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Recognition of Architectural Review Board Chairman, Frank Gunther, AIA
By the Mayor & Board of Trustees
Mayor Dominick Longobardi
Tonight, the Village Board of Trustees is recognizing the Chairperson of the Village of Floral Parks Architectural Review Board (ARB) upon his retirement. On behalf of the Board of Trustee and the residents of Floral Park, thank you to Frank and Gail Gunther who have been so generous to the Floral Park community by serving and volunteering in so many organizations over these many years.
I would like to thank Frank especially this evening for his outstanding service as the Chairman of the Floral Park ARB. Frank has been the Chairman since 2003 and in that role he has helped many homeowners make their homes better because of his contributions to their design and construction projects. Frank always gave that little bit extra of his time and talent to make the home become that much more special. Architects enjoyed presenting before Frank and many were inspired by his ideas and leadership. Frank is a wonderful person and talented architect. He could enhance home designs and maintain the integrity of the charm and aesthetics of the Village homes, buildings and properties. Everyone benefited from his expertise.
I offer Gail a special thank you for sharing Frank with the Village these many years. There are many guests participating in the Zoom tribute tonight who wanted to recognize you, Frank and I will be turning it over to them shortly. Before I do, I just want to say now that the Zoom meeting platform is being widely used, you cannot retire. You are only a Zoom call away. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you have contributed to the beauty and charm of the Village of Floral Park these many decades.
I wish you and Gail every happiness as you start the next chapter of your lives in Pennsylvania. Thank you.
Deputy Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald
Frank, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts in making Floral Park look the way it does. It was not until my time on the Village Board that I came to know of the vast influence that you have had in shaping the aesthetics. I think besides all of the buildings and homes that you have approved as Chairman of the ARB, the thing that I will remember the most is the manner in which you worked with residents. You always offered them alternatives and knowing how precious their time was, many times you offered them additional time at the meeting for them to work with their architect to re-present their plans.
I would be remiss if I did not thank you for your guidance and wisdom as a member of the Belmont Task Force.
In closing, Frank thank you for your time and your influence will certainly be felt by many for generations to come. And thank you for showing all of us what a true public servant should look like.
Dr. Lynn Pombonyo, Trustee
Frank, tonight we salute your seventeen (and many more) years of meaningful service and valuable contributions to the residents and businesses of Floral Park. While I could speak for way too long about your extraordinary talents and skills, Ill pick one that I think has had and will have a lasting impact.
That is your ability to createaestheticsolutions to mathematical problems. As the Architectural Review Board (ARB) has considered the designs of ever-increasing numbers of large houses being proposed on some of our smaller pieces of property, we watched in awe as you worked your magic. You shared your vision and wisdom, reimagining the fronts and sides of houses that had been designed to maximize their footprints on the properties; instead, you envisioned their potential beauty. You taught homeowners, architects and all of us about setbacks that are different floor to floor; colorful, decorative siding; eye-catching porches, peaks and turrets; inviting entranceways and doors; breathtaking bay and bow windows that become portraits of lovely, outside landscapes; and so much more. You transformed the standard and routine, and inspired many homeowners and architects to value their homes aesthetic quality, over maximizing the size of their houses on the properties.
You are brilliant, creative and visionary, and your designs dazzle! I dare say, weve all enjoyed working with you and learning from you. Its been an honor.
Thank you for your decades of giving yourself, your time and your talents to the Village of Floral Park, and for making the places we call home beautiful, inside and out. May God bless you always.
Trustee Archie Cheng
Tonight, I am pleased to join the Village Board and the entire Floral Park family in thanking Frank Gunther for his years of service to our beloved Village. As a young boy, I would ride my bike from Braddock Avenue through our Village and knew that someday I wanted to live here. As a newly married couple, Denise and I picked Floral Park as our first home because of its charm, its character and for the beautiful homes.
Many tonight have spoken or will speak as to what Frank has accomplished over the past four plus decades. How through his leadership, he has preserved our character, charm and beauty, and those accolades are well deserved. However, I would like to tell you what Frank did and how he influenced me way back in 1990-91 while I was a trustee for the
Floral Park Bellerose School District. It was in 1990 that I met Frank. The district was about to embark on a most ambitious project. The district needed to build additions to the Floral Park Bellerose School and the John Lewis Childs School. These additions would add much needed classrooms to accommodate our growing student population. We also needed to expand our gymnasiums and make several other improvements. The cost of these improvements was 6.8 million dollars, an amount unheard of back then. We selected Frank and his firm to be our architects. It was a decision that the Board and the district never regretted. While Frank and I argued over fees many times, there was never an argument as to his ingenious architectural eye, his vision, and his way of designing improvements that met our needs while maintaining the character of our beautiful schools. He was at the forefront of our presentations in explaining our need and convincing the voters to approve this expenditure. He was our leader in how to make it happen and probably first and foremost, the architect who created the extensions to be compatible with the existing buildings.
For 40 plus years, Frank has brought that expertise, that tradition for keeping Floral Park what it is, and the ingenuity to help all residents who sought direction. I with the rest of the Village and the Floral Park Bellerose School District thank you for serving our Village so well. I hope you and Gail enjoy your retirement and never change your phone number because I know we will always need your expertise in the future. Thank you.
