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    PLANNING: A round-up of planning applications put forward in Stroud this week – Stroud News and Journal - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    HERE is a round-up of the most important planning applications put forward in the Stroud District this week.

    All of the applications can be viewed via the planning section of Stroud District Councils website.


    Application number: S.20/2130/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2119/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2106/AGR

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2100/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2081/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2064/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2061/CPL

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/2011/ADV

    Status: Awaiting decision


    Application number: S.20/1907/FUL

    Status: Awaiting decision

    See original here:
    PLANNING: A round-up of planning applications put forward in Stroud this week - Stroud News and Journal

    The history stored in Memorial Hall is controversial, but the building has a story of its own – - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Only if you were living under a rock in 2015 could you have missed then-Mayor Mitch Landrieus proposal which generated no shortage of headlines, discussion and, in some quarters, outrage to remove three prominent Confederate monuments and the White supremacist Liberty Monument from the New Orleans landscape.

    And not even under-rock dwellers could have avoided the extended public kerfuffle when those monuments came tumbling down in 2017.

    Reader Karen Plauche, however, is curious about another conspicuous but architecturally significant Confederate landmark spared by Landrieus efforts.

    That would be the 129-year-old Memorial Hall, the castle-like structure at 929 Camp St. housing Louisianas oldest museum and home to one of the largest collections of Confederate artifacts in the country.

    Plauches question: Was the unique building that houses the Confederate museum built for that purpose, or did it have another use originally? Whats its story?

    The answer to the first question is easy: Yes, it was indeed built as a Confederate museum.

    A portrait of Frank T. Howard as published Jan. 8, 1891, in The Daily Picayune. Howard provided the funding for Memorial Hall, an annex of the Howard Memorial Library on Camp Street, for use as a Confederate museum.

    As for the rest of its story, that will take a little more time.

    It starts with New Orleans philanthropist Frank T. Howard, who in 1881 had completed work on the Howard Library, built in memory of his father, businessman Charles T. Howard, on a parcel adjacent to the future site of Memorial Hall.

    (That site, incidentally, is but a stones throw from Lee Circle, giving the museum a front-row seat to the 2017 removal of the citys once-iconic Robert E. Lee statue.)

    Given his fathers fascination with the Civil War, the younger Howard invited Confederate veterans to house their personal artifacts uniforms, flags, guns, books, maps and the like in the Howard Library. The collection quickly grew, and plans were put in motion to build an annex next door to house them all.

    That annex would be Memorial Hall, completed in 1890 25 years after the end of the Civil War and smack in the middle of the Lost Cause era, during which the Confederate struggle was held up as heroic and righteous.

    Designed by prominent New Orleans architect Thomas Sully, the one-story brick building, which includes a basement, was constructed in the same Richardson Romanesque style as the Howard Library and originally consisted chiefly of one long main room, measuring about 96 feet long, 24 feet wide and with a 24-foot high ceiling.

    Its outer walls are of pressed brick, ornamented with richly carved semi-glazed terracotta trimmings, while the retaining wall and steps are of Long Meadow brown stone, reads the successful 1975 application to have the building listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

    Some buildings are eye-catching because theyre so grand. Others are eye-catching because theyre unique. Still others stand out simply becaus

    Also located on the buildings front is a two-story octagonal tower and an ornate entrance portico lined by columns and topped with a variation of a cross patte, a version of which would later become the model for the Southern Cross of Honor Medal awarded by the Daughters of the Confederacy.

    Inside, the buildings vaulted cathedral ceiling, highlighted by exposed trusses, was lined with various Confederate banners, according to a description published in The Times-Picayune upon the buildings opening. Its interior walls are still lined with panels of polished cypress.

    Right away, the building became a magnet for meetings and reunions of Confederate veterans. Most notably, the remains of former Confederate President Jefferson Davis having been exhumed from Metairie Cemetery and headed for reburial in Richmond lay in state at Memorial Hall for a day in May 1893, drawing throngs of mourners and sightseers.

    Meanwhile, the museums collection continued to grow. By 1887, it warranted construction of an upper gallery running the buildings length, according to the National Register application.

