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San Diego Plumber for Broken Pipes and Leak Repair San Diego
http://Plumbing-SanDiego.net Have broken water pipes or gas pipes? Call 858.842.7876 Affordable local plumber finds and repairs broken pipes #39;All American Pl...
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Plumber Bob: Pipes Flow 3D game for Android
By: mobigame.com.ua
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By: Krystal Leigh TV
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The Plumber Knight Returns - Production Diary 1
A look behind the scenes at our production process! FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RMAProd TRAILER: http://youtu.be/smC7eUaT_Yg TWITTER: http://www.twitte...
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My Quick Thoughts On Super Mario: The Plumber Knight Returns
Suggested by Stupid Beagle Productions.
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'Joe the Plumber' now UAW -
February 18, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Published: Monday, 2/17/2014 - Updated: 1 minute ago FACEBOOK POSTING
Joe the Plumber, a darling of the right wing ever since he got Barack Obama to say that his goal was to spread the wealth around, is now a dues-paying member of one of President Obamas biggest union supporters, the United Auto Workers.
Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher, 40, of Springfield Township announced in a Facebook posting on Monday and on his Web site, joeforamerica.com, that he had been hired for a union job at the Jeep plant by Chrysler Group LLC.
In a long message, Mr. Wurzelbacher said, I was just recently hired on at Chrysler, and explained that while hes known as a conservative, hes not an enemy of private unions.
In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. Theres no choice its a union shop the employees voted to have it that way and in America thats the way it is, he wrote.
The declaration on Facebook quickly attracted a slew of likes and comments, some of them highly critical; others cheering him on.
Well Joe you did badmouth the UAW and the American auto industry, wrote Kirk Franklin. My advice to you. Do your job, keep your mouth shut, and be happy the auto industry didnt turn its back on you like you did the auto industry.
Ty Mummey counseled, Zip it just do your job. Let it go in one ear out other, they want you to get mad then they win. Nov. 2014 we will find out the way this country is going. Up or down.
A prolific social media poster, Mr. Wurzelbacher, said, Yes, I have a Web site that puts out conservative news. Yes, I am part owner of a gun company. Yes, Im a Republican who was cast into the limelight for having the temerity to confront Barack Obama on the question of redistributing wealth. But Im a working man and Im working, he wrote.
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'Joe the Plumber' snags Chrysler job -
February 18, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Published: Monday, 2/17/2014 - Updated: 10 hours ago
Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher - a.k.a., Joe the Plumber" - announced today on Facebook and earlier on his Web site that he has landed a union job with Chrysler Group LLC.
Mr. Wurzelbacher, 40, of Springfield Township, who once was vilified as an "unlicensed plumber," said he was on his fourth day today and taking a smoke break at the time, when he was accosted by a co-worker as a teabagger, a derogatory term used for Tea Party members.
In long message, Mr. Wurzelbacher said, I was just recently hired on at Chrysler, and explained that while he's known as a conservative, he's not an enemy of private unions.
In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. Theres no choice its a union shop the employees voted to have it that way and in America thats the way it is, he wrote.
I had three days of orientation, and now Im on the job over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, Im outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue some guy calls me a teabagger, he said.
He said the man called himself a "journeyman," and then quickly walked away.
"I asked him if he recognizes the training we receive in the military in the trades as legitimate, but he didnt seem interested in a serious discussion and just rushed off" Mr. Wurzelbacher said. Mr. Wurzelbacher has said that he learned plumbing in the Air Force.
The declaration on Facebook quickly attracted a slew of "likes" and comments.
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Its in the pipeline -
February 18, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
So youre waiting for the plumber to make an entrance. Heh-heh-heh. Note the spelling. I did not say hyuk-hyuk, which would be a taunting snigger. I am merely laughing gently, kindly, almost pityingly, at your naivete. You actually expect him to walk onstage on cue, do you? I suggest you draw the curtains on this scene. Since I have closely studied plumber behaviour I can practically write his script for you.
What one usually gets when one searches for a plumber or an electrician is a combination of the two. A strange beast, this plumber-cum-electrician, like a doctor-cum-engineer who can operate on your kidney today and design your water tank tomorrow which may not be such an outlandish profession after all, considering how one keeps hearing students say If I cant get into medicine Ill do engineering, as if the two are interchangeable, as if one can have an equal aptitude for both. But who bothers about aptitude? Its just the money that matters; theres more to be made in medicine, hence the greater value attached to the course.