Trustee Frank Chiara
Congratulations Frank. Id like to thank you for all of your service to the ARB. You will be forever remembered as the Muntin Man as I look at all of the windows in Floral Park. Your attention to detail and your willingness to share your expertise are equally amazing. Most applicants that presented before you at the ARB were left satisfied and even smiling, quite an accomplishment. You always took the time to work with the homeowners and many new architects enjoyed learning from you. The Village of Floral Park is very grateful to you and now with the Zoom capabilities, the Building Department and the ARB will still be able to include you in the meetings. The Village of Floral Park cannot thank you enough. We wish you and your family the best of luck and hope that you enjoy your new home. You will be forever be remembered as The Architect of Floral Park. May God bless you and your family.
Belmont Redevelopment Project Deputy Mayor Fitzgerald
Last week the ESD released at Proposed Modifications to the 2019 General Project Plan. They are looking to modify 4 specific items: 1) Relocation of 25,000 gross square feet (gsf) of retail from Site A to Site B. No change to total square footage of retail; 2) Replacement of the Site B parking beneath the retail village with a free-standing, aboveground parking structure and related modifications to the Site B site plan; 3) Substitution of the landscaped berm on Site B with a 10-foot wall with plantings and landscaping along the eastern perimeter of Site B; and 4) Inclusion of a hydrogen fuel cell technology option for on-site shuttle buses. Additionally, in the document there is discussions with regards to the new train station and adjustments that are being made to visual barriers as the station is being moved slightly further west than originally planned. It is our understanding that there will be a public hearing on these changes. The document can be found at the ESD website and we will post on our website tomorrow under the Belmont Redevelopment News section.
Fire Department Update Trustee Pombonyo
On an early Sunday morning, November 22nd at 3 a.m., our police and fire departments responded to yet another major fire, this one at a home on Webster Street. Trustee and Fire Commissioner Archie Cheng, who always responds to Village fires, was unable to do so this time and, since I could see the intense flames from my home, which is about a block away, I was right there at the time.
Once again, our fire department, working with several mutual aid departments, did an outstanding job attacking the fire from both inside and out, and putting water on the two adjacent homes (which did suffer siding damage due to the intense heat). Most importantly, the families and their pets all got out of their homes safely and were taken care of by our dedicated Rescue Squad and their very kind neighbors. The fire was extinguished in about ninety minutes with the use of two tower ladders, including Floral Parks. The house on fire suffered extensive damage, but we are grateful that there were no serious injuries or fatalities, and the fire did not spread.
Several neighbors on Webster Street asked me to convey their tremendous gratitude to our fire and police departments for their courage and hard work in saving lives and property.
This was the third Village fire in eight weeks. Indeed, thanks to Floral Parks bravest and finest from all of Floral Park. And we wish the families, whose homes were so damaged by the fire, well.
Conservation Society Trustee Pombonyo
Thanksgiving weekend continued to be a busy time at Centennial Gardens with over 500 visitors entering and enjoying the beautiful fall foliage during the very sunny, warm and pleasant days. On Sunday, the 29th, the Gardens closed for the winter, leaving the outer brick path open and benches available for viewing nature as winter approaches.
All our Centennial Gardens fans will want to take a look at the Centennial Gardens 2021 Calendar. It is filled with magnificent photos of the flowers, trees and birds that make our Gardens so unique and special. Please check the Floral Park Centennial Gardens Facebook page, take a peek, and get your own copy of this lovely photo journal.
Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce and Our Businesses Trustee Pombonyo
We congratulate the Park Place restaurant on their move to a new and exciting location, the Olde Trading Post restaurant in New Hyde Park. We wish them great success and look forward to the possibility of their continuing a business in Floral Park as well.
Work on the site of the fire will continue, as the property owners and our Building Department move the recovery process forward.
Meanwhile, on Covert and Tulip Avenues and Jericho Turnpike, the holiday season has arrived. Suggestions for your holiday shopping include strolling along our business thoroughfares and looking for new and different gift ideas in our beautifully decorated store windows; checking the individual business websites and Facebook pages to view the merchandise and learn about all the specials; and perusing the Covert Avenue and Floral Park Chambers of Commerce Facebook pages and/or websites to see all that our local businesses bring to a joyous holiday season. And, now, please SHOP, EAT, SPEND AND ENJOY LOCAL as we all support our Floral Park and Stewart Manor businesses.
Our Holiday Season Trustee Pombonyo
Thanks to our residents and businesses for the sparkling holiday decorations and lights that have begun to adorn our neighborhoods. Enjoy walking and driving throughout the Village to take in these beautiful displays as well as the magnificent Christmas trees which will shine brightly in the coming weeks.
Fire Department Trustee Cheng
Inasmuch as I could not respond to the house fire on Webster, I want to thank Lynn for giving the report on our Departments response. We are all thankful that there were no injuries and as always thanks to the Fire Department for their bravery and dedication.
Third Track & LIRR Trustee Cheng
The three new elevators at the Floral Park train station are currently being tested and testing should be completed by the end of December. They all should be in service the first week of January if the test results show safe operation. Sound and retaining wall installation on the north side of the main line Right of Way (ROW) near Charles Street is now slated to begin the end of January. All materials have been procured so there should be no more delays.
