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Are you considering renovating your home? You arent alone. Americans spent over $340 billion on home renovations in 2020. That figure is expected to increase over 4% a year until 2027, especially as more people feel financially secure as the pandemic is starting to come to an end.
The truth is that home renovations are necessities that you simply cant ignore. Your walls, floors, windows, kitchen and bathroom will all need to be updated at some point. The years do not pass in vain, and your house will eventually cry out for a facelift to update it. If you do not know what material suits you best or where the trends are going, you should follow these tips from leading experts.
Renovating a home can be a stressful process. There are many decisions to make (and with which you will have to play out day by day), many steps to take and a lot of uncertainty about what the final result will be.
We talked with a variety of experts, such as the specialists at Luxury Flooring, which offers LVT flooring. The founders of Luxury Flooring have earned the Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the Yorkshire region at the Federation of Small Business Awards, due to their impeccable knowledge, so we are pleased that they and other experts have shared a number of detailed tips that can help you get started.
However, these renovations dont have to create a lot of unnecessary drama in your life. Here is a list of tips to keep in mind before starting.
Choosing the right materials is essential when doing a renovation. Your budget will depend on what materials that you use. Wood, ceramic, stone, cement, plaster are all materials that you can use. If you do not know what to choose or how much to invest, ask for help from professionals.
You should pay attention to the latest trends, so you can focus on those projects that are most likely to appeal to potential buyers or guests. According to a study conducted by HomeAdvisor, the biggest trend at the moment is kitchen renovations. The average kitchen renovation costs somewhere between $12,567 and $34,962.
If you want to renovate the kitchen, the Kitchen Furniture Association (AMC) revealed some proposals for this fall, which are based on your attitudes of socialization and love for gastronomy. You might want to use warm materials, such as wood, or innovative materials, such as slate or marble, and the island or the office as a link between the kitchen and the living room.
When rehabilitating an old house, you may come across architectural elements and facilities in poor condition. Consult a professional if it is worth preserving them or not. For example, reinforcing beams or arches and varnishing doors will allow you to enhance its essence. As for obsolete electrical or plumbing systems, it will be better to adapt them to current materials to avoid problems.
The biggest problem in renovations is the failure to meet deadlines and budgets. To avoid this, you should break down each item into its corresponding units to better compare each offer. When it is not possible to invest a lot, everything has to be better planned, advises one remodeling expert we spoke with.
It is possible that you will lose cold or heat through the blinds if they are not properly insulated, which produces an unnecessary expense during hot and cold months. So why dont you invest in a thermal and acoustic insulation system? Most experts recommend installing mineral wool panels inside the shutter box to protect you from outside noise and excess cold or heat. A simple gesture to start saving!
In addition to protecting us from the sun in summer, awnings also insulate the house from the wind and cold. To keep them in perfect condition, experts advise removing dirt from the canvas by vacuuming and applying a water and neutral soap solution. Next, rinse with a jet of water at medium pressure and let it dry well in the open air before rolling it up.
Are you thinking of painting your house and want to discover the trends? Visit local painting websites to keep up to date with their collections and the must-have colors in decoration.
Some remodeling experts have developed innovative products with palettes of divine colors, which allow you to paint directly on the surface to be treated without sanding. They should have a line of chalk paint with a vintage matte finish in twelve pastel and vibrant colors, which can also be painted on any surface: wood, metal, plastic and even fabric! A good remodeling firm completes its range with wax and a varnish to protect painted objects and give them a silkier finish.
Renovating and eliminating are both good options. According to one interior design expert, it is advisable to keep works of art and old pieces of china or ceramics and try to relocate them. Say goodbye to what is in poor condition or does not match the style, and acquire a designer piece that sophisticates the house, like this armchair.
For partial reforms, such as flooring or carpentry, permits are not necessary. However, if the work has repercussions on partition walls and windows, it is essential to communicate it to the city council. If it affects the structure of the building, it will be necessary to request a project to an architect and to pay the applicable taxes. In any case, add the license of the container in the street.
