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Cockroaches are both unpleasant and unsanitary.Getting rid of roaches can be tricky because the two most common roach types (German or American roaches) are eliminated using different techniques. After determining what kind of cockroach you have, follow the recommended treatment plans. We have tips on how to inspect for roaches, critical sanitation/exclusion procedures, and best treatment options to get rid of roaches.
Are they the smaller type of roach (adults - 1/2 - 1") you see on the kitchen counters when you turn on the light?
Smaller Types of Roaches such as German Roaches (Inside)
Ultimate German Roach Bait Kit This German roach kit combines a high quality roach gel bait like Invict Gold, with Tekko Pro IGR (our top IGR), Invade Bio Zap and a qt sprayer.The Invict Gold has 11 attractants (without the top eight food allergens) to combat bait aversion and maximize control. The Tekko Pro IGR has two active ingredients to stop reproduction and destroys the adult roaches ability to survive. A quart sprayer bottle comes with the kit to mix it up. It also includes Invade Bio Zap which is a microbial, natural probiotic liquid to eat away organic odors and allergens. It leaves a fresh citrus scent.
Are they the larger type of roach (adults 1.5 " or more) that you occasionally see in the kitchen or other areas in your home?
Larger Types of Roaches such as American Roaches (Inside and Outside)
LambdaStar Ultracap 9.7 (Broad label, long lasting and odorless). It may be used inside or outside and will dry invisibly. LambdaStar Ultracap will last longer outside and adhere to the surface better due to its encapsulated technology. It will yield 20-40 gallons; spray every 2-3 months.
Cyzmic CS is also odorless, long lasting and has a broad label. The 8 oz container yields an average of 15 gallons; spray every 2-3 months.
The first question that we ask when someone says that they have roaches is Where are they living and how big are they? Correctly identifying what kind of cockroach you have is vital and a key to successfully treating a roach infestation. Getting rid of smaller-sized adult roaches is different than getting rid for larger-sized adult roaches. Cockroaches are nocturnal and will scatter if disturbed. The young immature roaches look like the adults, but do not have wings. Once you have correctly identified the cockroach in your area, you can successfully choose treatment options to get rid of your roach problem. Within these pages, we have provided examples of the most common types of roaches found in the USA.
Smaller adult roaches include the German roach and the Brown-Banded roach. The most invasive of these two types of cockroaches is the German Cockroach .
The smaller German roach is just 1/2"-1 " in the adult stage. They have two stripes behind their heads and have a light/golden brown color. The Brown-Banded roaches have stripes along their wings. Both the German roach and Brown-Banded roach live and breed inside. Treatment for both these roaches would be the same. The German roach is the most common of the smaller roaches and the most difficult to control. You find these roaches in places that have water or food such as kitchens and bathrooms. These roaches commonly live behind and under sinks, stoves, and refrigerators. In commercial kitchens, they can be found in floor drains. They live in dark places and are nocturnal. It is very common to spot these roaches when you enter a kitchen or bathroom and turn on the light. These small, golden brown roaches will be seen scampering along the counters.
These roaches do not forage from the outside but travel from one apartment/ suite unit to the adjoining unit. They are brought inside or hitchhike in items such as luggage, boxes and grocery products. German roaches live and breed inside; they can live all season long since they are in a warm, comfortable environment. German roaches can be brought in via luggage, furniture, handbags, or boxes from an infested location. During the warmer months, they can move from building to building. In commercial settings, they can move from one connecting unit to the next thru drop ceilings and common plumbing and electrical elements.
Carrying bacteria that is transmitted to humans, German cockroaches, and Brown-banded cockroaches are health hazards. The primary diseases are gastroenteritis including food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea. Asthma and allergies may be triggered by the German roaches' feces, body parts, or salvia that are circling in the air. Children are particularly affected by these hazards.
Identifying the presence of German or Brown-Banded roaches is essential for proper control measures. They breed inside and contaminate their living environments while most larger adult cockroaches do not reproduce inside. The most common larger roaches breed outside, and target treatment areas would be different.