Library Trustee Chiara
At the Library, the Food for Fines program was very successful. The overwhelming generosity of the patrons allowed the library staff to make multiple trips to the Our Lady of Victory food pantry with a large amount of food donations. With all that is going on with this pandemic our patrons showed how much they cared for all others who are in need. Im sure it helped make for a Happy Thanksgiving. THANK YOU to all who donated.
The Library virtual programs continue and a Holiday Concert with Niamh Hyland will be held on December 13, at 4 p.m. Niamh, a former Floral Park resident, will sing well-known holiday tunes. Her performance of Silent Night in several languages, including Gaelic, is not to be missed. Those interested can register online or call the reference desk for assistance. This Library Holiday Concert will be held on zoom.
On Monday, December 14,from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the St. Francis Hospital health van will be curbside at the Library. The van will offer free health screening, including free flu shots. No appointments are necessary.
Building Department Trustee Chiara
The Building Department, with the assistance of DPW, installed a mail slot to the right of the front door for use during times when the department is closed or for those wishing to maintain social distancing. Starting January 1, all Building Department forms will be updated and posted on the Village website. There will be minor modifications to most forms and some new forms will be added to expedite disapprovals if a variance is needed and a process to implement full electronic review of drawings.
A Covert Avenue debris clean-up will start on Monday Dec. 7th, weather permitting. This clean-up will include debris outside and inside of the buildings affected by the recent fire. The main structures will remain, until all debris removal is completed and the buildings are further evaluated.
Police Department Trustee Chiara
The Floral Park Police Dept. is helping coordinate Tricias Kids 2nd Annual Toy Donation Drive-by on Saturday, December 5 staring at 12 p.m. Participants please arrive at the Carlton Parking Lot at 11:30 a.m. The car parade will start in the parking lot across from 1 Floral Blvd., ending at 200 West Poplar St. Unwrapped toys can be donated to make for a brighter Christmas for children who are in need. The rain date is Sunday, December 6.
This event is in support of the efforts of the Big Brothers and Sisters and the John Theissen childrens foundations.
Check out the Tuesdays Traffic Tips on the Floral Park Police Dept. Facebook page for updates on helpful traffic tips. With the holiday season upon us, the Police Dept. reminds all to be careful while driving within our community and please obey all traffic laws. Also remove, as soon as possible, packages that are delivered to your homes or ask your neighbors to do so to avoid any unwanted events.
Mayors Report Mayor Longobardi
Mayor Longobardi reported that the Annual Tree Lighting at Memorial Park is scheduled for December 4, 2020, at 6 p.m. The Junior Womens Club of Floral Park and Our Lady of Victory help coordinate this wonderful evening. Fr. Tom Fusco will be blessing the Manger at 6 p.m. followed by the lighting of the tree. Due to Governor Cuomos most recent COVID-19 regulations, the Tree Lighting will be virtual only. You are all invited to join us on Facebook for the live streaming of this special tradition. The recent Governors Executive Orders unfortunately do not allow crowds to gather so to keep everyone safe please enjoy it virtually and visit the tree with your family during the holiday season. The Village and many of its organizations are creating special events to help all of us enjoy the holidays safely this season. Perhaps you can enjoy dinner at a local a restaurant, shop locally and enjoy the neighborhood to celebrate the holidays.
Thank you to the brave volunteers of the Floral Park Fire Department who responded d to the fire on Webster Avenue. It was a very serious fire and fortunately, resident and their family pets were evacuated safely and the fire was extinguished in under two hours. It is a testament to the amazing group of volunteers in the Fire Department and Rescue Squad along with our DPW, Building Department and Police Department employees who provided their expertise in these dangerous situations. Thank you to Trustee Lynn Pombonyo who responded for the Board of Trustees and reported details earlier.
Finally, on behalf of the Longobardi family, I would like thank everyone in the community for their outpouring of well wishes and texts to express their concern for all of the members of my family during the past few weeks. We are very touched and truly appreciative.
There is one more meeting on December 15for the 2020 year. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and patience throughout the unprecedented events of this past year. Floral Park is the model community of showing what we can do to help each other when we all work together. We wish all of you and your families and friends a very safe and Happy Holiday season. Please support the local businesses and enjoy the holidays close to home in Floral Park, truly the greatest place to live. Thank you.
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While the illuminated canopy continues taking shape at TRON Lightcycle / Run in Magic Kingdom, siding for the attractions show building is being completed.
Multiple high reach vehicles are parked around the canopy pieces already installed in their temporary supports.
Workers were preparing another canopy piece for installation.
They were attaching the piece to one of the nearby cranes so it could be lifted into place.
Siding is being added to the wall beneath where the track enters the Grid. This is the last section of the building to be enclosed.
Whether or not TRON Lightcycle / Run is ready in time for Magic Kingdoms 50th anniversary, were excited to see the outside coming together.
You can check out a full POV ride-through of TRON Lightcycle / Runs sister coaster, TRON Lightcycle Power Run, in Shanghai by viewing our YouTube video below:
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PHOTOS: Final Section of Siding Being Added to TRON Lightcycle Run "Grid" Show Building at Magic Kingdom - wdwnt.com
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Nicholas Mercer
Local Journalism Initiative
There is plenty of activity around the ballfield and its parking lot on Goodyear Avenue in Grand Falls-Windsor lately.
Heavy equipment have begun work replacing and fixing the lot, as well as upgrading its drainage system. The work is a part of a larger focus on the improvement recreation facilities around the province.
