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    Keeping public interest in balance - October 12, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    SNOWMASS VILLAGE Balancing the needs of a growing resort with the physical constraints imposed in a narrow valley is at the forefront of two transportation projects currently under review.

    In order to accommodate a new traffic roundabout at the busiest intersection in Snowmass Village, a retaining wall must be built to shore up the steep slope near the entrance to the Snowmass Center.

    Likewise, if the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport wants to expand its runway layout to meet Federal Aviation Administration safety standards, it will have to encroach upon a city of Aspen open space parcel for a retaining wall.

    Building on steep terrain seems a given as development swallows many of the remaining flat spaces in the upper Roaring Fork Valley.

    Its a function of our topography, said Lee Barger of SGM, an engineering firm in Glenwood Springs representing the town of Snowmass Village in the roundabout project. There arent a lot of flat spaces around.

    That includes the section of Brush Creek Road where the roundabout would be sited. To provide a flat bench for the traffic circle requires the roads approach be made steeper, up to a 10 percent grade at one point.

    And expanding the upper access to the roundabout at Kearns Road would trigger the need for at least one retaining wall.

    Anne Martens, public works director for the town, said this week, In order to install the necessary elements, such as bus stops, medians, sidewalks, a secondary access to the Conoco site, crosswalks and geometry of the roundabout, some type of retaining wall is necessary for the roundabout at both the Point parcel and in the southeast corner.

    The roundabout is one of the developer mitigation requirements tied to the 2004 Base Village agreement. Originally targeted for completion by 2007, the roundabout stalled when Base Village was upended by foreclosure, receivership and finally, reacquisition by Related Cos.

    A retaining wall would also be key to the Aspen/Pitkin County Airports runway relocation plan thats currently under public review. A 2,500-foot section of Owl Creek Road would need to be moved if the Airport Layout Plan goes forward.

    Read the original here:
    Keeping public interest in balance

    Build a barbecue - October 12, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    THIS DIY outdoor barbecue makes a great focal point in what used to be an unused area.

    Using an existing retaining wall gave us the height needed, and boxing the front to overhang the wall with reinforcing mesh gave a toe kick and a place to put the utensils. This is a two-part instalment. Next week I will cover installing fire bricks and doing the plastering.

    Step 1:

    Measure and mark out the area required for a foundation by excavating about 200mm deep or until you reach solid ground. Prepare a level base about 100mm thick with compacted hard fill.

    Step 2:

    Measure and cut your boxing timber to length then fix in position, keeping level. Cut your steel mesh to fit about 50mm less than the boxed area. Cut enough lengths of D10 steel rods and bend one end about 200mm, creating a 90-degree bend. Fix with wire ties to the mesh about every second hole placement on the block.

    Step 3:

    Mix five parts builder's mix with one part cement, add water and mix together to a porridge-like consistency in a concrete mixer or wheelbarrow. For best results follow instructions on cement bag. Pour in the concrete, lifting the mesh with a rake to sit in the centre. Using a straight edge seated on the boxing, screed off the concrete in a back and forth motion to level.

    Step 4:

    Allow the concrete base to set for at least 24 hours. Then mix a bag of pre-mix mortar with water-again following the instructions on the bag - creating a fluffy consistency. Spread the mortar on to the base and between each block and start laying your concrete blocks, making sure each row of blocks is level by tapping it into place. Cut the blocks to fit where needed for each row.

    Here is the original post:
    Build a barbecue

    Awarehouse Retaining Wall – Video - October 11, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Awarehouse Retaining Wall
    Future retaining wall location.

    By: Jacob Elliott

    Read the original:
    Awarehouse Retaining Wall - Video

    Timber Sleeper Retaining Wall Brisbane Call LandscapersBrisbanecom now at 07) 3053-5664 – Video - October 11, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Timber Sleeper Retaining Wall Brisbane Call LandscapersBrisbanecom now at 07) 3053-5664 Landscapers Brisbane Landscaping With a team that can both style and generate the right landscape, Landscapers Brisbane are the only spot you need to visit...