German roaches and Brown-Banded roaches are primarily treated using roach baits and insect growth regulators. Other types of roaches such as the larger American roach are treated using insecticide concentrates sprayed outside and entry points to your house.
Using Roach baits and using growth regulators are kets to getting rid of these roaches. We have both roach baits and insect growth regulators (IGRs) combined in kits for greater savings. Click Here: German Roach Treatments
If you need help identifying the type of cockroach, call us at 1-800-476-3368, and we can explain the treatment options. You can also place sticky traps such as Victor Pheromone Traps #327RPT on the kitchen counters at night to catch them and take a picture. Send email with the picture attachment and we will be glad to help you with identification. Refer to this Roach Treatment Chart, for a quick glance.
Large adult roaches include the American roach , Australian, Smoky Brown Oriental Roaches and Woods Roaches. The most common of the larger sized roach is the American roach. The American roach is second only to the German cockroach in abundance.
The American roach is reddish brown and is about 1.5 " or longer. Many people refer to these types of roaches as water bugs or palmetto bugs. These larger sized roaches are not known to spread disease as compared to the German roach. All the treatment options are similar for the larger roaches.
The American roaches are common in warmer climates or during the warmer spring, summer and fall months. They mostly live and breed outside and wander inside for water and food. They are often found inside after extreme weather conditions, like heavy rain or drought conditions. They mainly live outside in organic, mulch material. They will also be found in basements, woodpiles, attics, hollow trees, under roof shingles, and in attics. They are common in steam tunnels in the northern states in the USA. Most of the time, they breed outside. However, if conditions are right, they will reproduce inside. For example, you may find an American roach population behind a wall that has had a water leak causing a moist environment.
Since American roaches move from sewers into homes or commercial establishments, they can be a health concern. They carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites on their bodies which lead to dysentery, diarrhea, and salmonella. These health concern are not at the same magnitude of the health concern from German roaches since most of the time they live and breed outside.
Spraying a residual insecticide and using granular baits are best options for preventing and getting rid of these larger types of roaches. This type of roach is easier to treat than the smaller type of roach like the German roach. Certain roaches gain resistance over time to pesticides.We stay current with the best treatment options available on the market. Click Here: American Roach Treatments.
Sanitation and exclusion techniques are important tools in your roach control program. Roaches need food, water and a safe place to harbor. As much as possible eliminate the food, water, and harbor sources as you choose and apply your roach control treatment plan.
German and Brown-Banded Roaches
For the German roach type, it is critical to clean your kitchen and bathrooms while beginning a roach baiting program. This cleaning includes some deep cleaning in both the kitchen and bathrooms. Pay attention to crumbs and grease in the kitchen and unclean tubs, showers, bathroom countertops in the bathrooms. If you do not clean well, it will be more difficult to get rid of these types of roaches.
American Roaches and Other Larger Roaches
For the American type and larger roaches, it will be helpful to remove any harborage area outside and seal cracks and crevices that they may be entering. Eliminate food sources and block entry points is the first line of defense to preventing these types of roaches in your home.
Pictured are the Brown-banded , American , German , and Oriental egg capsules.
If possible, inspect at night, since roaches are usually nocturnal. If you see German cockroaches during the daytime, it is an indicator of a significant infestation. When there is a musty type of smell, it indicates a roach infestation.
Inspection will help you identify the kind of roach that you have. Look for fecal droppings and egg cases. The smaller German and Brown-Banded cockroaches will leave fecal material that looks like black pepper. It is essential to remove these droppings as soon as possible because they can cause health problems such as asthma. Use a vacuum to pull up these droppings.
Picture from Univ. of Mn Extension
The smaller German and Brown-Banded roaches will leave fecal material that looks like black pepper.
It is important to remove these droppings as soon as possible because they can cause health problems such as asthma.Use a vacuum to pull up these droppings after inspection.
When inspecting for German cockroaches, it is important to be thorough during an inspection. Apply the suggested roach baits, insect growth regulators or insecticides as close to their active runs and harborages as possible.
Places to Inspect:
American Roach FecesThe larger roach, like the American roach leave cylinder shape droppings with ridges that is brown or black. If it is a small cylinder shape without the ridge, it may be mice droppings.
