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NAVAJO MOUNTAIN, Ariz., Dec. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --Representatives of the International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation (IWSH) have returned to the Navajo Nation this week to support the installation of new toilet and washroom facilities for the Naatsis'n (Navajo Mountain) Chapter House. This key administrative hub for the Naatsis'n community is being relocated, while the existing Chapter House the base for the most recent IWSH Community Plumbing Challenge (CPC) project, in Piute Mesa, Arizona, in June undergoes major renovation.
"This week, the team is installing a cistern system and a septic system at the Arizona warehouse office building, which we will be using for our temporary chapter office building," said Lorena Atene, Community Services Coordinator at Naatsis'n Chapter. "The new office is very important, to help us continue providing services for families in the local community."
"Through our Chapter House, we provide services for bathroom additions, minor renovations, roof replacements, and we process paperwork to do with power line extensions and house wiring projects for families that are being hooked up to power lines," Atene continued. "So from the new site we are going to be able to continue this remote office work and important communications with Window Rock offices plus all the other entities we work with, to make things happen for our community."
The team assembled for the project this week includes two IWSH representatives Jed Scheuermann and Randy Lorge plus volunteers from the Naatsis'n Chapter and DigDeep, hosts of the Navajo Water Project and IWSH's ongoing CPC collaboration in the Navajo Nation. Also joining the crew are four volunteers from UA Local Union 412 (Albuquerque, New Mexico): two apprentices, Sasha Sun and Aaron Heitman, Business Agent Adam Valdez and Business Manager Courtenay Eichhorst.
"We have been given another opportunity to help the Navajo Nation, so we thought it would be a great chance to bring some new people out here as well as some older, familiar faces and do some good for our community," said Eichhorst, the recent recipient of the inaugural IWSH Award in recognition of his dedicated support toward the development of the first U.S. CPC program.
During a busy first day onsite, the team started installation of drain, waste and venting systems as well as the layout of water distribution piping. Preparation work was completed for the septic system, and tunneling through the footing of the building for the building sewer to the septic tank was also finished. Excavation was also completed for installation of a water cistern.
The project concludes Friday, and updates from the work site will be shared on IWSH Foundation social media channels throughout the week.
Companies or organizations who wish to get involved with the CPC Navajo Mountain program, or any other future editions of the international CPC program, are encouraged to get in touch via info@iwsh.org. One-time, tax deductible donations to support these efforts may also be made via http://www.iwsh.org/donate.
SOURCE The International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation (IWSH)
See original here:
IWSH Team Returns to Navajo Mountain for Renovation Project - PRNewswire
Most Americans do not give a second thought to what happens after they turn on a faucet handle or flush a toilet. This is because the result is always the same: Clean, potable water comes out, available to drink, wash hands, cook food, clean clothes, or tidily dispose of waste, whatever the case may be.
Yet in many places throughout the country, running water is a scarce resource, or even an unattainable luxury. A report released earlier this week sheds new light on the scope of this phenomenon, and its conclusions are startling. More than two million people in the world's most prosperous democracy live without running water or modern plumbing. And although socioeconomic status correlates with water and wastewater services access, race is the single strongest predictor: African-American and Latinx households are almost twice as likely as white households to not have full indoor plumbing, while Native American households are about 19 times as likely, the report says. The researchers caution that given the challenges in obtaining accurate data from the groups most affected by the "water access gap," these figures may be undercounts.
The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is perhaps the most infamous recent example of racial inequities in water access, where local officials' failure to adequately treat tap water exposed the city's nearly 100,000 residents, more than half of whom are black, to dangerous levels of lead and other contaminants. The problem is also acute in more remote or rural areas, including certain majority-black communities in the Deep South, majority-Latinx communities in California's Central Valley, and Native American reservations in the Southwest, among others. Nationwide, 17 percent of people in rural areas have had trouble obtaining potable water, and 12 percent have experienced problems with their sewage systems, according to the report. In some places, conditions are getting worse, not better. "In six states and Puerto Rico, we're going backwardsfewer people will have running water next year than this year," says George McGraw, the founder and CEO of DigDeep, a nonprofit that co-authored the report.
These racial and socioeconomic disparities are not an accident. In an effort to cut down on the dangers posed by waterborne diseases, Congress passed the Safe Water Drinking Act in 1974, a landmark statute that empowers the Environmental Protection Agency to set and enforce national standards for drinking-water-contaminant levels. And throughout most of the previous century, the federal government invested heavily in infrastructure, making water and wastewater services available in some of the nation's previously far-flung corners. Especially in cities and towns with higher population densities, this was a no-brainer investment in public health and economic productivity, and allowed utilities to provide high-quality water to consumers at relatively low prices.
