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Plumber in Harrogate and surrounding areas.........
Loooking For A Plumber in Harrogate and surrounding areas......... Call today on 01423 358679 or 0790 505 4891 Ian Middleton Property Maintenance does plumbing, electrics, bathrooms, kitchens,...
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Sydney, NSW (PRWEB) May 25, 2014
The Daily Plumber recently announced that all seniors in Sydney who hire their service will be entitled to a 10% discount. The company is calling this a Seniors Discount and it is said to run indefinitely. This is perhaps the first time that a plumbing company is offering seniors a discount on all their services. According to company executives the new discount offering is being well received and they are receiving emails thanking them for offering a rather significant discount.
There are many seniors in Australia that often shy away from hiring a plumber until they really have a problem. Maintenance is something that seniors lag behind in as compared to the younger generation and that is because they are diverting their cash to other more pressing issues like paying up debt. However, like everyone else seniors too need to hire plumbing services and leading plumbers in Sydney like The Daily Plumbers are offering a 10% discount to try and take the burden off as much as possible. Many seniors will find that the discount helps them save quite a bit, money that they can put towards solving other problems.
At The Daily Plumber we consider ourselves a business with a conscious. Our job is not just to provide the very best plumbing services in Sydney but also to ensure that people who are less fortunate or those who cannot afford the full price are given some sort of relief. The new discount is mainly to accommodate the thousands of seniors in Sydney who often find themselves trying to save up to get a particular plumbing problem fixed. We want seniors to be assured of the fact that apart from the discount our pricing will be the most competitive not to mention that they will receive a great service too. Said one of the senior plumbers working for the company, In order for seniors to avail the 10% discount they can either call our number and hire the service or they can fill in the online form. In addition, they can get someone to hire our service on their behalf and still receive a discount.
The Daily Plumber has over the years earned a reputation for offering discounts that no other plumbing service does. Many experts agree that one of the leading reasons why The Daily Plumber continues to do so well in an increasingly saturated industry is because of their competitive pricing, their established and growing customer base as well as the fact that they genuinely care about people. The seniors discount is just one big example of the steps that the company is willing to take to help people.
People who want to find out more about The Daily Plumber and the services they offer can do so by visiting: Thedailyplumber.com.au. The website is home to lots of information about the company, as well as particular discount offers like the seniors discount. Alternatively, seniors may find it easier to call the number on the website to hire the service and get a discount.
http://www.thedailyplumber.com.au 8/35 Birch Street Condell Park, NSW 2200
1300 766 292
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Leading Plumber in Sydney Announces a 10% Seniors Discount
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SALEM --Two Salem high school students have been presented with a unique scholarship, courtesy of a Utah man who understands their family situation because he has been there too.
Karl "Willy" Winsness saw first-hand the struggles his children faced while he was incarcerated in the Utah State Prison for 17 years. With the assistance of the Community Foundation of Utah -- a tax-exempt public charity that helps people with their philanthropic ideas -- Winsness created the Willy the Plumber Scholarship, presented annually to Utah students who have an incarcerated parent.
Winsness was convicted by a Salt Lake City jury in 1988 for shooting and nearly killing a Salt Lake County sheriffs deputy who was attempting to serve a no-knock search warrant at Winsness home. After not having the opportunity to raise his children, Winsness set a goal during his 2004 parole -- to help the children of other inmates.
This year's recipients include Raunie Lindberg and Ashley Black, each from Salem, as well as Abigail Bowcut from Clinton and Selena Montoya from Murray.
Raunie, a senior at Salem Hills High School, is a 4.0 student who knows exactly what life is like with an incarcerated parent. She was just 8 years old when her father Ronald Lindberg, an educator, started serving time for raping two of his teenage students.
It was a confusing time, and my mom didnt tell me what my dad had done because I wouldnt have understood, Raunie said. I grew up knowing that my dad was in prison and that was that.
Raunies parents divorced, and she, her siblings and her mom moved in with Raunie's grandmother for three years. She saw how hard her mom had to work to take care of four kids. Getting a college education remained important and was something that Raunies mom and dad encouraged her to do.
When it was just my mom and us for so long I knew that at the start of high school I would have to get scholarships to attend college because my mom couldnt pay for it herself, Raunie said. I found out about the Willy the Plumber Scholarship from my aunt. A lady in her [LDS Church] ward told her about it, and my aunt passed word on to me.