Places to Inspect:
Invict Gold Cockroach Bait Gel- InVict Gold Cockroach Gel is formulated for rapid control of roaches. In fact, it starts working in about 20 minutes. The bait matrix in Invict Roach Bait contains 11 food attractants (without the top eight food allergens) to combat bait aversion and maximize roach control. Put pea size drops of Invict Gold Roach Bait wherever you see their fecal material (looks like pepper). Place about 10 to 20 spots per 100 square feet. Place out a higher number of drops when the roaches are in inaccessible areas like wall voids or if the infestation heavy. Use the higher number of spots when infestations are heavy and/or when roaches are living primarily in wall voids or other inaccessible areas. Repeat in 1-2 weeks. We highly recommend combining Invict Roach Bait with an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) like Tekko Pro IGR (See our roach kits that combine both products for reduced savings.)
Ultimate German Roach Kit
This kit is not only designed to completely get rid of roaches, but also gets rid of allergens that German roaches leave behind. It inludes Invict Roach Bait Gel to kill the adult roaches, Tekko Pro IGR to stop the growth, Invade Bio Zap for allergens and a quart spray bottle to mix the Tekko Pro IGR. The Invade Bio Zap with a citrus odor has microbial, natural probiotic liquid to eat away organic odors and sanitizes the area..
Vendetta Roach Bait Cockroach Bait Gel has both proven to be extremely effective on German Roaches. Vendetta roach bait quickly and effectively kills hard-to-kill cockroaches. Vendetta roach bait, with Abamectin B1 0.05%, attracts both bait-averse and non-averse cockroaches.
Vendetta Roach Bait-Gentrol Point Source IGR Kit
This economical kit combines the Vendetta Roach bait with Gentrol Point Source IGR combination for German Roach Control. Killing the adult population and preventing new births.
LambdaStar Ultracap 9.7 (Broad label, long lasting and odorless). It may be used inside or outside and will dry invisibly. LambdaStar Ultracap will last longer outside and adhere to the surface better due to its encapsulated technology. It will yield 20-40 gallons
Spray outside around doors, windows, pipe openings, and dryer vents. Apply also on the inside on the baseboards near the entry points. On the inside, apply around the plumbing under the sinks and washer and dryer connections. You don't have to spray all the interior baseboards, just the corners and baseboards inside the garage and basement areas.
Intice 10 Perimeter Bait
Intice 10 Perimeter Bait not only works well around the perimeter, but would also be excellent choices for crawl spaces and or attics.
Intice 10 Perimeter Bait has 10% boric acid combined with a proprietary bait matrix of both carboyhdrate and protein oils for wide acceptance by roaches.It also will kill crickets, earwigs, sowbugs, and more insects.
This bait is a NOP compliant insecticide and is considered a green solution.
American and Large Roach Kit
This kit is ideal for the larger types of roaches such as the American roach. It contains a residual insecticide (spray inside and outside), a granulated insecticide bait (as perimeter bait and may be used in crawlspace and attic areas as well), and an aerosol with its crack and crevice tip to get into small hiding areas.
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How To Get Rid of Roaches | Kill Roaches
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Cost-conscious homeowners know that price matters, but its not the most important factor when choosing any type of company. You may find a provider who charges very little, but who also delivers little in return. Instead, look for the right combination of value and quality.
To determine value when comparing pest control companies, make sure you thoroughly understand each companys contract, including exactly what they will do, how they will do it, and any guarantees they say they offer. Ask if the company is properly insured, licensed and qualified, and whether it belongs to pest management trade associations on a local, state, or national basis. Also ask if their employees have passed background checks and what level of training their technicians have.
Look for a company that has been in business in your community for a long time, and find out how satisfied customers are with the companys service by asking for references and checking online reviews.
At Turner Pest Control, our technicians have up-to-the-minute training in the latest, safest, and most effective pest control methods, and our pricing is based on the size of your home or yard. We also offer flexible plans and a range of affordable recurring services for the right balance of quality and value.