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11 crucial tips for your next home renovation makeover - AZ Big Media
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Concrete often begins to crack and crumble after a few decades of life but curiously, that hasnt been the case with many Roman structures. The structures are still standing, exhibiting remarkable durability despite conditions that would destroy modern concrete.
One particular structure is the large cylindrical tomb of first-century noblewoman Caecilia Metella. New research from MIT scientists and colleagues published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society shows that the quality of the concrete of her tomb may exceed that of her male contemporaries monuments because of the volcanic aggregate the builders chose and the unusual chemical interactions with rain and groundwater that accumulate over two millennia.
Lead co-authors of the study, Admir Masic, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT, and Marie Jackson, research associate professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Utah, teamed up to understand the mineral composition of the ancient concrete structure.
Understanding the formation and processes of ancient materials can inform researchers of new ways to create durable, sustainable building materials for the future, says Masic. The tomb of Caecilia Metella is one of the oldest structures still standing, offering insights that can inspire modern construction.
A curiously cohesive concrete
Located on an ancient Roman road also known as the Appian Way, the tomb of Caecilia Metella is a landmark on the Via Appia Antica. It consists of a rotunda-shaped tower that sits on a square base, in total about 70 feet (21 meters) tall and 100 feet (29 m) in diameter. Built about 30 BCE, at the transformation of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire, led by Emperor Augustus, in 27 BCE, the tomb is considered one of the best-preserved monuments on the Appian Way.
Caecilia herself was a member of an aristocratic family. She married into the family ofMarcus Crassus, who formed a famous alliance with Julius Caesar and Pompey.
The construction of this very innovative and robust monument and landmark on the Via Appia Antica indicates that she was held in high respect, says Jackson and the concrete fabric 2,050 years later reflects a strong and resilient presence.
The tomb is an example of the refined technologies of concrete construction in late Republican Rome. The technologies were described by the architect Vitruvius while the Tomb of Caecilia Metella was under construction.Building thick walls of coarse brick or volcanic rock aggregate bound with mortar made with lime and volcanic tephra (porous fragments of glass and crystals from explosive eruptions), would result in structures that "over a long passage of time do not fall into ruins."
Vitruvius words are proven true by the many Roman structures standing today, including Trajans Markets (built between 100 and 110 AD, more than a century after the tomb) and marine structures like piers and breakwaters.
What the ancient Romans couldnt have known, though, is how crystals of the mineral leucite, which is rich in potassium, in the volcanic aggregate would dissolve over time to beneficially remodel and reorganize the interface between volcanic aggregates and cementitious binding matrix, improving the cohesion of the concrete.
Focusing on designing modern concretes with constantly reinforcing interfacial zones might provide us with yet another strategy to improve the durability of modern construction materials, says Masic. Doing this through the integration of time-proven Roman wisdom provides a sustainable strategy that could improve the longevity of our modern solutions by orders of magnitude.
Linda Seymour '14, PhD '21, who participated in this study as a PhD student in the Masic lab at MIT, investigated the microstructure of the concrete with scientific tools.
Each of the tools that we used added a clue to the processes in the mortar, Seymour says. Scanning electron microscopy showed the microstructures of mortar building blocks at the micron scale. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry showed the elements comprising each of those building blocks. This information allows us to explore different areas in the mortar quickly, and we could pick out building blocks related to our questions, she says. The trick, she adds, is to precisely hit the same building block target with each instrument when that target is only about the width of a hair.
The science behind a uniquely strong substance
In the thick concrete walls of Caecilia Metellas tomb, a mortar that contains volcanic tephra binds large chucks of brick and lava aggregate. It is similar to the mortar used in the Markets of Trajan 120 years later. The glue of the Markets of Trajan mortar consists of a building block called the C-A-S-H binding phase (calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate), along with crystals of a mineral called strtlingite.
