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    A Raised Garden Bed Retaining Wall project – Video - April 12, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A Raised Garden Bed Retaining Wall project
    A Raised Garden Bed Retaining Wall project.

    By: Logue Professional Services

    Read the rest here:
    A Raised Garden Bed Retaining Wall project - Video

    Planning applications for Bradford city centre, Clayton, Cullingworth, Denholme and Eccleshill - April 12, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The following planning applications have been lodged with Bradford Council:

    City centre: change of use of storage to business use and ancillary facilities management suite to basement, including new entrance canopy and external signage and new reception foyer area, 15-17 Canal Road.

    City centre: construction of new porch, minor internal alterations and new rooflights, St Pio Friary, St Patricks Church, 1 Sedgfield Terrace.

    City centre: conversion of existing landscaping to used car display with new brick retaining wall along part of site boundary with Canal Road, Polar Ford, 200 Canal Road.

    City centre: four non-illuminated aluminium Carphone Warehouse pan signs, Unit 9 Forster Square Retail Park, 53 Valley Road.

    City centre: partial removal of existing lightwell and infilling, and partial replacement of retaining wall with powder-coated railings, Bradford Interchange, Bridge Street.


    City centre: demolition of Junction Mill and provision of a replacement five storey building including up to 26 flats, retail development (not more than 420sqm) and dental suite, approval sought for access, all other matters reserved, Junction Mills, 129-133 Thornton Road.

    City centre: internally illuminated fascia and projecting sign, 67 Market Street.

    City centre: non-material amendment to permission 12/04654/VOC dated 31/01/2013: construction of predominantly retail development with associated cafe/bars/restaurants, offices, apartments, car parking and basement servicing, the application comprises: phase 1 full details of retail development and associated cafe/bars/restaurants, car parking and basement servicing with no matters reserved and phases 2-4 outline details on the offices and apartment development with all matters reserved, application reference number: 11/03446/MAO, date of decision: 20/10/2011: The Broadway, Hall Ings.

    Originally posted here:
    Planning applications for Bradford city centre, Clayton, Cullingworth, Denholme and Eccleshill

    Good Garden retaining wall decorations – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Good Garden retaining wall decorations
    Good Garden retaining wall decorations.

    By: Creative Stylish Decorations

    View original post here:
    Good Garden retaining wall decorations - Video

    Buy House in Omaha – Video - April 9, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Buy House in Omaha
    3168 Ida St 2 Bd / 1 Bath Basement could be made into a 3 Bed or Living Space Quiet Neighborhood! FEATURES: Reinstalled Walls with Pine Finish New Retaining Wall New Roof Vinyl Siding Vinyl...

    By: Styl Properties, Inc.

    Here is the original post:
    Buy House in Omaha - Video

    Tinkerbell retaining wall – Video - April 6, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tinkerbell retaining wall

    By: David Crabtree

    Tinkerbell retaining wall - Video

    Retaining Walls – - April 5, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Because of the wide variety of topics covered on this page, it has been divided into several categories:

    This manual is for the guidance of designers, specification writers, and especially field personnel engaged in designing, planning, and conducting earthwork operations around major deep-seated or subsurface structures.

    The greatest deficiencies in earthwork operations around deep-seated or subsurface structures occur because of improper backfilling procedures and inadequate construction control during this phase of the work. Therefore, primary emphasis in this manual is on backfilling procedures. Design and planning considerations, evaluation and selection of materials, and other phases of earthwork construction are discussed where pertinent to successful backfill operations.

    Although the information in this manual is primarily applicable to backfilling around large and important deep-seated or buried structures, it is also applicable in varying degrees to backfilling operations around all structures, including conduits.

    This manual is an updated version of the Geotextile Design & Construction Guidelines, used for the FHWA training course Geosynthetic Engineering Workshop. The update was performed to reflect current practices and codes for geotextile design, and has been expanded to address geogrid and geomembrane materials. The manual was prepared to enable the Highway Engineer to correctly identify and evaluate potential applications of geosynthetics as an alternative to other construction methods and as a means to solve construction problems. With the aid of this text, the Highway Engineer should be able to properly design, select, test, specify, and construct with geotextiles, geocomposite drains, geogrids and related materials in drainage, sediment control, erosion control, roadway, and embankment on soft soils applications. Steepened slope and retaining wall applications also are addressed, but designers are referred to the FHWA Demonstration Project No. 82 references on mechanically stabilized earth structures for details on design. Application of geomembranes and other barrier materials to highway works are summarized within. This manual is directed toward geotechnical, hydraulic, roadway, bridge and structures, and route layout highway engineers.

