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Theres nothing quite like a loud crashing noise to rouse one quickly from a deep sleep. Adrenaline is much more efficient than caffeine.
Several nights ago I bolted upright in response to a sound Id never before heard. Thunderous, but the sky was clear. A tour of the house revealed nothing. Then I realized it might be the stone retaining wall in front of the house. Or perhaps better called the not retaining wall. A section of the 4-foot-high wall had collapsed onto the patio stones beneath.
The wall had been under incessant pressure for years. Of uncertain age, it had no drainage or other hedge against endless cycles of frost, thaw and rain. Small shifts had become significant bulges and the collapse was inevitable.
These kinds of nature-induced changes are fascinating. From day to day or month to month the movement is imperceptible to the human eye. Ive looked at the wall week after week for years, never able to identify a change and yet ... there it was, on the ground.
Just like my hip, I thought.
For some 50 years Ive used and abused my body. Name the endurance sport and Ive done and overdone it. Other than the physiological changes from intentional training, or periods of relative sloth, nothing changed much over time. A run or bike workout from one day to the next, or even one year to the next, differed little in pace or comfort.
It is rather like Zenos paradox of Achilles racing a tortoise. If Achilles gives the tortoise a head start of 100 meters, Achilles will quickly reach the tortoises starting point. But the tortoise will have moved some distance, albeit short, in the meantime. Achilles then will reach that new point but, alas, the tortoise will have moved again. The logical analysis is that there will always be some distance, however microscopic, between the position reached by Achilles, previously occupied by the tortoise, and the new position of the tortoise. By this analysis, the tortoise is never caught.
Of course we are the tortoise, and the paradox is an illusion, for we will all be caught by the relentless march of time. Like the stone wall, my hip changed imperceptibly over time, despite my world-class capacity for self-delusion. Just a year ago I was frolicking at Zealand Falls in the White Mountains. Last November I had a delightful 5-mile run on the New York City Marathon course, feeling much better than when I actually ran the New York City Marathon in 1978.
By January I couldnt walk up a single flight of stairs without leading with my good leg. The hip collapse was not as loud as the wall, but just as catastrophic. The imperceptible day-to-day changes left bone rubbing bone and all the willpower in the world wouldnt allow me a jog to the corner.
We cant beat time, but we can buy time. Fortunately, medical advances make hip replacements a relatively simple procedure. Mine was on Feb. 22. I have a new titanium implant with a ceramic ball and polyethylene liner instead of cartilage. My surgeon is among a growing number who see no reason for limitations. I missed only two days of work, was cycling indoors on day four post-surgery, did some careful mountain biking at week five and can now do anything. Conservative doctors may still advise against running or other high-impact activities. My surgeon thinks thats silly. (And its why I picked him.) My hip will last longer than I will. When I expressed worry about crashing on a mountain bike and breaking my hip he said, Yes, you might break your hip, but its more likely youd break your other one. Thats my kind of doctor!
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Steve Nelson: Slow and Steady We Lose the Race, but a New Hip Buys Time
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Retaining Wall Expert Woodstock Reviews Call 678-324-8520 Retaining Wall Expert Woodstock Reviews
Retaining Wall Expert Woodstock Reviews Call 678-324-8520 Retaining Wall Expert Woodstock Reviews.
By: Evelyn Cardoza
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Updated: Friday, August 1 2014, 04:58 PM EDT
Reported By: Erin Calandra Written By: Marc Stempka
PATTON TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- Check the ditch. That is what some Centre County residents said they need to do every time it rains in their neighborhood, and they say they're sick of doing that and want a retaining wall to help keep water out of their property.
Carolynn Stoicheff has lived on Douglas Drive in the Park Forest area of Patton Township for years. She said her home has been flooded three times and her yard is routinely flooded by heavy rains because of an overflowing drainage ditch in her backyard.
Several years ago, Patton Township officials started construction on a retaining wall for the "Douglas Ditch," as residents call it, to keep the water off of properties. Stoicheff said the wall stops at her property, and wants the wall to be continued.
"Because where the retaining wall ends, it's almost like it pushes [the water] through the yard," Stoicheff said. "We've ripped carpet out, replaced carpet. We've sucked water out of our house."
Stoicheff said if the retaining wall is continued past their properties and down to others from hers, the flooding would all but stop.
The ditch is about four feet deep and is a drainage way for the neighborhood, starting from Park Forest Middle School to the other side of Atherton Street.
Patton Township Manager Doug Erickson said the ditch is the primary area for water to flow.
"It drains several hundred acres upstream of there," Erickson said. "On big storms we can get some flooding."