But the tephra the Romans used for the Caecilia Metella mortar was more abundant in potassium-rich leucite. Centuries of rainwater and groundwater percolating through the tombs walls dissolved the leucite and released the potassium into the mortar. In modern concrete, an abundance of potassium would create expansive gels that would cause microcracking and eventual deterioration of the structure.
In the tomb, however, the potassium dissolved and reconfigured the C-A-S-H binding phase.
The X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy techniques allowed us to explore how the mortar had changed, says Seymour. We saw C-A-S-H domains that were intact after 2,050 years and some that were splitting, wispy, or otherwise different in morphology. X-ray diffraction, in particular, allowed an analysis of the wispy domains down to their atomic structure. We see that the wispy domains are taking on this nano-crystalline nature, she says.
The remodeled domains evidently createrobust components of cohesion in the concrete, says Jackson. In these structures, unlike in the Markets of Trajan, theres little strtlingite formed.
Stefano Roascio, the archaeologist in charge of the tomb, notes that the study has a great deal of relevance to understanding other ancient and historic concrete structures that use Pozzolane Rosse aggregate.
The interface between the aggregates and the mortar of any concrete is fundamental to the structures durability, says Masic. In modern concrete, the alkali-silica reactions that form expansive gels may compromise the interfaces of even the most hardened concrete.
It turns out that the interfacial zones in the ancient Roman concrete of the tomb of Caecilia Metella are constantly evolving through long-term remodeling, Masic says. These remodeling processes reinforce interfacial zones and potentially contribute to improved mechanical performance and resistance to failure of the ancient material.
In addition to Masic, Seymour, and Jackson, additional co-authors of the study include Nobumichi Tamura, senior scientist atLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The research is funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy ARPA-e program.
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2050-year-old Roman tomb offers insights on ancient concrete resilience - MIT News
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Expenditures for remodeling improvements to the owner-occupied housing stock are expected to increase in nearly all of the nations largest metropolitan areas this year, according to projections by the Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. Following a pandemic-induced slowdown, projections for 2021 show annual home improvement spending growing from 113% in 42 major metropolitan areas, while declining modestly at 1.5% or less in four of the 46 metros tracked. Collectively, large metro areas are expected to see stronger remodeling gains in 2021 with an average growth of almost 5% compared to an estimated gain of 2% in 2020. Fully 14 metros are projected to see robust growth above 6% this year, while an additional 17 metros are set for moderate gains between 3 and 6%.
Broad strength in house price appreciation, existing home sales, and residential construction suggest that many metros will see greater renovation activity this year, says Abbe Will, associate project director in the Remodeling Futures Program at the Center. The largest remodeling spending gains are projected to occur in relatively more affordable metros in the Sunbelt, with over 9% growth expected in Oklahoma City, Tucson, Charlotte, Phoenix, and San Antonio.
Although home remodeling is a bright spot in the economy overall, owner improvement spending is projected to contract slightly in a few high-cost metropolitan areas including New York, Denver, Boston, and San Jose, says Sophia Wedeen, a research assistant at the Center. While other higher-cost metrosWashington, DC, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattleare expected to have only modest levels of spending growth between 1 and 3% this year.
A report from October 2020 showed that residential remodeling had continue a steady expansion and was no longer in a downward projection due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Harvard study shows metro areas with expected remodeling growth - LBM Journal
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According to experts speaking at an online press conference hosted by the National Association of Home Builders Remodelers during the 2021 International Builders' Show, spending on residential improvements will continue to grow at a healthy pace over the next two years. Professional remodelers from across the country agreed with the forecast, citing increased demand during COVID-19 and consumer confidence.
The remodeling market declined significantly at the onset of COVID-19 in March and April 2020, but has since more than fully recovered. NAHB predicts that remodeling spending for owner-occupied single-family homes will increase four percent in 2021 and increase two percent in 2022.
"After the dip at the beginning of the pandemic, remodeler confidence bounced back, and it continues to remain at a high level, as remodeling spending is expected to reach $285 billion in 2021," said Vince Butler, CAPS, CGR, GMB, GMR, a remodeler from Clifton, Va."There is steady consumer demand as Americans are at home much more during the pandemic. This gives homeowners more time and a desire to invest in their homes."