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Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/27/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Type of Insects: Don't Know
Is this an emergency?: No
Type of Control Service: Recurring pest control service
Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000
Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting
Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible
Comment: Have a front yard and a narrow side yard. Zero lot line home. Need quarterly service. Reviewing options and cost matters.
Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/27/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Type of Insects: Other
Is this an emergency?: Yes
Type of Control Service: One time extermination
Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000
Request Stage: Ready to Hire
Desired Completion Date: Within 1 week
Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/27/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Type of Insects: Cockroaches, Other
Desired Project Start Date: Tomorrow
Comment: Esrimate for bed bugs in 1 room and roach all over house
Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/27/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Type of Insects: Cockroaches, Other
Type of Control Service: One time extermination
Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000
Desired Project Start Date: Tomorrow
Comment: We have roaches & Moths. The house is approx. 2500 sqft.
Project: Control or Eliminate Rodents
Date: 11/27/2018
Rodent Types: Rats, Mice
Specific Problem: Health concerns
Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting
Desired Completion Date: 1 - 2 weeks
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Recurring Service Requested: No
Comment: I saw two or three go in an opening out side of our home they ran up a line running from our outside a/c unit line into our home.
Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/26/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Is this an emergency?: No
Type of Control Service: One time extermination
Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000
Request Stage: Ready to Hire
Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible
Comment: getting bites at night in bed. do not see anything moving only 1 person with bites, 2 person bed
Project: Control or Eliminate Rodents
Date: 11/26/2018
Rodent Types: Rats
Specific Problem: Rodent waste
Request Stage: Ready to Hire
Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible
What kind of location is this?: Business
Recurring Service Requested: No
Project: Control or Eliminate Rodents
Date: 11/26/2018
Rodent Types: Don't Know
Specific Problem: Gnawing electrical wiring, Other
What kind of location is this?: Business
Recurring Service Requested: No
Desired Project Start Date: Within a few weeks
Comment: After many faults in our fire alarm system, I'm wondering if there is rodent damage to the alarm system wiring. I would like someone to investigate the attic for signs of rodents or any damage to low voltage wiring.
Project: Control or Eliminate Small Animals
Date: 11/25/2018
Request Stage: Ready to Hire
Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible
Comment: need to have possum remove
Project: Pest Control - Bugs & Insects
Date: 11/25/2018
What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence
Type of Insects: Other
Is this an emergency?: No
Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting
Desired Completion Date: Within 1 week
Comment: Bedbug probably
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25 Best Pest Control Companies - Dallas TX | Exterminators
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When you call ABC to schedule your pest inspection, you know that youre getting the best service possible. Well start by assessing your situation and identifying the pests at hand, and then well design a custom treatment and maintenance program just for you. We have experience treating all major types of pests found in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Cockroaches can be a major nuisance in your home and can create an unclean environment. And because they reproduce so quickly, what starts out as a few bugs here and there can quickly turn into a major infestation. ABC will get rid of your current problem and help you prevent future infestations as well.
Not only can a wasp infestation be a nuisance to your family, it can also be dangerous. It can unfortunately be very easy to run across a wasp nest you didnt even know was there and anger its inhabitants! ABCs licensed pest specialists are trained to properly remove nests that contain wasps, reducing your chances of injury. We can also advise you on steps you can take to make your property less attractive to those unwanted pests.
One of the most prevalent types of crawling pests that can invade your home is ants. There are several types of ants present in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and different species require different treatment methods. Thats why ABC takes great care to first identify the types of ants youre dealing with, before recommending any treatment program. That way, we can be sure you get the most efficient treatment possible.
It may be normal to have some spiders in or near your home, but if you have concerns about a larger infestation or problems with venomous spiders, its best to seek professional help to get rid of them.
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Dallas Home Pest Control | ABC Home & Commercial
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Discover thebestsolution for yourpest problemswith atrustworthypest control companydedicated to serving Northern Virginia and the greater Washington D.C. metro region, from Leesburg to Arlington. Whether you are dealing with unwantedpest activityin your home or are in need of acommercial pest controlservice, our highlytrained techniciansare prepared with the latest inpest control technologies.