In a prepared released, the provincial and federal governments announced funding for facilities in five communities across Newfoundland and Labrador. In total, the funding announced totals over $1.6 million between federal, provincial and municipal contributions.
The money will take care of projects in Grand Falls-Windsor, as well as Twillingate, Kings Point, Change Islands and Stephenville.
"Investing in cultural and recreational infrastructure is important to growing strong and healthy communities. The improvements being made to these facilities means that Newfoundland and Labrador residents can spend more time connecting, staying active, and having fun in modern and accessible facilities, said Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame MP Scott Simms in the release. We are proud to work with our partners to deliver these important projects. They are an example of how Canada's infrastructure plan invests in thousands of projects, creates jobs across the country and builds stronger communities."
In addition to the parking lot work being done in Grand Falls-Windsor, work will also include paving the walking track around the adjacent playground and splash pad.
A pair of new backstops on the ball fields will also be installed, along with upgrades to existing dugouts and the installation of two scoreboards.
Staying central Newfoundland, the Town of Kings Point will see the installation of a pre-fabricated steel dome that will serve as a rough for
the outdoor ice rink in the community.
In Twillingate, fresh off being named the next Hockeyville, a new chiller will be installed at the George Hawkins Arena.
Meanwhile, the recreation centre in Change Islands will be getting a makeover as a result of the funding announcement. The building will have new doors, windows and siding installed, while also getting repairs done to the skirt of the building.
In Stephenville, the aging playground at Blanch Brook Park is being replaced by a modern, all-inclusive structure.
Renovating recreational facilities so that they are modern and accessible is a priority for this government. These facilities allow people of all ages and abilities to take part in activities to promote healthy and active lifestyles, said minister of transportation and infrastructure Derrick Bragg.
Nicholas Mercer is a local journalism initiative reporter for central Newfoundland for SaltWire Network.
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FOSTER CITY, Calif., Oct. 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Modernize.com, a leader in the home improvement and home services industry, announces the results of a recent survey assessing homeowner plans for renovation projects this winter. The survey, conducted during September and October, collected information on holiday travel and home improvement plans, as well as budgets and financing, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We see that interest in home improvement projects appears higher than usual heading into this winter," observes Cassie Morien, homeowner insights analyst for Modernize. "With limited travel planned amidst the pandemic, homeowners appear to be shifting funds away from plane tickets and hotels and instead envision renovating their properties to make them more comfortable and energy-efficient."
Important homeowner survey findingsModernize's report, available in a downloadable eBook, reflects information from more than 5,000 consumers. Results show the following holiday and winter season plans:
Modernize makes the following resources available to help contractors during the off-season:
WebinarModernize will offer a free webinar, Thursday, October 29, at 1 p.m. CST to discuss the latest Modernize homeowner survey findings and their implications for contractors this winter. The webinar will be hosted by Jamie Smith, director of client acquisition services, along with home improvement expert, Gregg Hicks, vice president at Modernize. Registration is available: https://modernize.com/contractor-resources/56256/weathering-the-off-season-live-webinar
A copy of the webinar materials will be available for download on the Modernize website.
e-BookHomeowner survey data is summarized in an e-book entitled "Weathering the Off-Season." This e-book covers COVID-19's impact on homeowners, holiday spending plans related to home renovations, marketing during the off-season, remarketing to cold leads and staying safe while working indoors this winter.
Morien is available to elaborate on homeowner survey findings and highlight how the webinar and e-book can benefit contractors.
About ModernizeFor more than 15 years, Modernize has been a leader in the home improvement and services industry, connecting homeowners with contractors and other home services professionals. Modernize operates in more than 15 high-value, high-consideration home segments, including new and replacement windows, solar installation, roofing, heating and air conditioning, siding, bathrooms and kitchens, new and replacement gutters, home security, and others. The business brings a network of more than 1,000 contractors and professionals across all segments, offering broad geographical coverage and choice for homeowners.
Modernize is owned and operated by QuinStreet, Inc. (Nasdaq:QNST), a pioneer in delivering online marketplace solutions to match searchers with brands in digital media. QuinStreet is committed to providing consumers and businesses with the information and tools they need to research, find and select the products and brands that meet their needs.
Company Contact:Jacqueline LepplaSenior Director of Public RelationsQuinStreet, Inc.Direct +1 775 321 3608Email [emailprotected] LinkedInTwitter:https://twitter.com/ModernizeProsFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/modernizepros
Media Contact:Julie SolomonSSPROffice 267-589-916Mobile 610-764-1534[emailprotected]
SOURCE Modernize.com
Modernize Homeowner Survey Helps Contractors Weather the Off-Season - PRNewswire
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Public Health Column from the county health department:
Oct. 25th31stis National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, which is a time when families, community organizations, and local governments join efforts in the fight against lead poisoning in their communities.
Lead poisoning in children can lead to hyperactivity, reduced cognitive (thinking) ability, and other permanent, negative health effects. One of the goals of the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) is to spread awareness of this public health issue and to increase lead poisoning prevention throughout our communities.
Paul Pettit, Public Health director of Genesee and Orleans counties,declares that Lead poisoning can be prevented! The key is to keep children from coming in contact with lead. Take time this week to learn about ways to reduce yourchilds exposure to lead in their environment and prevent its serious health effects.
