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    ‘Man In the Arena’ producer sheds light on what to expect from Tom Brady documentary – Yahoo Sports - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Last week it was revealed Tom Brady will have his own Last Dancetype documentary titled Man In the Arena.

    ESPN will air the nine-episode series,with each episode covering one of the ex-New England Patriots quarterback'snine Super Bowl runs. Gotham Chopra, a name Pats fans may recognize as the director of Tom vs. Time,is a producer for the docuseries which is set to premierein2021.

    Chopra recently caught up with Albert Breer of Sports Illustrated's MMQB to chat about the upcoming documentary and what fans should expect.

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    "It's not Tom Brady'sLast Dance," Chopra told Breer. "It's not that. That may or may not exist 20 years from now, I don't know. There's this sort of immediacy to this. The premise [ofThe Last Dance] was telling stories about the seasons, whereas [Brady's], it does feel a little bit more real time. Tom continues to be an active player. So the idea is, O.K., let's talk about these nine seasons, this incredible body of work across 20 years, and how it's still sort of affecting him.'"

    "Jordan's sitting on a couch, looking back, literally looking at stuff on the iPad, reminiscing about things. Tom's kind of, just when you're talking to him, it's still very fresh, because he's still processing a lot of things that may have happened across a season."

    As for who elsewill make appearances in the series, that remains to be seen. Chopra notes the COVID-19 pandemic has stalled the interview process, but important figures in Brady's career such as Bill Belichick and Drew Bledsoe have already been reached out to.

    "This is inside the mind of Tom," Chopra said. "So we'll ask Tom, I'll use the most obvious one, 2001,What was it like working with Drew [Bledsoe] that season?Got it, now we go talk to Drew, and get his perspective on that. So yeah, there are other voices, other players, coaches, etc., and people off the field that had a lot of influence across those specific seasons that we're trying to get. Now, we've got the added layer of complexity of getting to those people, like everyone else in the world, we're dealing with that."

    Story continues

    Along with the Super Bowl appearances, Chopra saysMan In the Arenawill cover both the "Spygate" and "Deflate-gate" controversies. As for whether Brady's 2020 campaign with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will be included in the series, Chopra says there are no plans for that as of now.

    'Man In the Arena' producer sheds light on what to expect from Tom Brady documentary originally appeared on NBC Sports Boston

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    'Man In the Arena' producer sheds light on what to expect from Tom Brady documentary - Yahoo Sports

    Eye-tracking study sheds light on the role of self-disgust in geriatric loneliness – PsyPost - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    New findings highlight the role of self-disgust in geriatric loneliness, pointing to a mechanism of avoidance. An eye-tracking task found that geriatric adults who were high (vs. low) in self-disgust displayed avoidant viewing when looking at images of their faces. The findings were published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

    Loneliness is alarmingly common in the older population and has been linked to numerous detrimental outcomes such as difficulty sleeping, risk of cardiovascular disease, and even suicide. Ypsilanti and colleagues wanted to explore a psychological construct that might predispose geriatric adults to loneliness self-disgust.

    Researchers conducted two unique studies. In Study 1, 102 adults between the ages of 55-90 completed the Self-Disgust Scale, which included items like I find myself repulsive and I often do things I find revolting. Subjects also completed the UCLA Loneliness Scale, a short version of the Geriatric Depression Scale, and a short version of the State and Trait Anxiety Index for Adults.

    After controlling for various demographic variables, results showed that self-disgust was positively correlated with loneliness, depressive symptoms, and anxiety. Furthermore, mediation analysis found that self-disgust significantly explained the association between loneliness and anxiety. This new finding is important, the researchers explain, because it sheds light on an emotional process that may influence anxiety in older adults who are especially lonely.

    A second study was conducted to explore whether geriatric adults who rank high (vs. low) in self-disgust would avoid looking at images of their own faces. The authors explain, If this is the case, then levels of self disgust may cause and/or maintain loneliness via avoidance, as the person avoids inflicting their presence on others.

