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A 41-YEAR-OLD woman died Tuesdaywhen her Volvo sped across Kelly Drive, hit a retaining wall and went airborne, plunging into the Schuylkill, police said.
Two other motorists witnessed the horrific wreck that happened minutes before noon, Chief Inspector Joe Sullivan said. The witnesses told police that the Volvo was speeding down Hunting Park Avenue toward the river, then ran the red light at Kelly Drive, crossed the road and hit the water.
The witnesses called police and stayed at the scene to direct officers to where the car went under. The Fire Department and police Marine Unit were called, Sullivan said, and divers located the car quickly but were unable to get its doors open underwater because it was badly damaged.
A heavy-rescue crew pulled the Volvo from the water, Sullivan said, but the woman had died inside. She was pronounced dead on the riverbank at 1:35 p.m., police said.
Sullivan said accident-investigation officers were probing the circumstances surrounding the fatal crash. He said there were no skid marks on the pavement indicating that the woman had hit the brakes, and it was too early to determine what made her drive into the river.
The victim's identity had not been released as of Tuesday night.
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Woman, 41, dies after car goes airborne, careens into Schuylkill
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Cumming GA Retaining Wall Client Reviews Contractor
Homeowner Mateen Fikree reviews the contractor he hired to rebuild his residential retaining wall in Cumming, Georgia. Mr. Fikree describes how his retaining...
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IDP Capstone Sept14 Forensic of Retaining Wall
Starring: Adiela Adnan, Faten Shakila, Filza Hannah Norazli, Siti Rosyani Roslan and Syuhada Izam Designation: Final year student, Faculty of Civil Engineeri...
By: GG Consultant
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Blowout no barrier to landslip repair -
November 16, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
A pleased Otago Peninsula Community Board chairwoman Christine Garey (foreground) is in attendance as Dunedin City Council senior contract engineer Gareth Evans (left), Downer senior contract manager Ben van Meurs and council roading projects engineer Michael Harrison (right) discuss a retaining wall to be built at Broad Bay. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Dunedin City Council roading projects engineer Michael Harrison told the Otago Peninsula Community Board last week construction on the long-awaited project would start after Christmas, with work expected to be completed by the end of April.
The 220m wall will be part of repairing damage caused by a landslip at Turnbulls Bay in last year's June storm, which resulted in delays and inconvenience for residents.
Earlier this year, the council estimated the project - of which the New Zealand Transport Agency pays two-thirds and the council a third - would cost between $750,000 and $900,000.
Asked by the Otago Daily Times why the cost of the project, being undertaken by Downer, had increased so much, Mr Harrison said there had not been any large changes in the scope of the project.
''Over that time, the market has changed and there is a greater realisation about the costs of some of these works.
''The preliminary estimates were considerably lower than what it ended up being,'' he said.
The work included slip repair, preventive maintenance and widening the existing road to include a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians.
The wall would be an average of 4m high, but up to 7m in parts.
He accepted it had ''taken a while'' to get the project under way, but this was not unheard of for such complex jobs.
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Retaining Wall Construction Time-Lapse - No Forms!
http://goo.gl/Y7Hra5 - More Information! http://www.Stonemakers.net - Check Out Our Site! http://www.facebook.com/stonemakersacademy Check out this cool time...
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Building Retaining Wall over Desk
The track runs over my desk on a raised plywood baseboard. The retaining wall will cover this up along with the supports and wiring. The wall is made from an adapted Metcalfe Viaduct Kit...
By: John Crook
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Tracking the tiger -
November 15, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
It was high drama on Friday as rumours suddenly started spreading of tigers of Vandalur zoo being at large, after a portion of a retaining wall collapsed.
However, on Saturday, zoo authorities said they had sighted Vidya, the two-year-old Royal Bengal tigress, within her enclosure. Four other big cats, which were also housed in the enclosure, were safely retrieved and shifted to other quarters.
A team of animal keepers along with the zoo veterinarian are attempting to tranquilise Vidya, and transfer her to safety.
The animal reportedly could not be seen in the enclosed space since Friday, when a portion of the retaining wall behind the enclosure caved in following heavy rains.
Zoo authorities said the broken retaining wall had left an open space that the tigers could pass through to other areas of the zoo. They immediately erected a chain link fence to cover the open portion. The four other tigers were back in the enclosure by evening, but Vidya could not be spotted.