The service you get from our team will includeintegrated pest managementthat is designed to delivereffectivepest or termite control to eliminatenuisance pestsright away and help to prevent futurepest infestationsin your home orbusiness. Ourlocal pest controlservice in the D.C. and Northern Virginia area comes with thehigh standardsof doing everything we can to exterminatecommon pests. Our pest andtermite control techniciansare also prepared toofferenvironmentally friendlysolutions for almost any termite orpest situationyou might encounter in a aresidential homeor commercial space.
Find out why customers across Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. choose Insight Pest Solutions for theirpest control treatment.Our Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. services include:
Insight Pest Solutions is proud to offer quality pest control services to the Northern Virginia area, including the following cities in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C.:
Learn more about the cities included in our pest control service area for Northern Virginia.
Get Started
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Pest Control | Truly Nolen -
September 16, 2018 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Truly Nolens Solution for Pests
Truly Nolen's Four Season's approach to residential pest control attacks your pest problem and includes individual steps, utilizing different equipment and highest quality materials to get the best results for you and your family.We are in the know! Since 1938, Truly Nolen has been an industry expert and continued innovator. We live where you do. Your neighborhood pest control expert is part of a national network of pest control experts. At the same time, they are also very familiar with local pest trends in your individual community. When pest activity increases, generally more than one homeowner will report the same or a similar pest issue to their Truly Nolen team. He or she will identify and be proactive about your local pest issues.
Taking control of pests. Our targeted pest control treatments focus on the interior, exterior, and perimeter of your home.
As part of our Four Seasons approach, Truly Nolen will provide you with the following:
Click on an icon above to see service video.
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Home is a wonderful place. Not only is it comfortable for your family, its also an ideal place for pests. Pests need food, moisture, and shelter from the elements and predators. Your home provides all of these without the threat of any natural predators. This is why pests desire to enter and live in your home year-round. And just because you dont see any pests, it doesnt mean they arent there.
Did you know that pests can get into your home through cracks as small as 1/64 inch? These cracks include access holes where pipes and wires enter your home and around window sills. Once inside, they can have a significant impact on you and your family such as:
Pests can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. Cockroach feces, saliva, and insect parts degrade into a dust and can become one of the most common indoor allergy triggers for sensitive adults and children alike. These cockroach allergens may produce an allergic response in sensitive individuals. The response can be anything from sneezing and itchy eyes to severe asthmatic attacks that may require immediate medical attention.
Asthma is the leading chronic illness among children and adults. Along with mold, animal dander, dust mites, and cigarette smoke, cockroaches are one of the most common indoor allergens. Exposure to cockroaches can trigger asthma attacks in those with asthmatic sensitivities with an increased incidence among children. Infants who have prolonged exposure to roach residue are more likely to remain sensitive to cockroaches for the rest of their lives. Children and adults who already suffer from asthma can see their medical condition worsen with repeated exposure.
Pests can carry pathogens and spread numerous diseases in and around your home. They can endanger your family's health and cause illnesses, such as salmonella and dysentery causing headaches, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Pests can also contaminate food sources within the home causing food borne illnesses. It is vital that all open food containers, boxes, etc. are tightly sealed and properly stored to avoid access and contamination.
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Pest Control | Truly Nolen
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Pest Control at The Home Depot -
September 16, 2018 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Whether its a column ofantsmarching through the kitchen, fleas tracked in by the family pet, or worse, pests in and around the home can be annoying or potentially harmful.With dependable pest control products and the right preventative measures, however, you can stop insects and animals from becoming a serious nuisance.
General pest problems in and around the home are relatively easy to manage and eliminate once you identify what the type of insect or animal youre dealing with. The most effective strategy may involve using a combination of methods, and we offer a wide variety of do-it-yourself products to help you get the job done.
If youre trying to decide on how best to treat your pest problem, here are some tips and advice to consider:
Know the pest youre dealing with. This is the first and most important step in pest control and it will help you choose the form of treatment (aerosol, dust, bait, etc.) best suited to target the pest you want to get rid of.
Broad spectrum aerosols and bug sprays are a handy, quick-strike remedy for a wide range of fly or crawling indoor insects. Insect traps placed in strategic spots (under sinks & behind furniture) offer you a way to both identify insects and eliminate them before they become a problem. Always read and follow product instructions carefully for the best results.
