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    The Modular Building Institute Announces January 2015 Building of the Month - January 12, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Charlottesville, VA (PRWEB) January 12, 2015

    The Modular Building Institute would like to announce the Building of the Month for January 2015 is Modular Genius modular addition to a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington, DC. Modular construction was used in this project to fit a tight schedule and an even tighter workspace.

    Modular Genius, Inc., Mobile Modular Express, and a veteran-owned contractor completed the two-story, 14,600 square-foot VA hospital addition over the summer of 2014. Comprised of twenty-four modules, both floors are designed to include private offices, conference rooms, storage rooms, electrical & data closets, utility closets, open office spaces with cubicles, kitchenettes, and restrooms, as well as two stairwells and one elevator. The addition utilized high-end, upgraded design specification to match the existing medical center building.

    In order to maximize campus real estate and to eliminate any loss of parking spaces, the new modular building addition was strategically tucked into an area where three sides of the existing building surround it. Modular construction was chosen for this project for speed and to minimize disturbance on site. A special delivery and traffic plan was required for the building modules and construction materials so the main entrance and main loading dock area to the hospital was never blocked or compromised.

    Installation and construction occurred from Friday to Sunday, with the core building put into place over these three days. The addition attached to the existing building with a site-built entry vestibule and a corridor to create two seamless access points to the newly constructed permanent modular building addition

    # # # About the Modular Building Institute: Founded in 1983, the Modular Building Institute (MBI) is the only international non-profit trade association serving modular construction. Members are manufacturers, contractors, and fleet owners in two distinct segments of the industry - permanent modular construction (PMC) and relocatable buildings (RB). Our Mission: As the Voice of Commercial Modular Construction, it is MBI's mission to expand the use of offsite construction through innovative construction practices, outreach and education to the construction community and customers, and recognition of high quality modular designs and facilities.

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    The Modular Building Institute Announces January 2015 Building of the Month

    Boulder building permits: Jan. 12, 2015 - January 12, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder


    PMT2013-02987 635 Arapahoe Ave., Unit B; $491,000; Britton Holdings; CDC Development/Porchfront Homes; Unit B New three-story duplex (one of two principal buildings on this parcel, one single-family dwelling and one duplex). Total of 4,357 square feet with 456-square-foot attached garage. Also includes deck and porch (totaling 480 square feet). Scope of work includes all associated MEPs. Elevator and fire sprinkler system shown on drawings to be permitted separately. (Was previously addressed as 640 Streamside)

    PMT2015-00005 909 Arapahoe Ave.; $65,000; Housing Authority; West Senior Center: Interior remodel to add partition walls to create nine new offices inside existing multi-use rooms.

    PMT2014-05476 1780 Norwood Ave.; $107,000; Matthew Geraghty and Marybeth Schuh; Bruce Leahy Construction; Interior remodel of single-family residence including portion of basement, flop staircase to basement, conversion to a hydronic heating system, remodel main level with structural modifications, add three-quarter bathroom and additional sink in relocated master bathroom. Demolish walls around enclosed and covered rear patio.

    PMT2014-05479 2525 Fourth St.; $35,000; Mapleton Hill; Cross Line Construction Corp.; Addition onto accessory Genset enclosure (120 square feet unconditioned) Minor modification approved under ADR2014-00170.

    PMT2014-05499 2525 Fourth St.; $80,000; Mapleton Hill; Cross Line Construction Corp.; Adding a 173-square-foot vestibule to the southwest corner of the building. Addition footprint remains under the existing roof overhang. Reference ADR2014-00170.

    PMT2014-05578 2996 25th St.; $21,000; Katherine Dean; Biggs Home Remodel; Single-story remodel of 243 square feet to include a replacement of roof and facia and soffit (not included in square footage), remodel bathroom (fixture replacement under separate permit PMT2014-05620), new dishwasher, move kitchen sink and cabinets and add refrigerator recess, new french door, replace french door with window, and new front porch. Scope of work also includes electrical work, drywall and insulation repair, and new gutters.

    PMT2014-05653 1650 38th St.; $15,907.00; 1650 38th; MPB Contractors Inc.; Unit 101: Tenant interior remodel to remove and relocate a couple walls for office reconfiguration for Edward Jones. No changes to lighting, plumbing or mechanical.