This year, the Center for Disease Control has compiled three themes for National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week:
In New York State, the goal is to have 80 percent of children tested for lead at these ages. Local data shows that the screening rates among children in Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties fell below the State goal in 2019. Lead testing and early detection can prevent long-term health problems for your child and their future.Make sure to talk to yourchilds doctor about lead screening at their next appointment!
Funding may be available to help make your home lead safe. In January 2020, the Genesee County Health Department (on behalf of GO Health) received a $1.3M federal HUD grant to address lead-based paint hazards in homes and rentals throughout the City of Batavia and the Village of Albion, including installation of replacement windows, paint, siding, and other home repairs. Specifically, the grant targets low-income households with children under the age of 6; this includes homeowners and landlords with low-income tenants.
Recently, Genesee County was able to revise the grant target area to include all areas within Genesee and Orleans Counties, making potential grant funding available to qualified applicants throughout both counties.
Lead hazards exist in older homes all over Genesee and Orleans Counties. We want every eligible resident to have a chance to apply for these funds, and were prepared to help them through the process,said Darren Brodie, Lead Program coordinator for Genesee and Orleans counties.
For those who dont know whether they qualify as low-income, as defined by HUD, the information can be found online or by contacting the Health Department directly. This target area expansion is expected to go into effect next month, and the Health Department is currently accepting applications countywide for both Genesee and Orleans in anticipation of the expansion.
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Be Aware: It's National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - The Batavian
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Van Nuys , CA , USA, 10/28/2020 / Story.KISSPR.com /
Maintenance of your living space is a continuous process. There are a few concerns that you need to keep in check at regular intervals for uninterrupted functioning. Gutters are one of them.
Gutter installation, be it for residential purposes or commercial purposes, lays the foundation of any man-made structure. Although they arent in the limelight, unlike other appealing necessities, they sure play a significant role. If the gutter installation and gutter replacement process are not given attention, they can prove as an enemy to the living space.
Proper maintenance is the key to the long life of gutters. But they may curb at some point. To know if your gutters need replacement, look for the following seven most obvious signs:
The very first sign that is visibly obvious is if there are any cracks or holes in the gutter system. Start your gutter repair inspection by checking for those.
While it sounds like a straightforward process, you need to know it isnt really the case. Large cracks and holes are plainly visible on the dry, clear days. But to inspect for smaller cracks, you need a storm to help you.
It is essential to check whether the cracks and holes are small or large ones. If there are just small cracks, start with considering if they can be repaired. A few small cracks can be handled by a dab of a well-placed sealant. But if there are large and extensive cracks and holes, or even too many smaller cracks, you need to consider gutter replacement. They are supposed to get worse with each passing storm.
If you think large cracks are the ultimate worst that could happen if the gutter system fails, wait until you locate rust or corrosion leaving their marks. It is the biggest killer of gutters. It directly indicates that the protective coating of your gutter is broken, and its nearing its end.
The worst part is once it starts, its impossible that a gutter system can escape from it. Theres no stop, and immediate gutter replacement is your saving resort.
The coating of your gutters is made to last for a long period of time. They are to withstand season after season of temperature changes, huge amounts of rain, blistering winds, etc. But of course, they stop supporting after a period of time.
Look for discoloration or peeling of the paints on the exterior siding. If theres a couple of sections thats been compromised, know that the protective layers are worn out. If your gutters arent painted, look for spots from the side of your home.
Your gutter system keeps on collecting debris and other litters. If you are getting it cleaned regularly, it wont be a problem. But most of the homeowners do not give time to this process. As a result, the weight of the debris starts piling up until the day it can no longer take more.
If your gutter system looks like they are overloaded with weight and being pulled down, know that you are deep into the problem. Theres no resort to fixing at this stage. The only solution is to replace the gutter as soon as possible, or itll collapse.
Not every telltale sign would be around the gutter. Since the gutter systems are one of the foundational components for the house, you may find the signs seeping around the foundation itself.
When mold and mildew start to grow around the foundation of your living space, it affects its structural integrity. Moreover, these unsightly and smelly elements are a serious danger to health as well.
Look for its signs in the basement of your place. Green smelly patches are what you need to locate. If you find its existence there, even in the smallest form, know that the spillage has crossed the boundary of exterior damage. The only way out is to call the The Rain Gutter Specialists in LA and get the gutter replaced.
To locate a problem before it turns into something big and serious and creates havoc, its vital to keep checking the gutter system every once in a while. If in one of your check trips, you find a section to have sagged, know that its time to take action. Even a small and less noticeable sag can turn into a big problem. The same goes for uneven levels of the gutter line.
Take a walk after a storm has hit. If you find large puddles of water near the foundation, its a sign that gutters are too clogged or theres an overflow. Either way, it calls for a new system.
If the aforementioned signs are in the initial phase, one is likely to consider getting it repaired. Its okay to choose that option unless the problem is likely to not be curbed by just repairing. Do not take any risks and take the decision of gutter replacement wisely.
The Rain Gutter Specialists are the gutters installation and replacement services in Los Angeles. We hustle to offer you the best quality residential and commercial rain gutter services in Los Angeles at a fair price. To experience the skillful and friendly services, schedule your appointment now!
Check out The Rain Gutter Specialists on Fonolive andCityFOS.