In order to confirm the animals presence within the enclosure, the authorities left piecesof beef there on Friday evening.On Saturdaymorning, the authorities ascertained that the meat left in the open had been eaten by the tigress. They also spotted the animals pugmarks in the enclosure.
As the place was overrun by wild growth, sighting the animal had become a little difficult. Efforts were on to clear the bushes and tranquilise the animal, they said.
K.S.S.V.P. Reddy, zoo director, said: Since we put up the chain link fence within a couple of hours, we were able to ensure the animal did not stray into the open area of the zoo premises. There is no need for any panic. We allowed visitors to the zooon Saturday.
Zoo authorities said they would set up an automatic trap cage for the animal, inside the enclosure, on Sunday.
Once she was back in the animal house, work on rebuilding the retaining wall would be taken up, Mr. Reddy said.
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Blackjack in Ball Wall – Video -
November 14, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Blackjack in Ball Wall
Blackjack and Onion walk on the retaining wall, and then play a little ball!
By: The Adventures of Blackjack
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The grave of Civil War veteran William Pittenger at the historic Pioneer Odd Fellows Cemetery in Fallbrook. U-T
FALLBROOK A group of history buffs is working on building a retaining wall at the historic Pioneer Odd Fellows Cemetery, at the corner of Alturas Street and Clemens Lane in Fallbrook. The wall is supposed to prevent further erosion and gravesite slippage.
The Fallbrook chapter of Questers is supporting the project because of the historical significance of the cemetery.
The graveyard is the final resting place of many of Fallbrooks early homesteaders and community leaders, said Kathleen Gerard, president of
the Fallbrook Quester Chapter, Live Oak #1166.
Veterans of all wars are buried there, including William Pittenger, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Fallbrook minister and resident. Pittenger served in the Civil War and was awarded a Medal of Honor on March 25, 1863, for his participation in the Great Locomotive Chase. He was buried at the cemetery on April 25, 1904. A Medal of Honor marker was placed at his grave in 1988.
The first phase of construction of the wall is estimated at $4,500. The chapter received a $3,000 Quester grant at the nonprofits state convention last month in Fremont. The chapter is raising the remaining $1,500 through its preservation and restoration funds.
Plans are being made to complete other needed improvements at the cemetery, but they depend on additional fund raising and community support.
Preliminary drafts have been written to apply for recognition of the cemetery as both a national and state historic site.
The Live Oak Chapter recently marked its 25th anniversary and is part the international Questers group, which was formed in 1944 to support preservation and restoration of antiques and historical sites and stimulate an appreciation of antiques.
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Wall Street foe Liz Warren rises in DC -
November 14, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Warren this week also got a rock star's welcome at the Democracy Alliance meeting in Washington, a gathering of wealthy liberal donors who greeted the senator with cheers of "Run, Liz, run!," a reference to a 2016 presidential campaign that Warren has (mostly) said she will not engage in.
The Warren adulation has important ramifications heading into the next Congress and the 2016 campaign cycle. It means the main lesson Democrats took away from 2014 was that they failed to fire up the progressive base with a stronger message on the economy, immigration reform, Wall Street regulation and other issues that tend to energize the left.
And that makes it even less likely that the Senate Democratic leadership will want to give ground to more moderate members of the caucus who want to cut deals with Republicans on deficit reduction, trade, taxation or other issues.
Read MoreWhat the lame-duck Congress tells us about 2015
The early plan from Democrats instead seems to be to double down on strong opposition to the Republican agenda and begin to build back the "Obama coalition" of younger and more diverse voters for the 2016 races they hope will give them the Senate back while retaining the White House.
Warren is already flexing her muscles and showing how she conceives of her role as power-player in the Democratic Party.
A senior aide to Warren this week told me the senator plans to oppose President Barack Obama's nomination of Antonio Weiss, a Wall Street investment banker, to be Treasury undersecretary for domestic finance. It's not clear if Warren's opposition will be enough to bring along other Democrats and kill Weiss' nomination through a filibuster in the next Congress.
But it does show that anything that seems even remotely favorable to the banking industry is going to have a tough time moving forward in the 114th Congress. Looking for Democrats to concede any ground on Dodd-Frank reforms that might benefit smaller financial institutions? Don't bank on it.
Weiss, head of global investment banking at Lazard, is widely respected on Wall Street. But he advised on Burger King's acquisition of Canadian doughnut chain Tim Hortons, a so-called "tax inversion deal." But that's not the only thing driving Warren's opposition to him.
Read MoreMeet the secretive money man who helped the GOP win
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