Tinkerbell retaining wall 4
By: David Crabtree
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Tinkerbell retaining wall 4 - Video
Tinkerbell retaining wall 4
By: David Crabtree
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Tinkerbell retaining wall 4 - Video
Track workers tend to Kyle Busch after he slammed into an unprotected wall during the Xfinity Series race on Feb. 21. Busch fractured his right leg and broke his left foot. The crash prompted Daytona International Speedway to expand SAFER Barriers around the track.
DAYTONA BEACH The aftermath of Kyle Buschs Feb. 21 wreck at Daytona was met immediately with promises to upgrade the tracks safety standards.
Those promises began taking real shape Wednesday with the announcement that Daytona International Speedway will get more SAFER Barriers on those sections of concrete walls that remained bare at the time of Buschs accident, which resulted in a compound fracture to his right leg and fracture to his left foot.
The initiatives announced Wednesday:
The inside retaining wall, inside Turn 1 and beginning with the exit from the infield road course, will be realigned and fitted with the Steel and Foam Energy Reduction (SAFER) Barrier. Also, 20,000 square feet of asphalt will be put down to replace the grass in that area of the track the lack of traction on grass adds to the inability to slow or possibly control a wrecking car.
Installation of SAFER Barrier on the retaining wall at the exit to pit road.
Installation of SAFER Barrier between the exit of Turn 4 and the pit entrance, on the section of the inside retaining wall presently uncovered.
Also, as soon as possible, the Speedway will begin covering the outside wall of the backstretch with SAFER Barrier.
Based on material availability and timing, we will install SAFER Barrier on the outside backstretch wall and will complete as much as possible prior to the July NASCAR weekend, track president Joie Chitwood III said. Following the July races, we will complete any remaining installation of SAFER Barrier on the outside backstretch wall and continue to install SAFER Barrier on the remaining areas of the property.
We will provide additional updates regarding our safety initiatives as circumstances warrant. The safety of the competitors and our fans is our top priority.
The rest is here:
Speedway to begin SAFER wall work soon
Mudslide near Yonkers apartments Mudslide near Yonkers apartments
Updated: Thursday, March 12 2015 7:42 AM EDT2015-03-12 11:42:30 GMT
A retaining wall gave way behind an apartment building in Yonkers displacing 100 residents, mainly senior citizens.A mud slide occurred at around 1 p.m. on Wednesday forcing the 30 foot long and 20 foot high wall to come crashing down.Those displaced were taken to a Police Athletic League shelter. It is not clear when they will be allowed to return.
A retaining wall gave way behind an apartment building in Yonkers displacing 100 residents, mainly senior citizens.A mud slide occurred at around 1 p.m. on Wednesday forcing the 30 foot long and 20 foot high wall to come crashing down.Those displaced were taken to a Police Athletic League shelter. It is not clear when they will be allowed to return.
Updated: Wednesday, March 11 2015 6:31 PM EDT2015-03-11 22:31:17 GMT
North Shore Animal League America is going on a tour of the country to place as many animals in forever homes with loving people. The mobile adoption event, using shelters on wheels, is being split across four routes in dozens of communities in 25 states. The tour kicked off Wednesday with a special adoption event at NSAL's headquarters in Port Washington, N.Y.
North Shore Animal League America is going on a tour of the country to place as many animals in forever homes with loving people. The mobile adoption event, using shelters on wheels, is being split across four routes in dozens of communities in 25 states. The tour kicked off Wednesday with a special adoption event at NSAL's headquarters in Port Washington, N.Y.
Updated: Wednesday, March 11 2015 8:30 AM EDT2015-03-11 12:30:47 GMT
A northern New York man is back in jail after he was found sleeping in the home of a woman he's accused of kidnapping last fall.
A northern New York man is back in jail after he was found sleeping in the home of a woman he's accused of kidnapping last fall.
Here is the original post:
Mudslide near Yonkers apartments
Two people were injured in Concord Tuesday afternoon when a car crashed into the wall of a medical center, county fire officials said.
Just before 4 p.m., crews responded to reports of a car crashing into a retaining wall at the Concord Health Center on the 3000 block of Willow Pass Road, said Capt. George Laing of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District.
On arriving, firefighters found that the car had in fact crashed into one of the walls of the building, injuring two people, neither of whom was identified. One was taken to John Muir Medical Center, though the extent of their injuries was unknown, Liang said.
It wasnt clear exactly how much damage was done, but Liang said that a building inspector had been to the scene to evaluate the building.
Kale Williams is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: kwilliams@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @sfkale
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2 injured when car crashes into medical building in Concord
Lil Cameron, the president of the Halston Hills Housing Co-op, checks out markings on a retaining wall along Government Street left by an unmarked survey crew last week. Residents of the co-op are concerned the markings are an indication Kinder Morgan's proposed pipeline expansion could infringe upon their homes. The company's existing pipeline runs just across the street.
