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    Environmentalists upset over move to construct wall in Valangkulam - April 28, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Environmentalists have taken objection to the Coimbatore Corporations move to construct a wall in Valangkulam to prevent inundation of houses of those who live along Vincent Road.

    According to K. Mohan Raj, secretary, Save Coimbatore Wetlands, the civic body constructing the wall in the tank will pave the way for more encroachments.

    Already considerable tank space has been eaten away by people who have encroached upon the area to construct houses.

    The retaining wall will only legitimise their construction and allow more such structures.

    The increased occupation will result in more sewage flowing into the tank. As if on cue, the Corporation is constructing the wall with pipelines to convey the sewage into the tank.

    He says that though there is nothing wrong in the civic body constructing the wall, it should have removed the encroachments first and then constructed the wall.

    If done so, it would have prevented encroachments.

    The civic body is constructing the wall for 250 feet at Rs. 42 lakh to prevent the Valangkulam waters from flowing into the houses there. The rationale the Corporation provided for constructing the wall is that the residents were the first to get affected whenever it rained in the area or whenever the water level in the tank rose.

    Sources in the Coimbatore Corporation say that it is factually incorrect to say that the civic body is constructing the compound in the tank and that it has allowed encroachments.

    The survey records clearly establish that abutting Vincent Road on the east is private land, where the people have built houses. At the eastern end of the land is a Corporation road and only thereafter the tank boundary starts.

    Read the original here:
    Environmentalists upset over move to construct wall in Valangkulam

    PHOTO: Retaining wall topples during NE Minneapolis rain storm - April 28, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever

    Updated: Sunday, April 27 2014 9:50 AM EDT2014-04-27 13:50:02 GMT

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever with ESPN's Michelle Beadle over the weekend.

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever with ESPN's Michelle Beadle over the weekend.

    Updated: Monday, April 28 2014 4:07 PM EDT2014-04-28 20:07:40 GMT

    Strong winds are pushing massive slabs of ice into homes on Lake Mille Lacs. This springs ice heaves arent as severe as the ones that damaged multiple townhomes last May, but residents are still scrambling to save their properties.

    Strong winds are pushing massive slabs of ice into homes on Lake Mille Lacs. This springs ice heaves arent as severe as the ones that damaged multiple townhomes last May, but residents are still scrambling to save their properties.

    Updated: Monday, April 28 2014 8:33 AM EDT2014-04-28 12:33:20 GMT

    Heavy rain and wind that swept through the Twin Cities took their toll on a retaining wall in Minneapolis on Sunday.

    Heavy rain and wind that swept through the Twin Cities took their toll on a retaining wall in Minneapolis on Sunday.

    Here is the original post:
    PHOTO: Retaining wall topples during NE Minneapolis rain storm

    Front Future Rock Retaining Wall – Video - April 27, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Front Future Rock Retaining Wall

    By: We Care Home Remodeling

    Read the original here:
    Front Future Rock Retaining Wall - Video

    PHOTO: Retaining wall topples during inclement weather in NE Minneapolis - April 27, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever

    Updated: Sunday, April 27 2014 9:50 AM EDT2014-04-27 13:50:02 GMT

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever with ESPN's Michelle Beadle over the weekend.

    Jack Jablonski had the best prom ever with ESPN's Michelle Beadle over the weekend.

    Updated: Sunday, April 27 2014 8:10 PM EDT2014-04-28 00:10:10 GMT

    Rain and river currents are making recovery efforts difficult for crews trying to recover a car that went into Mississippi River near the 10th Avenue bridge in downtown Minneapolis on Sunday morning.

    Rain and river currents are making recovery efforts difficult for crews trying to recover a car that went into Mississippi River near the 10th Avenue bridge in downtown Minneapolis on Sunday morning.

    Updated: Friday, April 25 2014 1:28 PM EDT2014-04-25 17:28:10 GMT

    The leader of a cult that began in Minnesota is not only accused of sexually abusing young girls for a decade -- Fox 9 News has learned he also may have protected and defended other abusers too.

    The leader of a cult that began in Minnesota is not only accused of sexually abusing young girls for a decade -- Fox 9 News has learned he also may have protected and defended other abusers too.

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    PHOTO: Retaining wall topples during inclement weather in NE Minneapolis

    Rear retaining wall – Video - April 27, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Rear retaining wall
    Pour and look around the back area.

    By: sangdopalri

    Original post:
    Rear retaining wall - Video

    Steel Sheet Piling | Vinyl Sheet Piling | Retaining Wall | Bridge Abutments – Video - April 27, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Steel Sheet Piling | Vinyl Sheet Piling | Retaining Wall | Bridge Abutments
    Steel Sheet Piling, Vinyl Sheet Piling, Retaining Walls, Bridge Abutments weep hole installations for hydrostatic water pressure relief from within the earth...

    By: JET Filter

    Read more from the original source:
    Steel Sheet Piling | Vinyl Sheet Piling | Retaining Wall | Bridge Abutments - Video

    Cambridge retaining wall – Video - April 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Cambridge retaining wall
    Scotch plains nj retaking wall installation.

    By: John Mazzilli

    Go here to see the original:
    Cambridge retaining wall - Video

    ZFam Retaining Wall – Video - April 24, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ZFam Retaining Wall

    By: Jen Lefere

    Continue reading here:
    ZFam Retaining Wall - Video

    MASONRY RESTORATION REPAIR OLATHE KS 816-500-4198 – Video - April 24, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    MASONRY RESTORATION REPAIR OLATHE KS 816-500-4198 retaining wall contractors and BRICK Masonry Contractors in Kansas City ,,We offer and provide KANSAS...

    By: Anthony Reyes

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    Retaining wall and radar at Hawk Missile site Number 39 in Seoul, Korea. HD Stock Footage – Video - April 24, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Retaining wall and radar at Hawk Missile site Number 39 in Seoul, Korea. HD Stock Footage
    Link to order this clip: Historic ...

    By: CriticalPast

    View original post here:
    Retaining wall and radar at Hawk Missile site Number 39 in Seoul, Korea. HD Stock Footage - Video

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