    While it is recognized as architecturally significant, the building has been the subject of repeated ownership disputes over the years, most recently involving the University of New Orleans.

    Upon its dedication on Jan. 8, 1891 not coincidentally the 75th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans it was donated by Howard to the Louisiana Historical Association, the group formed to operate the museum, for its perpetual use.

    It was 1881, and cotton was king throughout the South and particularly in New Orleans.

    But in the 1990s, UNO came into possession of the original Howard Library building after the library moved to Tulane Universitys campus. It claimed rights to the hall, because its an annex of the library building, and expressed its desire to evict the museum.

    Complicating matters was the fact that Memorial Hall essentially bisected UNOs Ogden Museum of Southern Art, which occupies the former Howard Library building now the Patrick F. Taylor Library on Memorial Halls southernmost side and the Goldring building on Memorial Halls north side.

    A bitter, back-and-forth legal battle has since thawed. Today, the bigger threat to Memorial Hall and its collection is probably perception, with many casting a jaundiced eye at what is often seen as a glorification of the Confederacy and its racist roots.

    For now, however, the museum and the historic building housing it remains.

    Know of a New Orleans building worth profiling in this column, or just curious about one? Contact Mike Scott at

    Sources: The Times-Picayune archives, National Register of Historic Places.

    Its hard to imagine now with the cacophonous pageant that plays out there regularly pandemic or no pandemic, apparently but there was a t

    Read the original post:
    The history stored in Memorial Hall is controversial, but the building has a story of its own -

    More than 40million to be spent on improving Derbyshire’s roads – Ilkeston Advertiser - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Derbyshire County Council usually spends around 23million a year on road maintenance and improvements.

    This year extra money has been pledged by the government for road maintenance, including potholes, and the council has successfully bid for a further 5million for retaining wall and drainage works on the A6 between Matlock and Whatstandwell.

    More than 3million will be spent on vital maintenance work on bridges and retaining walls, with 21 sets of traffic lights that are nearing the end of their working lives being replaced.

    To prevent accidents more than 1million will be spent on road safety schemes, such as putting down skid resistant surfaces or changes to road junctions.

    And two roads currently closed because of landslips will be repaired Lea Road near Cromford and Abney Clough in the High Peak.

    Work by specialist contractors starts this month, with the roads expected to re-open by the end of the year.

    Derbyshire County Councils cabinet member for highways, transport and infrastructure, councillor Simon Spencer, said: This investment in our road network will make a significant difference to everyone who lives, works or travels through Derbyshire.

    Im delighted that the government has recognised the need for additional funding and also that weve been successful in bidding for extra money for specific schemes.

    It all adds up to a huge investment in our roads.

    To help deliver the work the council are about to start a recruitment drive for civil engineers.

    Skills in design, scheme delivery, maintenance and more are all needed at a variety of different level from managers to civil engineering technicians.

    More information about becoming a civil engineer and the jobs available can be found by logging on to

    The rest is here:
    More than 40million to be spent on improving Derbyshire's roads - Ilkeston Advertiser

    Hills and Heights, a difference in class – The Star Online - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    THE suburbs of Kenny Hills and Damansara Heights may share the same adjective prime but the similarities end there.

    Kenny Hills and Damansara Height are vastly different. Beginning with the land, land price is determined by size, according to an agent who declined to be named, .

    The land size in Damansara Heights is between 5,000 to 15,000 sq ft; the average is about 7,500 sq ft.

    At an average price of about RM600 per sq ft, the average land price in Damansara Heights is about RM4.5mil, minus the building.

    In Kenny Hills, the average land price is about RM300 per sq ft but the average land size is about 30,000 sq ft, which translates to RM10mil.

    So, it is all a matter of averages, when you see the land price like that. The building price comes next. Building materials cost is the same, so that is a constant, whether you build in Kenny Hills or in Damansara Heights, on flat land or others. So we have to talk about the variables.

    No two pieces of land, even in the same location, are the same. So there are different prices. The price of a house is determined by the buyer and seller, and this is affected by circumstances like market sentiments and Covid-19, as is the case today. Income levels and the confidence of the buyer/seller are other factors. But these are not important. What is important is what is the average price? And how much a buyer wants the house, he says.