This infrastructure boom, however, was not equal-opportunity. Cities and towns building out their systems would not always do so in majority-minority areas nearby. As the report documents, in the 1950s, the town of Zanesville, Ohio, did not build water lines in its African-American neighborhoods, and the following decade Roanoke, Virginia, did not extend its infrastructure to Hollins, a neighboring majority-black town. Discriminatory local government law practices also played a role: In the Central Valley of California, predominantly Latinx communities were discouraged from formally incorporating, which prevented them from accessing construction financing available to cities and towns. As a result, no one bothered to install a water system in the first place. Even today, there are places in the country where homes lack running water, within walking distance of neighborhoods that enjoy the full spectrum of water and sanitation services, says Zo Roller, senior program manager at the nonprofit U.S. Water Alliance, which also co-authored the report.
The rest is here:
The Hidden Racial Inequities of Water Access in America - GQ
Alex Hackman picks up a shovel and digs in to what used to be a cranberry bog.Down through an inch or two of tough green cranberry vines, down into the sandy soil beneath. Down, down, down.
"It's tough going," says Hackman, stopping to catch his breath. "This is, you know, a century of effort by the prior farmers to have this beautiful dense layer of cranberry vines."
Hackman is a restoration ecologist with the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration. He runs a state program dedicated to turning cranberry bogs back into wetlands.
The state program partners with the UDSA's Wetland Reserve Easement Program, which has been around for decades. But lately there's been an uptick of interest from local farmers, says Brian Wick, executive director of the Cape CodCranberry Growers Association. That's because the cranberry business has been tough in recent years, with prices driven down by competition from Canada and Wisconsin, and the trade war with China. One of the biggest challenges the bog-to-wetland program faces, says Wick, is finding enough money to meet the demand.
"As the price of cranberries has been down, a lot of growers have been turning to that [program]as a possibility," Wick says. "This is a good option for the growers, because short of that its selling off house lots that surround the bogs. So youre left with very limited options of what you can do with that property."
Its a potentialwin-win situation.Farmers get much-needed cash. The state gets a wetland, which can absorb water and prevent flooding an increasing risk with heavier rainstorms and rising sea levels linked to climate change. Wetlands also absorb pollutants, store carbon, and provide homes for fish and wildlife.
But even though many cranberry bogs were built inlow-lying, swampy areas, turning a bog back to a wetland can be harder than you might think. That's because cranberry bogs are surprisinglydry. And that's why Hackman is digging a hole in a retired bog. He says that farmers add a layer of sand to their bogs every few years, which helps cranberries grow. Aftera 100 years, that leaves a lot of sand.
He pries out a block of soil and holds it up. It looks like a layer cake of light sand and darker dirt.He shakes the soil and sand showers out.
"The thing thats different about this soil than the native wetland soil is that this will not hold water well," says Hackman. "This is sand, and water will move through this and go underground. Wetlands need to hold water to be a wetland."
There's another reason the bogs are dry, says Hackman: the "plumbing" that farmers install on the surface. Cranberry farmers use ditches and dams to steer water where they need it irrigating crops for the growing season, or flooding them for harvest. The ditches are useful for farming, but like the sand disrupt the wetland's natural ability to hold water.
About a foot below the sandy top layers, Hackman hits rich, black peat the original wetland. Part of getting back to that wetland involves removing, or at least "roughing up" those top feet of soil. The other part is creating more natural waterways on the surface you rip out the plumbing, as Hackman says, and wait for the wetland to return.
The amount of work required, he explains, depends a lot on the cranberry bog itself.
"Some of these sites require very little intervention or even none to become wetlands again," Hackman says.For instance, low-lying bogs with a lot of peat underneath probably need less help; others may need more.
"One of our challenges is determining where we need to do active intervention to restore wetlands," he said, "and where we can just walk away and let these lands self-heal."
Nature's Filter
There's another pressing question: How much can these restored wetlands improve water quality? This is an important question, given water pollution problems in southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod. Many households in these areas use septic systems, which leach nitrogen into groundwater. The excess nutrients pollute ponds and estuaries, causing algae blooms thatharmnative eel grass, fish and crabs.
The groundwater pollution is so bad in Falmouth, for example, thatit affects almost every estuary in town. The town considered installing a municipal sewer system, but balked at the $600 million price tag. Town officials and residentsare hoping that restored wetlands can be part of the solution.