Lil Cameron had the feeling something was up when she saw surveyors out on Government Street on Wednesday.
That was followed on Thursday morning in the same area by a crew using unmarked vehicles. They were spray painting orange blotches every few feet on the ivy covering the concrete retaining wall that borders the Halston Hills Housing Co-operative where she lives.
Cameron approached City of Burnaby workers who were working on a fire hydrant nearby and asked what was going on at the wall. They said, Its not us, its Kinder Morgan.
The housing co-op is off Government between Horne Street and Halston Court. The spray-painted blotches have its residents concerned their homes could be affected by Kinder Morgans proposed expansion of its Trans Mountain pipeline.
We knew that we would potentially be in the right-of-way area but no, we didnt know that we were going to actually have it going through our property, said Cameron.
Essentially, if the project involves the co-ops retaining wall it would affect their homes, Cameron said.
Its not a fence, its a retaining wall. Its holding all our property, right. Theres units behind there, the right-of-way is 20 feet, theres no way it can go there Unless they put it in the middle of Government.
The existing Trans Mountain pipeline is currently buried across Government Street from their homes, she said, noting the co-op has intervenor status in the National Energy Board hearings on the project.
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Pipeline too close to home for co-op
WATCH: Eight headstones are being used as a retaining wall in Vancouver. But as Jill Bennett reports, the story isnt exactly what it seemed
When Rena Del Pieve Gobbi created a garden in East Vancouver, she had no idea it would be so controversial. It was built a few years ago to provide a little green spacein a heavy industrial area near Commercial Dr. and Powell St., but concerns are being raised about the gravestones that surround it.
I knew that these werent on someones grave or anything and it was obvious that they were something that the stoneyard had discarded, says Del Pieve Gobbi of the headstones that are being used as a retaining wall.
While there is nothing illegal about using gravestones in that manner, some family members of the deceased are not happy about it.
Peggy Matheson of Campbell River says she would like to have the gravestonesof her parentsMargaret and Albert Lippcovered up or removed completely.
The real headstones of two of the garden markers are located at Vancouvers Mountain View Cemetery. Manager Glen Hodges says records suggest the ones at the East Vancouver garden might be discarded copies from W.R. Chandler, a gravestone making company that is no longer in business.
Del Pieve Gobbi spoke to Matheson by phone today to explain she never meant to upset anyone.
If people are upset about it and want me to remove it, Ill try do that, she says. If people are OK with it staying here, I will definitely continue to garden it and put in fresh plants and treat it with reverence.
The mystery of where the gravestones came from appears to be solved, but theres another twist: one was stolen from the garden sometime in the last couple of days. Its unclear who removed it or why.
-with files from Jill Bennett
See the original post:
Family upset over gravestones used in Vancouver retaining wall
MARK.LEVY@SVHERALD.COM A chain link fence drapes over the rocky mountain side behind the Copper City Inn as work to repair a retaining wall is under way in Bisbee. Rocks from the mountain side fell on the inn as a result of last year's heavy rains.
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The Copper City Inn in Old Bisbee has returned to providing its guests warm, comfortable accommodations in the historic district after repairs to a retaining wall behind the innwerecompleted.
It was last September, during the end of the monsoon season, when a rock retaining wall collapsed with a thunderous crash onto the back side of the Copper City Inn, forcing owner Fred Miller to cancel reservations, refund deposits and ultimately shutting down his business fortwomonths.
Check your insurance because if youre excluded or if you dont have flood insurance, you are excluded for any damages that might come from rock retaining walls, warned Copper City Inn OwnerFredMiller.
He explained the City of Bisbee had him close the Inn due to the unsafe conditions, caused by what was left of the wall afteritscollapse.
They said it was an unsafe situation so they closed my inn down until it was going to be fixed,hesaid.
The property owner Dawn Breen, hired an engineering firm that worked with the city to secure the damaged wall that was repaired with a metal support beam and metalfencingmaterial.
Miller says there are 11 other retaining walls in Old Bisbee that were affected by the rainfall lastmonsoonseason.
At the time of the collapse, Miller explained he had guesting staying in the inn and one guest described the event as sounding like a freight train although little external damaged occurred totheinn.
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Copper City Inn
Retaining Wall Contractor in Washington, DC
This video shows a multi-level retaining walls / planter walls with planter beds in Washington, DC by a contractor out of Northern Virginia Phoenix Home Serv...
By: Phoenix Homes Services Inc
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Retaining Wall Contractor in Washington, DC - Video
Comparing Retaining Walls: Railroad Tie vs Stone vs Tire
A railroad tie retaining wall can last up to 40 years in a dry climate, maybe only 15 in a wet one, depending how its treated. Stone retaining walls last for...
By: Off Grid Build
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Comparing Retaining Walls: Railroad Tie vs Stone vs Tire - Video