Allow me to now present my script. I am sure it works for the electrician too, should he be a separate entity. First, you spread the word that you are seeking a plumber. Four days later he turns up at noon to study the problem, quote his fee, take an advance from you, and promise to return at two. You can expect him at four and predict his excuses about having had to catch a bus to the market to buy the maal. He starts work in a tearing hurry but is frequently interrupted by calls on his mobile phone to which his invariable response is Okay, okay, I will come. After hammering away at the wall until brick and mortar crumble and pipes are exposed he abruptly stops. He has to go home to fetch the cutting machine. Why didnt he bring it in the first place? You wonder what his dusty tool bag with the broken zipper contains. Earlier, he had asked you for a spanner. A plumber without a set of spanners isnt that like a pupil saying she hasnt brought her pen to class? Hours pass. He returns to tell you he walked home and couldnt find the machine because his wife, who is away at work, has mislaid it. You know the real story is that he is sharing his equipment with another plumber who has yet to deliver it to him. Shall I come at nine tomorrow? He asks. You hastily say that ten would be okay.
Of course he doesnt come at ten. The morning passes uneventfully. At 1.30 p.m. just as youre sitting down to lunch the doorbell rings... I think you can complete this script on your own. He uses various means to extend the time taken to complete the job from what should have been two hours to over three days, making sure to collect part-payment before he leaves each day, which is a neat psychological ploy because when he taps you in instalments you hardly feel the leakage. Your tension mounts after the final goodbyes, though. How many hours/days will the effects of the repair last?
Ive just recovered from a plumbing experience that turned out to be, all things considered, in the final analysis, at the end of the day, reasonably and comparatively non-stressful. If I sound like Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister its because I dare not give our plumbers handiwork a thumbs-up as yet what if the dreaded seepage Returns like the Mummy? Most plumbers and electricians are ham-fisted and unqualified. They learn on the job as apprentices to others whore only slightly more knowledgeable than they. After a year or two of being sidekicks they strike out on their own, and heaven help their victims. I may be chary of awarding our plumber a five-star rating but he himself had no such qualms. He insisted that we take a cell phone picture of the sealed pipe now thats a first! Once he had restored the demolished wall and plastered it, nobody would be able to appreciate how skilfully he had fixed the leak, he explained. Was it sheer pride, or was he merely gathering material evidence in case our apartment owners association took him to Plumbers Court?
Unfortunately it isnt mandatory for members of his tribe to take a certificate course in their trade. I have a hunch, though, that there will be a surplus of highly qualified plumbers and electricians in the days to come. Its just a wild theory but hear me out. Our increasingly privatised education system and the governments withdrawal of funding for collegiate education will leave the next generation will no choice but to stop at tenth class pass. Graduation will become prohibitively expensive, like in the US, and our country will abound in vocational courses. Simultaneously, the pure sciences and the humanities will be snuffed out; already, departments in many colleges are shutting down for lack of demand. Job-oriented courses are our future. If Britain turned us into a nation of babus, the US is turning us into a nation of technicians. Our sons and our daughters will be trained to become plumbers and electricians. Believe me, its in the pipeline.
(Send your feedback to ckmeena@gmail.com)
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Its in the pipeline
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Should Joe the Plumber get back into politics? Share your thoughts below.
Today we plunge into the whereabouts of Joe the Plumber and examine the potential fallout from an old state plan to promote fracking and Ed FitzGeralds county call center. Dont hang up heres todays Ohio Politics Roundup.
Where are you now, Joe the Plumber?
Pat yourself on the back in the unlikely event that you guessed the United Auto Workers.
Thats right. Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, who pressed Barack Obama on the 2008 campaign trail and became a conservative totem under the shorthand of his nickname and one-time job, says he now has a union job at the Chrysler Jeep plant in Toledo.
Wurzelbacher wrote of his new job Sunday on his website, prompting predictable snickers from Democrats who supported the Obama-backed bailouts of Chrysler and General Motors. Lets just say the welcome wagon needs some time in the repair garage.
I had three days of orientation, and now Im on the job over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, Im outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue some guy calls me a teabagger, wrote Wurzelbacher, referring to a derogatory term for Tea Party backers.
Wurzelbacher draws a distinction between private unions and public unions in his post. Tom Troy of the Toledo Blade writes that Wurzelbacher has not been returning messages, and it is unclear what, exactly, the erstwhile plumber is doing for Chrysler.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur soundly defeated Wurzelbacher in a 2012 race for Congress. Wurzelbachers job would put him in UAW Local 12, part of UAW Region 2B, which recently backed Democrat Ed FitzGerald a Kaptur ally for governor.
Kasich watch
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Cheese ‘n’ Toast #1 – Video -
February 17, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Cheese #39;n #39; Toast #1
The first episode of cheese n toast is here! I hope you enjoy this mini starter! MORE COMING SOON...
By: Rabid Plumber Fish
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