    A total of 80 adults between the ages of 55-89 participated in an eye-tracking study. Subjects were shown a series of faces and asked to gaze at them naturally. Eight of the images were unknown faces and one photo was of the participants own face. Each image was shown 6 times for a total of 5 seconds and researchers used an eye tracker to measure vigilance (time to first fixation), maintenance (fixation duration at 1000 ms), and avoidance (changes in fixation duration over time).

    Participants also completed the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Self-Disgust Scale and were separated into either the high-disgust group or low-disgust group based on their scores. While results showed no differences in the two groups when it came to vigilance and maintenance scores on the eye-tracking task, differences were apparent when it came to avoidance.

    Results showed that those in the high-disgust group displayed avoidant viewing at seconds 4 and 5 when looking at images of their own faces, while those in the low-disgust group did not. This suggests that those with high self-disgust scores intentionally avoided stimuli that evoked a reminder of the self (images of their own faces). The authors theorize, as time passes, the picture depicting their own face may induce dysphoric feelings or dysphoric thoughts representing a negatively valenced schematic representation of the self.

    The researchers express that their findings provide important evidence for the association between self-disgust and psychological issues in older adults. While previous interventions have focused on combating loneliness by strengthening social networks, the authors suggest instead that interventions for lonely older adults should address issues surrounding self-perceptions and feelings of worthlessness that may contribute to the development of self-disgust.

    The study, Self-disgust, loneliness and mental health outcomes in older adults: An eyetracking study, was authored by Antonia Ypsilanti, Anna Robson, Lambros Lazuras, Philip A. Powell, and Paul G. Overton.

    (Image by Mihai Paraschiv from Pixabay)

    Go here to see the original:
    Eye-tracking study sheds light on the role of self-disgust in geriatric loneliness - PsyPost

    Pandemic learning hardships in the Hispanic community sheds light on mental health – KMVT - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Teaching and learning at home, has been a challenge for many families. However, imagine having to teach your children in a language you don't know. Or, being a child fearing not passing to the next grade because you simply don't understand.

    "There's hurt feelings, people not getting along, said licensed clinical social worker, Millie Gaitan Gonzalez. People being unsatisfied and the emotional chaos at home could get worst every time."

    "The struggles that I see with the families are, first they don't know the language and another big struggle is the internet, said Maria Juarez, who is the lead migrant liaison for the Jerome School District. Even though Chromebooks were available to students through the school, if they don't have internet then they aren't able to do their homework."

    About 100 migrant families from Latin America immigrate to Jerome each year. Juarez says, these families sacrifice everything in their lives to give their children a better future.

    "They don't understand the language but they're using google translate to translate all the emails the school is sending them. So, I've seen parents that are there, wanting their kids to have an education."

    This language barrier issue only mirrors some of the challenges the Hispanic community faces, on an everyday basis. According to peer reviewed journal, Globalization and Health, first generation Latino immigrants, who are the parents of second generation Latino children, are at a higher risk for mental health disorders compared to the settled population.

    "The adults may feel more isolated than the children because the children adapt and they're more resilient, said Gaitan Gonzalez. Even if they're not from here, if they were born in a different country, the children adapt they adapt really quickly. I think the grown-ups are the ones who more have that sensation of, I don't belong here.

    On the other hand, second generation Latino children can suffer with mental health conditions too. This is due to feeling like they don't belong in both the Hispanic culture and the American culture. That's according to licensed marriage and family therapist, Dr. Michael Whitehead, who researched the effects of parenting and Latino immigrants at Michigan State University for his dissertation.

    "Second generation immigrants typically have a higher risk for mental health problems as a result of their identity split and the pressure they feel from both their parents and society. Identity development and identity formation actually leads to a lot of difficult problems for kids. If they're not sure who they are or where they fit-in in a culture, they will try to find a place where they fit in. Sometimes that could be in gangs, delinquency or substance abuse. Obviously anxiety and depression fall into those things."

