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There are lots of things you could conceivably want to install: Adobe Flash Player, Dropbox or Java, or perhaps new locks on your doors or fans on your ceilings.
If youre in Israel, though, dont call an installer or, as they say it here, an instalator (een-stah-LAH-tore) for any of those needs. Installers in these parts are the guys who (on a good day) fix the leak in your sink or even, yes, install a new shower. (On a bad day, they charge you double and let you keep the leak for free.)
In other words, instalatorim (to use the plural) are plumbers. Instalator was borrowed from the German word for plumber, installateur, and got comfortable in the nooks, crannies and pipes of the Hebrew language.
It remains more popular than actual Hebrew word, shravrav, which comes from the Aramaic shravruvi and is used in the Jerusalem Talmud to mean pipe.
Take a look at ads for plumbers and youll see the dominance of the longer, German-based word, or derivatives like instalatzya, meaning plumbing. But one plumber gets extra sludge-points for not only using the Hebrew word but also involving it in word play.
Riffing off well-known advice from Ethics of the Fathers Make yourself a rabbi/teacher [aseh lekha rav]; acquire a friend; and judge every person favorably (1:6) one Jerusalemite advertised his plumbing services by replacing rav with shravrav, calling on prospective customers to get themselves a plumber (aseh lekha shravrav). I dont know how good this guy is with his tools, but he seems to be installing his puns in all the right places.
To contact Shoshana Kordova with column suggestions or other word-related comments, email her at shoshanakordova@gmail.com. For previous Word of the Day columns, go to: http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/word-of-the-day.
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Word of the Day / Instalator: Mr. Fix-it for every pipe, even the kitchen sink
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Written by: B.S. Shenanigans on November 6, 2008.
After suffering through 10 weeks of Physics 482 Quantum Mechanics II, senior physics major Jeff Plumber has finally thrown in the towel.
Theres just no way, dude, Plumber said.
This bitter defeat marks the first major setback to President-elect Barack Obamas Yes, we can slogan, only days after Obamas inspirational speech. Although Plumber watched the speech, hes sure the stirring sentiments wont cut it in the classroom.
Yeah, I guess I got motivated and stuff when [Obama] gave that speech, Plumber said, but then I realized that we arent going to be taking my final; Im going to be, and Im [explicative].
Despite this blow, Obama has been made aware of Plumbers struggle and has promised relief.
We cant move forward as a country if the lazy and half-retarded undergraduates of America who cant make sense of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator are failed out of class, Obama said in a morning press conference. A redistribution of grades is needed. The Asian kids have had too many breaks for too long, too many As.
Just because theyre way smarter doesnt mean they deserve better, Obama added.
Unfortunately for Plumber, the final day to drop classes or change from credit to audit was this past Monday. He acknowledges he will likely take a failing grade and plans to retake the course next semester, hopefully with Obamas new plans in effect.
Plumber is currently debating on how to best dick around during his newfound free time.
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MANATEE FAIR: Physics major decides 'No, I can't'
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Clitheroe plumber takes on the son of the man who trained him
2:30pm Friday 21st March 2014 in News By Jon Robinson, Reporter
A FORMER Clitheroe apprentice has come full circle by offering his former employers son an apprenticeship.
Clitheroes Derek Austin employed Kieron Bardsley in 1990 as his apprentice at his firm, Derek Austin and Son Plumbers and Heating Engineers.
Kieron also studied one day a week at Blackburn College and won an Apprentice of the Year award in 1992.
Now, 20 years later, Kieron has taken on Dereks son Lewis as his apprentice at his Ribble Valley company KIB Sustainable Energy Ltd.
Lewis also spends one day a week at Blackburn College and, to follow in Keirons footsteps, recently won an Apprentice of the Year award at the Apprenticeship Awards night at Scholars restaurant on the campus.
Derek, whose dad was also a plumber, said: Kieron worked for me for around six years. He was a good apprentice and hopefully I taught him everything he knows.
I gave up my business around three or four years ago but I am delighted Lewis is carrying on the family tradition of being a plumber and I am glad he has been employed by Kieron.
Kieron started his own business in Clitheroe and admitted he learned a lot in those early years as an apprentice.
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Clitheroe plumber takes on the son of the man who trained him
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PLUMBER IN OXFORD - 0800 566 8263
Are you in need of a reliable plumber that actually turns up on time, clean tidy, great job and all for a fair price ? Contact us 24/7 0800 566 8263 07816 ...
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SEXIEST PLUMBER EVER! | Alice: Madnes Returnes #4 | Playthrough / Walkthrough
Alice is a plumber now and she #39;s turning on valves and shit Followowowoah http://www.twitter.com/ClumsyKitteh Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/ClumsyKitteh.
By: Clumsy Kitteh
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