"We're seeing more requests for proposals because of the pandemic," Tim Lansford, CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, Master CGP, Master CSP, MIRM, a remodeler from Arlington, Texas. "Because people are using their time at home now to remodel, the demand and backlog for remodeling remains high."
"NAHB estimates that real spending on home improvements will continue to increase in 2021 and 2022 throughout the COVID-19 pandemic," said Paul Emrath Ph.D., NAHB's Assistant Vice President for Surveys and Housing Policy Research. "The biggest factors prohibiting stronger growth are mainly the volatile material prices and labor shortages."
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U.S. Remodeling Industry Fully Recovered From COVID Outbreak - World Property Journal
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Published: Sat, February 20, 2021 5:00 AM
Burns & McDonnell Inc., 10 E Memorial Road, warehouse, remodel, $3,776,757.
Smith & Pickel Construction, 4820 Madera Blvd., school, erect, $2,082,600.
Landmark Fine Homes LP, 4308 SW 127, residence, erect, $625,000.
Landmark Fine Homes LP, 12809 Preservation Way, residence, erect, $525,000.
James and Mary Leach, 12308 Thelmas Way, residence, erect, $420,000.
New Generations, 8237 SW 110, residence, erect, $400,000.
New Generations, 8300 SW 110, residence, erect, $400,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 15909 Cattail Drive, residence, erect, $400,000.
Gary Owens Construction LLC, 825 S Cimarron Road, residence, erect, $400,000.
Harrison Kennedy Homes LLC, 9309 NW 83, residence, erect, $397,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 12933 SW 6, residence, erect, $394,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 15905 Cattail Drive, residence, erect, $388,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 11009 NW 8, residence, erect, $356,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 5801 NW 159, residence, erect, $340,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 10921 NW 8, residence, erect, $329,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 15900 Windrush Place, residence, erect, $320,000.
Taber Built Homes LLC, 16112 Mendoza Drive, residence, erect, $312,000.
Vesta Homes Inc., 14024 Lost Village Way, residence, erect, $305,000.
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Jasco Products gets a $3.8-million remodel, and more Oklahoma City building permits from The Oklahoman for Feb. 20, 2021 - Oklahoman.com
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DUBLIN, Feb. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "U.S. Commercial Windows Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Frame Material (Vinyl, Wood, Metal), by Mechanism (Swinging, Sliding), by End Use, by State, and Segment Forecasts, 2020-2027" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The U.S. commercial windows market size is expected to reach USD 3.6 billion by 2027. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2020 to 2027.
Positive outlook for the global construction industry favoring commercial infrastructure development, coupled with a rise in the growth of the residential sector and renovation and remodeling activities of existing structures are expected to drive the market over the forecast period.
A large number of prominent market players contribute to the growth of the market. The market in the U.S. is highly fragmented. The major players, including Andersen, Pella, Marvin, Ply Gem, and Milgard, compete to gain additional market share through price differentiation strategies. The market witnesses a notable presence of national and international players offering commercial windows.
Fenestration and facade are essential parts of any construction building and offer healthy and ventilated space for habitat. To scrutinize the market, the governing bodies play a crucial role by setting the standard guidelines and regulations. The massive investment in infrastructural development by the U.S. government is one of the key factors favoring the market.
Key players mainly focus on the product quality, service quality, functioning, aesthetics of the product, and volume of goods through various distribution channels. The presence of domestic and multinational companies creates a highly competitive environment in the market, which results in notable price differentiation in the industry.