    The other difference is the look and feel of both locations.

    To use an analogy, figuratively, a small house in a big garden is what sets Kenny Hills apart from Damansara Heights big house in a small garden.

    There are about 120 freehold units in Kenny Hills, which is also known as Bukit Tunku. It is different from the adjacent Taman Duta, which is mainly leasehold. There are a lot more units in Damansara Heights, so the density is higher there than in Kenny Hills. An acre may have eight units in Damansara Heights versus two in Kenny Hills.

    Anything coming from a developer will not give the Kenny Hills impression because the real Kenny Hills is 30,000 sq ft or more of land with an individual house with more than 20,000 sq ft of gentle rolling greens, or a slope of green vegetation with trees that may have been there for close to 100 years or more.

    This vast gentle or slopping contours, and with a single house sitting on it, is what sets it apart from all other prime suburbs in the city.

    So, if a developer comes along, bulldozes all the trees, and puts up a retaining wall to maximise land use, and carves the land into little plots, the spirit and feel of Kenny Hills will go missing.

    In Damansara Heights, you can hear your neighbour. In Kenny Hills, the people dont want to see their neighbour, he says.

    The infrastructure like width of roads are also affected by the slopes in Kenny Hills. So, the infrastructure there is unable to handle the density that is a familiar theme in Damansara Heights. This is a natural factor of Kenny Hills.

    This explains why the average land price may be RM300 per sq ft because much of the land may be on slopes. But there are some plots that are able to command a higher price because of the land terrain. So, there is a big price range in terms of land prices; the variables go up and down from the average RM300 per sq ft.

    Both Kenny Hills and Damansara Heights have empty nesters. Their children may be abroad and they want a modern new lifestyle. One may need thousands of ringgit in order to maintain the garden, the trees, have security or hire some guards and other outgoings to keep the place in order.

    In a nutshell, both Kenny Hills and Damansara Heights have three issues empty nesters, security and culture. Culture is not definitive, class even less so.

    Class is culture that takes years to build. You cannot have class without culture. You may have culture, but you may not have class.

    See original here:
    Hills and Heights, a difference in class - The Star Online

    Landmark Americana to Sell Liquor License and Curtail Service in Global Resolution – The Whit Online - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) announced on Oct. 1 that a settlement resolving charges against Landmark Americana bars in Glassboro and Ewing, stemming from two fatal accidents involving patrons in 2018 and 2019, was signed.

    The settlement is a global resolution of numerous charges filed against corporate entities held by Antonio Cammarata, Fillippo Cammarata, Massimo Cammarata and David Goldman.

    Together, these individuals have liquor licenses for Landmark Ewing, Landmark Glassboro and WineWorks liquor store in Evesham under various corporate names.

    According to a consent order with the ABC, this settlement entails an agreement to sell the liquor license for the Landmark in Glassboro within two years and pay $550,000.

    The consent order contains several restrictions aimed to curtail patronage of Landmark in Glassboro. The settlement does not include the Landmark Liquor store.

    The consent order states the following restrictions on the Landmark in Glassboro: a last call at 11:30 p.m. and no alcoholic beverages sold after midnight, no amplified music or live DJ on-site, a ban on using the nightclub room except for private parties not open to the general public or dining and a ban on offering patrons one free drink as a goodwill gesture or offering coupons, tickets or tokens to redeem a free drink.

    Additionally, it requires all alcoholic beverages to be sold, delivered and dispensed following industry standards: a five-ounce pour for wine, a 12-ounce bottle or can for malt beverages and a 16-ounce draft pour for malt alcoholic beverages.

    According to the press release, the charges listed numerous violations committed in both establishments in 2018 and 2019, including operating a public nuisance requiring law enforcement responses on multiple occasions, serving an underage patron and three separate instances serving intoxicated patrons, two of which led to fatal crashes.

    On Oct. 11, 2019, Robert Gallagher, 21, of Monroe Township left Landmark Glassboro after hours of drinking, lost control of his car and crashed into a retaining wall.

    Gallagher died as a result of his injuries, and his passenger was injured. At the time of the incident, Gallagher had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit for driving.