    However, professional help isn't always sought after, even though it might be needed. Latinos sometimes prefer the help of their own inner groups.

    "The natural thing is to talk to my comadre, go talk to mom, grandma and get help from each other because we're more of a collective society. We help each other out. So, seeking help from a stranger is not natural," Gaitan Gonzalez said.

    Even though there are hardships, there is hope when the whole family and community shows compassion.

    "I would just encourage parents, teachers and other caregivers in that child's life, to offer compassion. Offer help, and allow the child to be able to find support in some way," said Dr. Whitehead.

    "I would tell the people to not be afraid to look for help. I know it's hard but its okay, it just means that you want to get better and there is help for you and your kids, said Gaitan. You don't have to suffer and go through this all alone."

    "I think it takes the student, the parent, the teachers and just the whole community to be able to work together to see these kids succeed," Juarez said.

    Pandemic learning hardships in the Hispanic community sheds light on mental health - KMVT

    New study sheds more light on COVID-19 and strokes – Talk Radio 1210 WPHT - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) Respiratory problems from COVID-19 are well-publicized, but a new study sheds more light on the neurological dangers of the coronavirus.

    COVID-19 does serious damage to several internal organs in severe cases. Doctors in New York studied 2,500 patients and found an increased risk for stroke in older people with underlying conditions.

    According to Dr. Brian Steig, chairman of the brain and spine center at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, that's "seven times higher than the average number of strokes seen in patients that have routine influenzas."

    Another major problem, he explained, is people putting things off because they're afraid to go to the hospital.


    "Despite the fact that we were taking care of this pandemic crisis in New York City, the hospital was still open for managing medical and surgical emergencies. We did that without turning an eye," he said.

    Steig said some people who had strokes or ruptured aneurysms were waiting almost a week before seeking treatment because they were scared of being exposed to COVID-19.

    New study sheds more light on COVID-19 and strokes - Talk Radio 1210 WPHT

    Kia, KitKat, and OnePlus to shed light on esports partnerships at ESI Digital Summit – Esports Insider - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The ESI Digital Summit (#ESIDIGITAL) is just a day away, providing insights into the esports industry for attendees in the comfort of their own homes. As well as hosting panels on emerging trends, pressing topics, and debate subjects, the event gives a platform to companies whove chosen to activate within esports.

    As part of whats become tradition for Esports Insiders business conferences, such as ESI London and ESI New York, the ESI Digital Summit will follow suit and host multiple brand showcases. Rights-holders and select commercial partners will grace the stage well, the screen in this case to shed light into how the partnerships came to be, successful activations theyve executed in esports, and how these experiences compare to other markets.

    Just last month, North American organisation Rogue entered a deal with Kia Motors specifically for its European League of Legends team. Interestingly, Kia Motors was an existing sponsor of Riot Games LEC the very league that Rogue is a long-term partner of.

    While the one-year partnership has only just taken to the road, its still a significant partnership between an esports organisation and a major player in the global automotive market. Rogues players will utilise Kia Motors vehicles while travelling, but there are plenty of topics to discuss when looking at a brand deal of this nature.

    With that in mind, Anna Baumann, Managing Director of Rogue Sports Europe, andSaeGyul Yoon of Kia, will speak at the ESI Digital Summit to look under the hood of this exciting collaboration.

    London-based organisation Fnatic and smartphone manufacturer OnePlus realised a global partnership in January 2019 after first collaborating at Paris Games Week in 2017. What has followed is regarded by many as one of the deepest brand integrations in esports to date.

    Not only does OnePlus activate through a standard jersey sponsorship, the smartphone giant introduced the One Plus FNATIC Mode in its OnePlus 7 Series. This setting is the models enhanced performance mode specifically devised for gaming, and bringing Fnatic into the fold so heavily was an integration nobody could have predicted years prior.