Ecologist Chris Neill shares their hope. A senior scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center, he's studying a recently restored wetland on theCoonamessett River, which feeds into Falmouth's Great Pond. By measuring how much nitrogen the wetland absorbs before and after restoration, he hopes to quantify its impact.
"And then hopefully the town could use that removal and calculate that into their overall strategy," Neill says. "So maybe by building 30 or 40 acres of restored wetlands, we can build less sewers and run pipes to fewer houses, and get the same nitrogen removal. That would save the town lots and lots of money into the millions and even tens of millions of dollars."
Restoring a bog can be pricey.The state's first project, completed in 2010, converted a Plymouth cranberry bog into 40 acres of wetlands at the Eel River Headwaters Reserve. The projecttook about a year, and included some roadwork, removing a dam, roughing up the surface soil,and planting20,000 Atlantic white cedars a tree native to New England swamps. In total, the project cost about $2 million.
"Thats well worth it," Hackman says. "You know, these lands provide important services, like water purification, water storage, fish and wildlife habitat. And so why wouldnt we pay for that?"
Help For Farmers
The cost also includes payments to farmers for their land. The going rate for the program is $13,600 an acre, which sounds pretty good to cranberry farmer Jeff Kapell.
"Were kind of in a bad phase right now where theres a very low price for the fruit, and so people are trying to hang on in any way they can," says Kapell, who has been growing cranberries in Plymouth for 40 years.
Kapell briefly considered selling one of his bogs to a solar farm. But hes decided to go with the wetland option.
"I would feel very good about being able to put this into conservancy," he says. "All of the land around us is protected forever, and I think thats what this parcel should be."
Kapell plans to retire the bog next year and reinvest the money into the rest of his farm. He'll keep growing cranberries on the other bogs he owns for as long as he can.
See original here:
The State Wants To Turn Cranberry Bogs Into Wetlands. It's Gritty Work - WBUR
Sewer and Septic - Install | Comments Off on The State Wants To Turn Cranberry Bogs Into Wetlands. It’s Gritty Work – WBUR
Indias unemployment rate in 2018 was 6%
Indias unemployment rate in 2018 was six per cent, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour and Employment, Santosh Kumar Gangwartold the Rajya Sabha on November 20, 2019.
The minister stated this in response to a question on whether India's unemployment rate rose to a three-year high of 8.48 per cent in October according to data released by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.
Increase in deaths of manual scavengers
In 2019, 83 people diedcleaning sewers and septic tanks in India. This is an increase of 26 per cent over 2018. In 2018, 66 people died across India, Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Ramdas Athawaletold the Rajya Sabha.
Of the 83 people who died, the families of only 31 have received compensation.Manual scavenging is officially prohibited by law in 1993.
Thousands of crores remain unspent under MPLADS
Thousands of crores of rupees remain unspent under the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS), the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementationtold the Lok Sabha.
Out of Rs 50,462 crore allocated by the government, close to Rs 4,102 crore remained unspent as on March 31, 2019, the ministry said in its statement.
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As told to Parliament (November 20, 2019): India's unemployment rate in 2018 was 6% - Down To Earth Magazine
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As a full-service demolition, excavation and site preparation company, Reay Brothers excavation takes care to lay the sewer or septic lines that may be a part of your new building. Whether its residential or commercial in scale, laying the sewer lines from a building to the municipal plumbing is a heavy-duty job.
Whether its a brand-new system or one following one of our first-class demolitions, installing the sewer system is as important and as permanent as putting in a new foundation. Reay Brothers Excavation makes sure its done right.
After weve completed the demolition of your building, we take the steps needed to get your sewer lines put in place. Because plumbing will also be removed in most demolitions, builders may be left with outdated, redundant or inefficient trenches in need of new excavation.
Got an off-the-grid building that will be going septic? Reay Brothers Excavation also lays the groundwork for complete septic system installation. As a buildings personal water treatment plant, septic usually means one thing when it comes to site preparation digging, lots of digging.
Reay Brothers has excavated numerous in-earth septic treatment systems and understands the scope of the job intimately. For a precision-laid septic system right where you need it, our crew is standing by ready to go.
With over 50 years of getting dirty, our sewer and septic installation methods are second to none in Sedona.
For every system we put in place, our goal is always 100% customer satisfaction. If our experience and commitment to our customers werent enough, we are recognized members of the Better Business Bureau and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
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Founded on Trust, Service, & Quality Work
Since the original Mr. Rooter was founded in 1970, the company has remained committed to a set of core values that are rooted in performing quality work at honest prices. Nearly half a century later, the original Mr. Rooter business is still servicing homes and businesses in and around Oklahoma City. Its still independently owned and operated with strong ties to the community that made it all possible.
