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    Kinect exterior scan sample using Scanect – Video - January 24, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Kinect exterior scan sample using Scanect
    I attached a Xbox 360 Kinect to a small Winbook 7" tablet, I run the kinect off a battery like people use to jumpstart their cars. With Skanect, this scan took about a minute. I #39;ve also had...

    By: blockh34d

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    Kinect exterior scan sample using Scanect - Video

    Sea water breaches beach road again - January 24, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A fresh damage occurred to the retaining wall of the beach road here on Saturday. This time an 18-metre stretch of the wall, adjacent to the new year breach, was washed away in the day due to the rough seas.

    The damage happening to a stretch very close to the main venue of the ongoing three-day Visakha Utsav raised an alarm among the officials. MP Muttamsetti Srinivasa Rao rushed to the spot to inspect the damage and told the media that he would bring it to the notice of the Chief Minister and ensure that steps are taken to repair it on a war-footing.

    City Police Commissioner Amit Garg, who inspected the site, directed the police officials to immediately cordon off the area to ensure no pedestrians or traffic is put to risk. Additional police forces would be deployed along the coast near the breach along with swimmers and boats to minimise the risk for visitors to the Visakha Utsav celebrations, he told media persons at the site.

    Commissioner of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation Pravin Kumar, who also visited the site, told mediapersons that as an immediate measure the breach would be plugged using boulders and gravel. Long term steps would be taken up in consultation with experts, he said. Since the Visakhapatnam Port Trust would be taking up dredging and beach nourishment starting February the problem would be addressed to some extent, he added.

    The dynamic nature of the currents and wave direction beach erosion is a risk the city would have to live with. One option is to build a sea wall along the beach road to protect it, oceanographic expert and professor in Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous) Rao Tatavarti said after inspecting the site.

    There is no quick fix solution for the beach erosion, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the data like wave motion and bathymetry before a permanent solution can be drawn up, he said.


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    Sea water breaches beach road again

    GEOWEB Reinforced Retaining Wall Cross-Section Animation – Video - January 24, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    GEOWEB Reinforced Retaining Wall Cross-Section Animation
    An easy-to-follow, step by step, installation video for the GEOWEB Earth Retention (Reinforced Wall) System.

    By: Presto Geo

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    GEOWEB Reinforced Retaining Wall Cross-Section Animation - Video

    West Greene to receive report on failed retaining wall - January 24, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ROGERSVILLE West Greene School Board expects to receive a report by the end of the month from the consultant hired to investigate the cause of the collapse of a retaining wall at the new elementary school.

    The board plans to discuss the consultants findings at its next building and grounds committee meeting Feb. 5.

    The board approved several motions Thursday regarding the elementary project and recessed the meeting until 7:30 p.m. Jan. 29.

    The retaining wall, which runs about 760 feet behind the new school and at its highest reaches 31 feet, collapsed Nov. 13. Nothing changed regarding the condition of the wall since then, Superintendent Thelma Szarell said Thursday.

    The board in November accepted Michael Baker International LLC as an independent consultant to the district and architect. The company was asked to investigate the cause of the collapse and develop a plan to reconstruct the wall.

    To review Bakers work, the board also hired its own peer review consultants, Pennsylvania Soil and Rock Inc.

    The elementary school is nearly completed. Basically, everything is done, but there are a lot of very small things that still have to be addressed, Szarell said. The repair of a scratch on a finished surface, she said, is an example.

    The district plans to begin using the building at the start of the next school year in August.

    The board voted Thursday to pay Pennsylvania Soil and Rock Inc. $14,228.10 for work it completed between Nov. 18 and Jan. 3.

    It approved a motion directing URS, the districts construction manager, to issue a construction change directive deleting certain work from the scope of work included in the agreement with Liokareas Construction Co. Inc., the general contractor.

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    West Greene to receive report on failed retaining wall

    Topper Drive homeowners seek compensation in court - January 24, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Topper Street property owner Dale Scott has launched legal action against the District of Mission and the builders of Heritage Marketplace. He claims his property has slipped and his house has been damaged after a retaining wall was built in 2010. None of the allegations have been proven in court.

    image credit: Carol Aun

    A house a Mission man bought as an investment property more than eight years ago is now bankrupting him.

    Dale Scott invested in a home on Topper Street with his mom in 2006, but neither of them ever lived in it. Instead, they rented it out and received some income from it annually.

    But the rent Scott is receiving now is not enough to pay for engineers to help fix the property and lawyers to conduct a court challenge to those who he alleges were responsible for the damages done to his house and land.

    Scott and two of his neighbours allege a retaining wall built just below his property for Heritage Marketplace in 2010 was not properly designed, inspected and constructed.

    The defendants in the case are the District of Mission, the builders of the shopping mall on Stave Lake Street and 11 Avenue, and the engineers of the project.

    According to the civil claim, the slope has slipped, which has caused the three properties above it to settle.