    Gallaghers death came just ten months after a similar incident occurred at Landmark Ewing, which resulted in the arrest of 22-year-old David Lamar of West Windsor on Dec. 2, 2018.

    Like Gallagher, Lamar was driving with a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit after leaving Landmark in the early hours. According to the press release, Lamar crashed head-on into a car carrying six The College of New Jersey students back to campus, which killed the cars designated driver and wounded all five passengers, one critically.

    Lamar and his passenger also sustained injuries in the crash. Facing charges including manslaughter, Lamar was released on house arrest in January 2019 until his trial.

    These cases illustrate why liquor licenses must be responsible in their service of alcohol to all patrons, not just drivers, Acting Director James B. Graziano of the ABC said. Both of these bars not only over-served the drivers in these fatal crashes; in two instances, they over-served the victims. These were patrons whose judgment became so impaired they willingly got into cars driven by someone they knew had consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, which resulted in their deaths.

    The ABCs investigation revealed that in both cases, the Landmark staff over-served Lamar and Gallagher. State law prohibits licensed establishments from selling alcoholic beverages to any patrons actually or apparently intoxicated.

    Today we are holding the owners of Landmark Americana responsible for the role they played in the tragic deaths of two young people, who we allege would be alive today if not for the irresponsible conduct of Landmark Americana and its staff, Graziano said. These deaths are a grim reminder of what can happen when establishments fail to comply with laws requiring them to serve alcohol responsibly, especially when catering to young patrons in a college setting.

    For comments/questions about this story, email or tweet @TheWhitOnline.


    Excerpt from:
    Landmark Americana to Sell Liquor License and Curtail Service in Global Resolution - The Whit Online

    Notice to MC officials over retaining wall – The Tribune - August 30, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tribune News Service

    Ludhiana, August 29

    Additional Commissioner Rishipal Singh has issued show-cause notices to four officials of the Municipal Corporation (MC), including two superintending engineers, a sub-divisional engineer and a junior engineer, over an issue related to the design of retaining wall of Jagraon Bridge.

    Earlier, Mayor Balkar Singh Sandhu had marked an inquiry over a proposal to increase the Jagraon Bridge retaining wall project cost by Rs 44 lakh on the pretext of change in design.

    A team of the MC had conducted an inspection of the site and found some deviation from the original design that led to an increase in the project cost. An inquiry in this regard is under way, said Rishipal.

    Sandhu said two experts had earlier conducted an inspection of the retaining wall site and submitted their report. Now, the notices have been issued to the officials concerned as to how they had made the cost estimates for the construction of retaining wall of Jagraon Bridge, he said.

    Visit link:
    Notice to MC officials over retaining wall - The Tribune

    Oakmont retaining wall beautification project to be completed by October – TribLIVE - August 30, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Continue reading here:
    Oakmont retaining wall beautification project to be completed by October - TribLIVE

    Yard ‘covered in rubble’ for months after retaining wall collapses in Perth – Up News Info - August 30, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A Perth woman has been in a six-month battle with her neighbours, builders and the council to have a wall thats crumbled into their backyard pool fixed.

    Justine Challender said it sounded like an earthquake when the limestone retaining wall between her familys Ellenbrook home and her neighbours collapsed without warning almost six months ago.

    Her backyard looks like a disaster zone, with debris from the wall scattered in and around her backyard pool.

    Ms Challender has been told it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fixed, but her insurance wont cover it.

    Thats because the wall belongs to her neighbours, who dont have insurance.

    Its their wall, which has been stipulated by several engineers and engineers reports we have the wall was built to support the properties up the back, Ms Challender told .

    The local council has said the wall is not their concern as its on private property and an investigation is currently underway into whether the builder or developer is responsible for the damage.

    But until thats complete, the Challenders have been given no option but to tolerate the damage.

    Engineers said in order to clear the rubble, the neighbours will have to remove their shed and pool.

    Ms Challender said with those stipulations, theres been no end in sight.

    Other neighbours have taken steps to protect their own property.

    Scaffolding has been installed on one side, while fence-mate Jason French said he set up an exclusion zone, fearing it was a disaster waiting to happen.

    It could just as easily happen on our side any minute, Mr French said. The Challenders are meeting with lawyers next week and hope for a quick resolution.