Weve never lost sight of that local connection. Today, Mr. Rooter is a large family ofindependently owned and operated plumbing companies united by a common set of values and a shared belief in providing the best customer service possible. Although our network is vast, with hundreds of locations across the United States and Canada, each business is ingrained and invested in the communities they serve. Because theyre our communities, too. And through experience weve learned that exemplary service comes naturally when you truly care about your customers.
At Mr. Rooter, we love what we do, and we believe in it. Its not just plumbing to us, but a philosophy applied to every area of our lives. Its just the plumbing thats made us famous.
Our only priority is to provide the highest level of customer service.
We know thatplumbing emergencies are enough of a headache without dealing with an ornery customer service rep or repairman. We offer a warm voice, a courteous call, and a convenient process. We make your emergency a priority for us, scheduling service as quickly as possible to resolve your problem.
Our plumbers are the same waythey treat your home with respect and consideration. We wipe our feet on our own mats, we wear shoe covers before entering your home, and well offer you a fair assessment of your plumbing situation and how much it will cost to handle it. Our prices areflat-rate and upfront, so you dont have to worry about inflating prices as the job goes on.
Mr. Rooter is proud to be a Neighborly company. Everything we do is shaped by our values:
We always listen carefully to each other and our customers. We also endeavor to respond quickly to our customers needs with open, upfront commitments. These values and the practices based on them are the foundation of our service, our philosophy, and our daily lives at Mr. Rooter Plumbing.
If your home is in need of other services or repairs,learn more about our community of home service experts.
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Waste water drains away from plumbing fixtures and out of buildings by the force of gravity and via the down sloping Drain-Waste-Vent system. DWV pipes carry wastewater into a sanitary sewer - from there wastewater travels into a main sewer line connected to a city sewer facility or septic tank. Build up of waste products as well as root intrusion can create small to large scale obstacles in the sewer line plumbing. Sewage stoppages, overflows and back-ups are distinctive drain pipe plumbing emergencies that threaten human health and natural environment.
Looking for sewer line services? Fill the form on your right to obtain plumbing estimates by local plumbers.
Tree Root Intrusion Roots love water, and therefore tend to grow towards damp sources such as underground sewer pipes. Spreading tree roots crack and plug sewer pipes with hairy roots trapping waste matter passing through. Overtime masses of debris and roots plug sewer pipes and prevent wastewater from flowing toward the main sewage treatment facility. Consequently sewage will reverse directions and backflow into buildings.
Sewer BackupsImproper disposal of diapers, hygiene products, wet towels and more in toilets result in stubborn clogs in main sewer lines. Instead of flowing in one direction from home to sanitary sewer and main, at the point of obstruction sewage will reverse direction and backup into homes. Sewer backups are unpleasant and contaminate homes with waste matter.
Sewer Gas Odors Drain traps contain water seals that block offensive gas odors from entering homes. Sewer gases invade homes through drains without water seals. Water seal evaporation usually occurs in floor drains not used frequently. Pouring a gallon of water down a drain will reestablish the water seal and solve the problem of indoor sewer odors.
Foul odors? Chronic backups? Get that problem fixed immediately for a hazard free environment in the home. Submit the form on your right to receive multiple plumbing quotes today.
Lack of sewer maintenance leads to a variety of problems. The red flags of sewer line plumbing problems include:
Typical sewer and drain plumbing services range from trenchless sewer replacement to septic tank cleaning, leak detection and blocked sewer pipe opening. Drain plumbing services employ advanced cleaning equipment like electronic jetting machines and the trenchless Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) technology.
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Residential Installations
If you need a new sewer treatment plant installation or a replacement to an old septic tank system at your home give us call, or send us an e-mail. Someone will schedule an appointment ot meet with you at your convenience.
If you're having a problem with a sewer line, we have the tools to help. Call or send us an e-mail to schedule an appointment. Remember One call requires 48 hours to do utility locates before excavation can begin.
Text a brief message explaining your situationto our businesscell 985-400-1149
My name is Chuck Pounds and my family has been in this business for four generations. My grandfather, Hershel Pounds began installing septic tanks in Mississippi in the early 1950's, before moving to Covington Louisiana, where he and my father Charles continued to install septic systems for many years.
In 1997, I started Pounds Sewer Systems. We install sewer treatment plant systems and septic tanks in MS and LA. We have actually upgraded many septic tanks to sewer treatment plant systems in and around the Covington area that my grandfather and or my father installed in years past.