U.S. Commercial Windows Market Report Highlights
Key Topics Covered:
Chapter 1. Methodology and Scope
Chapter 2. Executive Summary
Chapter 3. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Variables, Trends, and Scope3.1. Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping3.2. U.S. Commercial Windows market- Value Chain Analysis3.3. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Dynamics3.4. U.S. Commercial Windows Industry Analysis - Porter's3.5. Windows and Doors Industry Analysis - PESTEL3.6. U.S. Commercial Windows Market: Mergers and Acquisition3.7. U.S. Commercial Windows: Challenges and Trends
Chapter 4. U.S. Commercial Windows Market: Frame Material Estimates & Trend Analysis4.1. U.S. Commercial Windows Frame Material Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2019 & 20274.2. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analysis, 2016 to 2027 for the following:4.2.1. Vinyl4.2.2. Wood4.2.3. Metal4.2.4. Others
Chapter 5. U.S. Commercial Windows Market: Mechanism Estimates & Trend Analysis5.1. U.S. Commercial Windows Mechanism Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2019 & 20275.2. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analysis, 2016 to 2027 for the following:5.2.1. Swinging5.2.2. Sliding5.2.3. Others
Chapter 6. U.S. Commercial Windows Market: End Use Estimates & Trend Analysis6.1. U.S. Commercial Windows End Use Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2019 & 20276.2. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analysis, 2016 to 2027 for the following:6.2.1. New Commercial6.2.2. Refurbishment
Chapter 7. U.S. Commercial Windows Market: State Estimates & Trend Analysis7.1. State Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2019 & 20277.2. Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analysis,2016 to 2027 for the following7.2.1. U.S. Maine7.2.1.2. New Hampshire7.2.1.3. Vermont7.2.1.4. Massachusetts7.2.1.5. Rhode Island7.2.1.6. Connecticut7.2.1.7. New York7.2.1.8. New Jersey7.2.1.9. Pennsylvania7.2.1.10. Delaware7.2.1.11. Maryland7.2.1.12. Washington7.2.1.13. Virginia7.2.1.14. Michigan7.2.1.15. Indiana7.2.1.16. Illinois7.2.1.17. Wisconsin7.2.1.18. Minnesota
Chapter 8. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Share Analysis by States
Chapter 9. Competitive Analysis9.1. U.S. Commercial Windows Market Ranking Analysis, 20199.2. Vendor Landscape9.3. Competitive Environment9.4. Company Market Position Analysis9.5. Key global players & recent developments & their impact on the industry9.6. Competitive Landscape
Chapter 10. Company Profiles
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United States Commercial Windows Market Report 2020-2027: Renovation and Remodeling Activities of Existing Structures are Expected to Drive the Market...
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Currently, Outlet Recreation has one store in town, at 605 U.S. Highway 10 East, that sells both RVs and watercraft. That store opened this past September, after a months-long remodeling project inside and out (the building had previously housed the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store, which moved to the west end of town).
The large indoor showroom at the Detroit Lakes Highway 10 store is stocked with pontoons, boats, golf carts, motorhomes and other recreational vehicles. (Marie Johnson / Tribune)
By this spring, Outlet Recreation will also reopen the doors of its former store, at 1015 Highway 59 South, after the completion of a major remodeling project thats now underway there.
That location, which had been Outlet Recreation's home in Detroit Lakes since the company came here in late 2013, will serve as a full-on RV center, according to general manager Tony Stock, while the Highway 10 store will become a full-on marine center.
Splitting the inventory up this way, Stock said, will be good for the company as well as customers: Itll give Outlet Recreation more room for more inventory, so well have better selection, more product on hand, more lot space, and will also give customers a better experience, with staff dedicated to each part of the business.
Outlet Recreation sells recreational vehicles like motorhomes, fifth wheels and golf carts, as well as marine products like boats, pontoons and fish houses. It also offers parts and service.
As part of the major remodeling project at the Highway 10 store, Outlet Recreation completely redid the exterior of the building, giving it a taller, more modern design. (Marie Johnson / Tribune)
When the second location opens, that store will have its own expanded service center for RVs, Stock said, allowing the existing service center to focus on watercraft and doubling the companys total number of shop bays in town. That should mean more business for the service department, and faster appointment availability for people wanting service work -- another win-win.