    Fnatics Partnerships Manager, Edward Gregory, and OnePlus Director of Global Brand Partnerships, Eric Gass, will delve into the partnership on day one of ESI Digital Summit.

    Nestl managed to turn whats effectively a negative aspect of a broadcast into a great marketing opportunity with its KitKat brand. Sponsoring the pauses in LECs broadcast which typically take place due to unforeseen technical difficulties and are only amplified by online play and making a play on KitKats well-known Have a break, have a KitKat slogan.

    KitKat sponsored the pauses to make those minutes of downtime fly by with a rather organic and logical activation, opting out of just slapping its logo on the leagues social media channels and leaving it there.

    Alban Dechelotte, Head of Partnerships & Business for Riot Games EMEA, Georg Fischer, Marketing Manager for KitKat in Europe, Middle East, North Africa forNestl, and Nazar Syrotiuk, Emerging Tech Manager, Innovation & Service Models atNestl will break down the partnership at ESI Digital Summit.

    Read more:
    Kia, KitKat, and OnePlus to shed light on esports partnerships at ESI Digital Summit - Esports Insider

    Young Scot sheds three stone in lockdown transformation after struggling with mental health – Daily Record - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A young Scot who tipped the scales at the start of the year at 21 stone has shed three stone during lockdown.

    Andrew Barnsleys weight ballooned as he struggled to cope following the sudden death of his mum.

    The 21-year-old said he hit rock bottom when mum Linda Barnsley died age of heart failure two years ago at aged just 43.

    The former call centre worker said he struggled with his mental wellbeing and would comfort eat to make himself feel better.

    He told The Record: The trauma of losing my mum had a huge effect on my mental health.

    "I'd comfort eat and the weight piled on, making me feel even worse.

    "I had to leave my job and by January this year I felt at my worse.

    "I'd written suicide notes and had it all planned out because I just didn't know how to go on."

    But after Scotland was plunged into lockdown he decided to get his life back on track.

    Andrew from Paisley, Renfrewshire, with the love and support of his family and girlfriend, Jenna Russell, 18, is now setting about making 2020 his year.

    His progress has gone viral, after he showed off his weight loss and encouraged other young Scots to join him on taking back control of their own lives.

    He says he feels physically and mentally and is now an ambassador for Scottish mental health charity, back onside.

    He added: "My diet now compared to before is like night and day.

    "I used to comfort eat and choose a lot of junk food.

    "These days I eat healthy meals and low calorie snacks, and I drink three litres of water a day.

    "Before lockdown I was going to the gym a lot, but now I go out running and do some weights at home.

    "I have never felt happier."

    His Instagram account, Behind The Smile, candidly discusses his mental health journey and the page has amassed over 5,500 followers.

    With no plans to go back to his former size, Andrew hopes sharing his story will help others facing similar battles.

    "I'm lost for words at how much better I feel in such a short space of time," he said.

    "Everybody's weight and fitness struggles are different.

    "We should use lockdown as a way to better ourselves. "

    Andrew added: "My motto now is to always try to be better than yesterday.

    "Take one day at a time and don't look back.

    "Just look at where you want to be with your health and you'll get there."

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    You can contact the Samaritans 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 116 123 or by visiting their website.

    Follow Behind The Smile on Instagram.

    Originally posted here:
    Young Scot sheds three stone in lockdown transformation after struggling with mental health - Daily Record

    How a Selfie Stick and Fishing Rod Accessed an Ancient Skeleton to Shed First Light on 145 Million-Year-Old Reptile – SciTechDaily - May 25, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This is an artistic life reconstruction of Nannopterygius. Credit: Andrey-Atuchin

    The skeleton of an extinct fish lizard locked in a glass case over 16ft from the ground for the last 100 years has finally been studied, thanks to a selfie stick on a fishing rod.