With the help of my wife Robin and our two sons, Lee and Woodrow we continue to maintain our family owned and family operated business. Licensed and insured in both LA and MS we travel to meet the needs of our customers in both areas. Providing quality installation, service and repair of residential and commercial sewer treatment plant systems and septic tanks. Replacing effluent lines, aerators, sump pumps, & spray irrigation pumps for the systems we are licensed to maintain. We have installed many commercial systems for churches and businesses in both areas. Working with many area contractors.
For new construction systems or environmental upgrades call us or send us an e-mail. In LA it is required you obtain a permit from the office of public health prior to installing any system. In MS Marion County has a law requiring the property owner to obtain a soil test prior to sewer installation. We suggest you call the Health Department in your area prior to making any plans for septic or sewer treatment plant installation.
We take great pride in all our business and we want our customers to be happy with their choice in our company and refer us to all their friends, neighbors and colleagues. Call the local health department in your area and ask about Pounds Sewer Systems.Please goto our Facebook page and write a review and like our page.
The BIG name in this business for four generations
If you need a sewer system installed at your commercial site, give us a call, or send us an e-mail and someone will schedule an appointment to meet with you and discuss your particular situation.
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Pounds Sewer Systems - Residential Installations
What is a cross bore?
If natural gas was installed in your neighborhood without digging trenches, a gas pipeline may have been inadvertently inserted through a sewer or septic line, even for homes without natural gas service. This is called a "cross bore".
Cross bores are safe unless they become damaged by cutting tools that clear blocked sewer and septic lines. Rupturing these pipelines would allow natural gas to enter your home and endanger your safety.
For many years, utilities nationwide have installed gas pipelines by boring underground rather than digging trenches, to avoid tearing up paving and landscaping. Existing underground pipes and wires are marked before work begins, whenever possible.
However, sewer and septic lines may go unnoticed because they're not regularly mapped and are undetectable using above-ground locating devices. Cross bores are a rare side effect that occurs when the machine used to install gas pipelines inadvertently bores through sewers, leaving the gas pipelines vulnerable to damage by cutting tools.
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Blocked sewer and septic lines - pse.com
If you are not on the city sewer system, you need a septic system that you can trust. Every time you flush a toilet, use a sink or tub, run the dishwasher, or wash a load of laundry, waste washes out of your house. That waste carries germs, microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and solid waste that unless properly treated and disposed of, can create a health hazard and a smelly, property-damaging mess.
Septic waste is not something you want to worry about. The right, well-maintained septic system will give you peace of mind. And with Lees Sanitation Service, you can rest assured that we are the septic system partner you can trust to address all of your sanitation needs quickly, professionally and with the very best customer service.
Since 1950, Lees Sanitation Service has been yourseptic system expert. We install and repair all elements of septic systems for homes and businesses, including septic tanks, drain fields and distribution boxes. We perform maintenance services from septic tank pumping and drain cleaning to pipe and pump repairs. And we are licensed onsite septic system inspectors. We can make sure your septic system is functioning properly so that you can rest assured that you will not see your waste once it goes down the drain.
A basic septic system is relatively simple. It consists of three key parts: A septic tank, a drain field and a distribution box that connects the two.
When waste leaves your home, the sewage pipe deposits the waste into a septic tank buried underground. The septic tank has two openings called an inlet and an outlet and each of these openings has a baffle inside the tank to ensure that waste only moves in one direction: in through the inlet, and out through the outlet.
Inside the septic tank, solids sink to the bottom. This is called sludge. Fats and oils rise to the top. This is called scum. In between, waste water or liquid effluent collects. Aerobic (or air breathing) bacteria digest and break down the scum, while anaerobic (not air breathing) bacteria break down the sludge. Not all scum and sludge breaks down. This needs to be pumped out by professionals every three to five years. We typically recommend pumping at least every three years.
The liquid effluent, which is the clearer, partially-treated liquid, leaves the tank through the outlet and is piped to the distribution box. The distribution box disperses the effluent into various lines that run into a drain field.
The drain field, in general, is an underground system of perforated drain pipes lying in gravel trenches. The entire system is topped with topsoil and seeded with grass. The drain field allows the effluent to drain through the gravel and sink into the soil. However, where the gravel and soil meet, a naturally occurring layer of tar-like substance called a biomat forms. The biomat is made up of anaerobic organisms that feed on the organic matter in the waste water, breaking down solids and eliminating viruses and other hazardous organisms in the waste. When the water gets through the drain field biomat, it is clean and safe for the environment.
Give us a call today. For more thansix decades we have been leaders in sanitation services throughout Washingtons King and Pierce counties. Let us be yourseptic system experts.
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