Think pest management and prevention. The best pest prevention is denying them entry in the first place. You probably wont be able to completely eliminate pests from your home, lawn, or garden but there are things you can do to minimize the problem:
Dont leave food in pet bowls out for long periods of time. Caulk cracks and crevices, apply weather strippingto doors and windows, and install screens on all floor drains to control pest access. Remove piles of wood from around your home and trim any shrubs or branches touching the house. Get rid of anything around your home allows standing water to create a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.
Let us help you find the right combination of pest management and pest control products to keep insects and animals in check around your home. From everyday indoor bug and insect problems like spiders, stink bugs, silverfish and roaches to birds, squirrels, rodents, and other types of vermin, we offer a full range of top-rated, effective, home pest control solutions, including animal traps, animal baits, andgranular repellants and exterminators, and more.
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Pest Control at The Home Depot
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Dont let insects and rodents win; fight back and reclaim your home with various pest control options if your insect, rodent, or animal infestation is spiraling out of control.
From liquid ant baits to live ladybugs to electronic insect swatters, Amazon.com offers a wide variety of pest control supplies and options. For rodents and other animal pests, depending on whether theyre wanted dead or alive, you have many options. Live animal cage traps work great for small outdoor rodents like chipmunks, squirrels, and weasels as well as indoor mice and rats. For quick traps, we offer a wide range of electronic or snap mouse traps that instantly get the rodent. For larger animals, try an ultrasonic animal repellant or a motion-activated sprinkle to startle and scare them away. Sorted into convenient categories, you can search by type of pest, featured brands, and price to find the perfect solution to your problem. You can also read product reviews right on the page from other customers to see how effective pest control can be.
Get insects under control with pest control for ants, mosquitos, spiders, and other creepy crawlers. Hang an electric lantern or lure outside that will attract and kill flying insects like mosquitoes and biting flies. Natural and chemical repellent sprays, powders, and dust will stop bugs on your plants, in your water, and from forming colonies. If youre worried about chemicals in the air, live pest control like ladybugs, praying mantises, and nematodes actively seek out and eat insects like aphids and mealy bugs.
The fight against insects, animals, and rodents ends here: take a stand with pest control from Amazon.com, your 24/7 online ally.
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Pest Control : Patio, Lawn & Garden : Amazon.com
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Learn More About Our Services
Pest control isn't just what we do. It's who we are.
For more than 30 years, Catseye Pest Control has delivered quality pest control service to homes and businesses not just to protect them from unwanted bugs, rodents, and other unsightly critters, butto give homeowners and business operators a real sense of relief and peace of mind.
Our pest control methods include customized plans for every property we inspect and vow to protect. Specialized to fit your space no matter how big or small it may be and designed specifically to fix the pest problem(s) you have, Catseye delivers a pest-management product of the highest standardand customer satisfaction of the same caliber.
Our certified pest control technicians are trained to ensure they deliver the best pest control service to all of our customers and to continually strive to exceed customer expectations. As a result, Catseye has established a new industry standard for reliable pest management services and customer satisfaction, two key ingredients to our pest control business model that remain unrivaled.
We believe the combination of hard work, high-quality supplies, specially trained service technicians, and our supreme dedication to the best customer service in the industry is what makes the Catseye approach of reliable, long-lasting pest control service our proudest feat to date. And were not planning to stop anytime soon.
Since 1987, Catseye has been using advanced pest control techniques and custom solutions to protect families and businesses from pests. We focus on long-lasting results, not quick fixes. Our signature programs, Platinum Home Protection and Cat-Guard Exclusion Systems, are designed to keep pests out of your home around the clock. We also focus on making you happy.
In fact, your happiness is more important than anything else. And these are the ways we make your Catseye experience perfect from beginning to end:
Whetheryou have tiny fleas or a big raccoon, we'll take care of it.
Browse through the services we offer belowand know that each one will be customized to your home and pest situation. Not sure what kind of pest you have? Visit our Pest Library to learn more, or simply contact us for a free inspection of your property and we'll take it from there.