    The 145 million-year-old Nannopterygius is a species of ichthyosaur, which swam the seas of our planet for about 76 million years. It is on display in the Natural History Museum, London, but its glass cabinet is hung too high for easy examination.

    Russian paleontologist Nikolay Zverkov was desperate to see the London specimen as he thought some of the Russian ichthyosaurs might be similar.

    It turns out he was right and that this particular species of swimming prehistoric reptile was common in its day, the Jurassic period.

    To photograph and assess the skeleton, Nikolay attached a digital camera on a selfie stick to a fishing rod and connected it to a PC via a very long USB cable. He passed the photos on to University of Portsmouth paleontologist Megan Jacobs who was working on Ichthyosaurs for her Masters Degree.

    Nikolay Zverkov capturing the ichthyosaur in the Marine Reptile Gallery of the Natural History Museum, London UK. Credit: Nikolay Zverkov

    Megan and Nikolay have now published a paper on the findings in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

    Megan said: Nicolay obtained excellent detailed photographs which significantly expand our knowledge of Nannoptergyius enthekiodon.

    I realized that fossil expert Dr. Steve Etches had also discovered examples of Nannoptergyius near to where the original specimen was found and hed also discovered other examples across the UK.

    Finally being able to study this enigmatic animal has shown that it was actually very common and widespread in the Late Jurassic occurring not only in England, but also in European Russia and in the Arctic.

    Thanks to this new study, several more specimens of Nannopterygius have been found in museum collections across the UK in Oxford, Cambridge and in the Etches Collection in Kimmeridge, Dorset, as well as in Russia and Norway, showing this animal to be much more common than previously thought, and making it one of the most widespread of any similar swimming reptile.

    University of Portsmouth Professor of Palaeobiology, Dave Martill, a world leading expert who supervised Megans research, said: We previously only had detailed knowledge of a type of ichthyosaur called Ophthalmosaurus, which was known from hundreds of specimens, including well-preserved skeletons from the Middle Jurassic Oxford Clay Formation of England.

    The excellent data available for Ophthalmosaurus contrasted with the impoverished record of other Middle and Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs, so being able to access the Nannopterygius a formerly inaccessible specimen has given us fascinating new insight into a particular species of ichthyosaur we knew very little about.

    Nikolay added: For decades the scientific community thought that Nannopterygius was the rarest and most poorly known ichthyosaur of England. Finally we can say that we know nearly every skeletal detail of these small ichthyosaurs, and that these animals were widespread. The answer was very close we just needed a fishing rod.

    Reference: Revision of Nannopterygius (Ichthyosauria: Ophthalmosauridae): reappraisal of the inaccessible holotype resolves a taxonomic tangle and reveals an obscure ophthalmosaurid lineage with a wide distribution by Nikolay G Zverkov and Megan L Jacobs, 15 May 2020, ,Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa028

    See the original post:
    How a Selfie Stick and Fishing Rod Accessed an Ancient Skeleton to Shed First Light on 145 Million-Year-Old Reptile - SciTechDaily

    ‘We-Sheds’ Combine Man Caves And She-Sheds In One Charming Structure – Simplemost - May 24, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    You may have heard of the man cave, or a special room in the house (or garage) that a man can have completely to himself. Similarly, women have created their own version called she-sheds. These private spaces allow both men and women to relax and unwind in peace, like going on a retreat on your very own property.

    Now theres a way to combine both man caves and she-sheds into one structure: the we-shed.

    The we-shed consists of two individual sheds a she-shed and a he-shed joined together by a deck. Each person can use their individual sheds to enjoy some solo time, and then they can come together in the middle for a cute picnic, or even knock on one anothers doors for a quick visit.

    Portable Buildings of Greater Houston

    This design was originally created by a Houston-based building company called Portable Buildings of Greater Houston for one innovative client. However, if youre outside of their service area, any local shed company should be able to create something similar, and you can customize the layout to your own liking. Heres a different style of we-shed from the same company!

