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A CARMARTHEN landlord left a live rat with receptionists at Carmarthenshire County Hall and told them to "pass it on to the chief executive" after being told the council no longer had a pest control department.
Arwen Davies, from Carmarthen, said that by not having a pest control department Carmarthenshire Council are risking a rat population boom in the county.
Miss Davies was called to one of her properties in St Catherine Street by a tenant who said the rat had crept into the garden.
Despite being pregnant, she picked the creature up and took it to County Hall for it to be handed in to the council's pest control department. She said: "I took it down to County Hall and I said please could you pass this on to your pest control department. The woman behind the desk said "we don't have pest control anymore" but she was happy to take the rat.
"I'm pregnant so I didn't really want to deal with it. I just suggested to them "maybe you could pass it on to the chief executive for me?" I'm not sure if they did or not."
Miss Davies said she was shocked to find out that the council does not have a pest control department. She has always worked hard to ensure her property is rat free but believes there could be a significant rise in vermin numbers without a council-run pest control service.
She said: "In the next three or four years they are going to be growing in numbers."
Miss Davies's partner Rhydian Thomas said they had started putting down traps to deal with the problem, but that they were not the only landlords in the town complaining about rats.
Mr Thomas said: "We have been putting traps and bait down but it is becoming a problem. "Others are having the same issues."
The council's pest control department was axed in 2011 to make savings. If residents need pests removed they now have to find a private pest control service, although the council is on hand to give advice on pest control.
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Carmarthen landlady takes live rat to county hall to give Carmarthenshire Council's chief executive Mark James
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Pest Control Lehight Acres – Video -
January 21, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Pest Control Lehight Acres
Robert Arroyo http://premiumpestcontrol.webs.com/ Pest Control service residential and commercial, Free Inspection.
By: Robert Arroyo
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Rat population surge expected after Stroud District Council cuts
2:40pm Tuesday 21st January 2014 in News By Daniel Chipperfield
A MAN from Dursley is worried about what the long-term health implications are for the area now that Stroud District Council (SDC) is no longer offering a free pest control service.
Retired aerospace engineer Royston Smith said rats are a regular visitor to his garden on The Quarry because they root around in his compost bins.
What annoys me is the council encourages people to get their own composting bins and that entices the rats to come looking for food, he said.
People wont pay 45. They will put poison down instead which is a danger to pets, birds and children.
"If you dont use the proper controls then the problem will be massive. They will be all over the place.
Getting rid of rats in homes has until recently been a free service for the district's residents but they now face paying 45 to have rats removed from their homes.
The service will still be free for those on benefits.
The move is part of a series of money-saving measures by SDC to meet a gap in its finances and expects to earn 32,000 from the extra charges but will keep fees for other pests, including mice, wasps, fleas and other insects, the same.
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ORANGE PARK, Fla. -- For two months, Action News has been following the burglary and grand theft charges against local pest control man, Ron Stevens, Jr. He's accused of using his job to gain access to customers' homes and stealing from them. After his second arrest, he's out on bond again.
"I do believe that this individual has violated many people and he belongs in jail," said victim Deborah Buda.
Action News looked into Stevens' records and found he also has an active Florida real estate license. He also had access to clients' homes with a lock box key. When we asked the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors about it, we were told that his key was deactivated after his arrest. The company's CEO told us that somehow, it was turned back on and had been activated for some time. He said he's looking into how that happened, but did deactivate the key again on Monday after our conversation.
Action News went to Pest Xpress hoping to confront Stevens. When we showed up, the employees ran inside and locked the door. We waited for them to come out, but they still refused to speak to us.
Nearby witnesses also told us they've seen Stevens working again. We asked if he was seen in uniform.
"Yeah. I want to say yeah," said Vishnu Badal.
This news came as a shock to one of Stevens' victims.
"Do not hire him. I dont care what kind of reputation they have. They have a criminal working for them," said Buda.
Action News also reached out to Salus Realty, the company that Stevens was contracted with. They told us they have the power to deactivate his real estate license, but said they won't unless he's convicted.
Stevens has allegedly stolen more than $200,000 in jewelry and other items.
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Pest Xpress worker had access to homes through real estate license
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Pest Control News Stories of 2013
This is a video of our 10 best control news stories of 2013 on Slideshare. The original post can be found on http://bit.ly/LlQiW7 and the Slideshare deck ove...
By: Excel Environmental
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Healthy Home Termite and Pest Control
Healthy Home Termite and Pest Control is a family owned and operated business serving the Greater Metro Atlanta Area. We are a Five Star rated company on Kud...
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Pest Control Charlotte County – Video -
January 20, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Pest Control Charlotte County
Robert Arroyo http://premiumpestcontrol.webs.com/ Pest Control service residential and commercial, Free Inspection.
By: Robert Arroyo
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Season One Full Fandub
This is my first full fandub. For line samples, you #39;ll have to send them by personal message. Deadline: None until all characters casted Cast: Leonardo: Raph...
By: David Militello
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The University of Florida's little-known Apopka campus offers specialized instruction that has helped Walt Disney World, Orange County Public Schools and the U.S. Navy, among others, defend themselves from pests.
Termites gnaw on a wooden door frame. Ectoparasites lounge like frat boys on a bare mattress in a bedroom.
Everybody in Florida benefits from whats going on in this building, said Lance Osborne, the resident entomologist and interim director of the University of Floridas Mid-Florida Research and Education Center on Binion Road, which sponsors and hosts the monthly training sessions.
Pest management is an art and a science mixed together, said Faith Oi, a bug expert at UF and director of the pest university, which counts employees of Walt Disney World, the U.S. Navy and Orange County schools among its alumni. Its not just the bug guy spraying stuff.
The students, usually apprentice exterminators or experienced pros brushing up on new regulations and treatments, learn about bug biology; application techniques; and federal and state rules for pesticides during a 21/2-day boot camp. The classes tend to focus on termites and ants, the most ubiquitous bugs in Florida, although the academy touches on roaches and, more recently, bedbugs and mosquitoes.
The academy provides hands-on, science-based instruction and training that most benefits the hundreds of small and medium-sized pest-control companies in Florida, said Jeff Edwards of Dead Bug Edwards, a 28-employee pest-management company serving the Fort Lauderdale area.
He and several of his employees are graduates of PMU.
Training is one of the hardest things to do, said Edwards, noting that national companies often have full-time training departments. At the small pest-control companies, the new guy spends a few days riding with a guy whos been there a few years, and thats their training, pretty much.
PMU is unique, offering instruction from lawyers, state compliance officers and entomologists such as Oi.
We make them look at these insects under the scope. We bring in live stuff when we can, said Oi, who has published articles on bedbugs, carpet beetles, chiggers, fire ants and several varieties of termites. Its important for them to understand the insect theyre trying to control.
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Florida's 'pest university' offers basic training for war on insects
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10 Ways Bed Bug infest your room or dorm Princeton NJ 732-309-4209 | Eliminex Exterminators
Eliminex Pest Control NJ 732-309-4209 http://newjerseypest.com explaining how people get bed bugs in their homes and the best way to eliminate bed bugs Middl...
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