    Scott and his neighbour Finn Nielsen claim the settlement of the slope has caused structural damage to their homes.

    "Inside, the walls have cracked and the foundation has cracked in the back (of the house)," said Scott.

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    Topper Drive homeowners seek compensation in court

    Whose wall is it, anyway? - January 23, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DIXON Its been an issue for a while: After the retaining wall outside the old Lee County Courthouse collapsed in spring 2013, the city paid to clean up the debris. But whos responsible for repairing it?

    Its a 2-year-old tale of he said, he said, he said, and it came up again at Tuesdays County Board meeting.

    The gist of the argument between the city of Dixon, the county, and Illinois Department of Transportation is that back in the early 90s, when the intersection at Galena and Second avenues was expanded, the state bought some of the countys property on the block that houses the courthouse, added a right-hand turn lane, and rebuilt a cement block retaining wall with a limestone facade.

    When that happened, IDOT also entered into a maintenance agreement with the city that said the state will maintain its roadway, and the city will maintain the sidewalk and appurtenances, which basically means anything abutting the roadway.

    In IDOTs opinion, the wall is an appurtenance, IDOT engineer Kevin Marchek said.

    As far as the citys concerned, though and as officials have brought up in talks with the county and state the wall wasnt built properly to begin with, street commissioner Jeff Kuhn said.

    The limestone is a facade up against the cement blocks, he said. There was nothing in there for drainage, and with the hydraulic pressure ... the expansion pushed the cement block sideways, and thats what knocked the limestone off the wall, which caused the problem.

    It was the state who came up with the drawings and paid for the wall to be built, but we feel it was not built correctly. ... Theres a lot of misunderstanding. Theres a lot of finger-pointing. If youre going to find a solution, the three sides need to sit down and do it, but were not at that point yet.

    IDOT does not agree that the wall was built incorrectly.

    It was built in accordance with the plans, Marchek said. If there was water pressure behind the wall, or pushing the wall over, you would think the dirt behind the wall would come down with it, but now the dirt is still standing.

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    Whose wall is it, anyway?

    WOOD GANG FORM-SEOBO KOREA – Video - January 22, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The wooden gang form is a large panel form specially manufactured for quick, easy assembly using couplers in large wall or column installations. It is suitable for factory construction, shipyard...

    By: Han John

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    RNC says vehicle that hit retaining wall lost brakes, had no insurance - January 22, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Published on January 22, 2015

    A woman who crashed her vehicle into a concrete retaining wall outside the Delta Hotel in St. Johns received more than minor injuries in the incident Wednesday morning.

    The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says this vehicle that hit a retaining wall around the Delta Hotel in St. John's Wednesday morning was not insured. It has since been impounded. Photo by Joe Gibbons/The Telegram

    The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary responded to the collision around 8:15 a.m. and said the vehicle driven by a 28-year-old woman appeared to have lost its brakes before running into the wall.

    Police officers determined there was no insurance coverage on the car and the driver was issued tickets for not having insurance, driving a vehicle with defective equipment and her car was impounded.

    The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says this vehicle that hit a retaining wall around the Delta Hotel in St. John's Wednesday morning was not insured. It has since been impounded. Photo by Joe Gibbons/The Telegram

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    RNC says vehicle that hit retaining wall lost brakes, had no insurance

    Man dies after slamming vintage Ford Mustang into residential wall in Lake Forest - January 22, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    An unidentified man was killed late Tuesday night after slamming a vintage car into a residential wall in Lake Forest after deputies suspect he was speeding with alcohol and drugs in his system, officials said.

    Orange County Sheriff's Department officials responded to the crash shortly before 11:30 p.m. on Lake Forest Drive, east of Queensbury Drive.

    When authorities arrived, a 1960s model, red Ford Mustang convertible was engulfed in flames and the driver inside was trapped, sheriff's Lt. Jeff Hallock said.

    Once the man was pulled from the car, he was pronounced dead.

    A preliminary investigation suspected the man, who police believe was under the influence of alcohol and drugs, was driving westbound on Lake Forest Drive when he swerved and went over a raised median before driving across the opposite lanes and onto a sidewalk, Hallock said.

    Investigators said he slammed into a block wall that separates the sidewalk from the backyard of an adjacent home, which sustained damage from the wall debris and car crash.

    He was partially ejected from the car and may have not been wearing a seat belt at the time, Hallock said.

    No other injuries were reported.

    Due to extensive burn, officials will have to run available fingerprints and/or dental records to positively identify the driver, Hallock said.

    See the rest here:
    Man dies after slamming vintage Ford Mustang into residential wall in Lake Forest

    How to Create Inside 90 Retaining Wall Corners – Video - January 21, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    How to Create Inside 90 Retaining Wall Corners
    Take your retaining wall design to the next level by adding inside corners.


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    How to Create Inside 90 Retaining Wall Corners - Video

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