Media Contact
LA County Rain Gutter Specialists
Contact Sales
14815 1/2 Oxnard St.
Van Nuys, CA 91411.
Contact Number
Phone: 818.779.1580
Guy Ziv Email: [emailprotected]
This news has been published for The Rain Gutter Specialists. KISS PR Brand Story Press Release News Desk was not involved in the creation of this content. KISS PR and its distribution partners are not directly or indirectly responsible for any claims made in the above statements. Contact the vendor of the product directly. https://story.kisspr.com/
Social Media Tags:Telltale Signs that Show You Need Gutter Replacement, Gutter Replacement, Obvious Signs You Need Gutter Replacement, The Rain Gutter Specialists in LA, The Rain Gutter Specialists, gutters installation and replacement services in Los Angeles, residential and commercial rain gutter services in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Rain Gutter Expert.
Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 14835
LA County Rain Gutter Specialists Offer 7 Telltale Signs that Show You Need Gutter Replacement - Online Free Press release news distribution -...
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Leading roofing company M & J Roofing has expanded service area to two new locations and has also launched a power washing company.
Turnersville, NJ - October 28, 2020 -M & J Roofing is pleased to announce the recent expansion of their service area to Monmouth and Atlantic County this month. The company is a top roofing company Gloucester County and Camden County and is fast rising as the # 1 roofing contractor in the entire New Jersey. M & J Roofing caters to both residential and commercial clients.
We are excited to announce that we have recently expanded our services to two new areas, Monmouth and Atlantic County, from this month onwards. We have observed lack of premier roofing service in these areas and thus the expansion. At M & J Roofing, we aim to take our industry-leading roofing service to as many people as possible to ensure a safe home/office for all. We promise the same standard o premium roofing assistance for our new service areas that we have always been known for in Gloucester County and Camden County, stated a leading spokesperson from M & J Roofing.
The company website is bustling with long list of rave reviews from customers -
I would definitely recommend this company to anyone I know or if anyone is looking. Mike was easy to talk to, very accommodating to my work schedule, professional and provided great customer service. They did a great job. I absolutely love my new roof! - Kristie T.in Deptford, NJ
M&J Roofing is the type of company you want to do business with. Very professional and got the job done as promised in the time he said it would take. - Robert C.in Sicklerville, NJ
We are glad that our customers have appreciated our services. Its their love that inspires us to give our best in every project we take. We aspire to be the #1 roofing contractor in the whole of New Jersey who will always be known for impeccable roofing assistance, ideal professionalism and 100% customer satisfaction.
A family-owned business with a whopping 17+ years of experience, M & J Roofing is a GAF Certified roofing contractor and offers each customer a lifetime roofing system. The company specializes in extending a comprehensive roofing support for all major kinds of roofing jobs, be it roof repair or roof replacement or new roof installation. M & J Roofing also offers roof cleaning and preventive maintenance programs.
Per the statements of the spokesperson, they are flexible to work on all popular roofing types, including metal roofing, tile roofing or asphalt shingle roofing.
Count on us as your one-stop roofing contractor for any kind of roofing job. We have been in the industry for nearly 2 decades now and our experience in the field is almost unparalleled. Our company is backed by a seasoned team of highly knowledgeable and expert roofers who promise you the finest roofing assistance in the industry. Whether you need help with leak repair or flat roofing or roof replacement or skylight installation for commercial buildings, we assure you a superior service for all these and more.
Added to regular roofing services, M & J Roofing extends emergency roof repair service for roof damage incidents caused by wind, storm or hail.
Speaking further, the spokesperson mentioned about their newly launched power washing company in South Jersey under the title Pro Exteriors Power Washing. The new unit offers a wide range of pressure washing services, including siding, concrete, asphalt, roofing, house as well as commercial business cleaning.
For more information, please visit https://www.mjroofingllc.com/
Media ContactCompany Name: M & J RoofingContact Person: Mike LannelliEmail: Send EmailPhone: 856-725-5759Address:4171 NJ-42 Building A 2nd Floor City: TurnersvilleState: NJ 08012Country: United StatesWebsite: https://www.mjroofingllc.com
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M & J Roofing growing as the #1 roofing contractor in NJ, expands to Monmouth and Atlantic County - Press Release - Digital Journal
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Some investors may or may not be familiar with the latest addition to my portfolio. The company came across my radar by chance and before that was not known to me. For those of you who own a home and are doing outdoor projects you may be more familiar with their products, or you may not even realize it was a public company. The AZEK (AZEK) company operates in the outdoor living arena. I find this space especially compelling as recently the surge in home demand and time spent at home has led to an increased level of investment and spend around the home. The other large public sector companies that operate in this space have recently seen huge increases and demand and I believe AZEK will as well. Additionally, its closest competitor trades at a level of valuation that makes AZEK much more appealing as a way to play the sector. I believe the relatively unknown nature of the company being public has led to its undervaluation compared to peers. This gives new investors and opportunity to capitalize on the valuation dislocation.
The AZEK company is new to public markets and perhaps is why it is relatively unknown. The company is actually well covered by analysts with 15 ratings on the stock.
Source: Marketwatch
The stock currently has an average analyst price target about 10% higher than where shares currently trade. While I generally do not pay attention much to analysts it is a positive to see the target is higher than where shares currently trade. The shares have performed quite well since its IPO in June of 2020. The shares came out at a price of $23 per share and have only seemingly gone up from there.
