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Amanda and Dylan Hower experienced freezing pipes and low water pressure for an entire week in their Brookline home earlier this month.
They asked a plumber and a representative of the Pennsylvania American Water Co. to come to the house to assess the problem.
Each suggested that we may have a clog/crack in our service line from the main [line] to our house, said Mrs. Hower, 27, a housing specialist for the Pittsburgh Housing Authority.
Because theyre enrolled in a gas line and waterline protection plan from Equitable Gas Co.s HomeWorks program, they called Equitable, relayed what the professionals had told them, emphasized that no work had been done and asked what would be covered by their plan.
When no one responded after two days, Mr. Hower called again. The 27-year-old software engineer for Maya Design couldnt believe what happened next.
A HomeWorks representative said their claim wasnt covered because HomeWorks couldnt confirm that the [service] line was broken or leaking.
My husband could not get any other information from him and didnt catch his name because he was rudely trying to disconnect the call as soon as he could, Mrs. Hower said. [He] did not even explain what led [HomeWorks] to deny the claim.
She believes HomeWorks contacted the water company and accepted as fact whatever it was told without any investigation on its part.
That didnt sit well with Mrs. Hower.
In our attempts to contact [the water company] over six days, they didnt even know that we were in their service area, kept saying there was a water main break when there wasnt and gave us other misinformation, she said.
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Post Your Problems / Lawrence Walsh: It takes phone calls, emails to resolve Brookline couple's water woes
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Let #39;s Play Paper Mario: Sticker Star Part Extra 2: I #39;m A Strong Independent Plumber
In this episode, Mario takes on Bowser once more, but this time he doesn #39;t have any of the Koopa King #39;s weaknesses on hand, nor will he rely on Kersti #39;s sacr...
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Update: After Laurie Monteforte's Story on Donna and Glenn Smith aired on Eyewitness News at Five-many people called to offer help and support. An area plumber offered his services to the couple. Just before Eyewitness News at Seven- the couple call to tell their problem is fixed and they once again have water.
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County Donna Smith discovered her dry faucet Thursday morning. This is very stressful on me, she frowned. She has breast cancer. Her husband Glenn is legally blind. Its really hard on me, he said.
Glenn looked for frozen pipes in the home but he couldnt find the problem. So he called Pennsylvania American Water Company. An inspector found an underground pipe outside is the problem. Since the pipe is on the couples property they are responsible for the maintenance. They will have to hire someone to defrost it."I don't have the money to do this, said Glenn
Since the Smiths dont have extra money they are trying to make the best of it. Glenn said, "I have to go next door to my neighbor to get water. I have to fill up the tank in my toilet in order to go to the bathroom."
Donna told Eyewitness News she stopped taking some of her medication because the side effects make her need to use the bathroom frequently. She said, "I haven't been able to take the medication because I have to ration the water."
They hope they wont have to ration it much longer. They hope a plumber or water delivery company might come forward to help them.
A water company spokesperson said you can keep your pipes from freezing by letting the water drip from an open faucet during cold snaps.
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