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Virginia Beach Pest Control | 1-757-742-5556 | Virginia Beach Exterminators
Welcome to Virginia Beach Pest Control. If you are having pest problems, we can help. We specialize in keeping your house free of a wide varitey of pests. Be...
By: Virginia Beach Pest Control Professionals
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Captive Minecraft Episode 7 - Infestation
Is there pest control for hire in Minecraft? What is Captive Minecraft? Captive Minecraft is simply Minecraft with the latest snapshot where the size of the area you can play in is directly...
By: Tofski1337
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Residential Training Module Tutorial
A customized step by step program for pest control operators.
By: Meghan Carrel
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OSWALDO QUINTERO, 45, of Willow Grove, owns Jig-Saw Exterminating in Feltonville. He got into the business in 2001 and it has been on Rising Sun Avenue near Mascher Street since 2010. Jig-Saw does mostly commercial exterminating. Quintero recently finished the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses 12-week program at Community College of Philadelphia designed to help companies grow.
Q: What did you learn during the program?
A: I better understand financials. Sometimes we know how to make money, but it's not how much you make but what you do with it after you make it.
Q: You've grown your business since the program?
A: Part of what I learned was seeing opportunities to expand. After finishing the program, I began negotiating with the owner of Triumph Exterminating in South Philadelphia, and we have [acquired] that company.
Q: How'd you acquire Triumph?
A: I sold some property.
Q: How'd you get into the exterminating business?
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Pest control: For Jig-Saw, it's solving a puzzle
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Pittsburgh, PA (PRWEB) May 16, 2014
"I have a bug phobia, so I worry about insects infesting interiors via air vents," said an inventor from Raleigh, N.C. "This gave me the idea of a way to prevent this from happening."
The PEST GUARD prevents insects from invading a home or building via a vent. This avoids infestation, which promotes peace of mind. The invention is easy to use, serves as an alternative to bug spray and can be produced in different sizes.
The original design was submitted to the Raleigh office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 12-RBH-275, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp's Invention Submission Services at http://www.InventHelp.com - http://www.youtube.com/user/inventhelp.
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Pest Control for Vents Invented by InventHelp Client (RBH-275)
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Hokule'a undergoes fumigation -
May 16, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
The Hokule'a is barely recognizable with its mast and rig down and much less when it's sealed up. A pest control company wrapped the majestic and legendary ship wand in a red and black tenting Thursday.
Click here to watch Paula Akana's report.
Fumigation quickly became part of the preparation for its voyage when some ants tried to stow away on the canoe.
Crews from the Polynesian Voyaging Society believe the pests probably came aboard during dry dock. It's not an infestation, but still an invasive species. In the spirit of the voyage Malama Hawaii to care for this earth getting rid of the ants was the right thing to do.
"It's more than an ant. It's about being environmentally responsible. These canoes represent the spirit and compassion of an island community. As we travel around the world, we don't want to bring any more problems to these real fragile environments," said Kalepa Baybayan of Polynesian Voyaging Society.
Kamaaina Termite and Pest Control is donating the entire fumigating process.
"We got a call from Nainoa Thompson and it was something we could definitely handle. We stepped up and we'll take care of it for him, so when they leave they leave with nothing," said David Menton of Kamaaina Termite and Pest Control.
"We fumigate the boats year-round. We probably do 30-100 boats a year, so this is not uncommon. It is uncommon to do such a prestigious boat such as the Hokule'a, but it's not an uncommon treatment at all," Menton added.
It's a one day process, so officials say it won't affect the timing of the voyage.
"We'll be pulling the tent off this evening and then just a matter now of standing up the mass and rig and loading up the canoe. We should be able to meet the departure schedule of 5:30 Saturday evening," said Baybayan.
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Hokule'a undergoes fumigation
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MNBound Eagles ~ Pest Control ~ 05/12/14
Dad stops feeding the kids to chase off a squirrel. While doing so, Arky and Dakota peek and pick at his back-side. TalonStrike #39;s Hideout: http://talonstrike.wordpress.com/ MN Bound Live...
By: birdbrain56
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Spray And Green Liquid Lawn Fertilizer
Spray and Green the organic liquid fertilizer provides complete grass lawn care and pest control for grass lawns, trees, plants, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, flowers.
By: David E
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Why Termite Bait Stations Don #39;t Work
Termite bait stations may seem like an easy, effective solution, but there is no guarantee that the termites in and around your home will even find them. Even if they do find them, it could...
By: Bayou Cajun Termite Pest Control
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Jacksonville FL Pest Control | 1-904-779-3188 | Jacksonville FL Exterminators
Welcome to Jacksonville FL Pest Control. If you are having pest problems, we can help. We specialize in keeping your house free of a wide varitey of pests. Be it ants, cockroaches, termites...
By: pestpros jacksonville
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