So what does AZEK do exactly?
Source: Investor Presentation
Through a portfolio of brands it operates in both residential and commercial building solutions. The primary focus being on residential sales which make up about 84% of sales and over 90% of EBITDA. The most notable of its products is the TimberTech brand. This is primarily a decking solution that is composite which outlast and outperforms traditional wood decking options. It also offers exterior siding options, rail options, and other various products that contribute to its overall residential sales division.
Below we can see a better snapshot of the company and a bit of its recent performance.
Source: Investor Presentation
The company has been growing sales at an attractive clip noted as an 11.4% compounded annual growth rate and has also been expanding margins to quite attractive levels as well. As we can see, a majority of the company's sales come from decking and rail solutions and is primarily driven from the renovation and investment of existing homes. New construction also contributes to about 17% of sales which I predict will continue to be a strong tailwind as new home demand is outpacing supply and the average home continues to be upgraded to new all time high price levels.
The growth in AZEK products is primarily attributable to the fact that in the long run they are less maintenance.
Source: Investor Presentation
While installation costs may be a touch higher versus traditional options, the long run cost of maintaining the composite products makes total ownership cost come in at almost half. AZEK identifies the current market opportunity at around $7.6 billion in which it is growing 7% annually. As the homes built in the early 2000's continue to begin their upgrade and renovation cycle the company believes it can convert about 78% of potential customers to its product type.
Now, there is competition, primarily from industry giant TREX (TREX). TREX has seen its share price continue to reach new highs as it benefits from the very same trends we highlighted above.
Interestingly enough and unbeknownst to me, the TimberTech brand actually has as much recognition/usage as the TREX brand.
Source: Investor Presentation
Of further note is that the company is actually rated number 1 for the highest overall quality.
Of course the company is not just reliant upon residential sales, although it makes up the bulk of its sales. While commercial could be a focus for the future of the company to diversify sales away from being primarily residential, I believe it does not offer the same upside potential. The company has seen strong growth in its commercial division with sales growing 7.1% on average from 2015-2019. The company has made acquisitions in the last few years but those have been primarily focused in the residential space. I expect the company to continue to acquire in the future anything that may be complimented to its reach with distributors and consumers. However, I expect the company to be highly focused on brand reputation as it stands to be of importance to the current management team.
As the company has not been public for very long we have limited financial information to review besides what the company has provided investors.
The company has only reported once since going public, beating estimated on both the top and bottom line.
Source: Seeking Alpha
The company saw a slight overall revenue increase thanks to strong growth in the residential segment of 5.5% or $10 million. There was a decrease in the commercial segment which offset these gains however. The commercial segment reported revenue of $31.7 million down from $38.7 million or almost 20%.
On a positive note, the company gave guidance in which it expects sales to grow 12%-17% year over year and earnings growth of 14%-19%. This should lead to some healthy results.
As we can see below the company has been proving itself for the last few years with a continued trend of sales growth.
Source: Investor Presentation
Not only has sales continued to grow, mostly in the residential category, but earnings and margins have improved.
Source: Investor Presentation
With the margin profile expanding alongside sales and continuing to do so it is a healthy equation that should lead to higher earnings which usually leads to a higher share price. Additionally, the company used its proceeds from its IPO to retire debt and improve its balance sheet.
As we can see below the company stands in a position of financial strength.
Source: Investor Presentation
With $215 million in cash on hand and a term loan being the only real debt. This leaves AZEK with a 1.5x DEBT/EBITDA ratio for the current year based on expected earnings. This loan is due in 2024 and gives the company time to reduce it or refinance it at a more attractive rate. Considering current rates, it would make more sense to maintain a reasonable amount of debt so long as there is a better return for the use of capital.
While we need to wait to see earnings normalize, analysts expect the company to earn around $1 per share next year. I believe this is below what the company can do, but given that, the shares trade around a forward multipe of 37x earnings. Not a cheap price by any means.
However, let's see how that compares to peers.
Data by YCharts
The shares trade quite a few turns lower on both a forward P/E basis and P/S ratio than other distributors and manufacturers of outdoor products. This leaves room for AZEK to catch up once it proves itself a bit more as a public company.
I believe AZEK shares while appearing expensive on the surface have plenty of room for growth. The company operates in a space that is experiencing tremendous growth as evident by its fourth quarter forecast. Should demand continue to grow as expected by the increasing demand for home ownership and backyard living experiences than the company should continue to benefit and see increased sales. I believe this is the reason other public companies in the space trade at such premium valuations. My expectation is that as AZEK reports a few quarters of growth beyond analyst expectations the shares will move higher. The company stands in a financially strong position and operates in a space with limited competition and plenty of room for upside. For these reasons, the company has found its way into my portfolio.
Disclosure: I am/we are long AZEK. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Excerpt from:
New Portfolio Addition: The AZEK Company - Seeking Alpha
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EIGHTY FOUR, Pa., Oct. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- 84 Lumber, the nation's largest privately held building materials supplier,is launching a full-scale recruitment effort to fill immediate openings at its locations in greater Houston, Texas, which include three retail stores, a door shop, and an engineered wood products (EWP) hub in the metropolitan area.
