Block retaining wall by Vann
By: Charles Vann
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Block retaining wall by Vann - Video
Block retaining wall by Vann
By: Charles Vann
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Block retaining wall by Vann - Video
City Council on Monday approved an agreement with DeSal Excavating Inc. of Zeeland for the wall reconstruction project.
The project goal is replacing the wall, upsizing the water main and making some improvements to the pedestrian ways, City Project Manager Julie Beaton said.
The cost of the project is $499,538. It was initially bid in August for the fall 2013 construction season, but the bids exceeded expectation.
Project money comes from the city's 2008 Infrastructure Bond Construction Fund. The amount approved in the budget for the project is $530,000.
I am excited to see this come to us with a much better price tag, Mayor Geri McCaleb said.
Beaton noted that there is about an $111,000 savings from what the city would have paid in the fall versus what theyll pay this year for the project.
Construction is scheduled to begin by March 3, with work being wrapped up before the summer beach season.
They know they need to be done by May 19, before Memorial Day, Bosserd said.
City officials will receive a detailed implementation schedule from DeSal once a preconstruction meeting takes place.
To read more of this story, see todays print or e-edition of the Grand Haven Tribune.
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Lake Ave. project set for March
St. Louis, MO Custom Retaining Wall and Stair Project
By Mizzou Crew Landscaping in St. Louis, MO. Please call Jeff at 314-520-5222 for information on your own project. Thanks!
By: Jeff Baker
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St. Louis, MO Custom Retaining Wall and Stair Project - Video
On the surface, its just a retaining wall thats going to be replaced after surpassing its life expectancy. But for the city of Hokah and its residents, it isnt just any retaining wall.
An iconic landmark greeting visitors as they enter town on Minnesota Hwy. 44 north, whats commonly known as the Hokah Forever wall, is slated to be replaced come the summer of 2015, and with it, the colorful montage that adorns a good stretch of it.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation hosted an open in Hokah on Jan. 28 to take comments and some criticism about the proposed project, which will replace the current concrete wall with a 1:3 stable vegetated slope that could be filled with plants, flowers and green space.
In doing so, the hill would improve the drainage system for the city that currently discharges storm water into a concrete flume between the two retaining walls (theres a stone wall behind the concrete one), as well as eliminate a wall thats shown signs of its age through cracking, rotation and movement.
Its past its original design life, said Anthony Wagner, a program development engineer with MnDOT. We dont know the exact age of it, but the original wall was constructed in the early 1900s and its exhibiting signs of failure. ... There are some drainage things with it, but the real reasons is that its just exceeded its life.
But in order to achieve the proposal, MnDOT will have to acquire right-of-way, which includes partial takes of property owned by two residents north of the wall and nearly all property owned by Ryan Blexrud including his house and garage, which would be demolished to make way, Wagner said.
Our right-of-way folks have met with all those who are going to be affected, he said. At least theyve been made aware of the intent and the process thats been started.
The project is budgeted at $500,000, but because its a MnDOT project, the state will cover the lions share of the bill, Wagner said. The city may be responsible for a small cost related to the drainage, but not the entire project like was once thought. The selected option, though, is the most cost-effective and most desirable, he said.
Weve looked at a few different options. One was to remove and construct a new wall, Wagner said. (But) there were a lot of impacts to these parcels just to construct that wall. We wouldve taken all of those trees. There wouldve been significant damage to those properties.
The graded slope option was about half the cost of replacing it with another wall, and that includes the right-of-way acquisition, Wagner said.
Continue reading here:
Hokah Forever wall slated for demo in 2015
Homeowners Frustrated While Wall Being Rapaired
LATONIA, Ky. (Joe Webb) -- The latest in the collapse of a huge retaining wall back in December is crews are on the scene and they #39;re making progress. But th...
By: LOCAL 12
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Homeowners Frustrated While Wall Being Rapaired - Video
How to Anchorplex Retaining Wall Systems
Specifications for building Anchorplex retaining walls.
By: Basalite Concrete Products
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How to Anchorplex Retaining Wall Systems - Video
Burnley households 4,400 bill in wall row
1:10pm Monday 3rd February 2014 in News
RESIDENTS in a Burnley street have been asked to find more than 4,400 each as part of a long-running row over a retaining wall.
Lancashire County Council wants to impose the levy on households in Chestnut Rise, off Springfield Road, to settle a 141,714 repair bill.
Now the angry residents are planning a campaign to take over the management company responsible for the walls upkeep.
The borough councils environment director, Jo Turton, said in a report that repairs to the unsafe wall were carried out in December 2008 by the authority, more than three years after a notice had been served on Chestnut Rise Management Company Ltd. But despite several invoices being raised with the Essex-based firm, the county council said no cash had been received to cover the debt.
Highways and transport cabinet member Coun John Fillis has now approved a proposal for the 32 homes to make repayments over a 20-year period.
Mrs Turton added: Residents who are paying towards the expenses of the wall seek not to have their charge levied on their particular property.
They seem to be unaware that the management company was not passing monies to the county council."
The county council has insisted that it needs to impose the charge to protect its own interests, after repeated efforts to seek recompense from the management company proved to be fruitless.
Here is the original post:
Burnley households 4,400 bill in wall row
A road improvement project proposed by the state would close a major thoroughfare in Weston for two straight months in 2015.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a public informational meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 5 (snow date Feb. 19), regarding the proposed retaining wall replacement project on Route 53 (Newtown Turnpike) in the vicinity of the Weston Racquet Club.
The racquet club is north of Godfrey Road and south of Valley Forge Road.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room at Weston Town Hall.
Department personnel will be available at to answer questions prior to a formal design presentation at 7 p.m.
The DOT is proposing the project (identified as State Project No. 157-84) to improve safety on the road by constructing an L-type concrete retaining wall in front of the existing metal bin retaining wall that has been determined to be in poor condition.
The design phase is expected to be completed this summer, with construction taking place in summer 2015.
According to a description on the DOT website, the exposed face of the proposed retaining wall would consist of a simulated stone pattern on the upper section as an aesthetic treatment, while the lower section would consist of a safety shape concrete barrier. It is also proposed to install an underdrain drainage system to address potential groundwater issues. Full-depth reconstruction of the affected roadway would be required after the wall construction.
The project would require a full road closure for approximately two months (July and August), and may affect underground utilities. State routes would be designated as the official detours.
The estimated construction cost for the project covered entirely by state funds is approximately $1.8 million.
Originally posted here:
Project would close Weston road for two months
By: Envisionsland
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How to Reinforce Corners on a Brisa Retaining Wall
DIY on reinforcing the corners on a retaining wall.
By: Basalite Concrete Products
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How to Reinforce Corners on a Brisa Retaining Wall - Video