    PMT2014-05666 592 Union Ave.; $13,030.62; Jason Gore; First-time basement finish of 246 square feet Scope of work includes associated MEPs and setting existing plumbing rough-ins for new bathroom and utility sink. Further work includes a new bar sink.

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    Boulder building permits: Jan. 12, 2015

    Call Box: Roosevelt repaving has the green light - January 10, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Dear Call Box: On Roosevelt Boulevard between Timuquana Road and Ortega Forest Drive, the repaving crew has disappeared but left the access points unpaved, thereby creating a very rough egress to and from the road. Their paving machinery is gone. Is the job finished in their minds?


    Dear D.B.: No, its not, and youre not the only one wondering if work had stopped. The Florida Department of Transportations project manager also received calls from motorists asking about the repaving, said Ron Tittle, DOT spokesman.

    What happened is that the DOT provides a certain amount of weather and holiday travel days for construction projects, Tittle said. Asphalt application is hindered by rain and cooler weather, especially when the temperature drops below 40 degrees, he said. In addition, the DOT tries to minimize impact to traffic during the busy holiday season by limiting roadway work and lane closures, Tittle said.

    Since your inquiry, message boards have been put up stating traffic pattern changes that will begin Monday. Some basic preliminary work also was done this past week to prep the area. Some of the paving equipment is in place and parked on the grassy area at the northern end of the project, near Woodmere Street, Tittle said. There will be some lane closures for updating traffic signals and work on guardrails, weather permitting.

    Dear Call Box: Theres a tiny little building at the Duval/St. Johns county line on U.S. 1. There are police cars from Duval County at that building, and sometimes there are even ones from St. Johns County there, and Im just curious as to whats going on. If you head south, its on the left-hand side just to the county line at Race Track Road.


    Dear J.S. There are several buildings in the area you describe. The Florida Forest Service has a white trailer that is used as an office for two firefighters stationed on the site, said Annaleasa Winter, wildfire mitigation specialist for the forest service. Behind that is a long-closed barbecue restaurant painted red. In addition, she said, the forestry service has a cream-colored building that it formerly used as an office.

    As you note, there were a couple of police cars parked in the enclosed area when we drove by, but their presence there is benign. Cmdr. Chuck Mulligan, spokesman with the St. Johns County Sheriffs Office, said the forestry service allows some of the deputies to park their agency vehicles there if they live too far from the required limits to take them to their homes.

    The same is true for Duval County.

    Original post:
    Call Box: Roosevelt repaving has the green light

    Plan calls for turning Delray office building into restaurant - January 8, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    An office building in Delray's Pineapple Grove Arts District soon will be transformed into a restaurant.

    Late Tuesday, Delray Beach city commissioners signed off on plans to convert the building and demolish the existing parking lot to make room for a new parking setup with landscaping. City officials said it isn't known what restaurant will ultimately open, but the architect plans to create a space that can house a restaurant.

    The project, known as "The Del," is at the southeast corner of Northeast Fourth Street and Third Avenue.

    "This is a great thing for this area," Commissioner Shelly Petrolia said. "This is one of the areas that's budding and we need to bring people there."

    Commissioner Jordana Jarjura said she liked that the proposal calls for reusing the existing building.

    The proposal will have to receive design approval from the city before construction can begin., 561-243-6544 or Twitter @marisagottesman

    See more here:
    Plan calls for turning Delray office building into restaurant

    GavinThompson published Major tenant revealed for Skanska's 66 Queen Square office… - January 8, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    KPMG will be the main tenant at Skanska's 66 Queen Square development in Bristol

    The anchor tenant for a major city centre office development has been revealed.

    KPMG one of the big four accountancy firms has agreed to let most of the 66 Queen Square development due to be ready in the summer. The deal had been speculated onfor months, following rival PwC moving to 2 Glass Wharf in Temple Quarter.

    The Queen Squareproject, part new-build and part refurbishment of a period building, was one of the first speculative office developments in Bristol since the recession.

    Alex Jordan, leasing director at developer Skanska, said: We are delighted that KPMG will be the main tenant for our first UK commercial development project in Bristol.

    As developers working with our own construction team, we have been able to adapt the design of the building to fit with the needs of our tenant, while securing the longest lease in the city in recent years.