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Pest Control Services | Catseye Pest Control
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Best Pest Control ServicesWhy Use Pest Control Services?
We spent 85 hours evaluating 10 pest control services by comparing their prices, treatments and pest prevention tips. We contacted various pest control agencies to determine what services they provided and what states they covered. We also spoke with an Environment Protection Agency (EPA) spokesperson and a garden associate from a popular home improvement store to better understand eco-friendly pesticides and effective eradication techniques. Our evaluation helped us determine that Terminix is the best pest control service overall, due to its quick response times, effective treatments plans and extensive list of 288 pest prevention tips. Terminix offers services in 46 states and covers most pests.
Truly Nolen is the best value option for pest control services as long as it operates in your area. Youll find this company working in 15 states but at a lower price than Terminix. With 24-hour assistance and fast response times, this service can really help you in an emergency whether you're dealing with bugs or other wildlife.
Eco-Wise Pest Control is the perfect choice for the environmentally conscious. This service pays particular attention to its effect on the planet by using organic, low-impact pesticides to control your vermin. You can find this service operating in 32 states eliminating many types of pests.
Since you can simply buy a spray or a bug bomb at your local drugstore, why would you pay for professional treatment? The truth is you might not have to. However, while ant traps and other cheaper methods may work for minor problems, an infestation usually calls for more. You can always experiment with a few home remedies before, or even during, professional treatments. Some users swear by electronic pest control devices, which are also referred to as ultrasonic pest control devices. You simply plug a nightlight-sized unit into your wall and then forget about it. It is designed to use the wiring in your house to irritate the nervous system of mice, roaches, spiders and more. If none of the things you try on your own work, it is time to call in professional exterminators.
We spoke with a garden associate who has over 20 years of experience as a licensed corporate pest control agent at a local home improvement store to learn more about safe pesticide practices and prevention techniques. He said that in todays world, people want immediate solutions to pest problems but that these remedies usually come at a cost. It can take time to eliminate a pest problem, but people dont want to wait so they use these chemical products that kill bugs quickly, but they also leave dangerous chemicals in the home long after the invader is gone.
He also pointed out that many of the bug killers on store shelves have been banned from professional pest control use, yet typical consumers with no professional qualifications have access to them. Pointing to specific chemicals in the pesticides, he explained that some of those chemicals kill by affecting a pests nerves or hormones. He warned that humans can be affected by these chemicals as well so you should exercise caution when using them.
If you plan on taking care of your pest problem yourself, make sure you follow the label instructions and use the chemicals responsibly. To make sure you are using a chemical safely, check the EPA website.
Even the pros might not be able to solve the problem right away. Ants, spiders, roaches and other pests can reproduce quickly, and they can be at any stage of development when an exterminator visits your home, so removing them completely can take a while often requiring several treatments. Most pest control companies offer at least a 30-day guarantee on one-time treatments, so you can request a return treatment within that period if youre unhappy with the results.
The best services safeguard you and your loved ones or employees from unwanted visitors by having a technician inspect and identify the pest problem, offer an instant quote and then exterminate. When you have a bug problem, you don't want to wait long for someone to take care of it. The best pest control companies will respond to your call within 24 hours. They will handle your current bug problem and help you take preventive measures to ensure bugs wont return. Techs can use many methods, such as sprays and bait traps, to control several varieties of pests termites, ants, spiders, wasps, snakes, bedbugs and others.
Beyond common bug problems, we looked for companies that cover such wildlife as snakes, rodents and even birds. The best all-around companies can handle several types of pests, but the right service for you depends on your infestation. Keep in mind that not all services can treat for termites, which can do serious damage to a home.
Pest control companies must also follow regulations for the chemicals they use. And the best companies, like Terminix, use environmentally safe chemicals and spray more powerful poisons responsibly. Some services, such as Eco-Wise, even offer natural and organic pest control options.
We contacted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to learn about safe and eco-friendly pesticide usage. One of the most important takeaways they gave us was that you should ask the exterminator what pesticides they plan on using. A spokesperson from EPA stated, Be sure the pesticides being used areregistered with EPA, as necessary, and that the applicator reads and follows the instructions on the label. With the knowledge found on the EPA website, you can see whether the exterminator is using chemicals correctly or if their technique might place you and your loved ones at risk. Keep in mind that good pest control companies wont be afraid to share their chemical list with you.