    Were determined to get this fixed, Ms Challender said.

    Originally posted here:
    Yard 'covered in rubble' for months after retaining wall collapses in Perth - Up News Info

    [VIDEO] Tesla driver wrecks at high-speed near "Bottomless Pit" of Pikes Peak Highway – OutThere Colorado - August 30, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In case you haven't heard, the annual Pikes Peak International Hill Climb race is set to take place this Sunday with drivers practicing on the high-altitude fourteener-summiting course throughout the past week. On a track that's resulted in multiple racer deaths, one returning driver had a close call when his Tesla Model 3 hit a dip and went airborne seconds after traveling well over 100 miles per hour.

    As described by driver Randy Pobst, the accident occurred when he approached a corner near the infamous "bottomless pit" section of the road. At this point, Pobst dropped his speed from 112 miles per hour to 68 miles per hour. Pobst then "laid into the turn" and hit a bump on the road that raised the vehicle off the ground. In a moment of commotion, the car travels off of the road and into a wall before coming to a stop.

    Intense images from the scene show the car hit a retaining wall near a cliff at an estimated 40 miles per hour. It was Pobst's first run on the track of the morning and he walked away without serious injury.

    During the previous day, Pobst called the vehicle the "Unplugged Performance Telsa 3" the best car he's driven during his six Pikes Peak Hill Climb races, praising its handling. Pobst finished 1st place in that day's qualifying runs, 26 seconds ahead of the closest competitor.

    See the wreck in first-person view and images captured of the incident at around 3:00 in the video embedded below.

    The many bumps and waves on the Pikes Peak Highway are notorious for throwing racers off-course as they blast along the track. Two of three Tesla vehicles have wrecked on the course this year, but the Unplugged Performance team is hopeful that Pobst's totaled vehicle won't be a set-back.

    The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb is an annual race that travels a 12.42 mile-long track. Drivers face a number of hazards, including steep drop-offs, wild weather conditions, and unpredictable wildlife. Including more than 150 turns and close to 5,000 feet of vertical climbing to an elevation of 14,115-feet, the lap record is 7 minutes and 57 seconds set when an electric car broke the 8-minute barrier for the first time ever in 2018. The race started in 1916.

    Go here to read the rest:
    [VIDEO] Tesla driver wrecks at high-speed near "Bottomless Pit" of Pikes Peak Highway - OutThere Colorado

    Paris District Road Report for the Week of August 31, 2020 – KSST - August 30, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Paris Heres a look at work planned in the district during the week of Aug. 31, 2020. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

    Sherman Area (Fannin, Grayson Counties)

    Contacts: Sherman Area Office (903) 892-6529; Grayson Co. Maintenance (903) 893-8831; Fannin Co. Maintenance (903) 583-7566.

    US 75, Grayson County: from FM 1417 to SH 91 (Texoma Parkway). Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts on northbound and southbound US 75 between Center Street and FM 1417 as crews work on building new main lanes and the new South Travis Street Bridge. Watch for lane closures on the frontage roads between FM 1417 and Washington Street as crews work on building detours and installing drainage structures. The northbound exit ramp for Houston and Lamar is currently closed, and exiting traffic is requested to use the Park Avenue exit ramp. The southbound exit ramp for Park Avenue is currently closed and exiting traffic is requested to use the Houston/Lamar Street exit. The northbound frontage road from South Travis Street to near Park Avenue is scheduled to be closed beginning Sept. 1 for crews to work on building the remaining portion of the retaining wall along US 75. The estimated closure time is two months, and traffic is requested to use the US 75 mainlanes during this closure. A reduced speed limit of 60 mph has been set for this construction project.

    The US 75 pedestrian bridge near Pecan Street in Sherman is closed to pedestrian traffic. The east side over the frontage road has been removed. The remaining pedestrian bridge will be removed at a later time. Pedestrians wishing to cross US 75 are advised to cross at the Houston Street signalized intersection.

    FM 1417, Grayson County: from US 82 to SH 56. Watch for lane shifts and shoulder closures between US 82 and SH 56 while crews are working to construct a portion of the new Sand Creek bridge. Watch for occasional daytime lane closures as crews perform utility work. A reduced speed limit of 45 mph has been set for this construction project.