    The professional services firm has agreed a 15-year lease for the first, second and third floors and part of the ground floor, filling 52,000 square feet (4,831 sq m) of the 61,000 sq ft (5,667 sq m) Grade A office building.

    Phil Cotton, Bristol office senior partner and South regional chairman at KPMG, said: This significant investment underscores our commitment to Bristol and the importance of the city to our business.

    We have achieved continued success and growth in our marketplace, adding 17 million to our income over the last two years, and I am pleased to be able to plough these profits back into the business and invest in new flagship premises in Bristol.

    Our new office in Queen Square will provide our colleagues and clients with top quality office space equipped with the latest technology and located in the heart of the city.

    See the rest here:
    GavinThompson published Major tenant revealed for Skanska's 66 Queen Square office...

    With administration move, Algonquin School District 300 identity changes - January 8, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ALGONQUIN As School District 300 administrators adjust to a new office this week, residents within the district may need to adjust how they identify their school system.

    After being stationed in Carpentersville for about three decades, administrators on Monday started the incremental move from their temporary headquarters at Hampshire High School to a new $3.9 million administration building near Jacobs High School in Algonquin.

    Officially, the Illinois State Board of Education will continue to recognize the district as Community Unit School District 300 (CUSD 300). But with other CUSD 300s located in Du Quoin, Rockridge and Sullivan, many within the district community know it as Carpentersville District 300.

    A move into Algonquin changes the informal identifier, board Vice President Joe Stevens said. Residents, however, should quickly catch on to the change, he said.

    When we moved everybody to Hampshire temporarily, it wasnt a big deal, Stevens said. Nobody seemed to have difficulties with it. They understood.

    In early 2014, administrators vacated the former Central Office in Carpentersville to allow construction crews to renovate it into a permanent building for the districts alternative Oak Ridge school.

    The administration temporarily relocated to Hampshire, as construction began on a new two-story office building near Jacobs.

    Despite administrators move into McHenry County, the location change doesnt mean the district is cutting ties with Carpentersville, said Superintendent Fred Heid. The districts boundaries still span three other counties, including Cook, DeKalb and Kane.

    We are a community school district and serve our entire district, Heid said. We continue to serve and support all of our students and families.

    Officials have said the larger building will be more centrally located within the district and house all administrative departments for the first time.

    Visit link:
    With administration move, Algonquin School District 300 identity changes

    Office home only temporary for Carrigaline gaelcholiste - January 7, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Assurances are being made that the use of a former office building as a gaelcholiste in a Co Cork town will only be a temporary measure.

    Agriculture Minister and local TD Simon Coveney said there had been some concerns about the planned accommodation of the new second-level school at Waterpark House in Carrigaline

    I would like to assure everyone that this is just a temporary solution and that the permanent campus for Gaelcholiste Charraig U Leighin is on track, he said.

    Cork Education and Training Board (CETB) chief executive Ted Owens said it is close to getting Department of Education approval to lodge a planning application with Cork County Council for a three-school campus at Ballinrea on the city side of the town.

    Among the buildings planned is a permanent home for the new 500-student all-Irish second-level, as well as a primary gaelscoil and a special school.

    Although the department expects the gaelcholiste building to be ready by September 2016, the ETB is more cautious.

    The project has, however, been included in Education Minister Jan OSullivans list of developments due to begin construction this year.

    As patron of the gaelcholiste, the ETB is taking enrolments and applied for planning permission on December 11 to change office space at Waterpark House to educational use.

    With the help of a 50,000 grant from the department, it is planned to refurbish it to provide classrooms, and to make changes to parking areas for outdoor recreational space.

    The building near the recently-extended Carrigaline Community School includes a period house and modern office extension, and was previously headquarters of the Shipton Group development company.

    Excerpt from:
    Office home only temporary for Carrigaline gaelcholiste

    Bridge building site office razed - January 7, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Wednesday, January 07, 2015

    More than 140 firefighters took two hours to put out a blaze at an office in the construction site of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge in Tung Chung early yesterday.

    No one was injured.

    The fire started in an office near the Tung Chung New Development Ferry Pier around 11pm on Monday.

    There were four staff working in the office when the computer facilities caught fire.

