good to his Family.

    Ive never had any issues living on post or in the Dogwood Terrace community. Weve been blessed, he said.

    Though he has had small problems, such as a roof leaking, Tharpe said Corvias repaired the issue within 24 hours and checked in for the next three days to make sure it didnt continue to leak.

    When the hurricane came through in August, it blew the screens off the windows and a few shingles off the roof. Corvias was able to fix everything pretty quickly, he said. The maintenance guys are always professional.

    Regarding Corvias housing, Tharpe said he prefers life in on-post housing.

    I would rather have my kids safe and able to enjoy the amenities Corvias offers, he said. Im a single dad, and the folks at the community center have always been nice to my girls. They are kid friendly.

    Tharpe said the Dogwood renovations are nice, but his quality of life has always been good in Corvias housing. Ive never had any issues, he said.

    At a ribbon cutting held Oct. 5, celebrating the completion of the Dogwood Terrace renovations, Brig. Gen. Patrick D. Frank, JRTC and Fort Polk commanding general, stood with the Fort Polk command team, Corvias team members and Liz Swinney, a Dogwood resident, to cut the ribbon and celebrate the successful completion of the Dogwood Terrace housing upgrades.

    The interiors of these homes were always nice, and now we have renovated the exteriors so that our Soldiers and Army Families can be proud of where they live. We want to continue seeing these kinds of improvements in our neighborhoods across Fort Polk, Frank said.

    See the article here:
    Quality of Life: Millions invested in post housing - Beauregard Daily News

    Learn About The Hamilton Town Hall Building Project And Upcoming Votes – - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Town leaders identified the project need before establishing the committee. The building needs fire suppression, handicapped accessibility to all floors, accessible office space, appropriate restroom facilities, and other interior modifications to appropriately serve the public. The building envelope also needs essential maintenance to replace rotted siding and trim, and the building needs structural upgrades. The existing building systems, such as plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and lighting, are antiquated and need replacement. The Town Hall has received minimal improvements since 1897, and the proposed project will help protect the building for the next 100 years or longer.

    The THBC hired an owner's project manager and architect in mid-2018. Since then, the THBC met more than 100 times and made two presentations at Town Meeting to further the project. The THBC pledged to deliver a "bid in hand" at Fall 2019 STM to the Special Town Meeting in 2020 after Town Meeting approved the conceptual design. The approved plan will establish an elevator on the exterior of the building, restore the majority of the large meeting space on the second floor, and preserve the grand double-staircase and stage area.

    During the past year, the THBC has worked with LLB Architects to complete the Town Hall restoration and preservation project's design and development. The process involved input from many citizens and the Hamilton Historic District Commission (HHDC). The final design is complete and formally put out to bid on Sept. 23. The process to this point has cost the town about $800,000 for a project that will cost just more than $9 million, including all design, temporary offices, and moving costs.

    The THBC and the design team have made many efforts to save residents money on the project. The committee struck an understanding with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for virtually rent-free space for town employees and operations during the planned two-year construction period. The approved plan will save many elements within the existing building, which will result in savings during the fit-out of the temporary office space.

    The bids will be opened on Nov. 6, immediately before Special Town Meeting on Nov. 14. Special Town Meeting will consider the actual cost of construction, including all costs associated with temporary office space and moving for the project the estimated costs as of Sept. 29 is $7,924,474.

    The THBC received favorable consideration for $3 million in funding from the Community Preservation Committee. If Town Meeting approves the CPC recommendation for $3 million, voters will vote on a $4.9 in a debt-exclusion ballot question. That question would be on a town election ballot on Dec. 3.

    The THBC has gained site plan approval from the Planning board, Zoning Approval from the Board of Appeals, and has received support from the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and the Hamilton Historic District Commission.

    This press release was produced by the Town of Hamilton. The views expressed here are the author's own.

    Read the original here:
    Learn About The Hamilton Town Hall Building Project And Upcoming Votes -

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