    By: Michael Landscaper

    Read the original:
    Timber Sleeper Retaining Wall Brisbane Call LandscapersBrisbanecom now at 07) 3053-5664 - Video

    Wall Street predicts GOP mid-term victory - October 11, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Investors are betting that Republicans retake the Senate in November.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney)

    "Markets expect Republicans to retake Senate control," asserted Fred Dickson, chief investment strategist at D.A. Davidson & Company. He said that if that doesn't happen, stocks could experience a short-term correction in the days following the election.

    The notion that the stock market is already pricing in a Republican victory probably has less to do with investors' savvy political insight and more to do with the latest polling data, which suggests that the Senate math is becoming increasingly dire for Democrats.

    Which companies could come out on top? A few sectors stand to benefit directly from the GOP controlling Congress, according to Greg Valliere, Chief Political Strategist for The Potomac Research Group, a firm that provides political analysis for investors.

    Related: Top 10 companies lobbying Washington

    He claims that the biggest election pure play is medical device makers, which are currently subject to a 2.3% tax to help fund Obamacare. Republicans have vowed to repeal the tax, a move that even some Democrats are on board with.

    Defense stocks could also get a boost from a Republican Senate triumph, Valliere believes, because Republicans are generally more willing to allocate greater funds to the military and roll back any forced spending cuts hurting the defense budget.

    In terms of the broader market, Valliere alleges that there's a real chance of corporate tax reform with Republicans dominating Congress, something that Wall Street would undoubtedly cheer.

    An Internal Revenue Service holiday that would allow U.S. companies to bring back some of the cash they have parked overseas would be a real boon to the market, Valliere said. He cautioned that an overhaul in the individual tax code is probably unlikely.

    See more here:
    Wall Street predicts GOP mid-term victory

    Wall St expects Republican mid-term win - October 11, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Investors are betting that Republicans retake the Senate in November.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney)

    "Markets expect Republicans to retake Senate control," asserted Fred Dickson, chief investment strategist at D.A. Davidson & Company. He said that if that doesn't happen, stocks could experience a short-term correction in the days following the election.

    The notion that the stock market is already pricing in a Republican victory probably has less to do with investors' savvy political insight and more to do with the latest polling data, which suggests that the Senate math is becoming increasingly dire for Democrats.

    Which companies could come out on top? A few sectors stand to benefit directly from the GOP controlling Congress, according to Greg Valliere, Chief Political Strategist for The Potomac Research Group, a firm that provides political analysis for investors.

    Related: Top 10 companies lobbying Washington

    He claims that the biggest election pure play is medical device makers, which are currently subject to a 2.3% tax to help fund Obamacare. Republicans have vowed to repeal the tax, a move that even some Democrats are on board with.

    Defense stocks could also get a boost from a Republican Senate triumph, Valliere believes, because Republicans are generally more willing to allocate greater funds to the military and roll back any forced spending cuts hurting the defense budget.

    In terms of the broader market, Valliere alleges that there's a real chance of corporate tax reform with Republicans dominating Congress, something that Wall Street would undoubtedly cheer.

    An Internal Revenue Service holiday that would allow U.S. companies to bring back some of the cash they have parked overseas would be a real boon to the market, Valliere said. He cautioned that an overhaul in the individual tax code is probably unlikely.

    Read this article:
    Wall St expects Republican mid-term win

    Retaining Wall Rebar2 – Video - October 10, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Retaining Wall Rebar2

    By: smlafferty99

    See original here:
    Retaining Wall Rebar2 - Video

    Wall Sits - October 10, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    From the Vineyard Gazette edition of Oct. 10, 1980:

    Opening upon South Road, Chilmark, is a private driveway extending northerly to a dwelling site half a mile away or better. There is nothing remarkable about this driveway, except that portion where it enters the highway. There it passes through, and not over, a hillock, by means of what engineers call a cut and the sides of this cut are perpendicular; as plumb as if made with the aid of a plumb-bob. That it is an ancient driveway is evident, and the cut itself is nothing modern, but the remarkable thing about this cut is the retaining wall on each side, curving outward and rising to the height of the bordering greensward, and constructed from small stones, laid up without bonding of any sort. In other words, it is a pretty wall, beautifully made and put together with a high degree of skill. It has not bulged nor settled, and it seems as strong and secure as it ever could have been, the weathering of the stones testifying to its age.