    The staff called the police and evacuated the premises with security guards posted outside. The fire spread quickly, sending clouds of black smoke billowing high into the air.

    By the time the firefighters arrived, the blaze had been raised to third alarm, forcing the Fire Services Department to send reinforcements.

    Six lines of fire-extinguishing foam were used to put out the blaze by 1am yesterday.

    The site office was totally destroyed but the fire did not affect the construction of the cross-delta bridge.

    A resident living in the estate facing the ferry pier said the air was quite heavy with smoke, and it was not easy to breathe so he had to close all the windows.

    See the original post:
    Bridge building site office razed

    Office Lease Up (Jan 5): Molson Coors Relocating Headquarters in Downtown Denver - January 5, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Past Weeks Biggest Deals Include: BuzzFeed, Deluxe Media, Hyatt, IQPC/Penton Media, Jabra, NanoString, Northrop Grumman, Stewart Information, and others

    The product of a 2005 merger between Montreal's Molson Brewery and Golden, CO-based Coors Brewing Co., Molson Coors will occupy the 45th, 46th and a portion of the 47th floor at the 54-story, 1.37 million-square-foot CBD office tower. Occupancy is scheduled for fall 2015.

    Ted Harris and Travis Young of Cassidy Turley represented Molson Coors Brewing Co, while Nicholas Pavlakovich and Matthew Gautreau of Cushman & Wakefield of Colorado collaborated with in-house rep David Sternberg on behalf of Brookfield. By: Virgil Watson

    Originally scheduled to expire in September 2016, STC's new lease will keep the title insurance and real estate services company at 1980 Post Oak Blvd. through September 2019.

    Acquired by Cousins Properties (NYSE: CUZ) in February 2013, Post Oak Central is a three-building office park totaling approximately 1.28 million square feet in Houston's Galleria/Uptown submarket. Additional tenants in the building include Apache Corp. and SUEZ Energy.

    Robert Boykin, Bubba Harkins and Warren Savery of Cousins Properties handle leasing at Post Oak Central Two. By: Bryce Meyers

    The 124,000-square-foot, six-story office complex delivered in 1989 at 101 Gateway Centre Pky. in Richmond's Midlothian Corridor. Northrup Grumman has maintained offices at this location since 2007, according to CoStar information.

    Joe Marchetti, David Wilkins and Rebecca Barricklow of CBRE Richmond negotiated the lease on behalf of Patriot Equities. By: Bryce Meyers

    The 500 Fairview lease has a 10-year term expected to commence on April 1, 2016. The company has an option to extend the term of the lease for two additional periods of five years each.

    In addition, NanoString has extended its 36,268-square-foot headquarters lease at 530 Fairview Ave. N to run through March 31, 2026, as well.

    Office Lease Up (Jan 5): Molson Coors Relocating Headquarters in Downtown Denver

    14 years after, AAUA gets Senate building - January 5, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Senate building

    A new Senate building causes stir in the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, as its Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Femi Mimiko, bows out, TEMITAYO FAMUTIMI reports

    For the outgoing Vice-Chancellor of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Prof. Femi Mimiko, his five-year stay at the university has gracefully ended.

    The professor of Comparative Political Economy performed his last official duty in office with the inauguration of the institutions Senate building by Governor Olusegun Mimiko, last Friday.

    The governor is the Visitor to the university.

    For 14 years, the university had carried on with its activities without a Senate building, as members of staff, especially the non-academic ones, huddled up in small buildings scattered around the campus community.

    When the construction of the Senate building began on March 7, 2012 by the contractor, Charvet Nigeria Limited, students, teaching and non-teaching staff heaved a loud sigh of relief.

    The five-storey Senate building, described by the VC as an iconic product of research, creativity and deep thinking, sits on 12 hectares of land and provides for about 16,000 square metres office space.

    The central administration building, which houses the VCs office, Registry, Bursary, a 184-seater Senate Chamber, 50-seater Council Chamber, two 50-seater conference rooms, 10 boardrooms, with 148 offices, among others, is said to have been constructed at an estimated cost of N1bn by the Ondo State Government.

    A lecturer in the Department of History and International Studies, AAUA, Ogunode Oyewole, described the facility as the symbol of administration.

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    14 years after, AAUA gets Senate building

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