The companys recent endeavors have created about 10 to 15 new jobs in Detroit Lakes, in everything from sales to service to lot foremen, Stock said. Some positions have already been posted; others will be in the coming months.
Were cementing ourselves into the community, to hopefully be here for many, many more years to come, Stock said. Detroit Lakes is a thriving recreational community and I cant ever see that stopping We think this is a good fit for us.
Stock has lived with his family in Detroit Lakes since 1996, and he said Outlet Recreations owners, Mike Larson and Jim Glenn, are local people here, too We feel strongly about Detroit Lakes. Even with all the crazy stuff going on in the world right now, its just a good area. Businesses helping businesses, all the time. Its a good community.
Outlet Recreation sold its RV center in West Fargo to Camping World in November 2020, and will be moving inventory from there to Detroit Lakes as part of its expansion plans here. The company still operates a marine store in Fargo, and also has stores in Clearwater and Cross Lake, Minn.
Outlet Recreation General Manager Tony Stock has lived in Detroit Lakes with his family since 1996. He said the company's recent expansions in town are a sign of the owners' investment in -- and commitment to -- the community. (Marie Johnson / Tribune)
Detroit Lakes is going to be a big location for the company after the second store opens, Stock said.
He said the indoor showroom at the Highway 10 Outlet Recreation store is the largest one around: I dont know of anybody thats got a bigger indoor showroom in the state of Minnesota.
That newly remodeled building also features a customer lounge area with coffee, snacks and tables, plus a large parts and service department, multiple offices for the staff, big overhead doors for getting product in and out, new LED lighting throughout, new bathrooms and new floors.
Its really like a brand new building, said Stock. The exteriors probably the biggest difference that people notice. Once we get some of the bigger inventory off this lot and out to the other spot, youll really get a nice, good view of the building from the front.
The remodeling project at the Highway 59 location will be very similar to whats been done at the current store, he added, with the inside getting gutted and redone while the outside receives a facelift to match the look of the Highway 10 store.
This artist's rendering shows what the former Highway 59 Outlet Recreation store will look like when it reopens this spring, after a full remodel. The store will be the company's second one in town, joining its existing store on Highway 10 East. It will serve as an RV Outlet, while the existing store becomes a marine center. (Submitted Image)
Outlet Recreation is opening a second store in Detroit Lakes - Detroit Lakes Tribune
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A highway construction crew works on the Lenore Bridge across the Clearwater River as it was reopened to one-way traffic in this photo published in the July 20, 1967, Lewiston Tribune. Several loaded grain trucks moved across it during the day July 19, according to the photo caption, and farmers commented they were pleased with the reopening as it coincided with the beginning of harvest in the area. The Nez Perce County bridge had been closed since June 13 for a remodeling required because of an adjacent Idaho State Highway Department project to widen and straighten U.S. Highway 12. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to blasts@lmtribune.com or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.
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Blast from the Past / 1967: The finishing touches on a remodel - Lewiston Morning Tribune
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A higher demand for ceramic tiles as well as the growing adoption of hardwood flooring will supplement the U.S. home remodeling market trends. The popularity of luxurious bathroom fittings including wall mounted toilets, rounded rectangle vanity mirrors, floating vanities, and console sink vanities will also offer lucrative opportunities for professionals in the remodeling industry.
Rapidly evolving technology and constant upgrades in roofing technology has gathered a lot of consumer attention. Masses are increasingly becoming aware of environmental protection and energy conservation in households through utilization of green materials. This is prompting more consumers to indulge in home remodeling activities.
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The U.S. home remodeling market size will record annual revenues of over USD 500 billion by 2026.
Competition in the U.S. home remodeling market is fragmented due to densely populated areas in different regions. A vital role is being played by the wholesalers for distribution of home improvement products at cost-effective prices. For instance, one of the leading wholesale distributors of home improvement products in the U.S., ABC Supply, introduced a new location in Massachusetts to provide products and solutions and cater to the evolving customer needs in the state.
