Nakoma General Construction - Perimeter Planter Box/Retaining Wall
By: D Di Pompeo
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Nakoma General Construction - Perimeter Planter Box/Retaining Wall
By: D Di Pompeo
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The state Department of Transportation is assessing the situation after a retaining wall supporting a bridge on Route 345 in Elmhurst Twp. toppled into the stream below.
The bridge, which spans Roaring Brook, remains open in both directions, PennDOT spokesman James May said from the scene.
The whole wall just fell forward and landed in the creek below, he said. The bridge itself is not in any danger of collapsing. Were going to be able to (maintain) traffic on the bridge.
PennDOT planned to set up barriers blocking off the affected portion of the road Monday night. The department was also seeking bids from contractors to begin making emergency repairs as soon as this morning, he said.
Repairs likely will take several months to complete.
Contact the writer:, @jon_oc on Twitter
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Piece of Route 435 bridge collapsed in Elmhurst
Indicating the position of a stone retaining wall. AspenStone04.
We use a series of arcs to define a retaining wall.
By: Design Cad
Indicating the position of a stone retaining wall. AspenStone04. - Video
Retaining Wall Woodstock GA | Engineered Walls
Please call (770) 728-8422 for your free estimate on a residential retaining wall in Woodstock, Georgia. We build earth retention walls using pre-engineered segmental concrete block, cross...
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Retaining Wall Woodstock GA | Engineered Walls - Video
DEADWOOD With Cemetery Street opened back up, two rock cuts, and storm sewer and utility projects on Cemetery Street nearly complete, retaining wall work in the vicinity of the Mickelson Trail will continue, as phase one of the US Highway 85/Cemetery Street reconstruction project enters its last stages.
For all intents and purposes, phase two and the start of traffic interruption will commence with the installation of a junction box to manage storm sewer outflow at the intersection of Cemetery and Sherman streets April 6.
That will take around three weeks, and well go right into phase two, said South Dakota Department of Transportation project manager Auston Harris. Then well continue right into the main construction of Highway 85. It will be quite congested in there for a couple of weeks.
Phase two of the construction project officially begins April 27.
Lead-Deadwood School District Transportation/Maintenance Supervisor Wayne Karpinen was in attendance at the public meeting held Tuesday and asked if the traffic delays, which will occur from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and involve 10-minute delays, taking traffic down to one lane, beginning April 6, will affect Lead-Deadwood School bus schedules.
There are 45 days of school left, Karpinen said. Im just wondering how this will affect bus routes.
Jim Wilcox of Oftedal Construction said that flaggers will be onsite during the day to get the buses on through.
They need their education, Wilcox said.
Last week, construction crews set up the Mickelson Trail pedestrian detour near Twin City Hardware Friday and reopened Cemetery Street.
The trail work and detour is expected to last approximately six weeks, and will begin in earnest once SDN relocates lines on the existing trail.
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US Hwy 85 reconstruction project traffic to be affected beginning April 6
Concrete Contractor Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400
Concrete Contractor Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400 - Having the right tools will make any job easier ...we are using a concrete vibrator to make sure we get out all the air bubbles out...
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Concrete Contractor Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400 - Video
Concrete Finishing Up Close Walkway (Sony Action Cam)
Concrete Finishing Up Close Walkway (Sony Action Cam) - All Access 510-701-4400 - Using our Sony Action Cam we get up and personal with our concrete work. Share this video: ...
By: All Access Construction
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Concrete Finishing Up Close Walkway (Sony Action Cam) - Video
Floating Concrete Patio Up Close (Sony Action Cam)
Floating Concrete Patio Up Close (Sony Action Cam) - All Access 510-701-4400 - Up and personal with the concrete. Paying attention to the details is what sets us apart . Share this video:...
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Floating Concrete Patio Up Close (Sony Action Cam) - Video
Concrete Finishing San Francisco Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400.
Concrete Finishing San Francisco Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400. - Working together as a team is the only way this concrete project will get done. Share this video:
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Concrete Finishing San Francisco Bay Area - All Access 510-701-4400. - Video
By Howard Weiss-Tisman @HowardReformer on Twitter
A part of Green Street in Brattleboro is blocked off due to a failing retaining wall.
BRATTLEBORO >> It is going to be a very busy construction season for the Department of Public Works.
The Selectboard Tuesday gave the go-ahead for work on the Green Street retaining wall and the Elliot Street Bridge.
Both projects combined will cost more than $1 million, though the board hopes to receive grant assistance from the state.
The projects were approved on top of the recently approved work on the Union Street-Western Avenue intersection, as well as the Main Street sidewalk which is going to replaced on the east side of Main Street.
The wall above Harmony Parking Lot is leaning over the lot and Green Street above the wall has been closed to traffic.
And one lane of the Elliot Street Bridge was closed to traffic after a pedestrian pointed out a hole in the bridge and the Department of Public Works determined that the span was unsafe for vehicular traffic on the lane over the hole.
At Tuesday night's Selectboard meeting the board heard a presentation from Public Works Director Steve Barrett on the options for stabilizing the Green Street wall. Barrett showed photos of the wall clearly showing the extreme angle the wall is now leaning into the Harmony Lot, and photos of cracks on the road above the wall.
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A busy construction season in Brattleboro