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KINGMAN As part of its consent agenda, Mohave County Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 Monday to approve a one-year contract with Baron Pest Control of Fort Mohave, with the option for up to four one-year renewals on behalf of Public Works.
Pest control services under this contract will be paid with budgeted maintenance funds approved by the board.
Supervisor Jean Bishop pulled the item from the consent agenda to question why the contract increased by $11,000, and why Mohave Pest Control, which had the previous contract, wasnt included in the bidding.
Rebecca OBrien, procurement director for the county, said every solicitation for services has a prebid conference with any bidder welcome to meet with county staff and answer any questions about amendments to the contract.
Four companies attended the prebid conference, she said. One did not qualify for the contract, and two chose not to submit a bid.
Certain services were specified in the scope of work that were not part of the previous contract, including skunk control, OBrien added.
A representative for Mohave Pest Control told the board she did not attend the prebid conference because she was told there was no way to change the bundling of services in the contract.
The contractor will provide pest control on a monthly basis. The control and eradication of pests shall include, but not be limited to, pests identified in insect and arachnid control and rodent control.
Treatment areas include lawns, trees, shrubs and other landscaped areas. Interior applications include working areas on each floor of the building, stairwells and equipment rooms.
Other action from Mondays board meeting:
Set a public hearing for Sept. 5 regarding a petition to establish a 1.75-mile section of Brooks Boulevard from Painted Rock Drive to Jemez Road in the Valle Vista area as a county highway. One resident said the road is atrocious, really bad, and hes got to pay out of pocket to get out of his own driveway. Another resident said garbage trucks and UPS trucks were getting stuck in the sand, so theyre using Moonscape Way, which was in good condition, but is now getting pounded by the trucks.
Approved funding the remaining portion of three school resource officers of $60,000 or 1 percent of the Sheriffs Department general fund salary budget. Sheriff Doug Schuster said the school district was unsuccessful with grant funding this year, so he worked with Finance Director Coral Loyd to fund the positions. Its important to have detectives in the schools, and theyll work on other cases in the community as well, the sheriff said.
Voted 4-0 to table moving forward with the public auction of property at 802 Beale St. Supervisor Bishop said there may be a problem with parking at the new courthouse, so she wants to work with the City of Kingman on potential uses for the building. County Administrator Mike Hendrix said he would like to explore the possibility of relocating Victim and Witness Services from current offices on Pine Street or CASA from the courthouse.
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Mohave County Supervisors work out bugs in pest control contract - Today's News-Herald
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. Just in time for late-summer vacations and students returning to college campuses, Terminix released a list of the top 20 bed bug-infested cities in America, based on service requests the company received during the first half of 2017
The list includes cities across the United States and features the following five top cities: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Las Vegas, and Denver. Four states scratched their way onto the list with more than one city: Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania and California.
The top 20 cities for bed bug infestations in the United States* are:
1. Cleveland, Ohio2. Cincinnati, Ohio3. Detroit, Mich.4. Las Vegas, Nev.5. Denver, Colo.6. Houston, Texas7. Phoenix, Ariz.8. Indianapolis, Ind.9. Oklahoma City, Okla.10. Philadelphia, Pa.11. Baltimore, Md.12. Pittsburgh, Pa.13. Washington, D.C.14. Tucson, Ariz.15. San Francisco, Calif.16. St. Louis, Mo.17. Atlanta, Ga.18. Tampa, Fla.19. Memphis, Tenn.20. San Diego, Calif.
The bed bug experts at Terminix say that bed bug infestations have significantly increased since the late 1990s, and while researchers are unsure of the exact causes, factors such as increased international travel and insecticide resistance likely bear some responsibility.
Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate, said Paul Curtis, director, technical services at Terminix, and they can travel to new locations very easilyhitching a ride on clothing, handbags, suitcases and taxis, which can create substantial infestations in no time.
Without the help of a professional, bed bugs can hide undetected for months. Signs of an infestation include reddish-brown blood spots on sheets or mattresses, a strong musty odor, or sightings of the pests themselves, which are the size, shape and color of an apple seed. Home or business owners who suspect a bed bug problem should contact a pest control company as soon as possible to schedule an inspection.
*This list was created by compiling actual services data from more than 300 Terminix branches across the country. The rankings represent Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) with the highest number of actual services between Jan. 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017.