    With the growing popularity of both she-sheds and man caves, the we-shed is definitely a fun way to combine the two. Each person can decorate the interior of their shed however they please, and the internet is full of fun ideas. Instagram user @lovely.cuppa.tea added a craft area to her she-shed.

    Others keep their she-sheds minimal and clean, with antique touches, like user @agraceful_life. Some even use their she-shed for art, gardening or meditation.

    As for he-sheds, those can go in so many different directions. Fill it with games, hardware or sports gear, or just turn it into a cozy lounge area.

    The whole point of she-sheds and man caves is to completely personalize the space into your own, so this is one chance to really let your imagination run wild. The possibilities are truly endless, and youll never have to crave solitude again.

    'We-Sheds' Combine Man Caves And She-Sheds In One Charming Structure - Simplemost

    New psychology research sheds light on motivations to engage in infidelity – PsyPost - May 24, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    New research published in The Journal of Sex Research provides insights into factors associated with emotional and sexual motivations for infidelity. The findings indicate that one of the most consistent predictors is dissatisfaction with the primary partner.

    Satisfaction with the secondary cheating partner, on the other hand, is a less consistent predictor.

    We have always been interested in the motivations to engage in infidelity, said study authors Jana Hackathorn and Brien K. Ashdown, an associate professor at Murray State University and associate professor at Hobart & William Smith Colleges, respectively.

    However, until now we hadnt had access to a population that was specifically using an online website for that behavior. After publishing some previous work on motivations to engage in infidelity, the opportunity to collect data from a sample of folks currently seeking an extradyadic partner presented itself, and we jumped at the chance.

    In the study, 545 members of, a popular website for those interested in having extra-marital affairs, completed a brief anonymous online survey regarding their motivations to engage in infidelity and other factors. The majority of the participants (81%) reported they were male and the average age was 48.89 years.

    Unsurprisingly, those who indicated that their primary partner did not adequately meet their needs were more likely to report seeking a secondary partner because they had fallen out of love.

    One of the things that we found to be most prevalent in the data was that the secondary partner (or the other woman/man) was not as big of an influence or motivation to cheat as the real world might lead us to believe. The biggest influence/motivation to cheat was dissatisfaction in the primary relationship, especially for males. However, greater sociosexuality (i.e., more comfort with casual sex) was very influential for both males and females, the researchers told PsyPost.

    The researchers found that participants who were younger and had greater Christian identification were more likely to report seeking an affair to get back at their steady partner.

    Women and those who reported lower relationship satisfaction were more likely to report an interest in infidelity because they felt neglected. Participants who were pursuing a secondary partner because they wanted more frequent sex tended to be male, have an unrestricted sociosexual orientation, greater Christian identification, and less satisfaction with their primary partner.

    We are both very interested in what happens next. For example, how does someone engage in infidelity and also attempt to continue the current primary relationship simultaneously? We expect to examine this behavior through cognitive dissonance theory, and are really interested in the magnitude of aversion that might be experienced, the dissonance reduction strategies that people might use, and whether they have to keep re-using those strategies over and over, Hackathorn and Ashdown said.

    The researchers initially recruited 2,030 paying members of the website. However, 1,485 participants were excluded from the study because they were not using the website to cheat.

    The website is a dating website. Due to the hack that happened a couple of years ago, we began our study under the faulty assumption that it was a cheating website and of course some of that came from their slogan Life is short, have an affair. How shocked were we to find out that a clear majority of the participants who completed our study were just in it for dating not infidelity? Some of them were really angry about our assumption too, Hackathorn and Ashdown said.

    The study, The Webs We Weave: Predicting Infidelity Motivations and Extradyadic Relationship Satisfaction, was published online on April 6, 2020.