While it's true that many bug problems can be taken care of without expert assistance, some situations cannot. Many professional pest control services, such as Orkin, have specific service packages to help you tackle difficult pests like termites, mosquitos, rodents and bed bugs. You can often choose between a one-time service, seasonal service or a monthly service to keep those bugs at bay, but some situations might be trickier and demand a specific eradication regimen. Many professional pest control companies, like Truly Nolen, cover both residential and commercial pest control treatments.
In order to legally eliminate termites, each pest control company must pass certifications provided by the state they are in. For this reason, not all pest control companies can handle termite removal. Similarly, not all pest control services handle wildlife, so if you need to remove that pesky raccoon from your basement or those messy bats from your attic, make sure the service you call can handle your problem.
There are many things you can do to prevent bugs from entering and settling into your home:
If preventive measures do not work or the problem is already past prevention, there are many home remedies and store-bought pest poisons and traps that you can use to deter or kill unwanted intruders.
Ideally, eliminating and discouraging pests yourself is the best way to go, but if these approaches don't work or if they seem like too much work, you might want to call a professional.
We spent 85 hours contacting and researching 10 exterminator companies to determine which ones offer the best prices, most thorough services and fastest response times. We made a list of each companys services and compared them against each other to determine the best of the best. To get a more in-depth understanding of pesticides and safe exterminating practices, we contacted both the EPA and a garden associate at a popular home improvement store. Our goal was to give each pest control company an unbiased evaluation by standardizing our comparison as much as possible. However, this was difficult since the services dont all operate in the same states. We chose to evaluate companies that operate within a larger number of states since this would make them more likely to offer services in your area.
When determining a price range score, we wanted to give each pest control company an unbiased evaluation. While the best way to do this would have been to get a quote from each service for the same location and pest, these companies dont all operate in the same states. We tried to standardize our information by getting as many quotes as possible for a 2,500-square foot home in California, since this was the most common state the services operated in. Whenever a company didnt operate in California, we located a 2,500-square foot home in the region where they operate and got a quote for that home. It isnt perfect, but it is the closest we could get to a controlled test.
In our evaluation, companies with lower priced services scored higher than higher priced services. Overall, we found that pricing is relatively similar for most pest control companies. Based on our research, the most reasonable pricing for a one-time treatment is usually around $150, while the best pricing for a one-year treatment is typically around $500. Additional factors can raise or lower the cost of your treatment:
There are many things to look for beyond price, though. Most pest control companies cover common pests like ants, wasps, termites and spiders. If your area has a native pest that isnt common in other places, youll want to make sure the service you call can handle it. This especially applies to wildlife removal, which not all services offer.
We awarded more points to services that offer 24-hour support since this can really give you peace of mind during an emergency. We also scored services higher if they offered a treatment guarantee. A company that guarantees its work will generally return as often as needed until your bug problem has effectively been eliminated. Also, look for services that let you manage your own account online, particularly if this level of support is important to you.
We awarded more points to companies that offer extensive pest libraries as well as prevention and control tips. This resource can help you identify which pests you have in your home to help you determine if you can handle the problem on your own or not.
It is standard practice for pest control companies to offer emergency services, and most companies respond within a day or two to treat your home or business. Companies that responded faster were scored higher in our evaluation. All of the companies we researched give you a breakdown of where treatments occur and what pest control products technicians use. Most companies offer free inspections for termites, ants and bedbugs, and then supply you with a quote. Companies are required to follow EPA rules so you can expect them to use products and methods that are safe for you, your family, your pets and the environment.
Whether they fly, creep, crawl or jump, pests can interrupt your everyday life and need to be eliminated or removed. You can expect pests to be around all year, so finding a good pest control service is essential. Remember that modern pest control is just that: control. It takes time and you will not see 100 percent improvement in one treatment. However, if you choose the right exterminator for your area, you should see positive results in minimal time.
Contributing Reviewer:Rebecca Spear
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