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Law Requires California Landlords to Disclose Bed Bug Information - PCT Magazine
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WASHINGTON Its not exactly the kind of thing that will fill D.C. residents with pride, but the District ranked 13th in the top-20 bedbug-infested cities in America.
The list was released by the pest control company, Terminix, and based on service requests from the first half of 2017.
Experts at Terminix said bedbug infestations have increased since the late 1990s, and while researchers arent sure of an exact cause, they do think things like more international travel and insecticide resistance could bear some responsibility.
Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate, Paul Curtis, director, technical services at Terminix, said in a news release. They can travel to new locations very easily hitching a ride on clothing, handbags, suitcases and taxis, which can create substantial infestations in no time.
Without the help of a professional, bedbugs can hide undetected for months, Terminix said.
Some signs you might have a bedbug problem include reddish-brown blood spots on sheets or mattresses, a strong musty odor, or signs of the bugs themselves (theyre the size, shape and color of an apple seed).
If you think you have a bedbug problem, you should contact a pest control company as soon as possible for an inspection.
D.C. wasnt alone in having a bedbug problem. Baltimore came in at number 11.
The good news for D.C. residents is 13th place is a big drop from a study that came out earlier in the year by the pest control company Orkin.
In that survey, D.C. came in at No. 2, trailing only Baltimore.
The Terminix survey found Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio, are the two itchiest cities in the country while San Diego came in at number 20 on the list.
The complete list is:
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DC ranks 13th on pest control firm's list of top bedbug-infested cities - WTOP
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When termites returned to a Maryland couples home, they reached out to the pest control company with which they had a 10-year warranty, but that company had been sold to another company that doesnt do termites.
Christopher and Meredith Clarke had their Huntingtown home treated for termites last year.
They treated the entire house, all around the perimeter, drilling holes in the garage, the whole thing, Christopher Clarke said.
They wanted the insects gone for good, so they bought a 10-year warranty, agreeing to pay $95 per year for yearly inspections, which included any additional treatment if termites returned.
So just about a year after we had the treatment done, we started to notice some wings on the floor that looked like a recurrence of termites, Clarke said.
They called the company to return, but no one responded.
We were unable to connect to anybody, Clarke said.
They learned TruGreen bought out the pest control company with which they had a warranty. But TruGreen doesnt do termites and had no record of them, the Clarkes said.
They said they paid another company $1,320 to treat their home.
I was very upset about it, Clarke said. Thats quite a bit of money for a retired couple to lose.
The couple said TruGreen never acknowledged them as customers.
TruGreen told NBC4 Responds "the Clarkes were not on the transfer customers list," but the company immediately cut a check to reimburse their claim.
The Clarkes say they are termite free, and they've signed up for annual inspections with another company.
TruGreen said it is in litigation with the former company it took over and looking for any customers who are in a similar situation as the Clarkes.
Published at 5:16 PM EDT on Aug 23, 2017 | Updated at 8:22 PM EDT on Aug 23, 2017
Md. Couple's Termite Warranty Fails After Their Pest Control Company Is Bought Out - NBC4 Washington
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KINGSTOWNE, VA Fairfax County regularly conducts health inspections for local restaurants. The frequency of inspections on the type of food served and how it is prepared.
In our experience, it is unrealistic to expect that a complex, full-service food operation can routinely avoid any violations, states the Virginia Department of Healths website.
Here are some of the violations from recent Kingstowne and Springfield inspections in August. Among the violations was an insect control device placed over food prep and storage areas at Maggiano's Little Italy. This was a repeat violation.
Also included is a restaurant with no violations. Reports are typically posted five to seven days after the inspections. Full reports are available on the health departments website. Click on the violations to see each restaurant's results.