On October 29, the company will host a Hiring Event at its South Houston Store (11203 Galveston Road). At the event, job seekers will learn more about the company culture and get the opportunity to be interviewed for open positions that include management trainees (MTs); lumber yard, warehouse, and door shop associates; sales coordinators; drivers; and driver helpers. In all, the company seeks to fill as many as 20 positions following the recruitment event.
"At 84 Lumber, we're proud to be an American company focused on putting America back to work at a time when many people are seeking employment or a fresh start during these challenging times. The residential housing sector is booming, which means our business continues to expand. We're hiring," said Jorge Espinoza, division vice president. "Now is the time for people to consider a career in the construction industry, which offers immense opportunity when it comes to growth. We're determined to find the next generation of 84 Lumber team members who want to build a career with us."
MTs hired by 84 Lumber enter an intensive, one-on-one, on-the-job training program that teaches them about the company's business and puts them on a path to become a future leader within the company. Starting salary for a management trainee is more than $40,000 per year.
Lumber yard, warehouse, driver helper and door shop associates need no prior experience and perform essential functions behind the scenes from management of supply shipments to operation of heavy equipment. These associates can expect a starting pay of between $10 and $15 per hour based on experience.
Drivers help load trucks and deliver materials to customer job sites. Hourly pay for the job is between $12 and $15 per hour depending on experience.
Those hired as sales coordinators will perform essential customer service activities to support the sales associates and stores. Sales coordinators earn between $12 and $20 per hour based on experience.
"We are a family-owned company, which means we are committed to helping our employees build and cultivate a career with us. In fact, more than 95 percent of our store managers started as MTs, and nearly all of our store leadership team began on the MT track," Espinoza said. "As we see it, 84 Lumber recruits individuals with a can-do attitude, a willingness to work hard, and a desire to learn. Once we find these people and they join the company, we find ways for them to grow with us."
Espinoza added that 84 Lumber expects it might find the right fit from all types of candidates a college graduate with no construction experience, military veterans ready to embark on their next career challenge, or people with some previous work experience who seek to redirect their career.
Candidates interested in participating in the Hiring Event on October 29th are asked to pre-register. To sign up, go to https://84americandream.com/hiringevent/and complete the form. Once you are registered, you will receive an email from 84 Lumber with the link to apply for the desired position. To save time, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for positions online before they attend the October 29th event.
NOTE: 84 Lumber requires all attendees to wear a mask at the event. Recruits will also be asked to practice social distancing during the Hiring Event.
To learn more about 84 Lumber, follow the company onFacebook,InstagramandLinkedIn.
ABOUT 84 LUMBER Founded in 1956 and headquartered in Eighty Four, Pennsylvania, 84 Lumber Company is the nation's largest privately held supplier of building materials, manufactured components and industry-leading services for single- and multi-family residences and commercial buildings. The company operates nearly 250 stores, component manufacturing plants, custom door shops, custom millwork shops and engineered wood product centers in more than 30 states. 84 Lumber also offers turnkey installation services for a variety of products, including framing, insulation, siding, windows, roofing, decking and drywall.A certified national women's business enterprise owned by Maggie Hardy Knox,84 Lumber was named by Forbes as one of America's Largest Private Companies in 2018 and one of America's Best Large Employers in 2019. For more information, visit84lumber.comor join us atFacebook.com/84lumberandlinkedin.com/company/84-lumber.
Contact: Jeff Donaldson, BLD Marketing Email: [emailprotected] Phone: (412) 347-8039
SOURCE 84 Lumber
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84 Lumber to Host Hiring Event in Greater Houston, Seeks to Fill Immediate Openings in Management, Lumber Yard, Other Positions - PRNewswire
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The owner of an Elmhurst-based construction company faces 17 felony charges that accuse him of defrauding customers, engaging in money laundering and other financial crimes.
On Tuesday evening, Edmund Kavanaugh, 51, of the 600 block of South Washington Street in Elmhurst was arrested and jailed in Will County after he was charged with committing crimes through his business, Goliath Construction Corporation.
Kavanaugh has been the subject of numerous complaints throughout the Chicagoland area by many agencies, according to a Will County Sheriffs Office news release.
The detectives that worked this investigation are certain that additional unknown victims of Kavanaughs home repair schemes exist, officials said. The Will County Sheriffs Office is urging those victims to come forward and report these crimes to your local police jurisdiction.
The sheriffs office, Romeoville police, Illinois Department of Revenue, Will County States Attorneys Office and Elmhurst police participated in the investigation of Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh faces multiple charges of home repair fraud, money laundering, continuing financial crimes enterprise, structuring and theft by deception.
He remains in jail as of Wednesday on a $1 million bond.
A criminal complaint alleged Kavanaugh entered a contract with two Romeoville residents to install a new roof, siding, windows, driveway and garage when he was prohibited by a court order from engaging in home repair work, was not a licensed roofer and knew he would not complete the work.
Kavanaugh was charged with obtaining a certificate of liability insurance by providing false information to an insurance agency.
The structuring charge alleged Kavanaugh made multiple deposits to JPMorgan Chase Bank that were lower than $10,000 to avoid the banks federal reporting requirements.
Goliath Construction Corporation was incorporated on Aug. 8, 2018, and failed to follow the states reporting requirements for corporations, according to the Illinois Secretary of States website.
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Construction company owner defrauded Romeoville customers: records - The Herald-News
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