    SH 289, Grayson County: from FM 120 in Pottsboro north to the end of State Maintenance. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews perform pavement repairs and overlay the roadway.

    FM 691, Grayson County: from FM 131/Loy Lake Road to US 75. Watch for occasional lane closures as workers perform final touch ups on the project. The intersection of FM 691 with FM 131/Loy Lake Road has been converted to a signalized intersection.

    FM 121, Grayson County: from Jim Jones Road to FM 3356. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to widen the roadway to provide a detour section and build portions of the new bridges. Watch for lane shifts and narrow lanes near the FM 3356 intersection as crews have moved traffic to the detour section. The ultimate roadway will be a five-lane section when the project is finished.

    US 377, Grayson County: Willis Bridge at the Oklahoma State line. Watch for occasional lane closures on the existing bridge as workers pour concrete for the new bridge structure.

    US 75 Ramp Reversal in Denison, Grayson County: on the southbound US 75 main lanes and frontage road between Spur 503 and FM 691. Watch for a lane closure on the southbound US 75 frontage road as well as the westbound Spur 503 ramp while construction crews work on building the new southbound US 75 entrance ramp. A new traffic pattern has been implemented where westbound Spur 503 will be shifted to the southbound US 75 frontage road and will travel through the FM 691 intersection and then enter southbound US 75 using the on-ramp after FM 691. The new FM 691 exit ramp is open to access FM 691.

    US 75 debris pickup, Grayson County: from Collin County line to Oklahoma State line. Watch for mobile lane closures as workers pick up debris from the roadway every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the daytime.

    US 82 & US 69, Grayson County: from FM 131 to FM 1897 on US 82, and from SH 56 to US 75 on US 69. Watch for temporary daytime lane closures and shoulder closures as workers install safety treatments on fixed objects.

    SH 289, Grayson County: between SH 56 and FM 121. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance workers perform pavement repairs.

    US 69, Grayson County: between SH 56 and SH 11. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform base repairs.

    FM 121, Grayson County: between US 377 and SH 289. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform edge repairs.

    US 69, Grayson County: between FM 697 and SH 11. Watch for daytime lane closures as workers perform erosion repairs at the Bois DArc bridge structure.

    FM 1753, Grayson and Fannin County: from FM 1897 to SH 78. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.

    FM 898, Fannin County: from the Grayson County line to SH 121. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.

    FM 2815, Fannin County: from FM 1629 to SH 11. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.

    FM 1743, Fannin County: from SH 56 to FM 1550. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.

    FM 824, Fannin County: from SH 56 in Honey Grove to the Lamar County line. Construction is expected to begin Sept. 10 on a project to rehab and widen the roadway.

    US 82, Fannin County: from SH 121 to the Lamar County Line. Watch for slow moving construction equipment as crews work on widening US 82 from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided section. Westbound US 82 traffic has been shifted to the new pavement on the eastern end of the project between the Fannin and Lamar County line and County Road 2975. Eastbound traffic will remain in its current lane, while crews begin working on the inside lane to work on completing the crossovers and turn lanes. Drivers who frequent this roadway are advised that all driveways, county roads and farm-to-market roads approaching the new westbound main lanes on US 82 will have a full stop before crossing over to the median. The SH 121 and US 82 frontage road intersections have been converted to signalized intersections. The on-ramp to westbound US 82 from SH 78 has been closed while crews work on building the new westbound main lanes. The westbound exit ramp for SH 121 is closed as crews work on building the new mainlanes in this area. Exiting traffic for SH 121 is asked to use the SH 78 exit and continue along the frontage road to SH 121.

    County Road 3530, Fannin County: at Wafer Creek. County Road 3530 is closed for crews to remove the existing bridge and build a new culvert. Traffic on CR 3530 will need to use an alternate route during construction.

    County Road 4250, Fannin County: at Freeman Creek. County Road 4250 is closed for crews to remove the existing bridge and build a new bridge. Traffic on CR 4250 will need to use an alternate route during construction.

    FM 896, Fannin County: from SH 78 to Business SH 121: Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to blade level the roadway.