Bertucci's Brick Oven Pizza: 6525 Frontier Dr, Springfield, VA 22150, last inspection: Aug. 11
violations: marinara sauce not reheated to proper temperature, foods cold holding at improper temperatures (both corrected), some coolers not operating properly
Jenny's Deli: 7664-B Fullerton Road, Springfield, VA 22153, last inspection: Aug. 13
violations: employee did not wash hands or change gloves after handling raw food, employee handling bread without gloves
KFC: 5890 Kingstowne Centre 160, Alexandria, VA 22315, last inspection: Aug. 16
violations: shredded cheese, pico de gallo and guacamole cold holding at improper temperatures
Maggiano's Little Italy: 6500 Springfield Mall, Springfield, VA 22150, last inspection: Aug. 14
violations: meat sauce, mashed potatoes cold holding at improper temperatures, foods cold holding at improper temperatures, two coolers not operating properly, food processor, slicer, some utensils in need of cleaning, insect control device located over food prep, storage areas
Nando's Peri Peri: 6802 Springfield Mall 6802, Springfield, VA 22150, last inspection: Aug. 11
violation: food containers cracked, melted, discolored
Rice and Spice Thai: 6466 Landsdowne Ctr, Alexandria, VA 22315, last inspection: Aug. 10
violation: employee did not wash hands or change gloves after handling raw food (corrected)
Zinburger Wine and Burger Bar: 6795 Springfield Mall, SPRINGFIELD, VA 22150, last inspection: Aug. 14
violations: foods cold holding at improper temperatures, one prep cooler not operating properly, concentration of sanitizer too low, dishes not observed being sanitized
No Violations
Panera Bread: 5926 Kingstowne Towne Ctr, #130, Kingstowne, VA 22315, last inspection: Aug. 16
violations: none
Image via Shutterstock
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Originally published August 23, 2017.
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Pest Control Device Over Food Prep Area: Kingstowne Area ... - Patch - Patch.com
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Little Fire Ant HUI, a citizen group advocating for increased public awareness and control of the little fire ant (LFA) in Hawaii County, is holding a one-time, free training event exclusively for all Big Island Pest Control Operators (PCOs).
The workshop will be presented by Hawaii Ant Lab, world experts on LFA, at the Kona Sheraton on Thursday, Sept.7, 2017, from 1 to 5 p.m.
The PCOs who receive the training will be able to provide LFA control service to homeowners islandwide.
PCOs will receive 4.0 credits approved by the HDOA Pesticide Branch.
Little Fire Ant HUI, founded by Holualoa resident Carolyn Dillon, promotes LFA training events for Hawaii Ant Lab and Big Island Invasive Species Committee.
What began as a grassroots effort to combat the spread of LFA in neighborhoods has become a countywide effort. The coalition has expanded to include state and county officials and department heads, industry leaders and private citizens in collaboration to expand community awareness and resources for increased LFA control.
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Little Fire Ant HUI Offers Training to Big Island Pest Control Operators - Big Island Now
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Published: Thu, August 24, 2017 @ 12:00 a.m.
By Eric Barrett
OSU Ext. educator
When working with farmers and gardeners and in general conversation with the public, I get lots of questions about insect control, disease issues and frustrations with weeds. They are all of the things we dont want. Whether its a stinkbug, aphid, thistle or fungus we generally refer to them all as pests.
Thus, we practice integrated pest management when controlling these pests. IPM is a systematic approach to reducing these pests while maintaining our production of everything from asparagus to zinnias.
IPM starts with using best practices in growing crops, gardens or flowers. Its the spacing of plants apart at proper distances, providing as much sun as possible for fruits and most vegetables, and providing shade for hostas and bigleaf hydrangeas. It is doing a soil test and providing the proper pH and nutrients for our plants so they are healthy. Healthy plants are less likely to be affected by pests in the garden.
The first step is identifying the pest. What is it? Is it good, or is it bad? Sometimes this is easy to do if we see a few hundred aphids affecting our tomatoes. Other times, we think we are doing good by sparing the life of the praying mantis, only to see it feasting on a hummingbird the next week. Many times, we miss the lady beetle (ladybug) larvae that look like little black and orange alligators or we think they might be bad. The reality is they are eating hundreds of bad aphids each day! Know your insects or bring them to our clinic for identification.
Once the pest is identified and known to be having an impact, the next step is determining the threshold for control. This includes knowing the life cycle of the pest, how many there are, and the stage of development of the plant being threatened.
After weve identified the bad insect, weed or disease infecting our plants, the next step is a series of controls to get rid of the issue. First is cultural and mechanical controls, including prevention and exclusion of the bad pests. This can be done using screens and barriers to keep bad insects out, using newspapers to conserve moisture and keep weeds down, trapping the bad insects, or even removing leaves to increase air flow around the plant. Next are biological controls such as using beneficial insects to get rid of the problem insects.