Raunie sent in her transcript and the required documentation that her father was in prison. She also wrote an essay. Raunie found out she had received the scholarship on April 18 -- her birthday.
When Blair [Hodson, director of initiatives for the Community Foundation of Utah] called and told me they were granting me the scholarship I was thrilled, Raunie said. I was jumping up and down and was really excited. I saw the benefit this would have in my schooling.
Two Salem students receive Willy the Plumber scholarships
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The Melbourne Plumber | Call (03) 9021 3730 for Expert Plumber
If you are looking for someone to fix your sink pipes. Call (03) 9021 3730 for expert plumber and we will respond right away. We will give you our best effor...
By: The Melbourne Plumber
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Plumber US Voice – Video -
May 23, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Plumber US Voice
This is an example of a plumber video with a US voice.
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24 Hour Emergency Plumber In Cincinnati 513-299-8805 - Cincinnati 24 Hour Emergency Plumbing Service
24 Hour Emergency Plumber In Cincinnati 513-299-8805 - Cincinnati 24 Hour Emergency Plumbing Service Have a plumbing emergency! Looking for a local plumber? Searching for a 24 Hour Emergency...
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Plumber's letter to victim's mother to be broadcast
(ANSA) - Florence, May 23 - The 55-year-old plumber accused of "crucifying" and murdering a Romanian prostitute wrote to the victim's mother saying he "lost control" but is not a "serial killer," an Italian television program said it will report Friday night. "I am not what they want to describe me as, that is a serial killer, but a person who on that damned night lost control of the situation and I would never have thought the girl would die, nor wanted her to," wrote Riccardo Viti in a letter from jail, according to the TV show Quarto Grado, which will air Friday night. Viti is in prison for the death of 26-year-old Andrea Cristina Zamfir, found dead in Florence on May 5. "I am speaking directly to you because you are the mother of Andrea Cristina," Viti wrote to Zamfir's mother in a letter posted May 19. "With this letter, I would like you to know how dismayed I am at the loss I have caused". "I've never killed anyone because I respect the lives of all people, and this makes my pain even heavier". "It was my duty to explain the person who killed your daughter to you, and the only way was to tell you the truth''. "What I never would have thought could happen is what happened". Viti, who is charged with murder, sexual assault and kidnapping, is suspected of carrying out as many as nine other rapes of sex workers, police have said. One prostitute said she would have been killed by Viti during a sexual assault last March if he hadn't been interrupted by a barking dog and footsteps, reported the woman's lawyer, Nicodemo Gentile, who is representing her as a victim in the case. Viti's DNA was found on three other raped prostitutes in addition to the Romanian who died from his assault near Florence, sources have said.
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'Crucifixion killer' suspect denies being serial murderer
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Melbourne Plumber | 24 hrs. Emergency Expert Plumber in Melbourne
Having problem with the broken pipes? Come visit our website and we will help you to solve that problem. We will give you tips to avoid problems. Call us (03...
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24 Hour Emergency Plumber Cincinnati | 513-299-8805 | Emergency Plumbing Service Cincinnati Ohio
24 Hour Emergency Plumber Cincinnati - Plumbing Service Cincinnati Ohio 513-299-8805 Have a plumbing emergency! Looking for a local plumber? Searching for a 24 Hour Emergency Plumbing service...
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La Canada, California (PRWEB) May 21, 2014
La Canada plumber Sicari Plumbing has some great deals, deals so good that they were recently highlighted by the Los Angeles Daily News in their Home Maintenance section. Sicari Plumbing is now offering 150 discounts on hot water heater installations, $49 drain cleanings, $159 garbage disposal replacements, and 15 percent discounts on all jobs more than $200.
And while Sicari Plumbing has some great deals it is not all that they are known for. Unlike most plumbers out there, Sicari charges by the job and not the hour. For consumers this means no more sticker shock at the end of a drain cleaning job that the plumber decided to take his time on or no more bizarre $20 surcharges for washers and bolts that cost the plumber less than a dollar.
Sicari Plumbing has been providing the entire Los Angeles area with reliable, trustworthy flat rate plumbing services for more than 30 years and can handle all jobs from a clogged drain to re-piping an entire office building. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call Sicari Plumbing at (888) 668-1995 or visit their website: http://www.sicariplumbing.com.
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La Canada Plumber Sicari Plumbing Featured in LA Daily News Home Maintenance Section
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