    This manual outlines the state-of-the-art and recommended practice for designing and constructing Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) technology for the application of the Integrated Bridge System (IBS). The procedures presented in this manual are based on 40 years of State and Federal research focused on GRS technology as applied to abutments and walls. This manual was developed to serve as the first in a two-part series aimed at providing engineers with the necessary background knowledge of GRS technology and its fundamental characteristics as an alternative to other construction methods. The manual presents step-by-step guidance on the design of GRS-IBS. Analytical and empirical design methodologies in both the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) formats are provided. Material specifications for standard GRS-IBS are also provided. Detailed construction guidance is presented along with methods for the inspection, performance monitoring, maintenance, and repair of GRS-IBS. Quality assurance and quality control procedures are also covered in this manual.

    This report is the second in a two-part series to provide engineers with the necessary background knowledge of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) technology and its fundamental characteristics as an alternative to other construction methods. It supplements the interim implementation manual (FHWA-HRT-11-026), which outlines the design and construction of the GRS Integrated Bridge System (IBS). The research behind the proposed design method is presented along with case histories to show the performance of in-service GRS-IBS and GRS walls.

    Rockeries consist of earth retaining and/or protection structures comprised of interlocking, dry-stacked rocks without mortar or steel reinforcement. They have been used for thousands of years and rely on the weight, size, and shape of individual rocks to provide overall stability. Some of the earliest rockeries constructed by the Federal Government date back to 1918. Within the private sector, commercially built rockeries have been constructed in the Pacific Northwest for at least the last four decades and in Northern California and Nevada for at least the last 10 years. As rockery design procedures tend to vary regionally, studies were performed to determine the methods by which rockeries are designed and constructed in various regions throughout the western United States. These design methods were then compared using several typical rockery design loading conditions to determine how the resulting rockery designs differ and which methods are most appropriate for a proposed design for the FHWAs FLH Divisions. Based on the research performed, a rational design methodology, which evaluates rockery stability as a function of the rockery geometry (height, base width, and batter), rock properties and placement, and lateral pressure imposed by the backfill materials, was developed. A sample design problem is included. Recommendations for specifying and constructing rockeries that are consistent with the design methodology are also provided.

    Cantilever retaining walls can respond externally to earthquake ground motions by sliding or by rotating, or internally by stem wall yielding. The type of response that will have the greatest impact on post-earthquake performance will likely depend on restraint conditions at the base of the wall. Walls founded on soil without an invert slab are most likely to dissipate the inertial energy imposed by earthquake ground motions by sliding. This may also be true for walls founded on fissured or fractured rock. Walls founded on soil or on fissured or fractured rock and prevented by an invert slab from moving laterally are more likely to tip (i.e., rotate) than to slide during a major earthquake event. Walls founded on competent rock without significant joints, faults, or bedding planes and prevented by a strong bond at the rock-footing interface from either translating or rotating are likely to dissipate energy through plastic yielding in the stem wall. All three responses can leave the retaining wall in a permanently displaced condition.

    The purpose of this report is to provide methodologies for conducting a performance-based earthquake evaluation related to plastic yielding in the stem wall. The methodologies include evaluation of brittle or force-controlled actions and the evaluation of ductile or deformation-controlled actions. The later evaluation provides estimates of permanent (residual) displacement for walls dominated by a stem wall yielding response.

    Continued here:
    Retaining Walls -

    Retaining wall build pt 1 Huntington WV – Video - April 4, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Retaining wall build pt 1 Huntington WV Demolition completed for construction of a new retaining walls on East Pea Ridge in Huntington WV. Proudly serving the...

    By: Superior Construction Company

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    Retaining wall build pt 1 Huntington WV - Video

    Installing Rebar For Retaining Wall Footing Lafayette Ca.. (Time Lapse) – Video - April 4, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Installing Rebar For Retaining Wall Footing Lafayette Ca.. (Time Lapse)
    Installing rebar for retaining wall footing Lafayette Ca - Check us out using our Fascut FS-600 rebar bender and cutter. So far we used 2 tons of #6 3/4 inch rebar and 1 ton of #4 1/2 inch...

    By: All Access Construction

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    Installing Rebar For Retaining Wall Footing Lafayette Ca.. (Time Lapse) - Video

    Brattleboro SB Mtg 3/17/15 – Video - April 3, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Brattleboro SB Mtg 3/17/15
    Join the Brattleboro Selectboard for their last regular meeting before Representative Town Meeting, with DPW presentations of the Green Street Extension retaining wall, Elliot Street Bridge, and more.

    By: Brattleboro Community TV

    See the rest here:
    Brattleboro SB Mtg 3/17/15 - Video

    Retaining Wall Dunwoody GA | Engineered Retention Walls – Video - April 3, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Retaining Wall Dunwoody GA | Engineered Retention Walls
    Please call (770) 728-8422 for your free estimate on a residential retaining wall in Dunwoody, Georgia. We build earth retention walls using pre-engineered segmental concrete block, cross...

    By: dunwoodyga

    View original post here:
    Retaining Wall Dunwoody GA | Engineered Retention Walls - Video

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