Finally, chemical controls are the last option when other options have been exhausted. Chemicals include organic and conventional products that are used in a safe manner to control the bad insect, while protecting the good insects. Chemicals can be misused, for example using a brand name dish detergent instead of insecticidal soap. The dish detergent can burn leaves and cause plant damage. Thus, no matter your choice of product, be sure to use the product based on the label instructions.
To learn more about IPM and how it can help you in the home and garden, go to http://go.osu.edu/ipm.
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Practicing integrated pest management - Youngstown Vindicator
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Rochester Exterminator, Pest Control & Termite Inspector
Orkin Branch Near YouHenrietta, NYBranch #995
Whether youre using Orkin for the first time or as a recurring customer, youll receive the same great customized protection for your pest control needs. All of our local branches understand the needs specific to their area and offer the same great Orkin Guarantee if pests return between scheduled visits, your Orkin Man will return at no extra charge.
Rochester, NY, sits on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, and residents enjoy warm, humid summers. Unfortunately, this kind of weather attracts several pests. During peak travel season, bed bugs are a serious issue. These pests are parasitic and leave itchy, red marks on their hosts skin. Bald-faced hornets and other wasps are prominent when spring turns to summer. Wasps are attracted to foods commonly found at picnics, such as sugary substances, carbonated beverages, and fruit. The flying pests sting anyone they feel threatens their nest.
Residents encounter different pests as the weather cools. Multicolored Asian lady beetles and brown marmorated stink bugs begin to find their way indoors. Large numbers of the pests can be found congregating on and around windows and doors, then stay throughout the winter. Rodents and spiders are also found in homes trying to escape cold winter weather. Spiders annoy homeowners when they build webs in crawl spaces, attics, and basements, while rodents are known to contaminate food stores, damage electrical wiring, and transmit various diseases.
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Rochester NY Exterminator, Pest Control & Termite Inspector
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The 518 is full of amazing athletes with great stories. From the middle schools to High Schools to the Colleges and even Rec leagues, people are playing great and doing good in the community. Thanks to our friends at Catseye Pest Control we get to take a few minutes each week to celebrate these athletes and recognize them on the show.
Nominate a Local athlete youd like to see recognized today by clickingHERE. Remember we want to hear about ANY local athlete that impresses you.
This weeks winner is Jessica Jean and heres her nomination.
She is 20 years old and only 5ft tall and shes the Canadien weightlifting Champion and she lives her now and two weeks ago she won the American Open in Orlando. Her dream is to compete in the 2020 Olympics and her coach thinks she definately will. She bakes cupcakes to support her funding for the competitions and they are sooooo delicious! Please look her up on FB. Look for Jessica Jean and look her up on Instagram. She posts lifting videos and pictures. Look for Jessica_lifts. Youll be amazed!!! She really does need exposure so hopefully she can come in and tell you her story. Shes very humble. She was born in St. Lucia. Thank you so much and I promise youll be blown away by her and her heart warming story of what shes been through to get to this point. Thank you so much, Mike Corazzini
Listen to Jessica HERE.
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TyraTech Inc ( LON:TYRU) has received a big endorsement of its household pest control technology through a licensing deal with a major global consumer company.
The company's intellectual property and household pest knowledge is currently licensed to its US joint venture Envance, but this will now be sub-licensed to the global group.
Tyratechs range of personal care products, including its Vamousse head lice treatments and Guardian range of insect repellents are not included, nor is its range of animal health products.
Bruno Jactel, chief executive, said it was an excellent endorsement of TyraTechs technology by one of the largest consumer products companies in the world.
Although the agreement is not expected to be transformational in terms of profitability, it provides us with further confidence in the significant value of our IP and knowhow and the potential and value of our Animal Health and Personal Care portfolios."
Jactel added it will be a benefit in three ways: First, through the sharing of technology, joint ownership and access to any new intellectual property developed; secondly through a small share of the profit Envance makes and an additional upfront cash fee of US$500,000.
Finally, TyraTech will receive a fee for research and development services in line with the terms of its existing agreement with Envance, a joint venture between American Vanguard Corporation (NYSE:AVD 86.67%) and TyraTech 13.33%. AMVAC is also a 15.15% shareholder in TyraTech.
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