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Park Forest neighbors seeking end of drainage ditch flooding
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Details Published on Thursday, 31 July 2014 02:42 Written by Michele Scott | DrumhellerMail.com
Walmarts failure to fix their broken retaining wall has landed them in hot water with the Town of Drumheller. With the store stonewalling the Town on completing the repairs, Drumhellers Chief Administrative Officer will be paying a visit to the town solicitor seeking enforcement action. Ive asked that administration take it in front of the judge to get a compliance order from the judge, said Mayor Terry Yemen. The judge will set the timeline. The Town is concerned about the stability of the roadway that runs alongside of Walmart and would like the wall repaired to prevent the ground caving in. Were looking at it as a health and safety issue, too. In a July 15 letter to Walmart, CAO Romanetz requested a response from the retailer within seven days providing the Town with a definite construction timeline to fix the wall. The Mayor said the Town received no reply to their recent letter, but in conversations earlier this year, Walmart had told the Town it would be completing the repairs. Its a promise and a commitment made by them to have it fixed in the spring - it didnt happen. There are large areas on the retaining wall that are crumbling, and in two of those locations its easy to see the areas have experienced serious erosion. The Mayor said the reason Walmart gave the Town for not doing the spring repairs was that they had only received one bid for the tender they put out on the work, and their company policy requires at least two bids be received. Mayor Yemen was questioning why the company didnt make another call for tender on the work, Walmart was questioning the Towns jurisdiction, taking the position perhaps the province should be overseeing the matter because the store is located on a provincial highway right-of-way. Yemen says a review of the Town issued building permit to Walmart states the retaining wall is included in the permit, thereby nullifying Walmarts jurisdictional challenge and giving the Town the authority to take action.
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Town taking action on crumbling Walmart wall
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MALACCA - A family here was shocked when their property's retaining wall collapsed following a night of heavy rain.
To add salt to the wound, Muslim Mazlan was advised by firemen to move out for his own safety.
"There are cracks on the side of my house and gaps have formed between the ground and the floor," said the 52-year-old businessman yesterday.
Part of the wall, located on higher ground, fell on his bungalow's porch area on Monday.
"The trees in my garden were swaying and it was raining heavily when I wanted to perform subuh prayers," said Muslim as he described the downpour.
"Then I heard a loud thud followed by a tremor at about 8.30am. I rushed downstairs to check and I heard my son shouting from the kitchen.
"I saw that the garden at the back of my house was gone," he said, adding that his wife and four other children, aged between 13 and 23, were also at home during the incident.
Muslim, who has been staying at the house which he built for RM650,000 for the last seven years, claimed that some construction work next door had contributed to the collapse of the retaining wall.
"Luckily, no one was hurt. However, I have lodged a police report," he said, adding that he would have to look for a temporary house.
Concrete and earth from the collapsed wall brought down palm trees and flower pots, and destroyed several aquariums filled with ornamental fish.
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Family asked to move out after retaining wall collapses
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A construction worker in Rosemont whose legs were pinned by a segment of wall that collapsed today was conscious at the scene and being treated at a hospital, according to the Rosemont Public Safety Department.
The worker, whose identity is being withheld until his family is notified, was assisting in the construction of a retaining wall along the eastbound Jane Addams Memorial Tollway.
Police said they received a call at 4:20 p.m. today requesting extrication of a man trapped underneath construction material.
Even before police arrived, a crane operator had removed the panel that had fallen on the worker, police Commander Gregory Nazuka said. First responders to the scene found the man in an easement next to the wall.
The man was conscious at the scene, Nazuka said, though the extent of his injuries was not immediately clear.
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Construction worker injured in wall collapse along I-90
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Mars, PA (PRWEB) August 01, 2014
Volunteers from Mars National Bank helped Hosanna Industries impact one needy homeowners front yard by working on an exterior improvement project. The effort included work on a retaining wall and sidewalk, and cleaning and painting the front porch roof.
Were thrilled to be a part of these kinds of projects, said Jim Dionise, Mars National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer. Our staff really responds to these opportunities. It reflects on who we are as people and as a community-focused organization.
Nine Bank staff volunteered their time and labor to make the project a success. The Bank partners with Hosanna Industries because of the great work they do to improve the living spaces of needy individuals and families in the communities of western Pennsylvania.
Mars National Bank is one true community bank focused on combining the products and technology that its customers need while maintaining its focus on long-term customer relationships.
For more information, visit the new http://www.MarsBank.com.
About Mars National Bank Mars National Bank is committed to remaining a relationship driven, independent community bank, which offers competitive products and services, made up of dedicated professionals who are passionate about serving our customers in a personal, efficient and friendly manner.
About Hosanna Industries, Inc. Hosanna Industries is a faith-rooted, 501 (c)3 non-profit organization in southwestern Pennsylvania. The mission includes new construction and repair/rehabilitation services for low income homeowners; leading volunteers in disaster recovery; and training young people in the trade skills to give them a hope for the future.
For Immediate Release July 30, 2014 Contact:Stephen Eckert, 412-390-0403 seckert(at)marsbank(dot)com
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Mars National Bank Volunteers Work for Hosanna Industries
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Witness Helps Unconscious Driver after Highway Crash
DAYTON-- A woman is recovering in the hospital after she slams into a retaining wall on the highway. It happened on I-75 just after midnight around Edwin C. ...
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Retaining wall pour D 7/25/14
via YouTube Capture.
By: Vinnymartin1
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(314) 380-5055 Retaining Walls Brentwood MO 63144
H and N Construction LLC is a Brentwood MO 63144 Landscape and Retaining Wall Contractor that offer Free Estimates on Natural Stone, Keystone, and Flagstone. http://concrete-estimates.com/brentwoo...
By: Scott Niems
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