U.S. home remodeling market is likely to be driven by growing consumer knowledge regarding green buildings and shifting trends towards smart homes. Remodeling of houses generally refers to upgradation of the existing exteriors, interiors, or other improvements to the property such as incorporation of energy saving technology, safety checks and maintenance & repair.
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As per the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, around 39% of the nuclear family homes accounted for the overall U.S. rental homes. Spending on home improvements across the U.S. is gradually escalating due to the rising cost of building material and labor. This has prompted homeowners to spend mostly on the existing houses. Prevalent house renting trends will substantially foster home improvement initiatives across the region.
Rising per capita incomes, increasing preference for energy efficient and luxurious living spaces, thriving real estate sector and easy availability of remodeling businesses are factors impacting the regional growth. Moreover, rising cost of land and low lending rates will further fuel the demand for refurbishment across the country.
Different programs implemented by the regional governments including residential weatherization, residential retrofit, appliance recycling and direct install programs are encouraging masses to remodel their houses. Growing popularity of mid-century & farmhouse designs has resulted in major changes in American kitchens. Kitchen improvement & additions segment is likely to grow at a significant rate on account of shifting consumer preferences toward streamlined textures, materials and designs.
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The company has an expanded product portfolio encompassing a range of roofing, doors, windows, siding, railing and decking products. Other prominent providers of U.S. home remodeling market are Andersen Corporation, Kohler Co., Pella Corporation, Ferguson Enterprises, The Sherwin-Williams Company, ABC Supply, HD supply, US LBM, Beacon roofing supply, and Watsco Inc., among others.
In general, a large number of homeowners from states such as Texas, Florida and California possess heavy spending capacities for home renovation projects. According to the NAHB (National Association of Home Builders), the spending per improvement in California had increased to over USD 9,565 in 2018, which was up by 20% when compared to the spending in 2017.
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Home Improvement Market: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/04/23/1807665/0/en/Home-Improvement-Market-demand-to-cross-1-120bn-by-2025-Global-Market-Insights-Inc.html
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U.S. Home Remodeling Market to 2026 - Developments Strategies and Regional insights - Technology Magazine
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TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) An East Tampa grandmother received a special Valentines Day show of love from WWE wrestler and philanthropist Titus ONeil, whose real name is Thaddeus Bullard.
Bullard met 75-year-old Yvonne McCoy and her granddaughter Jayda at his Joy of Giving event over the holidays.
After getting to know the family, he decided to give McCoy a special gift a home makeover.
McCoy is raising 10-year-old Jayda in a 1,200 square-foot home on East Diana Street. A son and a grandson also live there.
During the Bullard Family Foundations Thanksgiving Food Distribution back in November, Bullard delivered food to the house. He had met McCoy and Jayda at a previous foundation event and knew their story and McCoys love for her family and care for Jayda.
After his most recent visit, he wanted to give Jayda a more inviting space to do her e-learning.
Im in this position because people invested in me when they had nothing to gain in return, Bullard said.
On Tuesday, the work began on the house with the help of community partners, contractors, and volunteers.
While the work began on the home, McKibbon Hospitality provided the family a place to stay and a spot for Jayda to do her e-learning for the week.
It was McCoys very first time staying in a hotel, although she worked for one for nearly two decades.
There were several partners that helped re-do her home including, Ashley HomeStore, McKibbon Hospitality, Rescom Air Corp., Somerfield Construction, Borrell Electric, Trio Plus Painting, Skanska, Revealing Truth Ministries, Paragon Recycling & Demolition, Riverhills Church, Titan Construction, Watertight Roofing Services, Mont Krest, MyLawnCut.com, One Green Filter, Scott Fischer (the CEO of Dippin Dots), Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister and Nikki DeBartolo.
McCoy said words escaped her, especially after another surprise a new car to replace her unreliable van.
Im dumbfounded right now, McCoy said.
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Titus ONeil helps remodel East Tampa grandmothers home, surprises her with new car - WFLA
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