    Read the original here:
    New psychology research sheds light on motivations to engage in infidelity - PsyPost

    Federal CIO Sheds Light on What Agencies Are Learning in COVID-19 Response – Nextgov - May 24, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    COVID-19 and the quick shift to remote work opened federal officials eyes to areas for improvement in their pre-pandemic practices and escalated insiders acceptance of fresh modes and technologies, according to Federal Chief Information Officer Suzette Kent.

    Overall, it's been exciting, Kent said during a Dcode virtual session last week with the accelerators Chief Executive Officer Meagan Metzger. Many individuals who I would say might have resisted some of the technology tools, not only have accepted them nownow, because of the duration, they're comfortable with them.

    Kent said amid the pandemic, her team and their partners across the federal information technology landscape are primarily focusing on mission continuity and response. Within the realm of response, the CIO said her role is to coordinate and enable, meaning whether through guidance, forumsor beyond, she and her team must act swiftly to move information, to convene and to get action.

    I call myself and my teamwe are the enablers of the federal IT community, Kent said.

    Usually, that enablingentails tactical work, like developing new policies, but she noted that in this situation it also involves efforts to accelerate data-sharing and install new contracts to get that community resources and tools they need most, while also helping to keep the wheels running in the massive new, nationwide teleworking environment. To her, its been inspiring to see agencies respond aggressively and now two months in, effectively sustain their operational posture.

    We're continuing forwardand that gives us some proof points for what the future looks like, Kent said.

    Scalable, cloud-based and easily configurable commercial solutions helped federal agencies and officials move quickly in their initial response efforts when the outbreak hit, as did scaling or shifting services that already existed within agencies. And some of the proof points that have emerged in the efforts were spawned by necessity. For instance, some agencies transitioned about 95% of their workforce to remote work due to stay-at-home orders, and in that light, she noted that individuals who might have previously held out against trying new things couldnt refuse new collaboration tools. Officials are also becoming increasingly comfortable with digital signatures and newly-introduced ways to share information online.

    It's absolutely thrilling when Ive heard some, again, folks who you might have had to force them to adopt before, or they didn't even take their own their equipment home, talking about, oh, did you see this new feature? Kent said. And that gives us an opportunityagain, use as a proof pointit's not the what if it's when I did it, when that happened, that let me think differently about the paradigm.

    The new working reality is also inspiring government officials to rethink their purchasing activities and the flexibilities of distributed workforces, Kent said. Some agencies have teams that endure 24-hour work cycles because they have to, but the current conditions motivated them to make new considerations around shifts and schedules. Further, COVID-19s disruptions have also exposed specific fragilities in the nations supply chains, which the CIO called another proof point to be examined.

    Do we understand the critical linkages to certain things and do we have clarity around the things that are most critical to missions of agencies in our citizen service delivery? Kent noted. This unusual situation, it's exposed things that we're going to consider.

    And as many agencies are forced to examine their continuity-of-operation plans, Kent added that insiders are realizing that many of those didn't have kind of like the special drill-down for pandemics, or if they did, we are learning things that will help make those assumptions and actions, you know, much more clear and inform them better.

    We've captured a lot of those, she explained. So, I think a lot of those are going to help us as we move forward.

    Robust data is driving new outcomes across many areas including medicine, commerce, and state and local efforts during the pandemic, and Kent said the needs and efforts are accelerating requirements already put in place by the administration to establish proper infrastructures to help the government become fully data-driven. She noted that almost all agencies now have COVID-19 information links internally for staff or externally on their websites with citizen-serving functions, much of which incorporates shared data. Agencies on the frontlines are recognizing not only how important sharing data and common data models are, but also the crucial need for the consistency of the information, she said.

    Still, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act mandated federal agencies to establish the role of chief data officers within their workforce, yet presently, not all agencies have one in placeincluding a top health agency, during the pandemic.

    I don't know that it changed anyone's understanding of the role and the importance, Kent said. It might have certainly changed the urgency.


    Read more:
    Federal CIO Sheds Light on What Agencies Are Learning in COVID-19 Response - Nextgov

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