    Over seventy years ago a Chilmark man, no longer youthful, told of helping to build this wall under the direction of Beriah T. Hillman, who owned the farm beyond the highway, lived upon it, and taught school during the two three-month terms when Chilmark schools were open.

    Many persons will remember Beriah Hillman as an elderly resident of Edgartown, a veteran of the War of the Rebellion, in which he served as an Army officer, and as a justice sitting within and for the County the County of Dukes County. He had studied law and practiced it, and had sat on the bench as a judge, and in all ways had demonstrated his versatility and knowledge.

    Aside from causal mentioning by elderly persons of Judge Hillman as a schoolmaster, the oldest story this writer ever heard of him was told by one of his Chilmark neighbors, himself a member of a Chilmark family quite as old as that of the judge.

    It appeared that Judge Hillman Mr. Hillman at that time was interested in some legal matter and had consulted an attorney seeking advice. What he was told with respect to his problem was not satisfactory and, sitting in the lawyers office, he picked up a law book, turned the pages to a certain chapter and, pointing it out to the lawyer, said:

    Doesnt that clause give me my case?

    The lawyer looked, and exclaimed in surprise: It does indeed, but where did you study law?

    At the end of the plow-handles, is the reply credited to the judge-to-be.

    Pungent indeed were the comments credited to Judge Hillman as he spoke in town meetings on matters of business that came before the voters. Apparently the site of the original town hall in Chilmark was under discussion, possibly before the building had been established there, or it could have been later. However that may have been, the location, on a lonely hilltop, seemed to be favored by the majority, and Judge Hillman commented with evident distaste: Equally inconvenient for everyone. His peppery comments from the bench were often quoted and it is regrettable that so few are remembered. In a case where a feud between families had eventually resulted in a charge of assault and battery, the defendant had pleased unusual provocation in that the plaintiff in the case had refused to speak to him or even to look in his direction when they met, and yet had politely lifted his hat and bowed to his, the defendants dog.

    See the article here:
    Wall Sits

    Perry supervisors OK tentative budget for 2015 - October 10, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Perry Township supervisors this week approved a $648,500 tentative budget for 2015.

    Supervisors said real estate taxes should not change despite recent unexpected costs of about $500,000 to reconstruct Falbo Road and complete a retaining wall project on River Road.

    This marks the 15th year in a row that the township has not raised taxes, Chairman A.J. Boni said. We have been living within our means, and it's a good thing because we're facing a lot of unexpected expenses.

    Boni said it will cost the township about $150,000 to reconstruct Falbo Road, which sustained significant damage during a major rainstorm on Aug. 23 when the road was washed out and a man was killed.

    The township will earmark an estimated $131,000 in impact fees generated by the Marcellus shale gas industry to pay for the majority of the cost for the Falbo Road reconstruction, Boni said.

    The rest of the money for the road reconstruction will come from the general fund, Boni said. We've been very frugal, and it's really paying off now.

    Supervisor Clarence Johnson said the storm caused significant damage to the road.

    The storm washed out the road, Johnson said. The hole in the road was about 29 feet across and 33 feet deep.

    Boni said the majority of Falbo Road has been reconstructed, but the township still needs to have the road repaved.

    The road is back together now, Boni said. Sometimes, Mother Nature can be very tough.

    The rest is here:
    Perry supervisors OK tentative budget for 2015

    (415) 457-5658 RWR Construction Shotcrete Retaining Wall In Kentfield Ca – Video - October 9, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (415) 457-5658 RWR Construction Shotcrete Retaining Wall In Kentfield Ca
    Need a retaining wall in San Francisco Bay Area? Call RWR Construction for an estimate or bid.

    By: RWR Construction Inc

    Visit link:
    (415) 457-5658 RWR Construction Shotcrete Retaining Wall In Kentfield Ca - Video

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