    Sulphur Springs Area (Hopkins, Franklin Counties):

    Contacts: Sulphur Springs Area Office (903) 885-9514; Franklin Co. Maintenance (903) 537-4976; Hopkins Co. Maintenance (903) 885-4031.

    SH 11, Hopkins County: From SH 19 to White Oak Creek. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews install guard fence and perform striping operations.

    SH 19, Hopkins County: From Loop 301 to Delta County Line. Watch for crews installing erosion control devices preparing for safety enhancement work.

    I-30, Hopkins & Franklin Counties: From Titus County Line to Hunt County Line. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews upgrade metal beam guard fence.

    I-30, Hopkins County: From Hunt County Line to Loop 301. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews perform concrete pavement repairs.

    Paris Area (Delta, Lamar, Red River Counties)

    Contacts: Paris Area Office (903) 784-1357; Delta Co. Maintenance (903) 395-2139; Lamar Co. Maintenance (903) 785-4468; Red River Co. Maintenance (903) 427-3561.

    FM 1507, Lamar County: from Church Street to South Collegiate Drive. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews mill existing pavement and place new hot mix.

    FM 1507, Lamar County: from South Collegiate Drive to Loop 286. This roadway is closed while crews rehabilitate and resurface the existing roadway.

    Loop 286, Lamar County: from US 82 West to Dawn Drive. Watch for lane closures while crews perform concrete pavement repair.

    US 82 (Loop 286), Lamar County: Watch for workers as crews perform signal upgrade work. An all-way stop will be in place during various phases of this work.

    SH 37, Red River County: from US 271 (Bogata) to Franklin County Line. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews mill existing pavement, upgrade bridge rail, and place new hot mix.

    US 82, Red River County: from FM 1159 to Bowie County Line. Traffic is shifted to the south side of the existing roadway between FM 44 and FM 1699 while crews perform pavement widening work on the north side.

    SH 37, Red River County: from the Texas-Oklahoma state line south to the Red River-Franklin County line. Watch for temporary traffic signals at bridge locations while crews upgrade bridge rail from Clarksville to Bogata.

    FM 911, Red River County: from BU 82K (Avery) to FM 44. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews safety treat drainage structures and rehabilitate the existing pavement.

    Greenville Area (Hunt, Rains Counties)

    Contacts: Greenville Area Office (903) 455-2363; Hunt Co. Maintenance (903)455-2303; Rains Co. Maintenance (903) 473-2682.

    SH 66, Hunt County: from near FM 6 to near FM 2642. A project to widen the pavement, install continuous left-turn lanes, and safety-treat fixed objects is underway. The contractor is finalizing project clean up. Please be aware of lane closures, and watch for work zones and workers in this area.

    FM 2194, Hunt County: between Merit and FM 903. This project will widen the shoulders and apply safety treatments to fixed objects. The contractor is currently working on watering, seeding, ditch work and placing signs. Please be careful when traveling in this area.

    SPUR 264, Hunt County: in Quinlan. Sidewalk improvement project. The contractor is currently seeding and watering, sidewalk construction is complete. Please be careful when traveling in the area and watch out for workers.

    FM 1566, Hunt County: from FM 272 near Celeste to State Highway 34. The contractor is constructing cross culverts on this roadway. Detours have been removed. Please be careful when traveling in this area and watch out for workers.

    Hunt County mowing contractors are working at various locations in Hunt County.

    Hunt County maintenance crews are removing a median/turn-around on State Highway 24, near the Twin Oaks Blueberry Farm in Commerce, Texas. Maintenance crews will be performing ditch work and pothole repairs at various locations as well; watch for lane closures, work zones and workers along these roadways. Please be careful when traveling in these areas, watch out for workers and maintain a safe distance from these work crews.

    Rains County maintenance crews will be performing patch work on FM 2795 from SH 69 to SH 19; watch for lane closures, work zones and workers along this portion of the roadway. Please be careful when traveling in these areas, watch out for workers and maintain a safe distance from these work crews.

    Debris and litter operations are ongoing throughout multiple parts of the county. Please be careful when traveling, and watch out for workers.

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    See the original post here:
    Paris District Road Report for the Week of August 31, 2020 - KSST

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